# - Find wxWindows (wxWidgets) installation # This module finds if wxWindows/wxWidgets is installed and determines where # the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the name of # the library is. # Please note this file is DEPRECATED and replaced by FindwxWidgets.cmake. # This code sets the following variables: # # WXWINDOWS_FOUND = system has WxWindows # WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES = path to the wxWindows libraries # on Unix/Linux with additional # linker flags from # "wx-config --libs" # CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS = Compiler flags for wxWindows, # essentially "`wx-config --cxxflags`" # on Linux # WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR = where to find "wx/wx.h" and "wx/setup.h" # WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES = link directories, useful for rpath on # Unix # WXWINDOWS_DEFINITIONS = extra defines # # OPTIONS # If you need OpenGL support please # SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1) # in your CMakeLists.txt *before* you include this file. # # HAVE_ISYSTEM - true required to replace -I by -isystem on g++ # # For convenience include Use_wxWindows.cmake in your project's # CMakeLists.txt using INCLUDE(Use_wxWindows). # # USAGE # SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1) # FIND_PACKAGE(wxWindows) # # NOTES # wxWidgets 2.6.x is supported for monolithic builds # e.g. compiled in wx/build/msw dir as: # nmake -f makefile.vc BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 MONOLITHIC=1 # # DEPRECATED # # CMAKE_WX_CAN_COMPILE # WXWINDOWS_LIBRARY # CMAKE_WX_CXX_FLAGS # WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_PATH # # AUTHOR # Jan Woetzel <http://www.mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~jw> (07/2003-01/2006) #============================================================================= # Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc. # Copyright 2003-2006 Jan Woetzel # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # -removed OPTION for CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_USE_GL. Force the developer to SET it before calling this. # -major update for wx 2.6.2 and monolithic build option. (10/2005) # # STATUS # tested with: # cmake 1.6.7, Linux (Suse 7.3), wxWindows 2.4.0, gcc 2.95 # cmake 1.6.7, Linux (Suse 8.2), wxWindows 2.4.0, gcc 3.3 # cmake 1.6.7, Linux (Suse 8.2), wxWindows 2.4.1-patch1, gcc 3.3 # cmake 1.6.7, MS Windows XP home, wxWindows 2.4.1, MS Visual Studio .net 7 2002 (static build) # cmake 2.0.5 on Windows XP and Suse Linux 9.2 # cmake 2.0.6 on Windows XP and Suse Linux 9.2, wxWidgets 2.6.2 MONOLITHIC build # cmake 2.2.2 on Windows XP, MS Visual Studio .net 2003 7.1 wxWidgets 2.6.2 MONOLITHIC build # # TODO # -OPTION for unicode builds # -further testing of DLL linking under MS WIN32 # -better support for non-monolithic builds # IF(WIN32) SET(WIN32_STYLE_FIND 1) ENDIF(WIN32) IF(MINGW) SET(WIN32_STYLE_FIND 0) SET(UNIX_STYLE_FIND 1) ENDIF(MINGW) IF(UNIX) SET(UNIX_STYLE_FIND 1) ENDIF(UNIX) IF(WIN32_STYLE_FIND) ## ###################################################################### ## ## Windows specific: ## ## candidates for root/base directory of wxwindows ## should have subdirs include and lib containing include/wx/wx.h ## fix the root dir to avoid mixing of headers/libs from different ## versions/builds: SET (WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_ROOT_PATHS $ENV{WXWIN} "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\wxWidgets_is1;Inno Setup: App Path]" ## WX 2.6.x "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\wxWindows_is1;Inno Setup: App Path]" ## WX 2.4.x C:\\wxWidgets-2.6.2 D:\\wxWidgets-2.6.2 C:\\wxWidgets-2.6.1 D:\\wxWidgets-2.6.1 C:\\wxWindows-2.4.2 D:\\wxWindows-2.4.2 ) ## WX supports monolithic and multiple smaller libs (since 2.5.x), we prefer monolithic for now. ## monolithic = WX is built as a single big library ## e.g. compile on WIN32 as "nmake -f makefile.vc MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1" (JW) OPTION(WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC "Use monolithic build of WX??" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC) ## GL libs used? OPTION(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL "Use Wx with GL support(glcanvas)?" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ## avoid mixing of headers and libs between multiple installed WX versions, ## select just one tree here: FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR include/wx/wx.h ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_ROOT_PATHS} ) # MESSAGE("DBG found WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR: ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}") ## find libs for combination of static/shared with release/debug ## be careful if you add something here, ## avoid mixing of headers and libs of different wx versions, ## there may be multiple WX version s installed. SET (WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib" ) ## monolithic? IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY NAMES wx wxmsw wxmsw26 PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static release build library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY NAMES wxd wxmswd wxmsw26d PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug build library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY NAMES wxmsw26 wxmsw262 wxmsw24 wxmsw242 wxmsw241 wxmsw240 wx23_2 wx22_9 PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows shared release build library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY NAMES wxmsw26d wxmsw262d wxmsw24d wxmsw241d wxmsw240d wx23_2d wx22_9d PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows shared debug build library " ) ## ## required for WXWINDOWS_USE_GL ## gl lib is always build separate: ## FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_GL NAMES wx_gl wxmsw_gl wxmsw26_gl PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static release build GL