# - Find Image Magick # This module finds if ImageMagick tools are installed and determines # where the executables are. This code sets the following variables: # # IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the 'convert' utility # IMAGEMAGICK_MOGRIFY_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the 'mogrify' utility # IMAGEMAGICK_IMPORT_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the 'import' utility # IMAGEMAGICK_MONTAGE_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the 'montage' utility # IMAGEMAGICK_COMPOSITE_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the 'composite' utility # IF (WIN32) # Try to find the ImageMagick binary path. FIND_PATH(IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH mogrify.exe [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\ImageMagick\\Current;BinPath] DOC "Path to the ImageMagick binary directory where all executable should be found." ) # Be extra-careful here: we do NOT want CMake to look in the system's PATH # env var to search for convert.exe, otherwise it is going to pick # Window's own convert.exe, and you may say good-bye to your disk. FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_EXECUTABLE NAMES convert PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} NO_SYSTEM_PATH DOC "Path to ImageMagick's convert executable. WARNING: note that this tool, named convert.exe, conflicts with Microsoft Window's own convert.exe, which is used to convert FAT partitions to NTFS format ! Therefore, be extra-careful and make sure the right convert.exe has been picked." ) ELSE (WIN32) SET (IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH "") FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_EXECUTABLE NAMES convert PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} DOC "Path to ImageMagick's convert executable." ) ENDIF (WIN32) # Find mogrify, import, montage, composite FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_MOGRIFY_EXECUTABLE NAMES mogrify PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} DOC "Path to ImageMagick's mogrify executable." ) FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_IMPORT_EXECUTABLE NAMES import PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} DOC "Path to ImageMagick's import executable." ) FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_MONTAGE_EXECUTABLE NAMES montage PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} DOC "Path to ImageMagick's montage executable." ) FIND_PROGRAM(IMAGEMAGICK_COMPOSITE_EXECUTABLE NAMES composite PATHS ${IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH} DOC "Path to ImageMagick's composite executable." ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY_PATH IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_EXECUTABLE IMAGEMAGICK_MOGRIFY_EXECUTABLE IMAGEMAGICK_IMPORT_EXECUTABLE IMAGEMAGICK_MONTAGE_EXECUTABLE IMAGEMAGICK_COMPOSITE_EXECUTABLE )