# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[========================================[.rst: FindPkgConfig ------------- A ``pkg-config`` module for CMake. Finds the ``pkg-config`` executable and adds the :command:`pkg_get_variable`, :command:`pkg_check_modules` and :command:`pkg_search_module` commands. The following variables will also be set:: PKG_CONFIG_FOUND ... if pkg-config executable was found PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ... pathname of the pkg-config program PKG_CONFIG_VERSION_STRING ... the version of the pkg-config program found (since CMake 2.8.8) #]========================================] ### Common stuff #### set(PKG_CONFIG_VERSION 1) # find pkg-config, use PKG_CONFIG if set if((NOT PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) AND (NOT "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG}" STREQUAL "")) set(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG}" CACHE FILEPATH "pkg-config executable") endif() find_program(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE NAMES pkg-config DOC "pkg-config executable") mark_as_advanced(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) if (PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE PKG_CONFIG_VERSION_STRING ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif () include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) find_package_handle_standard_args(PkgConfig REQUIRED_VARS PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE VERSION_VAR PKG_CONFIG_VERSION_STRING) # This is needed because the module name is "PkgConfig" but the name of # this variable has always been PKG_CONFIG_FOUND so this isn't automatically # handled by FPHSA. set(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND "${PKGCONFIG_FOUND}") # Unsets the given variables macro(_pkgconfig_unset var) set(${var} "" CACHE INTERNAL "") endmacro() macro(_pkgconfig_set var value) set(${var} ${value} CACHE INTERNAL "") endmacro() # Invokes pkgconfig, cleans up the result and sets variables macro(_pkgconfig_invoke _pkglist _prefix _varname _regexp) set(_pkgconfig_invoke_result) execute_process( COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${ARGN} ${_pkglist} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_invoke_result RESULT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_failed OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (_pkgconfig_failed) set(_pkgconfig_${_varname} "") _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_varname}) else() string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]" " " _pkgconfig_invoke_result "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}") if (NOT ${_regexp} STREQUAL "") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_regexp}" " " _pkgconfig_invoke_result "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}") endif() separate_arguments(_pkgconfig_invoke_result) #message(STATUS " ${_varname} ... ${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}") set(_pkgconfig_${_varname} ${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}) _pkgconfig_set(${_prefix}_${_varname} "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}") endif() endmacro() #[========================================[.rst: .. command:: pkg_get_variable Retrieves the value of a pkg-config variable ``varName`` and stores it in the result variable ``resultVar`` in the calling scope. :: pkg_get_variable( ) If ``pkg-config`` returns multiple values for the specified variable, ``resultVar`` will contain a :ref:`;-list `. For example: .. code-block:: cmake pkg_get_variable(GI_GIRDIR gobject-introspection-1.0 girdir) #]========================================] function (pkg_get_variable result pkg variable) _pkgconfig_invoke("${pkg}" "prefix" "result" "" "--variable=${variable}") set("${result}" "${prefix_result}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # Invokes pkgconfig two times; once without '--static' and once with # '--static' macro(_pkgconfig_invoke_dyn _pkglist _prefix _varname cleanup_regexp) _pkgconfig_invoke("${_pkglist}" ${_prefix} ${_varname} "${cleanup_regexp}" ${ARGN}) _pkgconfig_invoke("${_pkglist}" ${_prefix} STATIC_${_varname} "${cleanup_regexp}" --static ${ARGN}) endmacro() # Splits given arguments into options and a package list macro(_pkgconfig_parse_options _result _is_req _is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global) set(${_is_req} 0) set(${_is_silent} 0) set(${_no_cmake_path} 0) set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 0) set(${_imp_target} 0) set(${_imp_target_global} 0) if(DEFINED PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) if(NOT PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) set(${_no_cmake_path} 1) set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1) endif() elseif(CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.1) set(${_no_cmake_path} 1) set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1) endif() foreach(_pkg ${ARGN}) if (_pkg STREQUAL "REQUIRED") set(${_is_req} 1) endif () if (_pkg STREQUAL "QUIET") set(${_is_silent} 1) endif () if (_pkg STREQUAL "NO_CMAKE_PATH") set(${_no_cmake_path} 1) endif() if (_pkg STREQUAL "NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH") set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1) endif() if (_pkg STREQUAL "IMPORTED_TARGET") set(${_imp_target} 1) endif() if (_pkg STREQUAL "GLOBAL") set(${_imp_target_global} 1) endif() endforeach() if (${_imp_target_global} AND NOT ${_imp_target}) message(SEND_ERROR "the argument GLOBAL may only be used together with IMPORTED_TARGET") endif() set(${_result} ${ARGN}) list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "REQUIRED") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "QUIET") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "NO_CMAKE_PATH") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "IMPORTED_TARGET") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "GLOBAL") endmacro() # Add the content of a variable or an environment variable to a list of # paths # Usage: # - _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths VAR) # - _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV VAR) function(_pkgconfig_add_extra_path _extra_paths_var _var) set(_is_env 0) if(ARGC GREATER 2 AND _var STREQUAL "ENV") set(_var ${ARGV2}) set(_is_env 1) endif() if(NOT _is_env) if(NOT "${${_var}}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND ${_extra_paths_var} ${${_var}}) endif() else() if(NOT "$ENV{${_var}}" STREQUAL "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{${_var}}" _path) list(APPEND ${_extra_paths_var} ${_path}) unset(_path) endif() endif() set(${_extra_paths_var} ${${_extra_paths_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # scan the LDFLAGS returned by pkg-config for library directories and # libraries, figure out the absolute paths of that libraries in the # given directories function(_pkg_find_libs _prefix _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path) unset(_libs) unset(_find_opts) # set the options that are used as long as the .pc file does not provide a library # path to look into if(_no_cmake_path) list(APPEND _find_opts "NO_CMAKE_PATH") endif() if(_no_cmake_environment_path) list(APPEND _find_opts "NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH") endif() unset(_search_paths) foreach (flag IN LISTS ${_prefix}_LDFLAGS) if (flag MATCHES "^-L(.*)") list(APPEND _search_paths ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) continue() endif() if (flag MATCHES "^-l(.*)") set(_pkg_search "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") else() continue() endif() if(_search_paths) # Firstly search in -L paths find_library(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search} NAMES ${_pkg_search} HINTS ${_search_paths} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() find_library(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search} NAMES ${_pkg_search} ${_find_opts}) list(APPEND _libs "${pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search}}") endforeach() set(${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_libs}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # create an imported target from all the information returned by pkg-config function(_pkg_create_imp_target _prefix _imp_target_global) # only create the target if it is linkable, i.e. no executables if (NOT TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} AND ( ${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS OR ${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES OR ${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER )) if(${_imp_target_global}) set(_global_opt "GLOBAL") else() unset(_global_opt) endif() add_library(PkgConfig::${_prefix} INTERFACE IMPORTED ${_global_opt}) if(${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS) set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() if(${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES) set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES}") endif() if(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER) set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS "${${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER}") endif() endif() endfunction() # recalculate the dynamic output # this is a macro and not a function so the result of _pkg_find_libs is automatically propagated macro(_pkg_recalculate _prefix _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global) _pkg_find_libs(${_prefix} ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path}) if(${_imp_target}) _pkg_create_imp_target(${_prefix} ${_imp_target_global}) endif() endmacro() ### macro(_pkg_check_modules_internal _is_required _is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global _prefix) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_FOUND) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_VERSION) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_PREFIX) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_INCLUDEDIR) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBDIR) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_L) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_PATHS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_OTHER) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_I) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBDIR) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_L) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_PATHS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_OTHER) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS_I) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS_OTHER) # create a better addressable variable of the modules and calculate its size set(_pkg_check_modules_list ${ARGN}) list(LENGTH _pkg_check_modules_list _pkg_check_modules_cnt) if(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) # give out status message telling checked module if (NOT ${_is_silent}) if (_pkg_check_modules_cnt EQUAL 1) message(STATUS "Checking for module '${_pkg_check_modules_list}'") else() message(STATUS "Checking for modules '${_pkg_check_modules_list}'") endif() endif() set(_pkg_check_modules_packages) set(_pkg_check_modules_failed) set(_extra_paths) if(NOT _no_cmake_path) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH) endif() if(NOT _no_cmake_environment_path) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH) _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH) endif() if(NOT "${_extra_paths}" STREQUAL "") # Save the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, and add paths # from the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variables set(_pkgconfig_path_old "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}") set(_pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path_old}") if(NOT "${_pkgconfig_path}" STREQUAL "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${_pkgconfig_path}" _pkgconfig_path) endif() # Create a list of the possible pkgconfig subfolder (depending on # the system set(_lib_dirs) if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME OR (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(Linux|kFreeBSD|GNU)$" AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING)) if(EXISTS "/etc/debian_version") # is this a debian system ? if(CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE) list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/pkgconfig") endif() else() # not debian, check the FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS and FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS properties get_property(uselib32 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS) if(uselib32 AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib32/pkgconfig") endif() get_property(uselib64 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS) if(uselib64 AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib64/pkgconfig") endif() get_property(uselibx32 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS) if(uselibx32 AND CMAKE_INTERNAL_PLATFORM_ABI STREQUAL "ELF X32") list(APPEND _lib_dirs "libx32/pkgconfig") endif() endif() endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "FreeBSD" AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) list(APPEND _lib_dirs "libdata/pkgconfig") endif() list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib/pkgconfig") list(APPEND _lib_dirs "share/pkgconfig") # Check if directories exist and eventually append them to the # pkgconfig path list foreach(_prefix_dir ${_extra_paths}) foreach(_lib_dir ${_lib_dirs}) if(EXISTS "${_prefix_dir}/${_lib_dir}") list(APPEND _pkgconfig_path "${_prefix_dir}/${_lib_dir}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _pkgconfig_path) endif() endforeach() endforeach() # Prepare and set the environment variable if(NOT "${_pkgconfig_path}" STREQUAL "") # remove empty values from the list list(REMOVE_ITEM _pkgconfig_path "") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${_pkgconfig_path}" _pkgconfig_path) if(UNIX) string(REPLACE ";" ":" _pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path}") string(REPLACE "\\ " " " _pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path}") endif() set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${_pkgconfig_path}") endif() # Unset variables unset(_lib_dirs) unset(_pkgconfig_path) endif() # iterate through module list and check whether they exist and match the required version foreach (_pkg_check_modules_pkg ${_pkg_check_modules_list}) set(_pkg_check_modules_exist_query) # check whether version is given if (_pkg_check_modules_pkg MATCHES "(.*[^><])(=|[><]=?)(.*)") set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}") else() set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}") set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op) set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver) endif() _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_VERSION) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_PREFIX) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_INCLUDEDIR) _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_LIBDIR) list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_packages "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}") # create the final query which is of the format: # * > # * >= # * = # * <= # * < # * --exists list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query --print-errors --short-errors) if (_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op) list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name} ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op} ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver}") else() list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query --exists) list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}") endif() # execute the query execute_process( COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${_pkg_check_modules_exist_query} RESULT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_retval ERROR_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_error ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # evaluate result