COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ------------------- Preprocessor definitions for compiling a target's sources. The ``COMPILE_DEFINITIONS`` property may be set to a semicolon-separated list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax ``VAR`` or ``VAR=value``. Function-style definitions are not supported. CMake will automatically escape the value correctly for the native build system (note that CMake language syntax may require escapes to specify some values). CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not supported by the native build tool. .. include:: /include/COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DISCLAIMER.txt Contents of ``COMPILE_DEFINITIONS`` may use "generator expressions" with the syntax ``$<...>``. See the :manual:`cmake-generator-expressions(7)` manual for available expressions. See the :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` manual for more on defining buildsystem properties. The corresponding :prop_tgt:`COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG>` property may be set to specify per-configuration definitions. Generator expressions should be preferred instead of setting the alternative property.