CXX_STANDARD ------------ The C++ standard whose features are requested to build this target. This property specifies the C++ standard whose features are requested to build this target. For some compilers, this results in adding a flag such as ``-std=c++11`` to the compile line. Supported values are ``98`` and ``11``. If the value requested does not result in a compile flag being added for the compiler in use, a previous standard flag will be added instead. This means that using: .. code-block:: cmake set_property(TARGET tgt PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11) with a compiler which does not support ``-std=c++11`` or an equivalent flag will not result in an error or warning, but will instead add the ``-std=c++98`` flag if supported. This "decay" behavior may be controlled with the :prop_tgt:`CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED` target property. See the :manual:`cmake-compile-features(7)` manual for information on compile features. This property is initialized by the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD` variable if it is set when a target is created.