and tell failures if (_pkgconfig_retval) if(NOT ${_is_silent}) message(STATUS " ${_pkgconfig_error}") endif() set(_pkg_check_modules_failed 1) endif() endforeach() if(_pkg_check_modules_failed) # fail when requested if (${_is_required}) message(FATAL_ERROR "A required package was not found") endif () else() # when we are here, we checked whether requested modules # exist. Now, go through them and set variables _pkgconfig_set(${_prefix}_FOUND 1) list(LENGTH _pkg_check_modules_packages pkg_count) # iterate through all modules again and set individual variables foreach (_pkg_check_modules_pkg ${_pkg_check_modules_packages}) # handle case when there is only one package required if (pkg_count EQUAL 1) set(_pkg_check_prefix "${_prefix}") else() set(_pkg_check_prefix "${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}") endif() _pkgconfig_invoke(${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "${_pkg_check_prefix}" VERSION "" --modversion ) pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_PREFIX" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "prefix") pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_INCLUDEDIR" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "includedir") pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_LIBDIR" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "libdir") foreach (variable IN ITEMS PREFIX INCLUDEDIR LIBDIR) _pkgconfig_set("${_pkg_check_prefix}_${variable}" "${${_pkg_check_prefix}_${variable}}") endforeach () if (NOT ${_is_silent}) message(STATUS " Found ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}, version ${_pkgconfig_VERSION}") endif () endforeach() # set variables which are combined for multiple modules _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LIBRARIES "(^| )-l" --libs-only-l ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LIBRARY_DIRS "(^| )-L" --libs-only-L ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LDFLAGS "" --libs ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LDFLAGS_OTHER "" --libs-only-other ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" INCLUDE_DIRS "(^| )-I" --cflags-only-I ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" CFLAGS "" --cflags ) _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" CFLAGS_OTHER "" --cflags-only-other ) _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global}) endif() if(NOT "${_extra_paths}" STREQUAL "") # Restore the environment variable set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${_pkgconfig_path_old}") endif() unset(_extra_paths) unset(_pkgconfig_path_old) else() if (${_is_required}) message(SEND_ERROR "pkg-config tool not found") endif () endif() endmacro() #[========================================[.rst: .. command:: pkg_check_modules Checks for all the given modules, setting a variety of result variables in the calling scope. :: pkg_check_modules( [REQUIRED] [QUIET] [NO_CMAKE_PATH] [NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH] [IMPORTED_TARGET [GLOBAL]] [...]) When the ``REQUIRED`` argument is given, the command will fail with an error if module(s) could not be found. When the ``QUIET`` argument is given, no status messages will be printed. By default, if :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` is 3.1 or later, or if :variable:`PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` is set to a boolean ``True`` value, then the :variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`, :variable:`CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH`, and :variable:`CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH` cache and environment variables will be added to the ``pkg-config`` search path. The ``NO_CMAKE_PATH`` and ``NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH`` arguments disable this behavior for the cache variables and environment variables respectively. The ``IMPORTED_TARGET`` argument will create an imported target named ``PkgConfig::`` that can be passed directly as an argument to :command:`target_link_libraries`. The ``GLOBAL`` argument will make the imported target available in global scope. Each ```` can be either a bare module name or it can be a module name with a version constraint (operators ``=``, ``<``, ``>``, ``<=`` and ``>=`` are supported). The following are examples for a module named ``foo`` with various constraints:: foo # Any version matches foo<2 # Only match versions before 2 foo>=3.1 # Match any version from 3.1 or later foo=1.2.3 # Foo must be exactly version 1.2.3 The following variables may be set upon return. Two sets of values exist, one for the common case (`` = ``) and another for the information ``pkg-config`` provides when it is called with the ``--static`` option (`` = _STATIC``):: _FOUND ... set to 1 if module(s) exist _LIBRARIES ... only the libraries (without the '-l') _LINK_LIBRARIES ... the libraries and their absolute paths _LIBRARY_DIRS ... the paths of the libraries (without the '-L') _LDFLAGS ... all required linker flags _LDFLAGS_OTHER ... all other linker flags _INCLUDE_DIRS ... the '-I' preprocessor flags (without the '-I') _CFLAGS ... all required cflags _CFLAGS_OTHER ... the other compiler flags All but ``_FOUND`` may be a :ref:`;-list ` if the associated variable returned from ``pkg-config`` has multiple values. There are some special variables whose prefix depends on the number of ```` given. When there