# - Find Ruby # This module finds if Ruby is installed and determines where the include files # and libraries are. Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 are supported. The minimum required version # specified in the find_package() command is honored. # It also determines what the name of the library is. This # code sets the following variables: # # RUBY_EXECUTABLE = full path to the ruby binary # RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS = include dirs to be used when using the ruby library # RUBY_LIBRARY = full path to the ruby library # RUBY_VERSION = the version of ruby which was found, e.g. "1.8.7" # RUBY_FOUND = set to true if ruby ws found successfully # # RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH = same as RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS, only provided for compatibility reasons, don't use it #============================================================================= # Copyright 2004-2009 Kitware, Inc. # Copyright 2008-2009 Alexander Neundorf # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # RUBY_ARCHDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"archdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_SITEARCHDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"sitearchdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_SITEDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"sitelibdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_LIBDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"libdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_LIBRUBYARG=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"LIBRUBYARG_SHARED"@:>@)'` # uncomment the following line to get debug output for this file # SET(_RUBY_DEBUG_OUTPUT TRUE) # Determine the list of possible names of the ruby executable depending # on which version of ruby is required SET(_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES ruby) # if 1.9 is required, don't look for ruby18 and ruby1.8, default to version 1.8 IF(Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR AND Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MINOR) SET(Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT "${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR}${RUBY_FIND_VERSION_MINOR}") ELSE(Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR AND Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MINOR) SET(Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT "18") ENDIF(Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR AND Ruby_FIND_VERSION_MINOR) SET(_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES} ruby1.9 ruby19) # if we want a version below 1.9, also look for ruby 1.8 IF("${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT}" VERSION_LESS "19") SET(_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES} ruby1.8 ruby18) ENDIF("${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT}" VERSION_LESS "19") FIND_PROGRAM(RUBY_EXECUTABLE NAMES ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES}) IF(RUBY_EXECUTABLE AND NOT RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION) # query the ruby version EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['MAJOR']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['MINOR']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VERSION_MINOR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['TEENY']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VERSION_PATCH) # query the different directories EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['archdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_ARCH_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['arch']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_ARCH) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['rubyhdrdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_HDR_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['libdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['rubylibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR) # site_ruby EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['sitearchdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_SITELIB_DIR) # vendor_ruby available ? EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r vendor-specific -e "print 'true'" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY ERROR_QUIET) IF(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['vendorlibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['vendorarchdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR) ENDIF(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY) # save the results in the cache so we don't have to run ruby the next time again SET(RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR ${RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby major version" FORCE) SET(RUBY_VERSION_MINOR ${RUBY_VERSION_MINOR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby minor version" FORCE) SET(RUBY_VERSION_PATCH ${RUBY_VERSION_PATCH} CACHE PATH "The Ruby patch version" FORCE) SET(RUBY_ARCH_DIR ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby arch dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_HDR_DIR ${RUBY_HDR_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby header dir (1.9)" FORCE) SET(RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby lib dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR ${RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby ruby-lib dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR ${RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby site arch dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_SITELIB_DIR ${RUBY_SITELIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby site lib dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY ${RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY} CACHE BOOL "Vendor Ruby is available" FORCE) SET(RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR ${RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby vendor arch dir" FORCE) SET(RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR ${RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby vendor lib dir" FORCE) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( RUBY_ARCH_DIR RUBY_ARCH RUBY_HDR_DIR RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR RUBY_SITELIB_DIR RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR RUBY_VERSION_MINOR RUBY_VERSION_PATCH ) ENDIF(RUBY_EXECUTABLE AND NOT RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION) # In case RUBY_EXECUTABLE could not be executed (e.g. cross compiling) # try to detect which version we found. This is not too good. IF(NOT RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR) # by default assume 1.8.0 SET(RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR 1) SET(RUBY_VERSION_MINOR 8) SET(RUBY_VERSION_PATCH 0) # check whether we found 1.9.x IF(${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "ruby1.?9" OR RUBY_HDR_DIR) SET(RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR 1) SET(RUBY_VERSION_MINOR 9) ENDIF(${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "ruby1.?9" OR RUBY_HDR_DIR) ENDIF(NOT RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR) SET(RUBY_VERSION "${RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR}.