
What compatibility version number is this target for Mach-O binaries.

For shared libraries on Mach-O systems (e.g. macOS, iOS)
the ``MACHO_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION`` property corresponds to the
*compatibility version* and :prop_tgt:`MACHO_CURRENT_VERSION` corresponds to
the *current version*.  These are both embedded in the shared library binary
and can be checked with the ``otool -L <binary>`` command.

It should be noted that the :prop_tgt:`MACHO_CURRENT_VERSION` and
``MACHO_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION`` properties do not affect the file
names or version-related symlinks that CMake generates for the library.
The :prop_tgt:`VERSION` and :prop_tgt:`SOVERSION` target properties still
control the file and symlink names.  The ``install_name`` is also still
controlled by :prop_tgt:`SOVERSION`.

are not given, :prop_tgt:`VERSION` and :prop_tgt:`SOVERSION` are used for
the version details to be embedded in the binaries respectively.
properties only need to be given if the project needs to decouple the file
and symlink naming from the version details embedded in the binaries
(e.g. to match libtool conventions).