# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: CTest ----- Configure a project for testing with CTest/CDash Include this module in the top CMakeLists.txt file of a project to enable testing with CTest and dashboard submissions to CDash:: project(MyProject) ... include(CTest) The module automatically creates a ``BUILD_TESTING`` option that selects whether to enable testing support (``ON`` by default). After including the module, use code like:: if(BUILD_TESTING) # ... CMake code to create tests ... endif() to creating tests when testing is enabled. To enable submissions to a CDash server, create a ``CTestConfig.cmake`` file at the top of the project with content such as:: set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME "01:00:00 UTC") set(CTEST_DROP_METHOD "http") set(CTEST_DROP_SITE "my.cdash.org") set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/submit.php?project=MyProject") set(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE) (the CDash server can provide the file to a project administrator who configures ``MyProject``). Settings in the config file are shared by both this ``CTest`` module and the :manual:`ctest(1)` command-line :ref:`Dashboard Client` mode (``ctest -S``). While building a project for submission to CDash, CTest scans the build output for errors and warnings and reports them with surrounding context from the build log. This generic approach works for all build tools, but does not give details about the command invocation that produced a given problem. One may get more detailed reports by setting the :variable:`CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS` variable:: set(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS 1) in the ``CTestConfig.cmake`` file. #]=======================================================================] option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the testing tree." ON) # function to turn generator name into a version string # like vs9 or vs10 function(GET_VS_VERSION_STRING generator var) string(REGEX REPLACE "Visual Studio ([0-9][0-9]?)($|.*)" "\\1" NUMBER "${generator}") set(ver_string "vs${NUMBER}") set(${var} ${ver_string} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() include(CTestUseLaunchers) if(BUILD_TESTING) # Setup some auxiliary macros macro(SET_IF_NOT_SET var val) if(NOT DEFINED "${var}") set("${var}" "${val}") endif() endmacro() macro(SET_IF_SET var val) if(NOT "${val}" STREQUAL "") set("${var}" "${val}") endif() endmacro() macro(SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET var val) if(NOT "${val}" STREQUAL "") SET_IF_NOT_SET("${var}" "${val}") endif() endmacro() # Make sure testing is enabled enable_testing() if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(NIGHTLY_START_TIME "${CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_METHOD "${CTEST_DROP_METHOD}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE "${CTEST_DROP_SITE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_USER "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_USER}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_PASSWORD "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_PASWORD}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_MODE "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_MODE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_LOCATION "${CTEST_DROP_LOCATION}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(TRIGGER_SITE "${CTEST_TRIGGER_SITE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(UPDATE_TYPE "${CTEST_UPDATE_TYPE}") endif() # the project can have a DartConfig.cmake file if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") else() # Dashboard is opened for submissions for a 24 hour period starting at # the specified NIGHTLY_START_TIME. Time is specified in 24 hour format. SET_IF_NOT_SET (NIGHTLY_START_TIME "00:00:00 EDT") SET_IF_NOT_SET(DROP_METHOD "http") SET_IF_NOT_SET (COMPRESS_SUBMISSION ON) endif() SET_IF_NOT_SET (NIGHTLY_START_TIME "00:00:00 EDT") find_program(CVSCOMMAND cvs ) set(CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS "-d -A -P" CACHE STRING "Options passed to the cvs update command.") find_program(SVNCOMMAND svn) find_program(BZRCOMMAND bzr) find_program(HGCOMMAND hg) find_program(GITCOMMAND git) find_program(P4COMMAND p4) if(NOT UPDATE_TYPE) if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CVS") set(UPDATE_TYPE cvs) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.svn") set(UPDATE_TYPE svn) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.bzr") set(UPDATE_TYPE bzr) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.hg") set(UPDATE_TYPE hg) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") set(UPDATE_TYPE git) endif() endif() string(TOLOWER "${UPDATE_TYPE}" _update_type) if("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "cvs") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${CVSCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "svn") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${SVNCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${SVN_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "bzr") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${BZRCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${BZR_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "hg") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${HGCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${HG_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "git") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${GITCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${GIT_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "p4") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${P4COMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${P4_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") endif() set(DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT 1500 CACHE STRING "Maximum time allowed before CTest will kill the test.") set(CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY 5 CACHE STRING "How long to wait between timed-out CTest submissions.") set(CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT 3 CACHE STRING "How many times to retry timed-out CTest submissions.") find_program(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND NAMES purify valgrind boundscheck PATHS "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Rational Software\\Purify\\Setup;InstallFolder]" DOC "Path to the memory checking command, used for memory error detection." ) find_program(SLURM_SBATCH_COMMAND sbatch DOC "Path to the SLURM sbatch executable" ) find_program(SLURM_SRUN_COMMAND srun DOC "Path to the SLURM srun executable" ) set(MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE "" CACHE FILEPATH "File that contains suppressions for the memory checker") find_program(COVERAGE_COMMAND gcov DOC "Path to the coverage program that CTest uses for performing coverage inspection" ) set(COVERAGE_EXTRA_FLAGS "-l" CACHE STRING "Extra command line flags to pass to the coverage tool") # set the site name site_name(SITE) # set the build name if(NOT BUILDNAME) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") endif() if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "unknown") endif() if(WIN32) set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME_WE") else() set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME") endif() if(NOT BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") endif() if(WIN32) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "Win32") endif() if(UNIX OR BORLAND) get_filename_component(DART_COMPILER_NAME "${DART_COMPILER}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) else() get_filename_component(DART_COMPILER_NAME "${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) endif() if(DART_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "devenv") GET_VS_VERSION_STRING("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" DART_COMPILER_NAME) endif() set(BUILDNAME "${BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME}-${DART_COMPILER_NAME}") endif() # the build command build_command(MAKECOMMAND_DEFAULT_VALUE CONFIGURATION "\${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE}") set(MAKECOMMAND ${MAKECOMMAND_DEFAULT_VALUE} CACHE STRING "Command to build the project") # the default build configuration the ctest build handler will use # if there is no -C arg given to ctest: set(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE "$ENV{CMAKE_CONFIG_TYPE}") if(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE STREQUAL "") set(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE "Release") endif() mark_as_advanced( BZRCOMMAND BZR_UPDATE_OPTIONS COVERAGE_COMMAND COVERAGE_EXTRA_FLAGS CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT CVSCOMMAND CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT GITCOMMAND P4COMMAND HGCOMMAND MAKECOMMAND MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE PURIFYCOMMAND SCPCOMMAND SLURM_SBATCH_COMMAND SLURM_SRUN_COMMAND SITE SVNCOMMAND SVN_UPDATE_OPTIONS ) if(NOT RUN_FROM_DART) set(RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART 1) include(CTestTargets) set(RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART) endif() endif()