is only one ````, ```` will simply be ````, but if two or more ```` items are given, ```` will be ``_``:: _VERSION ... version of the module _PREFIX ... prefix directory of the module _INCLUDEDIR ... include directory of the module _LIBDIR ... lib directory of the module Examples .. code-block:: cmake pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0) Looks for any version of glib2. If found, the output variable ``GLIB2_VERSION`` will hold the actual version found. .. code-block:: cmake pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0>=2.10) Looks for at least version 2.10 of glib2. If found, the output variable ``GLIB2_VERSION`` will hold the actual version found. .. code-block:: cmake pkg_check_modules (FOO glib-2.0>=2.10 gtk+-2.0) Looks for both glib2-2.0 (at least version 2.10) and any version of gtk2+-2.0. Only if both are found will ``FOO`` be considered found. The ``FOO_glib-2.0_VERSION`` and ``FOO_gtk+-2.0_VERSION`` variables will be set to their respective found module versions. .. code-block:: cmake pkg_check_modules (XRENDER REQUIRED xrender) Requires any version of ``xrender``. Example output variables set by a successful call:: XRENDER_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11 XRENDER_STATIC_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11;pthread;Xau;Xdmcp #]========================================] macro(pkg_check_modules _prefix _module0) _pkgconfig_parse_options(_pkg_modules _pkg_is_required _pkg_is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global "${_module0}" ${ARGN}) # check cached value if (NOT DEFINED __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} OR __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} LESS ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION} OR NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND OR (NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix}}" STREQUAL "${_module0};${ARGN}") OR ( "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix}}" STREQUAL "${_module0}")) _pkg_check_modules_internal("${_pkg_is_required}" "${_pkg_is_silent}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global} "${_prefix}" ${_pkg_modules}) _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION}) if (${_prefix}_FOUND) _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix} "${_module0};${ARGN}") endif() else() if (${_prefix}_FOUND) _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global}) endif() endif() endmacro() #[========================================[.rst: .. command:: pkg_search_module The behavior of this command is the same as :command:`pkg_check_modules`, except that rather than checking for all the specified modules, it searches for just the first successful match. :: pkg_search_module( [REQUIRED] [QUIET] [NO_CMAKE_PATH] [NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH] [IMPORTED_TARGET [GLOBAL]] [...]) Examples .. code-block:: cmake pkg_search_module (BAR libxml-2.0 libxml2 libxml>=2) #]========================================] macro(pkg_search_module _prefix _module0) _pkgconfig_parse_options(_pkg_modules_alt _pkg_is_required _pkg_is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global "${_module0}" ${ARGN}) # check cached value if (NOT DEFINED __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} OR __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} LESS ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION} OR NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND) set(_pkg_modules_found 0) if (NOT ${_pkg_is_silent}) message(STATUS "Checking for one of the modules '${_pkg_modules_alt}'") endif () # iterate through all modules and stop at the first working one. foreach(_pkg_alt ${_pkg_modules_alt}) if(NOT _pkg_modules_found) _pkg_check_modules_internal(0 1 ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global} "${_prefix}" "${_pkg_alt}") endif() if (${_prefix}_FOUND) set(_pkg_modules_found 1) endif() endforeach() if (NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND) if(${_pkg_is_required}) message(SEND_ERROR "None of the required '${_pkg_modules_alt}' found") endif() endif() _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION}) elseif (${_prefix}_FOUND) _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global}) endif() endmacro() #[========================================[.rst: Variables Affecting Behavior ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. variable:: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE This can be set to the path of the pkg-config executable. If not provided, it will be set by the module as a result of calling :command:`find_program` internally. The ``PKG_CONFIG`` environment variable can be used as a hint. .. variable:: PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH Specifies whether :command:`pkg_check_modules` and :command:`pkg_search_module` should add the paths in the :variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`, :variable:`CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH` and :variable:`CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH` cache and environment variables to the ``pkg-config`` search path. If this variable is not set, this behavior is enabled by default if :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` is 3.1 or later, disabled otherwise. #]========================================] ### Local Variables: ### mode: cmake ### End: