# - Try to find the OpenSSL encryption library # Once done this will define # # OPENSSL_FOUND - system has the OpenSSL library # OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR - the OpenSSL include directory # OPENSSL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use OpenSSL # Copyright (c) 2006, Alexander Neundorf, <neundorf@kde.org> # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. IF(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) SET(OpenSSL_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) ENDIF(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) IF(SSL_EAY_DEBUG AND SSL_EAY_RELEASE) SET(LIB_FOUND 1) ENDIF(SSL_EAY_DEBUG AND SSL_EAY_RELEASE) FIND_PATH(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR openssl/ssl.h ) IF(WIN32 AND MSVC) # /MD and /MDd are the standard values - if somone wants to use # others, the libnames have to change here too # use also ssl and ssleay32 in debug as fallback for openssl < 0.9.8b FIND_LIBRARY(SSL_EAY_DEBUG NAMES ssleay32MDd ssl ssleay32) FIND_LIBRARY(SSL_EAY_RELEASE NAMES ssleay32MD ssl ssleay32) IF(MSVC_IDE) IF(SSL_EAY_DEBUG AND SSL_EAY_RELEASE) SET(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES optimized ${SSL_EAY_RELEASE} debug ${SSL_EAY_DEBUG}) ELSE(SSL_EAY_DEBUG AND SSL_EAY_RELEASE) SET(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES NOTFOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not find the debug and release version of openssl") ENDIF(SSL_EAY_DEBUG AND SSL_EAY_RELEASE) ELSE(MSVC_IDE) STRING(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER) IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) SET(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES ${SSL_EAY_DEBUG}) ELSE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) SET(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES ${SSL_EAY_RELEASE}) ENDIF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER MATCHES debug) ENDIF(MSVC_IDE) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(SSL_EAY_DEBUG SSL_EAY_RELEASE) ELSE(WIN32 AND MSVC) FIND_LIBRARY(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES NAMES ssl ssleay32 ssleay32MD ) ENDIF(WIN32 AND MSVC) IF(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR AND OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) SET(OPENSSL_FOUND TRUE) ELSE(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR AND OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) SET(OPENSSL_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR AND OPENSSL_LIBRARIES) IF (OPENSSL_FOUND) IF (NOT OpenSSL_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found OpenSSL: ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}") ENDIF (NOT OpenSSL_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE (OPENSSL_FOUND) IF (OpenSSL_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find OpenSSL") ENDIF (OpenSSL_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF (OPENSSL_FOUND) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR OPENSSL_LIBRARIES)