# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # FindHDF5 # -------- # # Find HDF5, a library for reading and writing self describing array data. # # # # This module invokes the HDF5 wrapper compiler that should be installed # alongside HDF5. Depending upon the HDF5 Configuration, the wrapper # compiler is called either h5cc or h5pcc. If this succeeds, the module # will then call the compiler with the -show argument to see what flags # are used when compiling an HDF5 client application. # # The module will optionally accept the COMPONENTS argument. If no # COMPONENTS are specified, then the find module will default to finding # only the HDF5 C library. If one or more COMPONENTS are specified, the # module will attempt to find the language bindings for the specified # components. The only valid components are C, CXX, Fortran, HL, and # Fortran_HL. If the COMPONENTS argument is not given, the module will # attempt to find only the C bindings. # # This module will read the variable # HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES to determine whether or not to prefer a # static link to a dynamic link for HDF5 and all of it's dependencies. # To use this feature, make sure that the HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES # variable is set before the call to find_package. # # To provide the module with a hint about where to find your HDF5 # installation, you can set the environment variable HDF5_ROOT. The # Find module will then look in this path when searching for HDF5 # executables, paths, and libraries. # # Both the serial and parallel HDF5 wrappers are considered and the first # directory to contain either one will be used. In the event that both appear # in the same directory the serial version is preferentially selected. This # behavior can be reversed by setting the variable HDF5_PREFER_PARALLEL to # true. # # In addition to finding the includes and libraries required to compile # an HDF5 client application, this module also makes an effort to find # tools that come with the HDF5 distribution that may be useful for # regression testing. # # This module will define the following variables: # # :: # # HDF5_FOUND - true if HDF5 was found on the system # HDF5_VERSION - HDF5 version in format Major.Minor.Release # HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the hdf5 includes # HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR - Location of the hdf5 includes (deprecated) # HDF5_DEFINITIONS - Required compiler definitions for HDF5 # HDF5_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for all requested bindings # HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 high level API for all # bindings, if the HL component is enabled # # Available components are: C CXX Fortran and HL. For each enabled language # binding, a corresponding HDF5_${LANG}_LIBRARIES variable, and potentially # HDF5_${LANG}_DEFINITIONS, will be defined. # If the HL component is enabled, then an HDF5_${LANG}_HL_LIBRARIES will # also be defined. With all components enabled, the following variables will be defined: # # :: # # HDF5_C_DEFINITIONS -- Required compiler definitions for HDF5 C bindings # HDF5_CXX_DEFINITIONS -- Required compiler definitions for HDF5 C++ bindings # HDF5_Fortran_DEFINITIONS -- Required compiler definitions for HDF5 Fortran bindings # HDF5_C_INCLUDE_DIRS -- Required include directories for HDF5 C bindings # HDF5_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS -- Required include directories for HDF5 C++ bindings # HDF5_Fortran_INCLUDE_DIRS -- Required include directories for HDF5 Fortran bindings # HDF5_C_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C bindings # HDF5_CXX_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C++ bindings # HDF5_Fortran_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 Fortran bindings # HDF5_C_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the high level C bindings # HDF5_CXX_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the high level C++ bindings # HDF5_Fortran_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the high level Fortran # bindings. # # HDF5_IS_PARALLEL - Whether or not HDF5 was found with parallel IO support # HDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C wrapper compiler # HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C++ wrapper compiler # HDF5_Fortran_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 Fortran wrapper compiler # HDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE_NO_INTERROGATE - path to the primary C compiler # which is also the HDF5 wrapper # HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE_NO_INTERROGATE - path to the primary C++ # compiler which is also # the HDF5 wrapper # HDF5_Fortran_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE_NO_INTERROGATE - path to the primary # Fortran compiler which # is also the HDF5 wrapper # HDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 dataset comparison tool # # The following variable can be set to guide the search for HDF5 libraries and includes: # # ``HDF5_ROOT`` # Specify the path to the HDF5 installation to use. # # ``HDF5_FIND_DEBUG`` # Set to a true value to get some extra debugging output. # # ``HDF5_NO_FIND_PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILE`` # Set to a true value to skip trying to find ``hdf5-config.cmake``. # This module is maintained by Will Dicharry . include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SelectLibraryConfigurations.