#.rst: # WriteCompilerDetectionHeader # ---------------------------- # # This module provides the function write_compiler_detection_header(). # # The ``WRITE_COMPILER_DETECTION_HEADER`` function can be used to generate # a file suitable for preprocessor inclusion which contains macros to be # used in source code:: # # write_compiler_detection_header( # FILE <file> # PREFIX <prefix> # COMPILERS <compiler> [...] # FEATURES <feature> [...] # [VERSION <version>] # [PROLOG <prolog>] # [EPILOG <epilog>] # ) # # The ``write_compiler_detection_header`` function generates the # file ``<file>`` with macros which all have the prefix ``<prefix>``. # # ``VERSION`` may be used to specify the API version to be generated. # Future versions of CMake may introduce alternative APIs. A given # API is selected by any ``<version>`` value greater than or equal # to the version of CMake that introduced the given API and less # than the version of CMake that introduced its succeeding API. # The value of the :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` # variable is used if no explicit version is specified. # (As of CMake version |release| there is only one API version.) # # ``PROLOG`` may be specified as text content to write at the start of the # header. ``EPILOG`` may be specified as text content to write at the end # of the header # # At least one ``<compiler>`` and one ``<feature>`` must be listed. Compilers # which are known to CMake, but not specified are detected and a preprocessor # ``#error`` is generated for them. A preprocessor macro matching # ``<PREFIX>_COMPILER_IS_<compiler>`` is generated for each compiler # known to CMake to contain the value ``0`` or ``1``. # # Possible compiler identifiers are documented with the # :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` variable. # Available features in this version of CMake are listed in the # :prop_gbl:`CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEATURES` and # :prop_gbl:`CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES` global properties. # # See the :manual:`cmake-compile-features(7)` manual for information on # compile features. # # Feature Test Macros # =================== # # For each compiler, a preprocessor test of the compiler version is generated # denoting whether each feature is enabled. A preprocessor macro # matching ``<PREFIX>_COMPILER_<FEATURE>``, where ``<FEATURE>`` is the # upper-case ``<feature>`` name, is generated to contain the value # ``0`` or ``1`` depending on whether the compiler in use supports the # feature: # # .. code-block:: cmake # # write_compiler_detection_header( # FILE climbingstats_compiler_detection.h # PREFIX ClimbingStats # COMPILERS GNU Clang MSVC # FEATURES cxx_variadic_templates # ) # # .. code-block:: c++ # # #if ClimbingStats_COMPILER_CXX_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES # template<typename... T> # void someInterface(T t...) { /* ... */ } # #else # // Compatibility versions # template<typename T1> # void someInterface(T1 t1) { /* ... */ } # template<typename T1, typename T2> # void someInterface(T1 t1, T2 t2) { /* ... */ } # template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> # void someInterface(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3) { /* ... */ } # #endif # # Symbol Macros # ============= # # Some additional symbol-defines are created for particular features for # use as symbols which may be conditionally defined empty: # # .. code-block:: c++ # # class MyClass ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_FINAL # { # ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_CONSTEXPR int someInterface() { return 42; } # }; # # The ``ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_FINAL`` macro will expand to ``final`` if the # compiler (and its flags) support the ``cxx_final`` feature, and the # ``ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_CONSTEXPR`` macro will expand to ``constexpr`` # if ``cxx_constexpr`` is supported. # # The following features generate corresponding symbol defines: # # ========================== =================================== ================= # Feature Define Symbol # ========================== =================================== ================= # ``c_restrict`` ``<PREFIX>_RESTRICT`` ``restrict`` # ``cxx_constexpr`` ``<PREFIX>_CONSTEXPR`` ``constexpr`` # ``cxx_deleted_functions`` ``<PREFIX>_DELETED_FUNCTION`` ``= delete`` # ``cxx_extern_templates`` ``<PREFIX>_EXTERN_TEMPLATE`` ``extern`` # ``cxx_final`` ``<PREFIX>_FINAL`` ``final`` # ``cxx_noexcept`` ``<PREFIX>_NOEXCEPT`` ``noexcept`` # ``cxx_noexcept`` ``<PREFIX>_NOEXCEPT_EXPR(X)`` ``noexcept(X)`` # ``cxx_override`` ``<PREFIX>_OVERRIDE`` ``override`` # ========================== =================================== ================= # # Compatibility Implementation Macros # =================================== # # Some features are suitable for wrapping in a macro with a backward # compatibility implementation if the compiler does not support the feature. # # When the ``cxx_static_assert`` feature is not provided by the compiler, # a compatibility implementation is available via the # ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT(COND)`` and # ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(COND, MSG)`` function-like macros. The macros # expand to ``static_assert`` where that compiler feature is available, and # to a compatibility implementation otherwise. In the first form, the # condition is stringified in the message field of ``static_assert``. In # the second form, the message ``MSG`` is passed to the message field of # ``static_assert``, or ignored if using the backward compatibility # implementation. # # ====================== ================================ =================== # Feature Define Symbol # ====================== ================================ =================== # ``cxx_alignas`` ``<PREFIX>_ALIGNAS`` ``alignas`` # ``cxx_alignof`` ``<PREFIX>_ALIGNOF`` ``alignof`` # ``cxx_nullptr`` ``<PREFIX>_NULLPTR`` ``nullptr`` # ``cxx_static_assert`` ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT`` ``static_assert`` # ``cxx_static_assert`` ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG`` ``static_assert`` # ====================== ================================ =================== #============================================================================= # Copyright 2014 Stephen Kelly <steveire@gmail.com> # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeParseArguments.