EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ---------------- Set this target property to a true (or false) value to exclude (or include) the target from the "all" target of the containing directory and its ancestors. If excluded, running e.g. ``make`` in the containing directory or its ancestors will not build the target by default. If this target property is not set then the target will be included in the "all" target of the containing directory. Furthermore, it will be included in the "all" target of its ancestor directories unless the :prop_dir:`EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL` directory property is set. With ``EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL`` set to false or not set at all, the target will be brought up to date as part of doing a ``make install`` or its equivalent for the CMake generator being used. If a target has ``EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL`` set to true, it may still be listed in an :command:`install(TARGETS)` command, but the user is responsible for ensuring that the target's build artifacts are not missing or outdated when an install is performed.