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) # List of the valid HDF5 components set(HDF5_VALID_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS C CXX Fortran) # Validate the list of find components. if(NOT HDF5_FIND_COMPONENTS) set(HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS "C") else() set(HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) # add the extra specified components, ensuring that they are valid. set(FIND_HL OFF) foreach(component IN LISTS HDF5_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(FIND HDF5_VALID_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS ${component} component_location) if(NOT component_location EQUAL -1) list(APPEND HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS ${component}) elseif(component STREQUAL "HL") set(FIND_HL ON) elseif(component STREQUAL "Fortran_HL") # only for compatibility list(APPEND HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS Fortran) set(FIND_HL ON) set(HDF5_FIND_REQUIRED_Fortran_HL False) set(HDF5_FIND_REQUIRED_Fortran True) set(HDF5_FIND_REQUIRED_HL True) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "${component} is not a valid HDF5 component.") endif() endforeach() if(NOT HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) get_property(__langs GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) foreach(__lang IN LISTS __langs) if(__lang MATCHES "^(C|CXX|Fortran)$") list(APPEND HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS ${__lang}) endif() endforeach() endif() list(REMOVE_ITEM HDF5_FIND_COMPONENTS Fortran_HL) # replaced by Fortran and HL list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) endif() # Determine whether to search for serial or parallel executable first if(HDF5_PREFER_PARALLEL) set(HDF5_C_COMPILER_NAMES h5pcc h5cc) set(HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_NAMES h5pc++ h5c++) set(HDF5_Fortran_COMPILER_NAMES h5pfc h5fc) else() set(HDF5_C_COMPILER_NAMES h5cc h5pcc) set(HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_NAMES h5c++ h5pc++) set(HDF5_Fortran_COMPILER_NAMES h5fc h5pfc) endif() # We may have picked up some duplicates in various lists during the above # process for the language bindings (both the C and C++ bindings depend on # libz for example). Remove the duplicates. It appears that the default # CMake behavior is to remove duplicates from the end of a list. However, # for link lines, this is incorrect since unresolved symbols are searched # for down the link line. Therefore, we reverse the list, remove the # duplicates, and then reverse it again to get the duplicates removed from # the beginning. macro(_HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning _list_name) if(${_list_name}) list(REVERSE ${_list_name}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${_list_name}) list(REVERSE ${_list_name}) endif() endmacro() # Test first if the current compilers automatically wrap HDF5 function(_HDF5_test_regular_compiler_C success version is_parallel) set(scratch_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/hdf5) if(NOT ${success} OR NOT EXISTS ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_c) set(test_file ${scratch_directory}/cmake_hdf5_test.c) file(WRITE ${test_file} "#include \n" "#include \n" "const char* info_ver = \"INFO\" \":\" H5_VERSION;\n" "#ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL\n" "const char* info_parallel = \"INFO\" \":\" \"PARALLEL\";\n" "#endif\n" "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n" " int require = 0;\n" " require += info_ver[argc];\n" "#ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL\n" " require += info_parallel[argc];\n" "#endif\n" " hid_t fid;\n" " fid = H5Fcreate(\"foo.h5\",H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);\n" " return 0;\n" "}") try_compile(${success} ${scratch_directory} ${test_file} COPY_FILE ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_c ) endif() if(${success}) file(STRINGS ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_c INFO_STRINGS REGEX "^INFO:" ) string(REGEX MATCH "^INFO:([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(-patch([0-9]+))?" INFO_VER "${INFO_STRINGS}" ) set(${version} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) if(CMAKE_MATCH_3) set(${version} ${HDF5_CXX_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) endif() set(${version} ${${version}} PARENT_SCOPE) if(INFO_STRINGS MATCHES "INFO:PARALLEL") set(${is_parallel} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${is_parallel} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() function(_HDF5_test_regular_compiler_CXX success version is_parallel) set(scratch_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/hdf5) if(NOT ${success} OR NOT EXISTS ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_cxx) set(test_file ${scratch_directory}/cmake_hdf5_test.cxx) file(WRITE ${test_file} "#include \n" "#ifndef H5_NO_NAMESPACE\n" "using namespace H5;\n" "#endif\n" "const char* info_ver = \"INFO\" \":\" H5_VERSION;\n" "#ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL\n" "const char* info_parallel = \"INFO\" \":\" \"PARALLEL\";\n" "#endif\n" "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n" " int require = 0;\n" " require += info_ver[argc];\n" "#ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL\n" " require += info_parallel[argc];\n" "#endif\n" " H5File file(\"foo.h5\", H5F_ACC_TRUNC);\n" " return 0;\n" "}") try_compile(${success} ${scratch_directory} ${test_file} COPY_FILE ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_cxx ) endif() if(${success}) file(STRINGS ${scratch_directory}/compiler_has_h5_cxx