# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${CMAKE_VERSION}) set(prefix "${TEST_PREFIX}") set(suffix "${TEST_SUFFIX}") set(extra_args ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS}) set(properties ${TEST_PROPERTIES}) set(script) set(suite) set(tests) set(tests_buffer) # Overwrite possibly existing ${CTEST_FILE} with empty file set(flush_tests_MODE WRITE) # Flushes script to ${CTEST_FILE} macro(flush_script) file(${flush_tests_MODE} "${CTEST_FILE}" "${script}") set(flush_tests_MODE APPEND) set(script "") endmacro() # Flushes tests_buffer to tests macro(flush_tests_buffer) list(APPEND tests "${tests_buffer}") set(tests_buffer "") endmacro() macro(add_command NAME) set(_args "") foreach(_arg ${ARGN}) if(_arg MATCHES "[^-./:a-zA-Z0-9_]") string(APPEND _args " [==[${_arg}]==]") else() string(APPEND _args " ${_arg}") endif() endforeach() string(APPEND script "${NAME}(${_args})\n") string(LENGTH "${script}" _script_len) if(${_script_len} GREATER "50000") flush_script() endif() # Unsets macro local variables to prevent leakage outside of this macro. unset(_args) unset(_script_len) endmacro() # Run test executable to get list of available tests if(NOT EXISTS "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified test executable does not exist.\n" " Path: '${TEST_EXECUTABLE}'" ) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${TEST_EXECUTOR} "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}" --gtest_list_tests WORKING_DIRECTORY "${TEST_WORKING_DIR}" TIMEOUT ${TEST_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT} OUTPUT_VARIABLE output RESULT_VARIABLE result ) if(NOT ${result} EQUAL 0) string(REPLACE "\n" "\n " output "${output}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running test executable.\n" " Path: '${TEST_EXECUTABLE}'\n" " Result: ${result}\n" " Output:\n" " ${output}\n" ) endif() string(REPLACE "\n" ";" output "${output}") # Parse output foreach(line ${output}) # Skip header if(NOT line MATCHES "gtest_main\\.cc") # Do we have a module name or a test name? if(NOT line MATCHES "^ ") # Module; remove trailing '.' to get just the name... string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.( *#.*)?" "" suite "${line}") if(line MATCHES "#" AND NOT NO_PRETTY_TYPES) string(REGEX REPLACE "/[0-9]\\.+ +#.*= +" "/" pretty_suite "${line}") else() set(pretty_suite "${suite}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "^DISABLED_" "" pretty_suite "${pretty_suite}") else() # Test name; strip spaces and comments to get just the name... string(REGEX REPLACE " +" "" test "${line}") if(test MATCHES "#" AND NOT NO_PRETTY_VALUES) string(REGEX REPLACE "/[0-9]+#GetParam..=" "/" pretty_test "${test}") else() string(REGEX REPLACE "#.*" "" pretty_test "${test}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "^DISABLED_" "" pretty_test "${pretty_test}") string(REGEX REPLACE "#.*" "" test "${test}") if(NOT TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR STREQUAL "") set(TEST_XML_OUTPUT_PARAM "--gtest_output=xml:${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${prefix}${pretty_suite}.${pretty_test}${suffix}.xml") else() unset(TEST_XML_OUTPUT_PARAM) endif() # ...and add to script add_command(add_test "${prefix}${pretty_suite}.${pretty_test}${suffix}" ${TEST_EXECUTOR} "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}" "--gtest_filter=${suite}.${test}" "--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests" ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_PARAM} ${extra_args} ) if(suite MATCHES "^DISABLED" OR test MATCHES "^DISABLED") add_command(set_tests_properties "${prefix}${pretty_suite}.${pretty_test}${suffix}" PROPERTIES DISABLED TRUE ) endif() add_command(set_tests_properties "${prefix}${pretty_suite}.${pretty_test}${suffix}" PROPERTIES WORKING_DIRECTORY "${TEST_WORKING_DIR}" ${properties} ) list(APPEND tests_buffer "${prefix}${pretty_suite}.${pretty_test}${suffix}") list(LENGTH tests_buffer tests_buffer_length) if(${tests_buffer_length} GREATER "250") flush_tests_buffer() endif() endif() endif() endforeach() # Create a list of all discovered tests, which users may use to e.g. set # properties on the tests flush_tests_buffer() add_command(set ${TEST_LIST} ${tests}) # Write CTest script flush_script()