library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL NAMES wxd_gl wxmswd_gl wxmsw26d_gl PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug build GL library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_PNG NAMES wxpngd PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug png library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_PNG NAMES wxpng PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static png library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_TIFF NAMES wxtiffd PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug tiff library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_TIFF NAMES wxtiff PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static tiff library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_JPEG NAMES wxjpegd wxjpgd PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug jpeg library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_JPEG NAMES wxjpeg wxjpg PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static jpeg library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_ZLIB NAMES wxzlibd PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug zlib library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_ZLIB NAMES wxzlib PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static zib library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_REGEX NAMES wxregexd PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static debug regex library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_REGEX NAMES wxregex PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows static regex library" ) ## untested: FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY_GL NAMES wx_gl wxmsw_gl wxmsw26_gl PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows shared release build GL library" ) FIND_LIBRARY(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL NAMES wxd_gl wxmswd_gl wxmsw26d_gl PATHS "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll" ${WXWINDOWS_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS} DOC "wxWindows shared debug build GL library" ) ELSE (WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC) ## WX is built as multiple small pieces libraries instead of monolithic ## DEPECATED (jw) replaced by more general WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC ON/OFF # OPTION(WXWINDOWS_SEPARATE_LIBS_BUILD "Is wxWindows build with separate libs?" OFF) ## HACK: This is very dirty. ## because the libs of a particular version are explicitly listed ## and NOT searched/verified. ## TODO: Really search for each lib, then decide for ## monolithic x debug x shared x GL (=16 combinations) for at least 18 libs ## --> about 288 combinations ## thus we need a different approach so solve this correctly ... MESSAGE(STATUS "Warning: You are trying to use wxWidgets without monolithic build (WXWINDOWS_SEPARATE_LIBS_BUILD). This is a HACK, libraries are not verified! (JW).") SET(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBS ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBS} wxbase26 wxbase26_net wxbase26_odbc wxbase26_xml wxmsw26_adv wxmsw26_core wxmsw26_dbgrid wxmsw26_gl wxmsw26_html wxmsw26_media wxmsw26_qa wxmsw26_xrc wxexpat wxjpeg wxpng wxregex wxtiff wxzlib comctl32 rpcrt4 wsock32 ) ## HACK: feed in to optimized / debug libaries if both were FOUND. SET(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBS ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBS} wxbase26d wxbase26d_net wxbase26d_odbc wxbase26d_xml wxmsw26d_adv wxmsw26d_core wxmsw26d_dbgrid wxmsw26d_gl wxmsw26d_html wxmsw26d_media wxmsw26d_qa wxmsw26d_xrc wxexpatd wxjpegd wxpngd wxregexd wxtiffd wxzlibd comctl32 rpcrt4 wsock32 ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_MONOLITHIC) ## ## now we should have found all WX libs available on the system. ## let the user decide which of the available onse to use. ## ## if there is at least one shared lib available ## let user choose wether to use shared or static wxwindows libs IF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY OR WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## default value OFF because wxWindows MSVS default build is static OPTION(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS "Use shared versions (dll) of wxWindows libraries?" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY OR WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## add system libraries wxwindows always seems to depend on SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} comctl32 rpcrt4 wsock32 ) IF (NOT WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ## these ones dont seem required, in particular ctl3d32 is not neccesary (Jan Woetzel 07/2003) # ctl3d32 debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_ZLIB} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_ZLIB} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_REGEX} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_REGEX} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_PNG} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_PNG} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_JPEG} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_JPEG} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_TIFF} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_TIFF} ) ENDIF (NOT WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) ## opengl/glu: TODO/FIXME: better use FindOpenGL.cmake here ## assume release versions of glu an dopengl, here. IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} opengl32 glu32 ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ## ## select between use of shared or static wxWindows lib then set libs to use ## for debug and optimized build. so the user can switch between debug and ## release build e.g. within MS Visual Studio without running cmake with a ## different build directory again. ## ## then add the build specific include dir for wx/setup.h ## IF(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) ##MESSAGE("DBG wxWindows use shared lib