# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # FindICU # ------- # # Find the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries and # programs. # # This module supports multiple components. # Components can include any of: ``data``, ``i18n``, ``io``, ``le``, # ``lx``, ``test``, ``tu`` and ``uc``. # # Note that on Windows ``data`` is named ``dt`` and ``i18n`` is named # ``in``; any of the names may be used, and the appropriate # platform-specific library name will be automatically selected. # # This module reports information about the ICU installation in # several variables. General variables:: # # ICU_VERSION - ICU release version # ICU_FOUND - true if the main programs and libraries were found # ICU_LIBRARIES - component libraries to be linked # ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS - the directories containing the ICU headers # # Imported targets:: # # ICU::<C> # # Where ``<C>`` is the name of an ICU component, for example # ``ICU::i18n``. # # ICU programs are reported in:: # # ICU_GENCNVAL_EXECUTABLE - path to gencnval executable # ICU_ICUINFO_EXECUTABLE - path to icuinfo executable # ICU_GENBRK_EXECUTABLE - path to genbrk executable # ICU_ICU-CONFIG_EXECUTABLE - path to icu-config executable # ICU_GENRB_EXECUTABLE - path to genrb executable # ICU_GENDICT_EXECUTABLE - path to gendict executable # ICU_DERB_EXECUTABLE - path to derb executable # ICU_PKGDATA_EXECUTABLE - path to pkgdata executable # ICU_UCONV_EXECUTABLE - path to uconv executable # ICU_GENCFU_EXECUTABLE - path to gencfu executable # ICU_MAKECONV_EXECUTABLE - path to makeconv executable # ICU_GENNORM2_EXECUTABLE - path to gennorm2 executable # ICU_GENCCODE_EXECUTABLE - path to genccode executable # ICU_GENSPREP_EXECUTABLE - path to gensprep executable # ICU_ICUPKG_EXECUTABLE - path to icupkg executable # ICU_GENCMN_EXECUTABLE - path to gencmn executable # # ICU component libraries are reported in:: # # ICU_<C>_FOUND - ON if component was found # ICU_<C>_LIBRARIES - libraries for component # # Note that ``<C>`` is the uppercased name of the component. # # This module reads hints about search results from:: # # ICU_ROOT - the root of the ICU installation # # The environment variable ``ICU_ROOT`` may also be used; the # ICU_ROOT variable takes precedence. # # The following cache variables may also be set:: # # ICU_<P>_EXECUTABLE - the path to executable <P> # ICU_INCLUDE_DIR - the directory containing the ICU headers # ICU_<C>_LIBRARY - the library for component <C> # # .. note:: # # In most cases none of the above variables will require setting, # unless multiple ICU versions are available and a specific version # is required. # # Other variables one may set to control this module are:: # # ICU_DEBUG - Set to ON to enable debug output from FindICU. # Written by Roger Leigh <rleigh@codelibre.net> set(icu_programs gencnval icuinfo genbrk icu-config genrb gendict derb pkgdata uconv gencfu makeconv gennorm2 genccode gensprep icupkg gencmn) # The ICU checks are contained in a function due to the large number # of temporary variables needed. function(_ICU_FIND) # Set up search paths, taking compiler into account. Search ICU_ROOT, # with ICU_ROOT in the environment as a fallback if unset. if(ICU_ROOT) list(APPEND icu_roots "${ICU_ROOT}") else() if(NOT "$ENV{ICU_ROOT}" STREQUAL "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{ICU_ROOT}" NATIVE_PATH) list(APPEND icu_roots "${NATIVE_PATH}") set(ICU_ROOT "${NATIVE_PATH}" CACHE PATH "Location of the ICU installation" FORCE) endif() endif() if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) # 64-bit binary directory set(_bin64 "bin64") # 64-bit library directory set(_lib64 "lib64") endif() # Generic 64-bit and 32-bit directories list(APPEND icu_binary_suffixes "${_bin64}" "bin") list(APPEND icu_library_suffixes "${_lib64}" "lib") # Find all ICU programs foreach(program ${icu_programs}) string(TOUPPER "${program}" program_upcase) set(cache_var "ICU_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE") set(program_var "ICU_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE") find_program("${cache_var}" "${program}" HINTS ${icu_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${icu_binary_suffixes} DOC "ICU ${program} executable") mark_as_advanced(cache_var) set("${program_var}" "${${cache_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() # Find include directory find_path(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "unicode/utypes.h" HINTS ${icu_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${icu_include_suffixes} DOC "ICU include directory") set(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR "${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Get version if(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}/unicode/uvernum.h") file(STRINGS "${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}/unicode/uvernum.h" icu_header_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+U_ICU_VERSION[\t ]+\".*\".*") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[\t ]+U_ICU_VERSION[\t ]+\"([^ \\n]*)\".*" "\\1" icu_version_string "${icu_header_str}") set(ICU_VERSION "${icu_version_string}" PARENT_SCOPE) unset(icu_header_str) unset(icu_version_string) endif() # Find all ICU libraries set(ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND ON) foreach(component ${ICU_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${component}" component_upcase) set(component_cache "ICU_${component_upcase}_LIBRARY") set(component_cache_release "${component_cache}_RELEASE") set(component_cache_debug "${component_cache}_DEBUG") set(component_found "${component_upcase}_FOUND") set(component_libnames "icu${component}") set(component_debug_libnames "icu${component}d") # Special case deliberate library naming mismatches between Unix # and Windows builds unset(component_libnames) unset(component_debug_libnames) list(APPEND component_libnames "icu${component}") list(APPEND component_debug_libnames "icu${component}d") if(component STREQUAL "data") list(APPEND component_libnames "icudt") # Note there is no debug variant at present list(APPEND component_debug_libnames "icudtd") endif() if(component STREQUAL "dt") list(APPEND component_libnames "icudata") # Note there is no debug variant at present list(APPEND component_debug_libnames "icudatad") endif() if(component STREQUAL "i18n") list(APPEND component_libnames "icuin") list(APPEND component_debug_libnames "icuind") endif() if(component STREQUAL "in") list(APPEND component_libnames "icui18n") list(APPEND component_debug_libnames "icui18nd") endif() find_library("${component_cache_release}" ${component_libnames} HINTS ${icu_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${icu_library_suffixes} DOC "ICU ${component} library (release)") find_library("${component_cache_debug}" ${component_debug_libnames} HINTS ${icu_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${icu_library_suffixes} DOC "ICU ${component} library (debug)") include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SelectLibraryConfigurations.cmake) select_library_configurations(ICU_${component_upcase}) mark_as_advanced("${component_cache_release}" "${component_cache_debug}") if(${component_cache}) set("${component_found}" ON) list(APPEND ICU_LIBRARY "${${component_cache}}") endif() mark_as_advanced("${component_found}") set("${component_cache}" "${${component_cache}}" PARENT_SCOPE) set("${component_found}" "${${component_found}}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(${component_found}) if (ICU_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) list(APPEND ICU_LIBS_FOUND "${component} (required)") else() list(APPEND ICU_LIBS_FOUND "${component} (optional)") endif() else() if (ICU_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) set(ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND OFF) list(APPEND ICU_LIBS_NOTFOUND "${component} (required)") else() list(APPEND ICU_LIBS_NOTFOUND "${component} (optional)") endif() endif() endforeach() set(_ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND "${ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(ICU_LIBRARY "${ICU_LIBRARY}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(NOT ICU_FIND_QUIETLY) if(ICU_LIBS_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found the following ICU libraries:") foreach(found ${ICU_LIBS_FOUND}) message(STATUS " ${found}") endforeach() endif() if(ICU_LIBS_NOTFOUND) message(STATUS "The following ICU libraries were not found:") foreach(notfound ${ICU_LIBS_NOTFOUND}) message(STATUS " ${notfound}") endforeach() endif() endif() if(ICU_DEBUG) message(STATUS "--------FindICU.cmake search debug--------") message(STATUS "ICU binary path search order: ${icu_roots}") message(STATUS "ICU include path search order: ${icu_roots}") message(STATUS "ICU library path search order: ${icu_roots}") message(STATUS "----------------") endif() endfunction() _ICU_FIND() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(ICU FOUND_VAR ICU_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS ICU_INCLUDE_DIR ICU_LIBRARY _ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND VERSION_VAR ICU_VERSION FAIL_MESSAGE "Failed to find all ICU components") unset(_ICU_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND) if(ICU_FOUND) set(ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS "${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}") set(ICU_LIBRARIES "${ICU_LIBRARY}") foreach(_ICU_component ${ICU_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${_ICU_component}" _ICU_component_upcase) set(_ICU_component_cache "ICU_${_ICU_component_upcase}_LIBRARY") set(_ICU_component_cache_release "ICU_${_ICU_component_upcase}_LIBRARY_RELEASE") set(_ICU_component_cache_debug "ICU_${_ICU_component_upcase}_LIBRARY_DEBUG") set(_ICU_component_lib "ICU_${_ICU_component_upcase}_LIBRARIES") set(_ICU_component_found "${_ICU_component_upcase}_FOUND") set(_ICU_imported_target "ICU::${_ICU_component}") if(${_ICU_component_found}) set("${_ICU_component_lib}" "${${_ICU_component_cache}}") if(NOT TARGET ${_ICU_imported_target}) add_library(${_ICU_imported_target} UNKNOWN IMPORTED) if(ICU_INCLUDE_DIR) set_target_properties(${_ICU_imported_target} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() if(EXISTS "${${_ICU_component_cache}}") set_target_properties(${_ICU_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${${_ICU_component_cache}}") endif() if(EXISTS "${${_ICU_component_cache_release}}") set_property(TARGET ${_ICU_imported_target} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) set_target_properties(${_ICU_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES_RELEASE "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${${_ICU_component_cache_release}}") endif() if(EXISTS "${${_ICU_component_cache_debug}}") set_property(TARGET ${_ICU_imported_target} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) set_target_properties(${_ICU_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES_DEBUG "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${${_ICU_component_cache_debug}}") endif() endif() endif() unset(_ICU_component_upcase) unset(_ICU_component_cache) unset(_ICU_component_lib) unset(_ICU_component_found) unset(_ICU_imported_target) endforeach() endif() if(ICU_DEBUG) message(STATUS "--------FindICU.cmake results debug--------") message(STATUS "ICU found: ${ICU_FOUND}") message(STATUS "ICU_VERSION number: ${ICU_VERSION}") message(STATUS "ICU_ROOT directory: ${ICU_ROOT}") message(STATUS "ICU_INCLUDE_DIR directory: ${ICU_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "ICU_LIBRARIES: ${ICU_LIBRARIES}") foreach(program IN LISTS icu_programs) string(TOUPPER "${program}" program_upcase) set(program_lib "ICU_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE") message(STATUS "${program} program: ${${program_lib}}") unset(program_upcase) unset(program_lib) endforeach() foreach(component IN LISTS ICU_FIND_COMPONENTS) string(TOUPPER "${component}" component_upcase) set(component_lib "ICU_${component_upcase}_LIBRARIES") set(component_found "${component_upcase}_FOUND") message(STATUS "${component} library found: ${${component_found}}") message(STATUS "${component} library: ${${component_lib}}") unset(component_upcase) unset(component_lib) unset(component_found) endforeach() message(STATUS "----------------") endif() unset(icu_programs)