INFO_STRINGS REGEX "^INFO:" ) string(REGEX MATCH "^INFO:([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(-patch([0-9]+))?" INFO_VER "${INFO_STRINGS}" ) set(${version} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) if(CMAKE_MATCH_3) set(${version} ${HDF5_CXX_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) endif() set(${version} ${${version}} PARENT_SCOPE) if(INFO_STRINGS MATCHES "INFO:PARALLEL") set(${is_parallel} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${is_parallel} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() function(_HDF5_test_regular_compiler_Fortran success is_parallel) if(NOT ${success}) set(scratch_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/hdf5) set(test_file ${scratch_directory}/cmake_hdf5_test.f90) file(WRITE ${test_file} "program hdf5_hello\n" " use hdf5\n" " use h5lt\n" " use h5ds\n" " integer error\n" " call h5open_f(error)\n" " call h5close_f(error)\n" "end\n") try_compile(${success} ${scratch_directory} ${test_file}) if(${success}) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} -showconfig OUTPUT_VARIABLE config_output ERROR_VARIABLE config_error RESULT_VARIABLE config_result ) if(config_output MATCHES "Parallel HDF5: yes") set(${is_parallel} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${is_parallel} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endif() endfunction() # Invoke the HDF5 wrapper compiler. The compiler return value is stored to the # return_value argument, the text output is stored to the output variable. macro( _HDF5_invoke_compiler language output return_value version is_parallel) set(${version}) if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set(lib_type_args -noshlib) else() set(lib_type_args -shlib) endif() set(scratch_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/hdf5) if("${language}" STREQUAL "C") set(test_file ${scratch_dir}/cmake_hdf5_test.c) elseif("${language}" STREQUAL "CXX") set(test_file ${scratch_dir}/cmake_hdf5_test.cxx) elseif("${language}" STREQUAL "Fortran") set(test_file ${scratch_dir}/cmake_hdf5_test.f90) endif() exec_program( ${HDF5_${language}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -show ${lib_type_args} ${test_file} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${output} RETURN_VALUE ${return_value} ) if(NOT ${${return_value}} EQUAL 0) message(STATUS "Unable to determine HDF5 ${language} flags from HDF5 wrapper.") endif() exec_program( ${HDF5_${language}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -showconfig OUTPUT_VARIABLE config_output RETURN_VALUE config_return ) if(NOT ${return_value} EQUAL 0) message( STATUS "Unable to determine HDF5 ${language} version from HDF5 wrapper.") endif() string(REGEX MATCH "HDF5 Version: ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]*)" version_match "${config_output}") if(version_match) string(REPLACE "HDF5 Version: " "" ${version} "${version_match}") string(REPLACE "-patch" "." ${version} "${${version}}") endif() if(config_output MATCHES "Parallel HDF5: yes") set(${is_parallel} TRUE) else() set(${is_parallel} FALSE) endif() endmacro() # Parse a compile line for definitions, includes, library paths, and libraries. macro( _HDF5_parse_compile_line compile_line_var include_paths definitions library_paths libraries libraries_hl) separate_arguments(_HDF5_COMPILE_ARGS NATIVE_COMMAND "${${compile_line_var}}") foreach(arg IN LISTS _HDF5_COMPILE_ARGS) if("${arg}" MATCHES "^-I(.*)$") # include directory list(APPEND ${include_paths} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-D(.*)$") # compile definition list(APPEND ${definitions} "-D${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-L(.*)$") # library search path list(APPEND ${library_paths} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l(hdf5.*hl.*)$") # library name (hl) list(APPEND ${libraries_hl} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l(.*)$") # library name list(APPEND ${libraries} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^(.:)?[/\\].*\\.(a|so|dylib|sl|lib)$") # library file if(NOT EXISTS "${arg}") continue() endif() get_filename_component(_HDF5_LPATH "${arg}" DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(_HDF5_LNAME "${arg}" NAME_WE) string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib" "" _HDF5_LNAME "${_HDF5_LNAME}") list(APPEND ${library_paths} "${_HDF5_LPATH}") if(_HDF5_LNAME MATCHES "hdf5.*hl") list(APPEND ${libraries_hl} "${_HDF5_LNAME}") else() list(APPEND ${libraries} "${_HDF5_LNAME}") endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() # Select a preferred imported configuration from a target function(_HDF5_select_imported_config target imported_conf) # We will first assign the value to a local variable _imported_conf, then assign # it to the function argument at the end. get_target_property(_imported_conf ${target} MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) if (NOT _imported_conf) # Get available imported configurations by examining target properties get_target_property(_imported_conf ${target} IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS) if(HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "Found imported configurations: ${_imported_conf}") endif() # Find the imported configuration that we prefer. # We do this by making list of configurations in order of preference, # starting with ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} and ending with the first imported_conf set(_preferred_confs ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) list(GET _imported_conf 0 _fallback_conf) list(APPEND _preferred_confs RELWITHDEBINFO RELEASE DEBUG ${_fallback_conf}) if(HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "Start search through imported configurations in the following order: ${_preferred_confs}") endif() # Now find the first of these that is present in imported_conf cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) # support IN_LISTS foreach (_conf IN LISTS _preferred_confs) if (${_conf} IN_LIST _imported_conf) set(_imported_conf ${_conf}) break() endif() endforeach() cmake_policy(POP) endif() if(HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "Selected imported configuration: ${_imported_conf}") endif() # assign value to function argument set(${imported_conf} ${_imported_conf} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if(NOT HDF5_ROOT) set(HDF5_ROOT $ENV{HDF5_ROOT}) endif() if(HDF5_ROOT) set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS NO_DEFAULT_PATH) else() set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS) endif() # Try to find HDF5 using an installed hdf5-config.cmake if(NOT HDF5_FOUND AND NOT HDF5_NO_FIND_PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILE) find_package(HDF5 QUIET NO_MODULE HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) if( HDF5_FOUND) if(HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "Found HDF5 at ${HDF5_DIR} via NO_MODULE. Now trying to extract locations etc.") endif() set(HDF5_IS_PARALLEL ${HDF5_ENABLE_PARALLEL}) set(HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(HDF5_LIBRARIES) if (NOT TARGET hdf5 AND NOT TARGET hdf5-static AND NOT TARGET hdf5-shared) # Some HDF5 versions (e.g. 1.8.18) used hdf5::hdf5 etc set(_target_prefix "hdf5::") endif() set(HDF5_C_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5) set(HDF5_C_HL_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5_hl) set(HDF5_CXX_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5_cpp) set(HDF5_CXX_HL_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5_hl_cpp) set(HDF5_Fortran_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5_fortran) set(HDF5_Fortran_HL_TARGET ${_target_prefix}hdf5_hl_fortran) set(HDF5_DEFINITIONS "") if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set(_suffix "-static") else() set(_suffix "-shared") endif() foreach(_lang ${HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS}) #Older versions of hdf5 don't have a static/shared suffix so #if we detect that occurrence clear the suffix if(_suffix AND NOT TARGET ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix}) if(NOT TARGET ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}) #cant find this component with or without the suffix #so bail out, and let the following locate HDF5 set(HDF5_FOUND FALSE) break() endif() set(_suffix "") endif() if(HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "Trying to get properties of target ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix}") endif() # Find library for this target. Complicated as on Windows with a DLL, we need to search for the import-lib. _HDF5_select_imported_config(${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix} _hdf5_imported_conf) get_target_property(_hdf5_lang_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix} IMPORTED_IMPLIB_${_hdf5_imported_conf} ) if (NOT _hdf5_lang_location) # no import lib, just try LOCATION get_target_property(_hdf5_lang_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix} LOCATION_${_hdf5_imported_conf}) if (NOT _hdf5_lang_location) get_target_property(_hdf5_lang_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix} LOCATION) endif() endif() if( _hdf5_lang_location ) set(HDF5_${_lang}_LIBRARY ${_hdf5_lang_location}) list(APPEND HDF5_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix}) set(HDF5_${_lang}_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${_lang}_TARGET}${_suffix}) set(HDF5_${_lang}_FOUND True) endif() if(FIND_HL) get_target_property(__lang_hl_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_HL_TARGET}${_suffix} IMPORTED_IMPLIB_${_hdf5_imported_conf} ) if (NOT _hdf5_lang_hl_location) get_target_property(_hdf5_lang_hl_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_HL_TARGET}${_suffix} LOCATION_${_hdf5_imported_conf}) if (NOT _hdf5_hl_lang_location) get_target_property(_hdf5_hl_lang_location ${HDF5_${_lang}_HL_TARGET}${_suffix} LOCATION) endif() endif() if( _hdf5_lang_hl_location ) set(HDF5_${_lang}_HL_LIBRARY ${_hdf5_lang_hl_location}) list(APPEND HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${_lang}_HL_TARGET}${_suffix}) set(HDF5_${_lang}_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${_lang}_HL_TARGET}${_suffix}) set(HDF5_HL_FOUND True) endif() unset(_hdf5_lang_hl_location) endif() unset(_hdf5_imported_conf) unset(_hdf5_lang_location) endforeach() endif() endif() if(NOT HDF5_FOUND) set(_HDF5_NEED_TO_SEARCH False) set(HDF5_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE True) # Only search for languages we've enabled foreach(__lang IN LISTS HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) # First check to see if our regular compiler is one of wrappers if(__lang STREQUAL "C") _HDF5_test_regular_compiler_C( HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) elseif(__lang STREQUAL "CXX") _HDF5_test_regular_compiler_CXX( HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) elseif(__lang STREQUAL "Fortran") _HDF5_test_regular_compiler_Fortran( HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) else() continue() endif() if(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE) message(STATUS "HDF5: Using hdf5 