# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: CheckFortranSourceRuns ---------------------- Check if given Fortran source compiles and links into an executable and can subsequently be run. .. command:: check_fortran_source_runs .. code-block:: cmake check_fortran_source_runs(<code> <resultVar> [SRC_EXT <extension>]) Check that the source supplied in ``<code>`` can be compiled as a Fortran source file, linked as an executable and then run. The ``<code>`` must be a Fortran program containing at least an ``end`` statement--for example: .. code-block:: cmake check_fortran_source_runs("real :: x[*]; call co_sum(x); end" F2018coarrayOK) This command can help avoid costly build processes when a compiler lacks support for a necessary feature, or a particular vendor library is not compatible with the Fortran compiler version being used. Some of these failures only occur at runtime instead of linktime, and a trivial runtime example can catch the issue before the main build process. If the ``<code>`` could be built and run successfully, the internal cache variable specified by ``<resultVar>`` will be set to 1, otherwise it will be set to an value that evaluates to boolean false (e.g. an empty string or an error message). By default, the test source file will be given a ``.F90`` file extension. The ``SRC_EXT`` option can be used to override this with ``.<extension>`` instead. The underlying check is performed by the :command:`try_run` command. The compile and link commands can be influenced by setting any of the following variables prior to calling ``check_fortran_source_runs()``: ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS`` Additional flags to pass to the compiler. Note that the contents of :variable:`CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS <CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS>` and its associated configuration-specific variable are automatically added to the compiler command before the contents of ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS``. ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS`` A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of compiler definitions of the form ``-DFOO`` or ``-DFOO=bar``. A definition for the name specified by ``<resultVar>`` will also be added automatically. ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES`` A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of header search paths to pass to the compiler. These will be the only header search paths used by ``try_run()``, i.e. the contents of the :prop_dir:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` directory property will be ignored. ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS`` A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of options to add to the link command (see :command:`try_run` for further details). ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES`` A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of libraries to add to the link command. These can be the name of system libraries or they can be :ref:`Imported Targets <Imported Targets>` (see :command:`try_run` for further details). ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET`` If this variable evaluates to a boolean true value, all status messages associated with the check will be suppressed. The check is only performed once, with the result cached in the variable named by ``<resultVar>``. Every subsequent CMake run will re-use this cached value rather than performing the check again, even if the ``<code>`` changes. In order to force the check to be re-evaluated, the variable named by ``<resultVar>`` must be manually removed from the cache. #]=======================================================================] include_guard(GLOBAL) macro(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_RUNS SOURCE VAR) if(NOT DEFINED "${VAR}") set(_SRC_EXT) set(_key) foreach(arg ${ARGN}) if("${arg}" MATCHES "^(SRC_EXT)$") set(_key "${arg}") elseif(_key) list(APPEND _${_key} "${arg}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument:\n ${arg}\n") endif() endforeach() if(NOT _SRC_EXT) set(_SRC_EXT F90) endif() set(MACRO_CHECK_FUNCTION_DEFINITIONS "-D${VAR} ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}") if(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS) set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LINK_OPTIONS LINK_OPTIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS}) else() set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LINK_OPTIONS) endif() if(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LIBRARIES LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) else() set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LIBRARIES) endif() if(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_INCLUDES "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}") else() set(CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_INCLUDES) endif() file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/src.${_SRC_EXT}" "${SOURCE}\n") if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Performing Test ${VAR}") endif() try_run(${VAR}_EXITCODE ${VAR}_COMPILED ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/src.${_SRC_EXT} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} ${CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LINK_OPTIONS} ${CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_LIBRARIES} CMAKE_FLAGS -DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${MACRO_CHECK_FUNCTION_DEFINITIONS} -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=${CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH} "${CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES_ADD_INCLUDES}" COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT) # if it did not compile make the return value fail code of 1 if(NOT ${VAR}_COMPILED) set(${VAR}_EXITCODE 1) endif() # if the return value was 0 then it worked if("${${VAR}_EXITCODE}" EQUAL 0) set(${VAR} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Test ${VAR}") if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Performing Test ${VAR} - Success") endif() file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeOutput.log "Performing Fortran SOURCE FILE Test ${VAR} succeeded with the following output:\n" "${OUTPUT}\n" "Return value: ${${VAR}}\n" "Source file was:\n${SOURCE}\n") else() if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND "${${VAR}_EXITCODE}" MATCHES "FAILED_TO_RUN") set(${VAR} "${${VAR}_EXITCODE}") else() set(${VAR} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Test ${VAR}") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Performing Test ${VAR} - Failed") endif() file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeError.log "Performing Fortran SOURCE FILE Test ${VAR} failed with the following output:\n" "${OUTPUT}\n" "Return value: ${${VAR}_EXITCODE}\n" "Source file was:\n${SOURCE}\n") endif() endif() endmacro()