# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: FeatureSummary -------------- Functions for generating a summary of enabled/disabled features. These functions can be used to generate a summary of enabled and disabled packages and/or feature for a build tree such as:: -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found: LibXml2 (required version >= 2.4), XML processing lib, <http://xmlsoft.org> * Enables HTML-import in MyWordProcessor * Enables odt-export in MyWordProcessor PNG , A PNG image library. , <http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/> * Enables saving screenshots -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found: Lua51 , The Lua scripting language. , <http://www.lua.org> * Enables macros in MyWordProcessor Foo , Foo provides cool stuff. Functions ^^^^^^^^^ #]=======================================================================] include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeParseArguments.cmake") function(_FS_GET_FEATURE_SUMMARY _property _var _includeQuiet) set(_type "ANY") if("${_property}" MATCHES "REQUIRED_") set(_type "REQUIRED") elseif("${_property}" MATCHES "RECOMMENDED_") set(_type "RECOMMENDED") elseif("${_property}" MATCHES "RUNTIME_") set(_type "RUNTIME") elseif("${_property}" MATCHES "OPTIONAL_") set(_type "OPTIONAL") endif() if("${_property}" MATCHES "PACKAGES_FOUND") set(_property "PACKAGES_FOUND") elseif("${_property}" MATCHES "PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") set(_property "PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") endif() set(_currentFeatureText "") get_property(_EnabledFeatures GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_property}) if(_EnabledFeatures) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _EnabledFeatures) endif(_EnabledFeatures) foreach(_currentFeature ${_EnabledFeatures}) # does this package belong to the type we currently want to list ? get_property(_currentType GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_TYPE) if(NOT _currentType) set(_currentType OPTIONAL) endif() if("${_type}" STREQUAL ANY OR "${_type}" STREQUAL "${_currentType}") # check whether the current feature/package should be in the output depending on whether it was QUIET or not set(includeThisOne TRUE) # skip QUIET packages, except if they are REQUIRED or INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES has been set if((NOT "${_currentType}" STREQUAL "REQUIRED") AND NOT _includeQuiet) get_property(_isQuiet GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_QUIET) if(_isQuiet) set(includeThisOne FALSE) endif() endif() get_property(_isTransitiveDepend GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_TRANSITIVE_DEPENDENCY ) if(_isTransitiveDepend) set(includeThisOne FALSE) endif() if(includeThisOne) string(APPEND _currentFeatureText "\n * ${_currentFeature}") get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_REQUIRED_VERSION) if(_info) string(APPEND _currentFeatureText " (required version ${_info})") endif() get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_DESCRIPTION) if(_info) string(APPEND _currentFeatureText " , ${_info}") endif() get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_URL) if(_info) string(APPEND _currentFeatureText " , <${_info}>") endif() get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_currentFeature}_PURPOSE) foreach(_purpose ${_info}) string(APPEND _currentFeatureText "\n ${_purpose}") endforeach() endif() endif() endforeach() set(${_var} "${_currentFeatureText}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: feature_summary :: feature_summary( [FILENAME <file>] [APPEND] [VAR <variable_name>] [INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES] [FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES] [DESCRIPTION "Found packages:"] WHAT (ALL | PACKAGES_FOUND | PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND | ENABLED_FEATURES | DISABLED_FEATURES) ) The ``feature_summary()`` macro can be used to print information about enabled or disabled packages or features of a project. By default, only the names of the features/packages will be printed and their required version when one was specified. Use ``set_package_properties()`` to add more useful information, like e.g. a download URL for the respective package or their purpose in the project. The ``WHAT`` option is the only mandatory option. Here you specify what information will be printed: ``ALL`` print everything ``ENABLED_FEATURES`` the list of all features which are enabled ``DISABLED_FEATURES`` the list of all features which are disabled ``PACKAGES_FOUND`` the list of all packages which have been found ``PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND`` the list of all packages which have not been found ``OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_FOUND`` only those packages which have been found which have the type OPTIONAL ``OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND`` only those packages which have not been found which have the type OPTIONAL ``RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_FOUND`` only those packages which have been found which have the type RECOMMENDED ``RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND`` only those packages which have not been found which have the type RECOMMENDED ``REQUIRED_PACKAGES_FOUND`` only those packages which have been found which have the type REQUIRED ``REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND`` only those packages which have not been found which have the type REQUIRED ``RUNTIME_PACKAGES_FOUND`` only those packages which have been found which have the type RUNTIME ``RUNTIME_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND`` only those packages which have not been found which have the type RUNTIME With the exception of the ``ALL`` value, these values can be combined in order to customize the output. For example: .. code-block:: cmake feature_summary(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES DISABLED_FEATURES) If a ``FILENAME`` is given, the information is printed into this file. If ``APPEND`` is used, it is appended to this file, otherwise the file is overwritten if it already existed. If the VAR option is used, the information is "printed" into the specified variable. If ``FILENAME`` is not used, the information is printed to the terminal. Using the ``DESCRIPTION`` option a description or headline can be set which will be printed above the actual content. If ``INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES`` is given, packages which have been searched with ``find_package(... QUIET)`` will also be listed. By default they are skipped. If ``FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES`` is given, CMake will abort if a package which is marked as ``REQUIRED`` has not been found. Example 1, append everything to a file: .. code-block:: cmake include(FeatureSummary) feature_summary(WHAT ALL FILENAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/all.log APPEND) Example 2, print the enabled features into the variable enabledFeaturesText, including QUIET packages: .. code-block:: cmake include(FeatureSummary) feature_summary(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES DESCRIPTION "Enabled Features:" VAR enabledFeaturesText) message(STATUS "${enabledFeaturesText}") #]=======================================================================] function(FEATURE_SUMMARY) # CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(<prefix> <options> <one_value_keywords> <multi_value_keywords> args...) set(options APPEND INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) set(oneValueArgs FILENAME VAR DESCRIPTION) set(multiValueArgs WHAT) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_FS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${_FIRST_ARG} ${ARGN}) if(_FS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown keywords given to FEATURE_SUMMARY(): \"${_FS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\"") endif() if(NOT _FS_WHAT) message(FATAL_ERROR "The call to FEATURE_SUMMARY() doesn't set the required WHAT argument.") endif() set(validWhatParts "ENABLED_FEATURES" "DISABLED_FEATURES" "PACKAGES_FOUND" "PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_FOUND" "OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_FOUND" "RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_FOUND" "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "RUNTIME_PACKAGES_FOUND" "RUNTIME_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") list(FIND validWhatParts "${_FS_WHAT}" indexInList) if(NOT "${indexInList}" STREQUAL "-1") _FS_GET_FEATURE_SUMMARY( ${_FS_WHAT} _featureSummary ${_FS_INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES} ) set(_fullText "${_FS_DESCRIPTION}${_featureSummary}\n") if (("${_FS_WHAT}" STREQUAL "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") AND _featureSummary) set(requiredPackagesNotFound TRUE) endif() else() if("${_FS_WHAT}" STREQUAL "ALL") set(allWhatParts "ENABLED_FEATURES" "RUNTIME_PACKAGES_FOUND" "OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_FOUND" "RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_FOUND" "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_FOUND" "DISABLED_FEATURES" "RUNTIME_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" ) else() set(allWhatParts) foreach(part ${_FS_WHAT}) list(FIND validWhatParts "${part}" indexInList) if(NOT "${indexInList}" STREQUAL "-1") list(APPEND allWhatParts "${part}") else() if("${part}" STREQUAL "ALL") message(FATAL_ERROR "The WHAT argument of FEATURE_SUMMARY() contains ALL, which cannot be combined with other values.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "The WHAT argument of FEATURE_SUMMARY() contains ${part}, which is not a valid value.") endif() endif() endforeach() endif() set(title_ENABLED_FEATURES "The following features have been enabled:") set(title_DISABLED_FEATURES "The following features have been disabled:") set(title_PACKAGES_FOUND "The following packages have been found:") set(title_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND "The following packages have not been found:") set(title_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_FOUND "The following OPTIONAL packages have been found:") set(title_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND "The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:") set(title_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_FOUND "The following RECOMMENDED packages have been found:") set(title_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND "The following RECOMMENDED packages have not been found:") set(title_REQUIRED_PACKAGES_FOUND "The following REQUIRED packages have been found:") set(title_REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND "The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:") set(title_RUNTIME_PACKAGES_FOUND "The following RUNTIME packages have been found:") set(title_RUNTIME_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND "The following RUNTIME packages have not been found:") set(_fullText "${_FS_DESCRIPTION}") foreach(part ${allWhatParts}) set(_tmp) _FS_GET_FEATURE_SUMMARY( ${part} _tmp ${_FS_INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES}) if(_tmp) string(APPEND _fullText "\n-- ${title_${part}}\n${_tmp}\n") if("${part}" STREQUAL "REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") set(requiredPackagesNotFound TRUE) endif() endif() endforeach() endif() if(_FS_FILENAME) if(_FS_APPEND) file(APPEND "${_FS_FILENAME}" "${_fullText}") else() file(WRITE "${_FS_FILENAME}" "${_fullText}") endif() else() if(NOT _FS_VAR) message(STATUS "${_fullText}") endif() endif() if(_FS_VAR) set(${_FS_VAR} "${_fullText}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(requiredPackagesNotFound AND _FS_FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) message(FATAL_ERROR "feature_summary() Error: REQUIRED package(s) are missing, aborting CMake run.") endif() endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: set_package_properties :: set_package_properties(<name> PROPERTIES [ URL <url> ] [ DESCRIPTION <description> ] [ TYPE (RUNTIME|OPTIONAL|RECOMMENDED|REQUIRED) ] [ PURPOSE <purpose> ] ) Use this macro to set up information about the named package, which can then be displayed via FEATURE_SUMMARY(). This can be done either directly in the Find-module or in the project which uses the module after the find_package() call. The features for which information can be set are added automatically by the find_package() command. ``URL <url>`` This should be the homepage of the package, or something similar. Ideally this is set already directly in the Find-module. ``DESCRIPTION <description>`` A short description what that package is, at most one sentence. Ideally this is set already directly in the Find-module. ``TYPE <type>`` What type of dependency has the using project on that package. Default is ``OPTIONAL``. In this case it is a package which can be used by the project when available at buildtime, but it also work without. ``RECOMMENDED`` is similar to ``OPTIONAL``, i.e. the project will build if the package is not present, but the functionality of the resulting binaries will be severly limited. If a ``REQUIRED`` package is not available at buildtime, the project may not even build. This can be combined with the ``FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES`` argument for ``feature_summary()``. Last, a ``RUNTIME`` package is a package which is actually not used at all during the build, but which is required for actually running the resulting binaries. So if such a package is missing, the project can still be built, but it may not work later on. If ``set_package_properties()`` is called multiple times for the same package with different TYPEs, the ``TYPE`` is only changed to higher TYPEs (``RUNTIME < OPTIONAL < RECOMMENDED < REQUIRED``), lower TYPEs are ignored. The ``TYPE`` property is project-specific, so it cannot be set by the Find-module, but must be set in the project. ``PURPOSE <purpose>`` This describes which features this package enables in the project, i.e. it tells the user what functionality he gets in the resulting binaries. If set_package_properties() is called multiple times for a package, all PURPOSE properties are appended to a list of purposes of the package in the project. As the TYPE property, also the PURPOSE property is project-specific, so it cannot be set by the Find-module, but must be set in the project. Example for setting the info for a package: .. code-block:: cmake find_package(LibXml2) set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A XML processing library." URL "http://xmlsoft.org/") # or set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Enables HTML-import in MyWordProcessor") # or set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Enables odt-export in MyWordProcessor") find_package(DBUS) set_package_properties(DBUS PROPERTIES TYPE RUNTIME PURPOSE "Necessary to disable the screensaver during a presentation") #]=======================================================================] function(SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES _name _props) if(NOT "${_props}" STREQUAL "PROPERTIES") message(FATAL_ERROR "PROPERTIES keyword is missing in SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES() call.") endif() set(options ) # none set(oneValueArgs DESCRIPTION URL TYPE PURPOSE ) set(multiValueArgs ) # none CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_SPP "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if(_SPP_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown keywords given to SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES(): \"${_SPP_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\"") endif() if(_SPP_DESCRIPTION) get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_DESCRIPTION) if(_info