# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # Findosg_functions # ----------------- # # # # # # This CMake file contains two macros to assist with searching for OSG # libraries and nodekits. Please see FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake for full # documentation. include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SelectLibraryConfigurations.cmake) # # OSG_FIND_PATH # function(OSG_FIND_PATH module header) string(TOUPPER ${module} module_uc) # Try the user's environment request before anything else. find_path(${module_uc}_INCLUDE_DIR ${header} HINTS ENV ${module_uc}_DIR ENV OSG_DIR ENV OSGDIR ENV OSG_ROOT ${${module_uc}_DIR} ${OSG_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) endfunction() # # OSG_FIND_LIBRARY # function(OSG_FIND_LIBRARY module library) string(TOUPPER ${module} module_uc) find_library(${module_uc}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${library} HINTS ENV ${module_uc}_DIR ENV OSG_DIR ENV OSGDIR ENV OSG_ROOT ${${module_uc}_DIR} ${OSG_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) find_library(${module_uc}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${library}d HINTS ENV ${module_uc}_DIR ENV OSG_DIR ENV OSGDIR ENV OSG_ROOT ${${module_uc}_DIR} ${OSG_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) select_library_configurations(${module_uc}) # the variables set by select_library_configurations go out of scope # here, so we need to set them again set(${module_uc}_LIBRARY ${${module_uc}_LIBRARY} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${module_uc}_LIBRARIES ${${module_uc}_LIBRARIES} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # # OSG_MARK_AS_ADVANCED # Just a convenience function for calling MARK_AS_ADVANCED # function(OSG_MARK_AS_ADVANCED _module) string(TOUPPER ${_module} _module_UC) mark_as_advanced(${_module_UC}_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(${_module_UC}_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(${_module_UC}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) endfunction()