# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory --------------------------- Use MinGW gfortran from VS if a fortran compiler is not found. The 'add_fortran_subdirectory' function adds a subdirectory to a project that contains a fortran only sub-project. The module will check the current compiler and see if it can support fortran. If no fortran compiler is found and the compiler is MSVC, then this module will find the MinGW gfortran. It will then use an external project to build with the MinGW tools. It will also create imported targets for the libraries created. This will only work if the fortran code is built into a dll, so BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is turned on in the project. In addition the CMAKE_GNUtoMS option is set to on, so that the MS .lib files are created. Usage is as follows: :: cmake_add_fortran_subdirectory( # name of subdirectory PROJECT # project name in subdir top CMakeLists.txt ARCHIVE_DIR # dir where project places .lib files RUNTIME_DIR # dir where project places .dll files LIBRARIES ... # names of library targets to import LINK_LIBRARIES # link interface libraries for LIBRARIES [LINK_LIBS ...]... CMAKE_COMMAND_LINE ... # extra command line flags to pass to cmake NO_EXTERNAL_INSTALL # skip installation of external project ) Relative paths in ARCHIVE_DIR and RUNTIME_DIR are interpreted with respect to the build directory corresponding to the source directory in which the function is invoked. Limitations: NO_EXTERNAL_INSTALL is required for forward compatibility with a future version that supports installation of the external project binaries during "make install". #]=======================================================================] set(_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) include(CheckLanguage) include(ExternalProject) function(_setup_mingw_config_and_build source_dir build_dir) # Look for a MinGW gfortran. find_program(MINGW_GFORTRAN NAMES gfortran PATHS c:/MinGW/bin "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MinGW;InstallLocation]/bin" ) if(NOT MINGW_GFORTRAN) message(FATAL_ERROR "gfortran not found, please install MinGW with the gfortran option." "Or set the cache variable MINGW_GFORTRAN to the full path. " " This is required to build") endif() # Validate the MinGW gfortran we found. if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(_mingw_target "Target:.*64.*mingw") else() set(_mingw_target "Target:.*mingw32") endif() execute_process(COMMAND "${MINGW_GFORTRAN}" -v ERROR_VARIABLE out ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT "${out}" MATCHES "${_mingw_target}") string(REPLACE "\n" "\n " out " ${out}") message(FATAL_ERROR "MINGW_GFORTRAN is set to\n" " ${MINGW_GFORTRAN}\n" "which is not a MinGW gfortran for this architecture. " "The output from -v does not match \"${_mingw_target}\":\n" "${out}\n" "Set MINGW_GFORTRAN to a proper MinGW gfortran for this architecture." ) endif() # Configure scripts to run MinGW tools with the proper PATH. get_filename_component(MINGW_PATH ${MINGW_GFORTRAN} PATH) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${MINGW_PATH}" MINGW_PATH) string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" MINGW_PATH "${MINGW_PATH}") configure_file( ${_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory/config_mingw.cmake.in ${build_dir}/config_mingw.cmake @ONLY) configure_file( ${_MS_MINGW_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory/build_mingw.cmake.in ${build_dir}/build_mingw.cmake @ONLY) endfunction() function(_add_fortran_library_link_interface library depend_library) set_target_properties(${library} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_NOCONFIG "${depend_library}") endfunction() function(cmake_add_fortran_subdirectory subdir) # Parse arguments to function set(options NO_EXTERNAL_INSTALL) set(oneValueArgs PROJECT ARCHIVE_DIR RUNTIME_DIR) set(multiValueArgs LIBRARIES LINK_LIBRARIES CMAKE_COMMAND_LINE) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if(NOT ARGS_NO_EXTERNAL_INSTALL) message(FATAL_ERROR "Option NO_EXTERNAL_INSTALL is required (for forward compatibility) " "but was not given." ) endif() # if we are not using MSVC without fortran support # then just use the usual add_subdirectory to build # the fortran library check_language(Fortran) if(NOT (MSVC AND (NOT CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER))) add_subdirectory(${subdir}) return() endif() # if we have MSVC without Intel fortran then setup # external projects to build with mingw fortran set(source_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir}") set(project_name "${ARGS_PROJECT}") set(library_dir "${ARGS_ARCHIVE_DIR}") set(binary_dir "${ARGS_RUNTIME_DIR}") set(libraries ${ARGS_LIBRARIES}) # use the same directory that add_subdirectory would have used set(build_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${subdir}") foreach(dir_var library_dir binary_dir) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${dir_var}}") get_filename_component(${dir_var} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${${dir_var}}" ABSOLUTE) endif() endforeach() # create build and configure wrapper scripts _setup_mingw_config_and_build("${source_dir}" "${build_dir}") # create the external project externalproject_add(${project_name}_build SOURCE_DIR ${source_dir} BINARY_DIR ${build_dir} CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${build_dir}/config_mingw.cmake BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${build_dir}/build_mingw.cmake INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) # make the external project always run make with each build externalproject_add_step(${project_name}_build forcebuild COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BUILD_DIR}/${project_name}-prefix/src/${project_name}-stamp/${project_name}-build DEPENDEES configure DEPENDERS build ALWAYS 1 ) # create imported targets for all libraries foreach(lib ${libraries}) add_library(${lib} SHARED IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_property(TARGET ${lib} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS NOCONFIG) set_target_properties(${lib} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_IMPLIB_NOCONFIG "${library_dir}/lib${lib}.lib" IMPORTED_LOCATION_NOCONFIG "${binary_dir}/lib${lib}.dll" ) add_dependencies(${lib} ${project_name}_build) endforeach() # now setup link libraries for targets set(start FALSE) set(target) foreach(lib ${ARGS_LINK_LIBRARIES}) if("${lib}" STREQUAL "LINK_LIBS") set(start TRUE) else() if(start) if(DEFINED target) # process current target and target_libs _add_fortran_library_link_interface(${target} "${target_libs}") # zero out target and target_libs set(target) set(target_libs) endif() # save the current target and set start to FALSE set(target ${lib}) set(start FALSE) else() # append the lib to target_libs list(APPEND target_libs "${lib}") endif() endif() endforeach() # process anything that is left in target and target_libs if(DEFINED target) _add_fortran_library_link_interface(${target} "${target_libs}") endif() endfunction()