# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. # This module is shared by multiple languages; use include blocker. if(__COMPILER_NVHPC) return() endif() set(__COMPILER_NVHPC 1) include(Compiler/PGI) macro(__compiler_nvhpc lang) # Logic specific to NVHPC. if(CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 21.07) set(CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_${lang} "-MD -MT -MF ") set(CMAKE_${lang}_DEPFILE_FORMAT gcc) set(CMAKE_${lang}_DEPENDS_USE_COMPILER TRUE) else() # Before NVHPC 21.07 the `-MD` flag implicitly # implies `-E` and therefore compilation and dependency generation # can't occur in the same invocation set(CMAKE_${lang}_DEPENDS_EXTRA_COMMANDS " ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILE_OPTIONS_EXPLICIT_LANGUAGE} -M -MT -MD") endif() endmacro()