selected.") ## assume that both builds use the same setup(.h) for simplicity ## shared: both wx (debug and release) found? ## assume that both builds use the same setup(.h) for simplicity IF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx shared: debug and optimized found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswdlld ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswdll ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/mswd ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/msw ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} debug ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} debug ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ## shared: only debug wx lib found? IF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx shared: debug (but no optimized) found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswdlld ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/mswd ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## shared: only release wx lib found? IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) IF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx shared: optimized (but no debug) found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswdll ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll/msw ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## shared: none found? IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) MESSAGE(STATUS "No shared wxWindows lib found, but WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS=${WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS}.") ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ######################################################################################### ELSE(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) ##jw: DEPRECATED IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_SEPARATE_LIBS_BUILD) ## static: both wx (debug and release) found? ## assume that both builds use the same setup(.h) for simplicity IF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx static: debug and optimized found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswd ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/msw ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib/mswd ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib/msw ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} debug ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL} optimized ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ## static: only debug wx lib found? IF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY) IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx static: debug (but no optimized) found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/mswd ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib/mswd ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## static: only release wx lib found? IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY) IF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ##MESSAGE("DBG wx static: optimized (but no debug) found.") FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH wx/setup.h ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/msw ${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib/msw ) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY} ) IF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES} ${WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_GL} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY) ## static: none found? IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND NOT WXWINDOWS_SEPARATE_LIBS_BUILD) IF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) MESSAGE(STATUS "No static wxWindows lib found, but WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS=${WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS}.") ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY) ENDIF(NOT WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY AND NOT WXWINDOWS_SEPARATE_LIBS_BUILD) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) ## not neccessary in wxWindows 2.4.1 and 2.6.2 ## but it may fix a previous bug, see ## http://lists.wxwindows.org/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?8:mss:37574:200305:mpdioeneabobmgjenoap OPTION(WXWINDOWS_SET_DEFINITIONS "Set additional defines for wxWindows" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WXWINDOWS_SET_DEFINITIONS) IF (WXWINDOWS_SET_DEFINITIONS) SET(WXWINDOWS_DEFINITIONS "-DWINVER=0x400") ELSE (WXWINDOWS_SET_DEFINITIONS) # clear: SET(WXWINDOWS_DEFINITIONS "") ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_SET_DEFINITIONS) ## Find the include directories for wxwindows ## the first, build specific for wx/setup.h was determined before. ## add inc dir for general for "wx/wx.h" FIND_PATH(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR wx/wx.h "${WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR}/include" ) ## append the build specific include dir for wx/setup.h: IF (WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH) SET(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR ${WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR} ${WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH} ) ENDIF (WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( WXWINDOWS_ROOT_DIR WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR_SETUPH WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_GL WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_ZLIB WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_ZLIB WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_REGEX WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_REGEX WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_PNG WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_PNG WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_JPEG WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_JPEG WXWINDOWS_STATIC_DEBUG_LIBRARY_TIFF WXWINDOWS_STATIC_LIBRARY_TIFF WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY WXWINDOWS_SHARED_LIBRARY_GL