# - Use Module for Java # This file provides functions for Java. It is assumed that FindJava.cmake # has already been loaded. See FindJava.cmake for information on how to # load Java into your CMake project. # # add_jar(TARGET_NAME SRC1 SRC2 .. SRCN RCS1 RCS2 .. RCSN) # # This command creates a .jar. It compiles the given source # files (SRC) and adds the given resource files (RCS) to the jar file. # If only resource files are given then just a jar file is created. # # Additional instructions: # To add compile flags to the target you can set these flags with # the following variable: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_COMPILE_FLAGS -nowarn) # # To add a path or a jar file to the class path you can do this # with the CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH variable. # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/share/java/shibboleet.jar) # # To use a different output name for the target you can set it with: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME shibboleet.jar) # add_jar(foobar foobar.java) # # To add a VERSION to the target output name you can set it using # CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION. This will create a jar file with the name # shibboleet-1.0.0.jar and will create a symlink shibboleet.jar # pointing to the jar with the version information. # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0) # add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java) # # If the target is a JNI library, utilize the following commands to # create a JNI symbolic link: # # set(CMAKE_JNI_TARGET TRUE) # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0) # add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java) # install_jar(shibboleet ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/shibboleet) # install_jni_symlink(shibboleet ${JAVA_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) # # If a single target needs to produce more than one jar from its # java source code, to prevent the accumulation of duplicate class # files in subsequent jars, set/reset CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX prior # to calling the add_jar() function: # # set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/foo) # add_jar(foo foo.java) # # set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/bar) # add_jar(bar bar.java) # # Target Properties: # The add_jar() functions sets some target properties. You can get these # properties with the # get_property(TARGET PROPERTY ) # command. # # INSTALL_FILES The files which should be installed. This is used by # install_jar(). # JNI_SYMLINK The JNI symlink which should be installed. # This is used by install_jni_symlink(). # JAR_FILE The location of the jar file so that you can include # it. # CLASS_DIR The directory where the class files can be found. For # example to use them with javah. # # find_jar( # name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...] # [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]] # [VERSIONS version1 [version2]] # [DOC "cache documentation string"] # ) # # This command is used to find a full path to the named jar. A cache # entry named by is created to stor the result of this command. If # the full path to a jar is found the result is stored in the variable # and the search will not repeated unless the variable is cleared. If # nothing is found, the result will be -NOTFOUND, and the search # will be attempted again next time find_jar is invoked with the same # variable. # The name of the full path to a file that is searched for is specified # by the names listed after NAMES argument. Additional search locations # can be specified after the PATHS argument. If you require special a # version of a jar file you can specify it with the VERSIONS argument. # The argument after DOC will be used for the documentation string in # the cache. # # install_jar(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION) # # This command installs the TARGET_NAME files to the given DESTINATION. # It should be called in the same scope as add_jar() or it will fail. # # install_jni_symlink(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION) # # This command installs the TARGET_NAME JNI symlinks to the given # DESTINATION. It should be called in the same scope as add_jar() # or it will fail. # # create_javadoc( # PACKAGES pkg1 [pkg2 ...] # [SOURCEPATH ] # [CLASSPATH ] # [INSTALLPATH ] # [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"] # [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"] # [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE] # [USE TRUE|FALSE] # [VERSION TRUE|FALSE] # ) # # Create jave documentation based on files or packages. For more # details please read the javadoc manpage. # # There are two main signatures for create_javadoc. The first # signature works with package names on a path with source files: # # Example: # create_javadoc(my_example_doc # PACKAGES com.exmaple.foo com.example.bar # SOURCEPATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH} # CLASSPATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} # WINDOWTITLE "My example" # DOCTITLE "

My example

" # AUTHOR TRUE # USE TRUE # VERSION TRUE # ) # # The second signature for create_javadoc works on a given list of # files. # # create_javadoc( # FILES file1 [file2 ...] # [CLASSPATH ] # [INSTALLPATH ] # [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"] # [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"] # [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE] # [USE TRUE|FALSE] # [VERSION TRUE|FALSE] # ) # # Example: # create_javadoc(my_example_doc # FILES ${example_SRCS} # CLASSPATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} # WINDOWTITLE "My example" # DOCTITLE "

My example

