# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: ProcessorCount -------------- ProcessorCount(var) Determine the number of processors/cores and save value in ${var} Sets the variable named ${var} to the number of physical cores available on the machine if the information can be determined. Otherwise it is set to 0. Currently this functionality is implemented for AIX, cygwin, FreeBSD, HPUX, IRIX, Linux, macOS, QNX, Sun and Windows. This function is guaranteed to return a positive integer (>=1) if it succeeds. It returns 0 if there's a problem determining the processor count. Example use, in a ctest -S dashboard script: :: include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(N) if(NOT N EQUAL 0) set(CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS -j${N}) set(ctest_test_args ${ctest_test_args} PARALLEL_LEVEL ${N}) endif() This function is intended to offer an approximation of the value of the number of compute cores available on the current machine, such that you may use that value for parallel building and parallel testing. It is meant to help utilize as much of the machine as seems reasonable. Of course, knowledge of what else might be running on the machine simultaneously should be used when deciding whether to request a machine's full capacity all for yourself. #]=======================================================================] # A more reliable way might be to compile a small C program that uses the CPUID # instruction, but that again requires compiler support or compiling assembler # code. function(ProcessorCount var) # Unknown: set(count 0) if(WIN32) # Windows: set(count "$ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}") #message("ProcessorCount: WIN32, trying environment variable") endif() if(NOT count) # Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD (systems with sysctl): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_sysctl sysctl PATHS /usr/sbin /sbin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_sysctl) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_sysctl) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_sysctl} -n hw.ncpu ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE count) #message("ProcessorCount: trying sysctl '${ProcessorCount_cmd_sysctl}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # Linux (systems with getconf): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_getconf getconf) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_getconf) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_getconf) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_getconf} _NPROCESSORS_ONLN ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE count) #message("ProcessorCount: trying getconf '${ProcessorCount_cmd_getconf}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # HPUX (systems with machinfo): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_machinfo machinfo PATHS /usr/contrib/bin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_machinfo) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_machinfo) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_machinfo} ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE machinfo_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "Number of CPUs = ([0-9]+)" procs "${machinfo_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if(NOT count) string(REGEX MATCHALL "([0-9]+) logical processors" procs "${machinfo_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() #message("ProcessorCount: trying machinfo '${ProcessorCount_cmd_machinfo}'") else() find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_mpsched mpsched) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_mpsched) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_mpsched) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_mpsched} -s OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_VARIABLE mpsched_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "Processor Count *: *([0-9]+)" procs "${mpsched_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") #message("ProcessorCount: trying mpsched -s '${ProcessorCount_cmd_mpsched}'") endif() endif() endif() if(NOT count) # IRIX (systems with hinv): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_hinv hinv PATHS /sbin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_hinv) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_hinv) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_hinv} ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE hinv_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "([0-9]+) .* Processors" procs "${hinv_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") #message("ProcessorCount: trying hinv '${ProcessorCount_cmd_hinv}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # AIX (systems with lsconf): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_lsconf lsconf PATHS /usr/sbin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_lsconf) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_lsconf) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_lsconf} ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE lsconf_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "Number Of Processors: ([0-9]+)" procs "${lsconf_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") #message("ProcessorCount: trying lsconf '${ProcessorCount_cmd_lsconf}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # QNX (systems with pidin): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_pidin pidin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_pidin) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_pidin) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_pidin} info ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE pidin_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "Processor[0-9]+: " procs "${pidin_output}") list(LENGTH procs count) #message("ProcessorCount: trying pidin '${ProcessorCount_cmd_pidin}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # Sun (systems where psrinfo tool is available) find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_psrinfo psrinfo PATHS /usr/sbin /sbin) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_psrinfo) if (ProcessorCount_cmd_psrinfo) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_psrinfo} -p -v ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE psrinfo_output) string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+) virtual processor" procs "${psrinfo_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") #message("ProcessorCount: trying psrinfo -p -v '${ProcessorCount_cmd_prvinfo}'") else() # Sun (systems where uname -X emits "NumCPU" in its output): find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_uname uname) mark_as_advanced(ProcessorCount_cmd_uname) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_uname) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_uname} -X ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE uname_X_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "NumCPU = ([0-9]+)" procs "${uname_X_output}") set(count "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") #message("ProcessorCount: trying uname -X '${ProcessorCount_cmd_uname}'") endif() endif() endif() # Execute this code when all previously attempted methods return empty # output: # if(NOT count) # Systems with /proc/cpuinfo: set(cpuinfo_file /proc/cpuinfo) if(EXISTS "${cpuinfo_file}") file(STRINGS "${cpuinfo_file}" procs REGEX "^processor.: [0-9]+$") list(LENGTH procs count) #message("ProcessorCount: trying cpuinfo '${cpuinfo_file}'") endif() endif() if(NOT count) # Haiku find_program(ProcessorCount_cmd_sysinfo sysinfo) if(ProcessorCount_cmd_sysinfo) execute_process(COMMAND ${ProcessorCount_cmd_sysinfo} ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE sysinfo_X_output) string(REGEX MATCHALL "\nCPU #[0-9]+:" procs "\n${sysinfo_X_output}") list(LENGTH procs count) #message("ProcessorCount: trying sysinfo '${ProcessorCount_cmd_sysinfo}'") endif() endif() # Since cygwin builds of CMake do not define WIN32 anymore, but they still # run on Windows, and will still have this env var defined: # if(NOT count) set(count "$ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}") #message("ProcessorCount: last fallback, trying environment variable") endif() # Ensure an integer return (avoid inadvertently returning an empty string # or an error string)... If it's not a decimal integer, return 0: # if(NOT count MATCHES "^[0-9]+$") set(count 0) endif() set(${var} ${count} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()