WXWINDOWS_SHARED_DEBUG_LIBRARY_GL ) ELSE(WIN32_STYLE_FIND) IF (UNIX_STYLE_FIND) ## ###################################################################### ## ## UNIX/Linux specific: ## ## use backquoted wx-config to query and set flags and libs: ## 06/2003 Jan Woetzel ## OPTION(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS "Use shared versions (.so) of wxWindows libraries" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) # JW removed option and force the develper th SET it. # OPTION(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL "use wxWindows with GL support (use additional # --gl-libs for wx-config)?" OFF) # wx-config should be in your path anyhow, usually no need to set WXWIN or # search in ../wx or ../../wx FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE wx-config $ENV{WXWIN} $ENV{WXWIN}/bin ../wx/bin ../../wx/bin ) # check wether wx-config was found: IF(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) # use shared/static wx lib? # remember: always link shared to use systems GL etc. libs (no static # linking, just link *against* static .a libs) IF(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) SET(WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS "--libs") ELSE(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) SET(WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS "--static --libs") ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_USE_SHARED_LIBS) # do we need additionial wx GL stuff like GLCanvas ? IF(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) SET(WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS "${WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS} --gl-libs" ) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL) ##MESSAGE("DBG: WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS=${WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS}===") # set CXXFLAGS to be fed into CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS by the user: IF (HAVE_ISYSTEM) # does the compiler support -isystem ? IF (NOT APPLE) # -isystem seem sto be unsuppored on Mac IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) IF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES g\\+\\+) SET(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS "`${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --cxxflags|sed -e s/-I/-isystem/g`") ELSE(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES g\\+\\+) SET(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS "`${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --cxxflags`") ENDIF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES g\\+\\+) ENDIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) ENDIF (NOT APPLE) ENDIF (HAVE_ISYSTEM) ##MESSAGE("DBG: for compilation: ##CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS=${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS}===") # keep the back-quoted string for clarity SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES "`${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS}`") ##MESSAGE("DBG2: for linking: ##WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES=${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES}===") # evaluate wx-config output to separate linker flags and linkdirs for # rpath: EXEC_PROGRAM(${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${WX_CONFIG_ARGS_LIBS} OUTPUT_VARIABLE WX_CONFIG_LIBS ) ## extract linkdirs (-L) for rpath ## use regular expression to match wildcard equivalent "-L*<endchar>" ## with <endchar> is a space or a semicolon STRING(REGEX MATCHALL "[-][L]([^ ;])+" WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX "${WX_CONFIG_LIBS}" ) # MESSAGE("DBG WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX=${WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX}") ## remove prefix -L because we need the pure directory for LINK_DIRECTORIES ## replace -L by ; because the separator seems to be lost otherwise (bug or ## feature?) IF(WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[-][L]" ";" WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES ${WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX} ) # MESSAGE("DBG WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES=${WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES}") ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES_WITH_PREFIX) ## replace space separated string by semicolon separated vector to make it ## work with LINK_DIRECTORIES SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS(WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) ## we really need wx-config... ELSE(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Cannot find wx-config anywhere on the system. Please put the file into your path or specify it in CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE.") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) ENDIF(CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_WXCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) ELSE(UNIX_STYLE_FIND) MESSAGE(STATUS "FindwxWindows.cmake: Platform unknown/unsupported by FindwxWindows.cmake. It's neither WIN32 nor UNIX") ENDIF(UNIX_STYLE_FIND) ENDIF(WIN32_STYLE_FIND) IF(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES) IF(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR OR CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS) ## found all we need. SET(WXWINDOWS_FOUND 1) ## set deprecated variables for backward compatibility: SET(CMAKE_WX_CAN_COMPILE ${WXWINDOWS_FOUND}) SET(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARY ${WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES}) SET(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_PATH ${WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES ${WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) SET(CMAKE_WX_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS}) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR OR CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS) ENDIF(WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES)