# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. # determine the compiler to use for Objective-C programs # NOTE, a generator may set CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER before # loading this file to force a compiler. # use environment variable OBJC first if defined by user, next use # the cmake variable CMAKE_GENERATOR_OBJC which can be defined by a generator # as a default compiler # # Sets the following variables: # CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER # CMAKE_AR # CMAKE_RANLIB # CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUOBJC # CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANGOBJC # # If not already set before, it also sets # _CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX include(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompiler.cmake) # Load system-specific compiler preferences for this language. include(Platform/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-Determine-OBJC OPTIONAL) include(Platform/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-OBJC OPTIONAL) if(NOT CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_NAMES) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_NAMES clang) endif() if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Xcode") set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_XCODE_TYPE sourcecode.c.objc) else() if(NOT CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT NOTFOUND) # prefer the environment variable OBJC or CC foreach(var OBJC CC) if($ENV{${var}} MATCHES ".+") get_filename_component(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT $ENV{${var}} PROGRAM PROGRAM_ARGS CMAKE_OBJC_FLAGS_ENV_INIT) if(CMAKE_OBJC_FLAGS_ENV_INIT) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARG1 "${CMAKE_OBJC_FLAGS_ENV_INIT}" CACHE STRING "First argument to Objective-C compiler") endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find compiler set in environment variable ${var}:\n $ENV{${var}}") endif() break() endif() endforeach() # next try prefer the compiler specified by the generator if(CMAKE_GENERATOR_OBJC) if(NOT CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR_OBJC}) endif() endif() # finally list compilers to try if(NOT CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_INIT) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_LIST ${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}cc ${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}gcc clang) endif() _cmake_find_compiler(OBJC) else() # we only get here if CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER was specified using -D or a pre-made CMakeCache.txt # (e.g. via ctest) or set in CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE # if CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER is a list of length 2, use the first item as # CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER and the 2nd one as CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARG1 list(LENGTH CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER _CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_LIST_LENGTH) if("${_CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_LIST_LENGTH}" EQUAL 2) list(GET CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER 1 CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARG1) list(GET CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER 0 CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER) endif() # if a compiler was specified by the user but without path, # now try to find it with the full path # if it is found, force it into the cache, # if not, don't overwrite the setting (which was given by the user) with "NOTFOUND" # if the C compiler already had a path, reuse it for searching the CXX compiler get_filename_component(_CMAKE_USER_OBJC_COMPILER_PATH "${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER}" PATH) if(NOT _CMAKE_USER_OBJC_COMPILER_PATH) find_program(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_WITH_PATH NAMES ${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER}) if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_WITH_PATH) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER ${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_WITH_PATH} CACHE STRING "Objective-C compiler" FORCE) endif() unset(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_WITH_PATH CACHE) endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER) # Each entry in this list is a set of extra flags to try # adding to the compile line to see if it helps produce # a valid identification file. set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_TEST_FLAGS_FIRST) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_TEST_FLAGS # Try compiling to an object file only. "-c" ) endif() # Build a small source file to identify the compiler. if(NOT CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_RUN) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_RUN 1) # Try to identify the compiler. set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID) file(READ ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakePlatformId.h.in CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_PLATFORM_CONTENT) # Match the link line from xcodebuild output of the form # Ld ... # ... # /path/to/cc ...CompilerIdOBJC/... # to extract the compiler front-end for the language. set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_TOOL_MATCH_REGEX "\nLd[^\n]*(\n[ \t]+[^\n]*)*\n[ \t]+([^ \t\r\n]+)[^\r\n]*-o[^\r\n]*CompilerIdOBJC/(\\./)?(CompilerIdOBJC.(framework|xctest)/)?CompilerIdOBJC[ \t\n\\\"]") set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID_TOOL_MATCH_INDEX 2) include(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake) CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID(OBJC OBJCCFLAGS CMakeOBJCCompilerId.m) # Set old compiler and platform id variables. if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUOBJC 1) endif() if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANGOBJC 1) endif() endif() if (NOT _CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_LOCATION) get_filename_component(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_LOCATION "${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER}" PATH) endif () # If we have a gcc cross compiler, they have usually some prefix, like # e.g. powerpc-linux-gcc, arm-elf-gcc or i586-mingw32msvc-gcc, optionally # with a 3-component version number at the end (e.g. arm-eabi-gcc-4.5.2). # The other tools of the toolchain usually have the same prefix # NAME_WE cannot be used since then this test will fail for names like # "arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.3.0-gcc.exe", where BASENAME would be # "arm-unknown-nto-qnx6" instead of the correct "arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.3.0-" if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND NOT _CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX) if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU|Clang|QCC") get_filename_component(COMPILER_BASENAME "${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER}" NAME) if (COMPILER_BASENAME MATCHES "^(.+-)(clang|g?cc)(-[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*)?(-[^.]+)?(\\.exe)?$") set(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) set(_CMAKE_COMPILER_SUFFIX ${CMAKE_MATCH_5}) elseif(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_TARGET) set(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX ${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_TARGET}-) endif() elseif(COMPILER_BASENAME MATCHES "qcc(\\.exe)?$") if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_TARGET MATCHES "gcc_nto([a-z0-9]+_[0-9]+|[^_le]+)(le)?") set(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX nto${CMAKE_MATCH_1}-) endif() endif () # if "llvm-" is part of the prefix, remove it, since llvm doesn't have its own binutils # but uses the regular ar, objcopy, etc. (instead of llvm-objcopy etc.) if ("${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}" MATCHES "(.+-)?llvm-$") set(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif () endif() endif () set(_CMAKE_PROCESSING_LANGUAGE "OBJC") include(CMakeFindBinUtils) include(Compiler/${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ID}-FindBinUtils OPTIONAL) unset(_CMAKE_PROCESSING_LANGUAGE) if(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID) set(_SET_CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID "set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID ${CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID})") else() set(_SET_CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID "") endif() if(CMAKE_OBJC_XCODE_ARCHS) set(SET_CMAKE_XCODE_ARCHS "set(CMAKE_XCODE_ARCHS \"${CMAKE_OBJC_XCODE_ARCHS}\")") endif() # configure variables set in this file for fast reload later on configure_file(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeOBJCCompiler.cmake.in ${CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_DIR}/CMakeOBJCCompiler.cmake @ONLY ) set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_ENV_VAR "OBJC")