compiler wrapper for all ${__lang} compiling") set(HDF5_${__lang}_FOUND True) set(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE_NO_INTERROGATE "${CMAKE_${__lang}_COMPILER}" CACHE FILEPATH "HDF5 ${__lang} compiler wrapper") set(HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS) set(HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES) set(HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES) mark_as_advanced(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE_NO_INTERROGATE) set(HDF5_${__lang}_FOUND True) set(HDF5_HL_FOUND True) else() set(HDF5_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE False) # If this language isn't using the wrapper, then try to seed the # search options with the wrapper find_program(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE NAMES ${HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NAMES} NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES bin Bin DOC "HDF5 ${__lang} Wrapper compiler. Used only to detect HDF5 compile flags." ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) mark_as_advanced( HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE ) unset(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NAMES) if(HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE) _HDF5_invoke_compiler(${__lang} HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILE_LINE HDF5_${__lang}_RETURN_VALUE HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) if(HDF5_${__lang}_RETURN_VALUE EQUAL 0) message(STATUS "HDF5: Using hdf5 compiler wrapper to determine ${__lang} configuration") _HDF5_parse_compile_line( HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILE_LINE HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_DIRS HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_NAMES HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES ) set(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES) foreach(L IN LISTS HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_NAMES) set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL) if("x${L}" MATCHES "hdf5") # hdf5 library set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS}) if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) if(WIN32) set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL lib${L}) else() set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL lib${L}.a) endif() endif() else() # external library set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL) endif() find_library(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L} NAMES ${_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL} ${L} NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${HDF5_ROOT} ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL} ) unset(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL) unset(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL) if(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L}) list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L}}) else() list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES ${L}) endif() endforeach() if(FIND_HL) set(HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES) foreach(L IN LISTS HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES) set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL) if("x${L}" MATCHES "hdf5") # hdf5 library set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS}) if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) if(WIN32) set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL lib${L}) else() set(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL lib${L}.a) endif() endif() else() # external library set(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL) endif() find_library(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L} NAMES ${_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL} ${L} NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${HDF5_ROOT} ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL} ) unset(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS_LOCAL) unset(_HDF5_SEARCH_NAMES_LOCAL) if(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L}) list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_${L}}) else() list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES ${L}) endif() endforeach() set(HDF5_HL_FOUND True) endif() set(HDF5_${__lang}_FOUND True) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES) else() set(_HDF5_NEED_TO_SEARCH True) endif() else() set(_HDF5_NEED_TO_SEARCH True) endif() endif() if(HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION) if(NOT HDF5_VERSION) set(HDF5_VERSION ${HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION}) elseif(NOT HDF5_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION) message(WARNING "HDF5 Version found for language ${__lang}, ${HDF5_${__lang}_VERSION} is different than previously found version ${HDF5_VERSION}") endif() endif() if(DEFINED HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) if(NOT DEFINED HDF5_IS_PARALLEL) set(HDF5_IS_PARALLEL ${HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL}) elseif(NOT HDF5_IS_PARALLEL AND HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) message(WARNING "HDF5 found for language ${__lang} is parallel but previously found language is not parallel.") elseif(HDF5_IS_PARALLEL AND NOT HDF5_${__lang}_IS_PARALLEL) message(WARNING "HDF5 found for language ${__lang} is not parallel but previously found language is parallel.") endif() endif() endforeach() else() set(_HDF5_NEED_TO_SEARCH True) endif() if(NOT HDF5_FOUND AND