#.rst: # FindGettext # ----------- # # Find GNU gettext tools # # This module looks for the GNU gettext tools. This module defines the # following values: # # :: # # GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgmerge tool. # GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgfmt tool. # GETTEXT_FOUND: True if gettext has been found. # GETTEXT_VERSION_STRING: the version of gettext found (since CMake 2.8.8) # # # # Additionally it provides the following macros: # # GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS ( outputFile [ALL] file1 ... fileN ) # # :: # # This will create a target "translations" which will convert the # given input po files into the binary output mo file. If the # ALL option is used, the translations will also be created when # building the default target. # # GETTEXT_PROCESS_POT_FILE( <potfile> [ALL] [INSTALL_DESTINATION <destdir>] # LANGUAGES <lang1> <lang2> ... ) # # :: # # Process the given pot file to mo files. # If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will # be created, the language subdirectory will be taken into account # (by default use share/locale/). # If ALL is specified, the pot file is processed when building the all traget. # It creates a custom target "potfile". # # GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES( <lang> [ALL] [INSTALL_DESTINATION <dir>] # PO_FILES <po1> <po2> ... ) # # :: # # Process the given po files to mo files for the given language. # If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will # be created, the language subdirectory will be taken into account # (by default use share/locale/). # If ALL is specified, the po files are processed when building the all traget. # It creates a custom target "pofiles". # # .. note:: # If you wish to use the Gettext library (libintl), use :module:`FindIntl`. #============================================================================= # Copyright 2007-2009 Kitware, Inc. # Copyright 2007 Alexander Neundorf <neundorf@kde.org> # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) find_program(GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE msgmerge) find_program(GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE msgfmt) if(GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE gettext_version ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (gettext_version MATCHES "^msgmerge \\([^\\)]*\\) ([0-9\\.]+[^ \n]*)") set(GETTEXT_VERSION_STRING "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() unset(gettext_version) endif() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(Gettext REQUIRED_VARS GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE VERSION_VAR GETTEXT_VERSION_STRING) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeParseArguments.cmake) function(_GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME _name _unique_name) set(propertyName "_GETTEXT_UNIQUE_COUNTER_${_name}") get_property(currentCounter GLOBAL PROPERTY "${propertyName}") if(NOT currentCounter) set(currentCounter 1) endif() set(${_unique_name} "${_name}_${currentCounter}" PARENT_SCOPE) math(EXPR currentCounter "${currentCounter} + 1") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} ${currentCounter} ) endfunction() macro(GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS _potFile _firstPoFileArg) # make it a real variable, so we can modify it here set(_firstPoFile "${_firstPoFileArg}") set(_gmoFiles) get_filename_component(_potName ${_potFile} NAME) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _potBasename ${_potName}) get_filename_component(_absPotFile ${_potFile} ABSOLUTE) set(_addToAll) if(${_firstPoFile} STREQUAL "ALL") set(_addToAll "ALL") set(_firstPoFile) endif() foreach (_currentPoFile ${_firstPoFile} ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_absFile ${_currentPoFile} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_abs_PATH ${_absFile} PATH) get_filename_component(_lang ${_absFile} NAME_WE) set(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_gmoFile} COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --quiet --update --backup=none -s ${_absFile} ${_absPotFile} COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${_gmoFile} ${_absFile} DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ${_absFile} ) install(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION share/locale/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES RENAME ${_potBasename}.mo) set(_gmoFiles ${_gmoFiles} ${_gmoFile}) endforeach () if(NOT TARGET translations) add_custom_target(translations) endif() _GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME(translations uniqueTargetName) add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ${_addToAll} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles}) add_dependencies(translations ${uniqueTargetName}) endmacro() function(GETTEXT_PROCESS_POT_FILE _potFile) set(_gmoFiles) set(_options ALL) set(_oneValueArgs INSTALL_DESTINATION) set(_multiValueArgs LANGUAGES) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_parsedArguments "${_options}" "${_oneValueArgs}" "${_multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_potName ${_potFile} NAME) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _potBasename ${_potName}) get_filename_component(_absPotFile ${_potFile} ABSOLUTE) foreach (_lang ${_parsedArguments_LANGUAGES}) set(_poFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.po") set(_gmoFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo") add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_poFile}" COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE} --quiet --update --backup=none -s ${_poFile} ${_absPotFile} DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_gmoFile}" COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${_gmoFile} ${_poFile} DEPENDS ${_absPotFile} ${_poFile} ) if(_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION) install(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION ${_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES RENAME ${_potBasename}.mo) endif() list(APPEND _gmoFiles ${_gmoFile}) endforeach () if(NOT TARGET potfiles) add_custom_target(potfiles) endif() _GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME( potfiles uniqueTargetName) if(_parsedArguments_ALL) add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ALL DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles}) else() add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles}) endif() add_dependencies(potfiles ${uniqueTargetName}) endfunction() function(GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES _lang) set(_options ALL) set(_oneValueArgs INSTALL_DESTINATION) set(_multiValueArgs PO_FILES) set(_gmoFiles) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(_parsedArguments "${_options}" "${_oneValueArgs}" "${_multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) foreach(_current_PO_FILE ${_parsedArguments_PO_FILES}) get_filename_component(_name ${_current_PO_FILE} NAME) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\.[^.]+)$" "\\1" _basename ${_name}) set(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}.gmo) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_gmoFile} COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${_gmoFile} ${_current_PO_FILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" DEPENDS ${_current_PO_FILE} ) if(_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}.gmo DESTINATION ${_parsedArguments_INSTALL_DESTINATION}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES/ RENAME ${_basename}.mo) endif() list(APPEND _gmoFiles ${_gmoFile}) endforeach() if(NOT TARGET pofiles) add_custom_target(pofiles) endif() _GETTEXT_GET_UNIQUE_TARGET_NAME( pofiles uniqueTargetName) if(_parsedArguments_ALL) add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} ALL DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles}) else() add_custom_target(${uniqueTargetName} DEPENDS ${_gmoFiles}) endif() add_dependencies(pofiles ${uniqueTargetName}) endfunction()