" # AUTHOR TRUE # USE TRUE # VERSION TRUE # ) # # Both signatures share most of the options. These options are the # same as what you can find in the javadoc manpage. Please look at # the manpage for CLASSPATH, DOCTITLE, WINDOWTITLE, AUTHOR, USE and # VERSION. # # The documentation will be by default installed to # # ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/javadoc/ # # if you don't set the INSTALLPATH. # #============================================================================= # Copyright 2010-2011 Andreas schneider # Copyright 2010 Ben Boeckel # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) function (__java_copy_file src dest comment) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${dest} COMMAND cmake -E copy_if_different ARGS ${src} ${dest} DEPENDS ${src} COMMENT ${comment}) endfunction (__java_copy_file src dest comment) # define helper scripts set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILELIST_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseJavaClassFilelist.cmake) set(_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseJavaSymlinks.cmake) function(add_jar _TARGET_NAME) set(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILES ${ARGN}) if (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) else (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_JAVA_OBJECT_OUTPUT_PATH} ${CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} ) if (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP ";") else (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP ":") endif(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) foreach (JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL "${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL}${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP}${JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR}") endforeach(JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR) set(CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/${_TARGET_NAME}.dir") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${_TARGET_NAME}.jar") if (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME AND CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}-${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION}.jar") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}.jar") elseif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${_TARGET_NAME}-${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION}.jar") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK "${_TARGET_NAME}.jar") elseif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}.jar") endif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME AND CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) # reset set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILES) set(_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) set(_JAVA_DEPENDS) set(_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES) foreach(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILES}) get_filename_component(_JAVA_EXT ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} EXT) get_filename_component(_JAVA_FILE ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_JAVA_PATH ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} PATH) get_filename_component(_JAVA_FULL ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} ABSOLUTE) file(RELATIVE_PATH _JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${_JAVA_FULL}) file(RELATIVE_PATH _JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${_JAVA_FULL}) string(LENGTH ${_JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH} _BIN_LEN) string(LENGTH ${_JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH} _SRC_LEN) if (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) set(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH}) else (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) set(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH}) endif (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) get_filename_component(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_PATH} PATH) if (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") list(APPEND _JAVA_COMPILE_FILES ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILE "${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_JAVA_REL_PATH}/${_JAVA_FILE}.class") set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILES ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILES} ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILE}) elseif (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".jar" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".war" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".ear" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".sar") list(APPEND CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) elseif (_JAVA_EXT STREQUAL "") list(APPEND CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}} ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}_CLASSPATH}) list(APPEND _JAVA_DEPENDS ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}}) else (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") __java_copy_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} "Copying ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} to the build directory") list(APPEND _JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) endif (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") endforeach(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE) # create an empty java_class_filelist if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist) file(WRITE ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist "") endif() if (_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) # Compile the java files and create a list of class files add_custom_command( # NOTE: this command generates an artificial dependency file OUTPUT ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_JAVA_COMPILE_FLAGS} -classpath "${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL}" -d ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} ${_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Building Java objects for ${_TARGET_NAME}.jar" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH=${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} -DCMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX="${CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX}" -P ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILELIST_SCRIPT} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif (_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) # create the jar file if (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} COMMAND ${Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE} -cf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} @java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} ${_JAVA_DEPENDS} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} COMMENT "Creating Java archive ${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}" ) else () add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} COMMAND ${Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE} -cf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} @java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} ${_JAVA_DEPENDS} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist COMMENT "Creating Java archive ${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}" ) endif (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) # Add the target and make sure we have the latest resource files. add_custom_target(${_TARGET_NAME} ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} ) if (_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} ) if (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JNI_SYMLINK ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} ) endif (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) endif (_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JAR_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} ) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY CLASSDIR ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} ) endfunction(add_jar) function(INSTALL_JAR _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) get_property(__FILES TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ) if (__FILES) install( FILES ${__FILES} DESTINATION ${_DESTINATION} ) else (__FILES) message(SEND_ERROR "The target ${_TARGET_NAME} is not known in this scope.") endif (__FILES) endfunction(INSTALL_JAR _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) function(INSTALL_JNI_SYMLINK _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) get_property(__SYMLINK TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JNI_SYMLINK ) if (__SYMLINK) install( FILES ${__SYMLINK} DESTINATION ${_DESTINATION} ) else (__SYMLINK) message(SEND_ERROR "The target ${_TARGET_NAME} is not known in this scope.") endif (__SYMLINK) endfunction(INSTALL_JNI_SYMLINK _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) function (find_jar VARIABLE) set(_jar_names) set(_jar_files) set(_jar_versions) set(_jar_paths /usr/share/java/ /usr/local/share/java/ ${Java_JAR_PATHS}) set(_jar_doc "NOTSET") set(_state "name") foreach (arg ${ARGN}) if (${_state} STREQUAL "name") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_jar_names ${arg}) if (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") set(_jar_doc "Finding ${arg} jar") endif (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "versions") if (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_jar_versions ${_jar_versions} ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "names") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_names ${_jar_names} ${arg}) if (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") set(_jar_doc "Finding ${arg} jar") endif (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "paths") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_paths ${_jar_paths} ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "doc") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_doc ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") endif (${_state} STREQUAL "name") endforeach (arg ${ARGN}) if (${_jar_names} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "find_jar: No name to search for given") endif (${_jar_names} STREQUAL "") foreach (jar_name ${_jar_names}) foreach (version ${_jar_versions}) set(_jar_files ${_jar_files} ${jar_name}-${version}.jar) endforeach (version ${_jar_versions}) set(_jar_files ${_jar_files} ${jar_name}.jar) endforeach (jar_name ${_jar_names}) find_file(${VARIABLE} NAMES ${_jar_files} PATHS ${_jar_paths} DOC ${_jar_doc} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endfunction (find_jar VARIABLE) function(create_javadoc _target) set(_javadoc_packages) set(_javadoc_files) set(_javadoc_sourcepath) set(_javadoc_classpath) set(_javadoc_installpath "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/javadoc") set(_javadoc_doctitle) set(_javadoc_windowtitle) set(_javadoc_author FALSE) set(_javadoc_version FALSE) set(_javadoc_use FALSE) set(_state "package") foreach (arg ${ARGN}) if (${_state} STREQUAL "package") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_packages ${arg}) set(_state "packages") endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "packages") if (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_packages ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "files") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_files ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "sourcepath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_sourcepath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "classpath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_classpath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "installpath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_installpath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "doctitle") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_doctitle ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "windowtitle") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_windowtitle ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "author") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_author ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "use") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_use ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "version") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} 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Disable libtestfortran.dsp Solution: Platforms tested: Misc. update: * [svn-r12222] Purpose:Fang Guo2006-04-111-1/+1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Maintenance on Windows Description: Fix a echo error: when running lstest.bat, previously echo "h5dump ..." change it to "h5ls ..." Solution: Platforms tested: Misc. update: * [svn-r12221] Purpose:Quincey Koziol2006-04-1044-23/+262 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "Hide" file format changes (for now) Description: Add ifdef's (controlled by the --enable-group-revision configure flag) to disable group revision changes to the file format, in order to allow alpha release to go ahead without releasing an unsupported version into the wild. Platforms tested: FreeBSD 4.11 (sleipnir) Linux 2.4 32-bit (heping) Linux 2.4 64-bit (mir) Solaris 2.9 (shanti) * [svn-r12219] Purpose:Quincey Koziol2006-04-101-3/+0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Code cleanup Description: Don't include empty public header files. Platforms tested: FreeBSD 4.11 (sleipnir) Linux 2.4 32-bit (heping) Linux 2.4 64-bit (mir) Solaris 2.9 (shanti) * [svn-r12218] Purpose:Quincey Koziol2006-04-10