HDF5_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE) # No arguments necessary, all languages can use the compiler wrappers set(HDF5_FOUND True) set(HDF5_METHOD "Included by compiler wrappers") set(HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_METHOD) elseif(NOT HDF5_FOUND AND NOT _HDF5_NEED_TO_SEARCH) # Compiler wrappers aren't being used by the build but were found and used # to determine necessary include and library flags set(HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(HDF5_LIBRARIES) set(HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) foreach(__lang IN LISTS HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) if(HDF5_${__lang}_FOUND) if(NOT HDF5_${__lang}_COMPILER_NO_INTERROGATE) list(APPEND HDF5_DEFINITIONS ${HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS}) list(APPEND HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ${HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND HDF5_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES}) if(FIND_HL) list(APPEND HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() endif() endforeach() _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_DEFINITIONS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_LIBRARIES) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) set(HDF5_FOUND True) set(HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_LIBRARIES) if(FIND_HL) list(APPEND HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) endif() endif() find_program( HDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE NAMES h5diff HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES bin Bin ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} DOC "HDF5 file differencing tool." ) mark_as_advanced( HDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE ) if( NOT HDF5_FOUND ) # seed the initial lists of libraries to find with items we know we need set(HDF5_C_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5) set(HDF5_C_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5_hl) set(HDF5_CXX_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5_cpp ${HDF5_C_LIBRARY_NAMES}) set(HDF5_CXX_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5_hl_cpp ${HDF5_C_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES} ${HDF5_CXX_LIBRARY_NAMES}) set(HDF5_Fortran_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5_fortran ${HDF5_C_LIBRARY_NAMES}) set(HDF5_Fortran_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES hdf5hl_fortran ${HDF5_C_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES} ${HDF5_Fortran_LIBRARY_NAMES}) foreach(__lang IN LISTS HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) # find the HDF5 include directories if("${__lang}" STREQUAL "Fortran") set(HDF5_INCLUDE_FILENAME hdf5.mod) elseif("${__lang}" STREQUAL "CXX") set(HDF5_INCLUDE_FILENAME H5Cpp.h) else() set(HDF5_INCLUDE_FILENAME hdf5.h) endif() find_path(HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR ${HDF5_INCLUDE_FILENAME} HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATHS $ENV{HOME}/.local/include PATH_SUFFIXES include Include ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) mark_as_advanced(HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR) # set the _DIRS variable as this is what the user will normally use set(HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR}) list(APPEND HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ${HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR}) # find the HDF5 libraries foreach(LIB IN LISTS HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY_NAMES) if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) # According to bug 1643 on the CMake bug tracker, this is the # preferred method for searching for a static library. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/1643. We search # first for the full static library name, but fall back to a # generic search on the name if the static search fails. set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG lib${LIB}d.a lib${LIB}_debug.a lib${LIB}d lib${LIB}_D lib${LIB}_debug lib${LIB}d-static.a lib${LIB}_debug-static.a ${LIB}d-static ${LIB}_D-static ${LIB}_debug-static ) set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE lib${LIB}.a lib${LIB} lib${LIB}-static.a ${LIB}-static) else() set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG ${LIB}d ${LIB}_D ${LIB}_debug ${LIB}d-shared ${LIB}_D-shared ${LIB}_debug-shared) set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE ${LIB} ${LIB}-shared) if(WIN32) list(APPEND HDF5_DEFINITIONS "-DH5_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB") endif() endif() find_library(HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG} HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib Lib ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) find_library( HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE} HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib Lib ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) select_library_configurations( HDF5_${LIB} ) list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY}) endforeach() if(HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES) set(HDF5_${__lang}_FOUND True) endif() # Append the libraries for this language binding to the list of all # required libraries. list(APPEND HDF5_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES}) if(FIND_HL) foreach(LIB IN LISTS HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARY_NAMES) if(HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) # According to bug 1643 on the CMake bug tracker, this is the # preferred method for searching for a static library. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/1643. We search # first for the full static library name, but fall back to a # generic search on the name if the static search fails. set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG lib${LIB}d.a lib${LIB}_debug.a lib${LIB}d lib${LIB}_D lib${LIB}_debug lib${LIB}d-static.a lib${LIB}_debug-static.a lib${LIB}d-static lib${LIB}_D-static lib${LIB}_debug-static ) set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE lib${LIB}.a ${LIB} lib${LIB}-static.a lib${LIB}-static) else() set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG ${LIB}d ${LIB}_D ${LIB}_debug ${LIB}d-shared ${LIB}_D-shared ${LIB}_debug-shared) set( THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE ${LIB} ${LIB}-shared) endif() find_library(HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEBUG} HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib Lib ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) find_library( HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${THIS_LIBRARY_SEARCH_RELEASE} HINTS ${HDF5_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib Lib ${_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS} ) select_library_configurations( HDF5_${LIB} ) list(APPEND HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${LIB}_LIBRARY}) endforeach() # Append the libraries for this language binding to the list of all # required libraries. list(APPEND HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES}) endif() endforeach() if(FIND_HL AND HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) set(HDF5_HL_FOUND True) endif() _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_DEFINITIONS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_LIBRARIES) _HDF5_remove_duplicates_from_beginning(HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) # If the HDF5 include directory was found, open H5pubconf.h to determine if # HDF5 was compiled with parallel IO support set( HDF5_IS_PARALLEL FALSE ) set( HDF5_VERSION "" ) foreach( _dir IN LISTS HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ) foreach(_hdr "${_dir}/H5pubconf.h" "${_dir}/H5pubconf-64.h" "${_dir}/H5pubconf-32.h") if( EXISTS "${_hdr}" ) file( STRINGS "${_hdr}" HDF5_HAVE_PARALLEL_DEFINE REGEX "HAVE_PARALLEL 1" ) if( HDF5_HAVE_PARALLEL_DEFINE ) set( HDF5_IS_PARALLEL TRUE ) endif() unset(HDF5_HAVE_PARALLEL_DEFINE) file( STRINGS "${_hdr}" HDF5_VERSION_DEFINE REGEX "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define[ \t]+H5_VERSION[ \t]+" ) if( "${HDF5_VERSION_DEFINE}" MATCHES "H5_VERSION[ \t]+\"([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(-patch([0-9]+))?\"" ) set( HDF5_VERSION "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" ) if( CMAKE_MATCH_3 ) set( HDF5_VERSION ${HDF5_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) endif() endif() unset(HDF5_VERSION_DEFINE) endif() endforeach() endforeach() set( HDF5_IS_PARALLEL ${HDF5_IS_PARALLEL} CACHE BOOL "HDF5 library compiled with parallel IO support" ) mark_as_advanced( HDF5_IS_PARALLEL ) set(HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_LIBRARIES HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS) if(FIND_HL) list(APPEND HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES) endif() endif() # For backwards compatibility we set HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR to the value of # HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS if( HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ) set( HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR "${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif() # If HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS is empty at this point, then it's likely that # something external is trying to explicitly pass already found # locations if(NOT HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS) set(HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS HDF5_LIBRARIES HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(HDF5 REQUIRED_VARS ${HDF5_REQUIRED_VARS} VERSION_VAR HDF5_VERSION HANDLE_COMPONENTS ) unset(_HDF5_SEARCH_OPTS) if( HDF5_FOUND AND NOT HDF5_DIR) # hide HDF5_DIR for the non-advanced user to avoid confusion with # HDF5_DIR-NOT_FOUND while HDF5 was found. mark_as_advanced(HDF5_DIR) endif() if (HDF5_FIND_DEBUG) message(STATUS "HDF5_DIR: ${HDF5_DIR}") message(STATUS "HDF5_DEFINITIONS: ${HDF5_DEFINITIONS}") message(STATUS "HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS: ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message(STATUS "HDF5_LIBRARIES: ${HDF5_LIBRARIES}") message(STATUS "HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES: ${HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES}") foreach(__lang IN LISTS HDF5_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS) message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS: ${HDF5_${__lang}_DEFINITIONS}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR: ${HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS: ${HDF5_${__lang}_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY: ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARY}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES: ${HDF5_${__lang}_LIBRARIES}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARY: ${HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARY}") message(STATUS "HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES: ${HDF5_${__lang}_HL_LIBRARIES}") endforeach() endif()