# This file is processed when the IAR compiler is used for a C or C++ file # Documentation can be downloaded here: http://www.iar.com/website1/ # The initial feature request is here: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/10176 # It also contains additional links and information. # See USER GUIDES -> C/C++ Development Guide and ReleaseNotes for EWARM: # version 6.30.8: http://supp.iar.com/FilesPublic/UPDINFO/006607/arm/doc/infocenter/index.ENU.html # version 7.60.1: http://supp.iar.com/FilesPublic/UPDINFO/011006/arm/doc/infocenter/index.ENU.html # version 8.10.1: http://netstorage.iar.com/SuppDB/Public/UPDINFO/011854/arm/doc/infocenter/index.ENU.html # The IAR internal compiler platform generations (Predefined symbol __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__): # 9 and higher means C11 and C++14 as language default (EWARM v8.x, EWRX v4.x and higher) # 8 means C99 and C++03 as language default (EWARM v6.x, v7.x. EWRX v2.x, 3.x) # 7 and lower means C89 and EC++ as language default. (EWARM v5.x and lower) # C/C++ Standard versions # # IAR typically only supports one C and C++ Standard version, # the exception is C89 which is always supported and can be selected # if its not the default # # C++ is trickier, there were historically 3 switches, # and some IAR versions support multiple of those. # they are --eec++, --ec++ and --c++ and where used to # enable various language features like exceptions # # recent versions only have --c++ for full support # but can choose to disable features with further arguments # # C/C++ Standard compliance # # IAR has 3 modes: default, strict and extended # the extended mode is needed for popular libraries like CMSIS # # "Silent" Operation # # this really is different to most programs I know. # nothing meaningful from the operation is lost, just some redundant # code and data size printouts (that can be inspected with common tools). # This module is shared by multiple languages; use include blocker. include_guard() macro(__compiler_iar_ilink lang) set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX ".elf") set(CMAKE_${lang}_OUTPUT_EXTENSION ".o") if (${lang} STREQUAL "C" OR ${lang} STREQUAL "CXX") set(CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILE_OBJECT "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> -o <OBJECT>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_PREPROCESSED_SOURCE "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> --preprocess=cnl <PREPROCESSED_SOURCE>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_ASSEMBLY_SOURCE "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> -lAH <ASSEMBLY_SOURCE> -o <OBJECT>.dummy") set(CMAKE_${lang}_RESPONSE_FILE_LINK_FLAG "-f ") set(CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_${lang} "--dependencies=ns <DEP_FILE>") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_INIT " ") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT " -r") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT " -Ohz -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELEASE_INIT " -Oh -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO_INIT " -Oh -r -DNDEBUG") endif() if (${lang} STREQUAL "ASM") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_INIT " ") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT " -r") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT " -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_RELEASE_INIT " -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO_INIT " -r -DNDEBUG") endif() set(CMAKE_${lang}_LINK_EXECUTABLE "\"${CMAKE_IAR_LINKER}\" --silent <OBJECTS> <CMAKE_${lang}_LINK_FLAGS> <LINK_FLAGS> <LINK_LIBRARIES> -o <TARGET>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY "\"${CMAKE_IAR_ARCHIVE}\" <TARGET> --create <LINK_FLAGS> <OBJECTS>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_CREATE "\"${CMAKE_IAR_ARCHIVE}\" <TARGET> --create <LINK_FLAGS> <OBJECTS>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_APPEND "\"${CMAKE_IAR_ARCHIVE}\" <TARGET> --replace <LINK_FLAGS> <OBJECTS>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_FINISH "") set(CMAKE_LINKER "${CMAKE_IAR_LINKER}" CACHE FILEPATH "The IAR linker" FORCE) set(CMAKE_AR "${CMAKE_IAR_ARCHIVE}" CACHE FILEPATH "The IAR archiver" FORCE) endmacro() macro(__compiler_iar_xlink lang) set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX ".bin") if (${lang} STREQUAL "C" OR ${lang} STREQUAL "CXX") set(CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILE_OBJECT "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> -o <OBJECT>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_PREPROCESSED_SOURCE "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> --preprocess=cnl <PREPROCESSED_SOURCE>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_ASSEMBLY_SOURCE "<CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER> ${CMAKE_IAR_${lang}_FLAG} --silent <SOURCE> <DEFINES> <INCLUDES> <FLAGS> -lAH <ASSEMBLY_SOURCE> -o <OBJECT>.dummy") set(CMAKE_${lang}_RESPONSE_FILE_LINK_FLAG "-f ") set(CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_${lang} "--dependencies=ns <DEP_FILE>") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_INIT " ") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT " -r") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT " -Ohz -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELEASE_INIT " -Oh -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO_INIT " -Oh -r -DNDEBUG") endif() if (${lang} STREQUAL "ASM") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_INIT " ") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT " -r") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT " -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_RELEASE_INIT " -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO_INIT " -r -DNDEBUG") endif() set(CMAKE_${lang}_LINK_EXECUTABLE "\"${CMAKE_IAR_LINKER}\" -S <OBJECTS> <CMAKE_${lang}_LINK_FLAGS> <LINK_FLAGS> <LINK_LIBRARIES> -o <TARGET>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY "\"${CMAKE_IAR_AR}\" <TARGET> <LINK_FLAGS> <OBJECTS>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_CREATE "\"${CMAKE_IAR_AR}\" <TARGET> <LINK_FLAGS> <OBJECTS>") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_APPEND "") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_FINISH "") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH_FLAG "-I") set(CMAKE_LINKER "${CMAKE_IAR_LINKER}" CACHE FILEPATH "The IAR linker" FORCE) set(CMAKE_AR "${CMAKE_IAR_AR}" CACHE FILEPATH "The IAR archiver" FORCE) endmacro()