# - Use MinGW gfortran from VS if a fortran compiler is not found. # The 'add_fortran_subdirectory' function adds a subdirectory # to a project that contains a fortran only sub-project. The module # will check the current compiler and see if it can support fortran. # If no fortran compiler is found and the compiler is MSVC, then # this module will find the MinGW gfortran. It will then use # an external project to build with the MinGW tools. It will also # create imported targets for the libraries created. This will only # work if the fortran code is built into a dll, so BUILD_SHARED_LIBS # is turned on in the project. In addition the CMAKE_GNUtoMS option # is set to on, so that the MS .lib files are created. # Usage is as follows: # cmake_add_fortran_subdirectory( # # name of subdirectory # PROJECT # project name in subdir top CMakeLists.txt # ARCHIVE_DIR # dir where project places .lib files # RUNTIME_DIR # dir where project places .dll files # LIBRARIES ... # names of library targets to import # LINK_LIBRARIES # link interface libraries for LIBRARIES # [LINK_LIBS ...]... # CMAKE_COMMAND_LINE ... # extra command line flags to pass to cmake # ) # Relative paths in ARCHIVE_DIR and RUNTIME_DIR are interpreted with respect # to the build directory corresponding to the source directory in which the # function is invoked. #============================================================================= # Copyright 2011 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) set(_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) include(CheckLanguage) include(ExternalProject) include(CMakeParseArguments) function(_setup_mingw_config_and_build source_dir) # Look for a MinGW gfortran. find_program(MINGW_GFORTRAN NAMES gfortran PATHS c:/MinGW/bin "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MinGW;InstallLocation]/bin" ) if(NOT MINGW_GFORTRAN) message(FATAL_ERROR "gfortran not found, please install MinGW with the gfortran option." "Or set the cache variable MINGW_GFORTRAN to the full path. " " This is required to build") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${MINGW_GFORTRAN} -v ERROR_VARIABLE out) if(NOT "${out}" MATCHES "Target:.*mingw32") message(FATAL_ERROR "Non-MinGW gfortran found: ${MINGW_GFORTRAN}\n" "output from -v [${out}]\n" "set MINGW_GFORTRAN to the path to MinGW fortran.") endif() get_filename_component(MINGW_PATH ${MINGW_GFORTRAN} PATH) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${MINGW_PATH}" MINGW_PATH) string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" MINGW_PATH "${MINGW_PATH}") configure_file( ${_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory/config_mingw.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_mingw.cmake @ONLY) configure_file( ${_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory/build_mingw.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/build_mingw.cmake @ONLY) endfunction() function(_add_fortran_library_link_interface library depend_library) set_target_properties(${library} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_NOCONFIG "${depend_library}") endfunction() function(cmake_add_fortran_subdirectory subdir) # if we are not using MSVC without fortran support # then just use the usual add_subdirectory to build # the fortran library check_language(Fortran) if(NOT (MSVC AND (NOT CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER))) add_subdirectory(${subdir}) return() endif() # if we have MSVC without Intel fortran then setup # external projects to build with mingw fortran # Parse arguments to function set(oneValueArgs PROJECT ARCHIVE_DIR RUNTIME_DIR) set(multiValueArgs LIBRARIES LINK_LIBRARIES CMAKE_COMMAND_LINE) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) set(source_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir}") set(project_name "${ARGS_PROJECT}") set(library_dir "${ARGS_ARCHIVE_DIR}") set(binary_dir "${ARGS_RUNTIME_DIR}") set(libraries ${ARGS_LIBRARIES}) # use the same directory that add_subdirectory would have used set(build_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${subdir}") foreach(dir_var library_dir binary_dir) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${dir_var}}") get_filename_component(${dir_var} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${${dir_var}}" ABSOLUTE) endif() endforeach() # create build and configure wrapper scripts _setup_mingw_config_and_build(${source_dir}) # create the external project externalproject_add(${project_name}_build SOURCE_DIR ${source_dir} BINARY_DIR ${build_dir} CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_mingw.cmake BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/build_mingw.cmake INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) # make the external project always run make with each build externalproject_add_step(${project_name}_build forcebuild COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BUILD_DIR}/${project_name}-prefix/src/${project_name}-stamp/${project_name}-build DEPENDEES configure DEPENDERS build ALWAYS 1 ) # create imported targets for all libraries foreach(lib ${libraries}) add_library(${lib} SHARED IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET ${lib} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS NOCONFIG) set_target_properties(${lib} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_IMPLIB_NOCONFIG "${library_dir}/lib${lib}.lib" IMPORTED_LOCATION_NOCONFIG "${binary_dir}/lib${lib}.dll" ) add_dependencies(${lib} ${project_name}_build) endforeach() # now setup link libraries for targets set(start FALSE) set(target) foreach(lib ${ARGS_LINK_LIBRARIES}) if("${lib}" STREQUAL "LINK_LIBS") set(start TRUE) else() if(start) if(DEFINED target) # process current target and target_libs _add_fortran_library_link_interface(${target} "${target_libs}") # zero out target and target_libs set(target) set(target_libs) endif() # save the current target and set start to FALSE set(target ${lib}) set(start FALSE) else() # append the lib to target_libs list(APPEND target_libs "${lib}") endif() endif() endforeach() # process anything that is left in target and target_libs if(DEFINED target) _add_fortran_library_link_interface(${target} "${target_libs}") endif() endfunction()