AND NOT "${_info}" STREQUAL "${_SPP_DESCRIPTION}") message(STATUS "Warning: Property DESCRIPTION for package ${_name} already set to \"${_info}\", overriding it with \"${_SPP_DESCRIPTION}\"") endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_DESCRIPTION "${_SPP_DESCRIPTION}" ) endif() if(_SPP_URL) get_property(_info GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_URL) if(_info AND NOT "${_info}" STREQUAL "${_SPP_URL}") message(STATUS "Warning: Property URL already set to \"${_info}\", overriding it with \"${_SPP_URL}\"") endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_URL "${_SPP_URL}" ) endif() # handle the PURPOSE: use APPEND, since there can be multiple purposes for one package inside a project if(_SPP_PURPOSE) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_PURPOSE "${_SPP_PURPOSE}" ) endif() # handle the TYPE if(NOT _SPP_TYPE) set(_SPP_TYPE OPTIONAL) endif() # List the supported types, according to their priority set(validTypes "RUNTIME" "OPTIONAL" "RECOMMENDED" "REQUIRED" ) list(FIND validTypes ${_SPP_TYPE} _typeIndexInList) if("${_typeIndexInList}" STREQUAL "-1" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "Bad package property type ${_SPP_TYPE} used in SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES(). " "Valid types are OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED and RUNTIME." ) endif() get_property(_previousType GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_TYPE) list(FIND validTypes "${_previousType}" _prevTypeIndexInList) # make sure a previously set TYPE is not overridden with a lower new TYPE: if("${_typeIndexInList}" GREATER "${_prevTypeIndexInList}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_TYPE "${_SPP_TYPE}" ) endif() endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: add_feature_info :: add_feature_info(<name> <enabled> <description>) Use this macro to add information about a feature with the given ``<name>``. ``<enabled>`` contains whether this feature is enabled or not. ``<description>`` is a text describing the feature. The information can be displayed using ``feature_summary()`` for ``ENABLED_FEATURES`` and ``DISABLED_FEATURES`` respectively. Example for setting the info for a feature: .. code-block:: cmake option(WITH_FOO "Help for foo" ON) add_feature_info(Foo WITH_FOO "The Foo feature provides very cool stuff.") #]=======================================================================] function(ADD_FEATURE_INFO _name _enabled _desc) if (${_enabled}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ENABLED_FEATURES "${_name}") else () set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY DISABLED_FEATURES "${_name}") endif () set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_DESCRIPTION "${_desc}" ) endfunction() # The stuff below is only kept for compatibility #[=======================================================================[.rst: Legacy Macros ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following macros are provided for compatibility with previous CMake versions: .. command:: set_package_info :: set_package_info(<name> <description> [ <url> [<purpose>] ]) Use this macro to set up information about the named package, which can then be displayed via ``feature_summary()``. This can be done either directly in the Find-module or in the project which uses the module after the :command:`find_package` call. The features for which information can be set are added automatically by the ``find_package()`` command. #]=======================================================================] function(SET_PACKAGE_INFO _name _desc) unset(_url) unset(_purpose) if(ARGC GREATER 2) set(_url "${ARGV2}") endif() if(ARGC GREATER 3) set(_purpose "${ARGV3}") endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_DESCRIPTION "${_desc}" ) if(NOT _url STREQUAL "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_URL "${_url}" ) endif() if(NOT _purpose STREQUAL "") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY _CMAKE_${_name}_PURPOSE "${_purpose}" ) endif() endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: set_feature_info :: set_feature_info(<name> <description> [<url>]) Does the same as:: set_package_info(<name> <description> <url>) #]=======================================================================] function(SET_FEATURE_INFO) SET_PACKAGE_INFO(${ARGN}) endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: print_enabled_features :: print_enabled_features() Does the same as .. code-block:: cmake feature_summary(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Enabled features:") #]=======================================================================] function(PRINT_ENABLED_FEATURES) FEATURE_SUMMARY(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Enabled features:") endfunction() #[=======================================================================[.rst: .. command:: print_disabled_features :: print_disabled_features() Does the same as .. code-block:: cmake feature_summary(WHAT DISABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Disabled features:") #]=======================================================================] function(PRINT_DISABLED_FEATURES) FEATURE_SUMMARY(WHAT DISABLED_FEATURES DESCRIPTION "Disabled features:") endfunction()