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeCompilerIdDetection.cmake) function(_load_compiler_variables CompilerId lang) include("${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/${CompilerId}-${lang}-FeatureTests.cmake" OPTIONAL) set(_cmake_oldestSupported_${CompilerId} ${_cmake_oldestSupported} PARENT_SCOPE) foreach(feature ${ARGN}) set(_cmake_feature_test_${CompilerId}_${feature} ${_cmake_feature_test_${feature}} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() function(write_compiler_detection_header file_keyword file_arg prefix_keyword prefix_arg ) if (NOT file_keyword STREQUAL FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "write_compiler_detection_header: FILE parameter missing.") endif() if (NOT prefix_keyword STREQUAL PREFIX) message(FATAL_ERROR "write_compiler_detection_header: PREFIX parameter missing.") endif() set(options) set(oneValueArgs VERSION EPILOG PROLOG) set(multiValueArgs COMPILERS FEATURES) cmake_parse_arguments(_WCD "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if (NOT _WCD_COMPILERS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid arguments. write_compiler_detection_header requires at least one compiler.") endif() if (NOT _WCD_FEATURES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid arguments. write_compiler_detection_header requires at least one feature.") endif() if(_WCD_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unparsed arguments: ${_WCD_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() if(NOT _WCD_VERSION) set(_WCD_VERSION ${CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION}) endif() if (_WCD_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.1.0) # Version which introduced this function message(FATAL_ERROR "VERSION parameter too low.") endif() set(compilers GNU Clang ) foreach(_comp ${_WCD_COMPILERS}) list(FIND compilers ${_comp} idx) if (idx EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported compiler ${_comp}.") endif() endforeach() set(file_content " // This is a generated file. Do not edit! #ifndef ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_DETECTION_H #define ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_DETECTION_H ") if (_WCD_PROLOG) set(file_content "${file_content}\n${_WCD_PROLOG}\n") endif() foreach(feature ${_WCD_FEATURES}) if (feature MATCHES "^cxx_") list(APPEND _langs CXX) list(APPEND CXX_features ${feature}) elseif (feature MATCHES "^c_") list(APPEND _langs C) list(APPEND C_features ${feature}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported feature ${feature}.") endif() endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _langs) foreach(_lang ${_langs}) get_property(known_features GLOBAL PROPERTY CMAKE_${_lang}_KNOWN_FEATURES) foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features}) list(FIND known_features ${feature} idx) if (idx EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported feature ${feature}.") endif() endforeach() if(_lang STREQUAL CXX) set(file_content "${file_content}\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n") else() set(file_content "${file_content}\n#ifndef __cplusplus\n") endif() compiler_id_detection(ID_CONTENT ${_lang} PREFIX ${prefix_arg}_ ID_DEFINE ) set(file_content "${file_content}${ID_CONTENT}\n") set(pp_if "if") foreach(compiler ${_WCD_COMPILERS}) _load_compiler_variables(${compiler} ${_lang} ${${_lang}_features}) set(file_content "${file_content}\n# ${pp_if} ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_${compiler}\n") set(file_content "${file_content} # if !(${_cmake_oldestSupported_${compiler}}) # error Unsupported compiler version # endif\n") set(pp_if "elif") foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features}) string(TOUPPER ${feature} feature_upper) set(feature_PP "COMPILER_${feature_upper}") set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 0\n") if (_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature} STREQUAL "1") set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 1\n") elseif (_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature}) set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 0\n") set(_define_item "\n# if ${_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature}}\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 1\n# else${_define_item}# endif\n") endif() set(file_content "${file_content}${_define_item}") endforeach() endforeach() if(pp_if STREQUAL "elif") set(file_content "${file_content} # else # error Unsupported compiler # endif\n") endif() foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features}) string(TOUPPER ${feature} feature_upper) set(feature_PP "COMPILER_${feature_upper}") set(def_name ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP}) if (feature STREQUAL c_restrict) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_RESTRICT") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} restrict # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_constexpr) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} constexpr # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_final) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} final # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_override) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} override # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_static_assert) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_STATIC_ASSERT(X)") set(def_value_msg "${prefix_arg}_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(X, MSG)") set(static_assert_struct "template<bool> struct ${prefix_arg}StaticAssert;\ntemplate<> struct ${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<true>{};\n") set(def_standard "# define ${def_value} static_assert(X, #X)\n# define ${def_value_msg} static_assert(X, MSG)") set(def_alternative "${static_assert_struct}# define ${def_value} sizeof(${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<X>)\n# define ${def_value_msg} sizeof(${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<X>)") set(file_content "${file_content}# if ${def_name}\n${def_standard}\n# else\n${def_alternative}\n# endif\n\n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_alignas) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_ALIGNAS(X)") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} alignas(X) # elif ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_GNU # define ${def_value} __attribute__ ((__aligned__(X))) # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_alignof) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_ALIGNOF(X)") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} alignof(X) # elif ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_GNU # define ${def_value} __alignof__(X) # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_deleted_functions) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DELETED_FUNCTION") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} = delete # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_extern_templates) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_EXTERN_TEMPLATE") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} extern # else # define ${def_value} # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_noexcept) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_NOEXCEPT") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} noexcept # define ${def_value}_EXPR(X) noexcept(X) # else # define ${def_value} # define ${def_value}_EXPR(X) # endif \n") endif() if (feature STREQUAL cxx_nullptr) set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_NULLPTR") set(file_content "${file_content} # if ${def_name} # define ${def_value} nullptr # else # define ${def_value} static_cast<void*>(0) # endif \n") endif() endforeach() set(file_content "${file_content}#endif\n") endforeach() if (_WCD_EPILOG) set(file_content "${file_content}\n${_WCD_EPILOG}\n") endif() set(file_content "${file_content}\n#endif") set(CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT ${file_content}) configure_file("${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeConfigurableFile.in" "${file_arg}" @ONLY ) endfunction()