${RUBY_VERSION_MINOR}.${RUBY_VERSION_PATCH}") SET(_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT "${RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR}.${RUBY_VERSION_MINOR}") SET(_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT "${RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR}${RUBY_VERSION_MINOR}") SET(_RUBY_NODOT_VERSION "${RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR}${RUBY_VERSION_MINOR}${RUBY_VERSION_PATCH}") # Now we know which version we found IF(Ruby_FIND_VERSION) IF(${RUBY_VERSION} VERSION_LESS ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION}) # force running ruby the next time again SET(RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR "" CACHE PATH "The Ruby major version" FORCE) IF(Ruby_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Ruby version ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION} required, but only version ${RUBY_VERSION} found.") ELSE(Ruby_FIND_REQUIRED) IF(NOT Ruby_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Ruby version ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION} required, but only version ${RUBY_VERSION} found.") ENDIF(NOT Ruby_FIND_QUIETLY) RETURN() ENDIF(Ruby_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF(${RUBY_VERSION} VERSION_LESS ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION}) ENDIF(Ruby_FIND_VERSION) FIND_PATH(RUBY_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES ruby.h HINTS ${RUBY_HDR_DIR} ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR} /usr/lib/ruby/${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT}/i586-linux-gnu/ ) SET(RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS ${RUBY_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # if ruby > 1.8 is required or if ruby > 1.8 was found, search for the config.h dir IF( ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT} GREATER 18 OR ${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT} GREATER 18 OR RUBY_HDR_DIR) FIND_PATH(RUBY_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES ruby/config.h config.h HINTS ${RUBY_HDR_DIR}/${RUBY_ARCH} ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR} ) SET(RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS ${RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${RUBY_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR} ) ENDIF( ${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT} GREATER 18 OR ${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT} GREATER 18 OR RUBY_HDR_DIR) # Determine the list of possible names for the ruby library SET(_RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_NAMES ruby ruby-static ruby${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT}) IF(WIN32) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "" ) IF( MSVC60 ) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "60" ) ENDIF( MSVC60 ) IF( MSVC70 ) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "70" ) ENDIF( MSVC70 ) IF( MSVC71 ) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "71" ) ENDIF( MSVC71 ) IF( MSVC80 ) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "80" ) ENDIF( MSVC80 ) IF( MSVC90 ) SET( _RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME "90" ) ENDIF( MSVC90 ) LIST(APPEND _RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_NAMES "msvcr${_RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME}-ruby${_RUBY_NODOT_VERSION}" "msvcr${_RUBY_MSVC_RUNTIME}-ruby${_RUBY_NODOT_VERSION}-static" "msvcrt-ruby${_RUBY_NODOT_VERSION}" "msvcrt-ruby${_RUBY_NODOT_VERSION}-static" ) ENDIF(WIN32) FIND_LIBRARY(RUBY_LIBRARY NAMES ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_NAMES} HINTS ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR} ) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) SET(_RUBY_REQUIRED_VARS RUBY_EXECUTABLE RUBY_INCLUDE_DIR RUBY_LIBRARY) IF(_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT GREATER 18) LIST(APPEND _RUBY_REQUIRED_VARS RUBY_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR) ENDIF(_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT GREATER 18) IF(_RUBY_DEBUG_OUTPUT) MESSAGE(STATUS "--------FindRuby.cmake debug------------") MESSAGE(STATUS "_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES: ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_EXECUTABLE_NAMES}") MESSAGE(STATUS "_RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_NAMES: ${_RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_NAMES}") MESSAGE(STATUS "RUBY_ARCH_DIR: ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR}") MESSAGE(STATUS "RUBY_HDR_DIR: ${RUBY_HDR_DIR}") MESSAGE(STATUS "RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR: ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR}") MESSAGE(STATUS "Found RUBY_VERSION: \"${RUBY_VERSION}\" , short: \"${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT}\", nodot: \"${_RUBY_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT}\"") MESSAGE(STATUS "_RUBY_REQUIRED_VARS: ${_RUBY_REQUIRED_VARS}") MESSAGE(STATUS "--------------------") ENDIF(_RUBY_DEBUG_OUTPUT) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(Ruby DEFAULT_MSG ${_RUBY_REQUIRED_VARS}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( RUBY_EXECUTABLE RUBY_LIBRARY RUBY_INCLUDE_DIR RUBY_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR ) # Set some variables for compatibility with previous version of this file SET(RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATH ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR}) SET(RUBY_RUBY_LIB_PATH ${RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR}) SET(RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH ${RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS})