CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING -------------------- Intended to indicate whether CMake is cross compiling, but note limitations discussed below. This variable will be set to true by CMake if the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` variable has been set manually (i.e. in a toolchain file or as a cache entry from the :manual:`cmake <cmake(1)>` command line). In most cases, manually setting :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` will only be done when cross compiling, since it will otherwise be given the same value as :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME` if not manually set, which is correct for the non-cross-compiling case. In the event that :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` is manually set to the same value as :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME`, then ``CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING`` will still be set to true. Another case to be aware of is that builds targeting Apple platforms other than macOS are handled differently to other cross compiling scenarios. Rather than relying on :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` to select the target platform, Apple device builds use :variable:`CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT` to select the appropriate SDK, which indirectly determines the target platform. Furthermore, when using the Xcode generator, developers can switch between device and simulator builds at build time rather than having a single choice at configure time, so the concept of whether the build is cross compiling or not is more complex. Therefore, the use of ``CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING`` is not recommended for projects targeting Apple devices.