/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmCPackIFWGenerator.h" #include "cmCPackIFWInstaller.h" #include "cmCPackIFWPackage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include cmCPackIFWGenerator::cmCPackIFWGenerator() { } cmCPackIFWGenerator::~cmCPackIFWGenerator() { } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::IsVersionLess(const char *version) { return cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(cmSystemTools::OP_LESS, FrameworkVersion.data(), version); } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::IsVersionGreater(const char *version) { return cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(cmSystemTools::OP_GREATER, FrameworkVersion.data(), version); } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::IsVersionEqual(const char *version) { return cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(cmSystemTools::OP_EQUAL, FrameworkVersion.data(), version); } int cmCPackIFWGenerator::PackageFiles() { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_OUTPUT, "- Configuration" << std::endl); // Installer configuragion Installer.GenerateInstallerFile(); // Packages configuration Installer.GeneratePackageFiles(); std::string ifwTLD = this->GetOption("CPACK_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY"); std::string ifwTmpFile = ifwTLD; ifwTmpFile += "/IFWOutput.log"; // Run repogen if (!Installer.Repositories.empty()) { std::string ifwCmd = RepoGen; if(IsVersionLess("2.0.0")) { ifwCmd += " -c " + this->toplevel + "/config/config.xml"; } ifwCmd += " -p " + this->toplevel + "/packages"; if(!PkgsDirsVector.empty()) { for(std::vector::iterator it = PkgsDirsVector.begin(); it != PkgsDirsVector.end(); ++it) { ifwCmd += " -p " + *it; } } if (!OnlineOnly && !DownloadedPackages.empty()) { ifwCmd += " -i "; std::set::iterator it = DownloadedPackages.begin(); ifwCmd += (*it)->Name; ++it; while(it != DownloadedPackages.end()) { ifwCmd += "," + (*it)->Name; ++it; } } ifwCmd += " " + this->toplevel + "/repository"; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_VERBOSE, "Execute: " << ifwCmd << std::endl); std::string output; int retVal = 1; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_OUTPUT, "- Generate repository" << std::endl); bool res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand( ifwCmd.c_str(), &output, &output, &retVal, 0, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); if ( !res || retVal ) { cmGeneratedFileStream ofs(ifwTmpFile.c_str()); ofs << "# Run command: " << ifwCmd << std::endl << "# Output:" << std::endl << output << std::endl; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Problem running IFW command: " << ifwCmd << std::endl << "Please check " << ifwTmpFile << " for errors" << std::endl); return 0; } cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_OUTPUT, "- repository: " << this->toplevel << "/repository generated" << std::endl); } // Run binary creator { std::string ifwCmd = BinCreator; ifwCmd += " -c " + this->toplevel + "/config/config.xml"; ifwCmd += " -p " + this->toplevel + "/packages"; if(!PkgsDirsVector.empty()) { for(std::vector::iterator it = PkgsDirsVector.begin(); it != PkgsDirsVector.end(); ++it) { ifwCmd += " -p " + *it; } } if (OnlineOnly) { ifwCmd += " --online-only"; } else if (!DownloadedPackages.empty() && !Installer.Repositories.empty()) { ifwCmd += " -e "; std::set::iterator it = DownloadedPackages.begin(); ifwCmd += (*it)->Name; ++it; while(it != DownloadedPackages.end()) { ifwCmd += "," + (*it)->Name; ++it; } } else if (!DependentPackages.empty()) { ifwCmd += " -i "; // Binary std::set::iterator bit = BinaryPackages.begin(); while(bit != BinaryPackages.end()) { ifwCmd += (*bit)->Name + ","; ++bit; } // Depend DependenceMap::iterator it = DependentPackages.begin(); ifwCmd += it->second.Name; ++it; while(it != DependentPackages.end()) { ifwCmd += "," + it->second.Name; ++it; } } // TODO: set correct name for multipackages if (!this->packageFileNames.empty()) { ifwCmd += " " + packageFileNames[0]; } else { ifwCmd += " installer"; } cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_VERBOSE, "Execute: " << ifwCmd << std::endl); std::string output; int retVal = 1; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_OUTPUT, "- Generate package" << std::endl); bool res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand( ifwCmd.c_str(), &output, &output, &retVal, 0, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); if ( !res || retVal ) { cmGeneratedFileStream ofs(ifwTmpFile.c_str()); ofs << "# Run command: " << ifwCmd << std::endl << "# Output:" << std::endl << output << std::endl; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Problem running IFW command: " << ifwCmd << std::endl << "Please check " << ifwTmpFile << " for errors" << std::endl); return 0; } } return 1; } const char *cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetPackagingInstallPrefix() { const char *defPrefix = cmCPackGenerator::GetPackagingInstallPrefix(); std::string tmpPref = defPrefix ? defPrefix : ""; if(this->Components.empty()) { tmpPref += "packages/" + GetRootPackageName() + "/data"; } this->SetOption("CPACK_IFW_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX", tmpPref.c_str()); return this->GetOption("CPACK_IFW_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX"); } const char *cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetOutputExtension() { return ExecutableSuffix.c_str(); } int cmCPackIFWGenerator::InitializeInternal() { // Search Qt Installer Framework tools const std::string BinCreatorOpt = "CPACK_IFW_BINARYCREATOR_EXECUTABLE"; const std::string RepoGenOpt = "CPACK_IFW_REPOGEN_EXECUTABLE"; const std::string FrameworkVersionOpt = "CPACK_IFW_FRAMEWORK_VERSION"; if(!this->IsSet(BinCreatorOpt) || !this->IsSet(RepoGenOpt) || !this->IsSet(FrameworkVersionOpt)) { this->ReadListFile("CPackIFW.cmake"); } // Look 'binarycreator' executable (needs) const char *BinCreatorStr = this->GetOption(BinCreatorOpt); if(!BinCreatorStr || cmSystemTools::IsNOTFOUND(BinCreatorStr)) { BinCreator = ""; } else { BinCreator = BinCreatorStr; } if (BinCreator.empty()) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Cannot find QtIFW compiler \"binarycreator\": " "likely it is not installed, or not in your PATH" << std::endl); return 0; } // Look 'repogen' executable (optional) const char *RepoGenStr = this->GetOption(RepoGenOpt); if(!RepoGenStr || cmSystemTools::IsNOTFOUND(RepoGenStr)) { RepoGen = ""; } else { RepoGen = RepoGenStr; } // Framework version if(const char* FrameworkVersionSrt = this->GetOption(FrameworkVersionOpt)) { FrameworkVersion = FrameworkVersionSrt; } else { FrameworkVersion = "1.9.9"; } // Variables that Change Behavior // Resolve duplicate names ResolveDuplicateNames = this->IsOn("CPACK_IFW_RESOLVE_DUPLICATE_NAMES"); // Additional packages dirs PkgsDirsVector.clear(); if(const char* dirs = this->GetOption("CPACK_IFW_PACKAGES_DIRECTORIES")) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(dirs, PkgsDirsVector); } // Installer Installer.Generator = this; Installer.ConfigureFromOptions(); if (const char* ifwDownloadAll = this->GetOption("CPACK_IFW_DOWNLOAD_ALL")) { OnlineOnly = cmSystemTools::IsOn(ifwDownloadAll); } else if (const char* cpackDownloadAll = this->GetOption("CPACK_DOWNLOAD_ALL")) { OnlineOnly = cmSystemTools::IsOn(cpackDownloadAll); } else { OnlineOnly = false; } if (!Installer.Repositories.empty() && RepoGen.empty()) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Cannot find QtIFW repository generator \"repogen\": " "likely it is not installed, or not in your PATH" << std::endl); return 0; } // Executable suffix if(const char *optExeSuffix = this->GetOption("CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX")) { ExecutableSuffix = optExeSuffix; if(ExecutableSuffix.empty()) { std::string sysName(this->GetOption("CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME")); if(sysName == "Linux") { ExecutableSuffix = ".run"; } } } else { ExecutableSuffix = cmCPackGenerator::GetOutputExtension(); } return this->Superclass::InitializeInternal(); } std::string cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetComponentInstallDirNameSuffix( const std::string& componentName) { const std::string prefix = "packages/"; const std::string suffix = "/data"; if (componentPackageMethod == ONE_PACKAGE) { return std::string(prefix + GetRootPackageName() + suffix); } return prefix + GetComponentPackageName(&Components[componentName]) + suffix; } cmCPackComponent* cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetComponent(const std::string &projectName, const std::string &componentName) { ComponentsMap::iterator cit = Components.find(componentName); if ( cit != Components.end() ) return &(cit->second); cmCPackComponent* component = cmCPackGenerator::GetComponent(projectName, componentName); if(!component) return component; std::string name = GetComponentPackageName(component); PackagesMap::iterator pit = Packages.find(name); if(pit != Packages.end()) return component; cmCPackIFWPackage *package = &Packages[name]; package->Name = name; package->Generator = this; if(package->ConfigureFromComponent(component)) { package->Installer = &Installer; Installer.Packages.insert( std::pair( name, package)); ComponentPackages.insert( std::pair( component, package)); if(component->IsDownloaded) { DownloadedPackages.insert(package); } else { BinaryPackages.insert(package); } } else { Packages.erase(name); cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Cannot configure package \"" << name << "\" for component \"" << component->Name << "\"" << std::endl); } return component; } cmCPackComponentGroup* cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetComponentGroup(const std::string &projectName, const std::string &groupName) { cmCPackComponentGroup* group = cmCPackGenerator::GetComponentGroup(projectName, groupName); if(!group) return group; std::string name = GetGroupPackageName(group); PackagesMap::iterator pit = Packages.find(name); if(pit != Packages.end()) return group; cmCPackIFWPackage *package = &Packages[name]; package->Name = name; package->Generator = this; if(package->ConfigureFromGroup(group)) { package->Installer = &Installer; Installer.Packages.insert( std::pair( name, package)); GroupPackages.insert( std::pair( group, package)); BinaryPackages.insert(package); } else { Packages.erase(name); cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Cannot configure package \"" << name << "\" for component group \"" << group->Name << "\"" << std::endl); } return group; } enum cmCPackGenerator::CPackSetDestdirSupport cmCPackIFWGenerator::SupportsSetDestdir() const { return cmCPackGenerator::SETDESTDIR_SHOULD_NOT_BE_USED; } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::SupportsAbsoluteDestination() const { return false; } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::SupportsComponentInstallation() const { return true; } bool cmCPackIFWGenerator::IsOnePackage() const { return componentPackageMethod == ONE_PACKAGE; } std::string cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetRootPackageName() { // Default value std::string name = "root"; if (const char* optIFW_PACKAGE_GROUP = this->GetOption("CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_GROUP")) { // Configure from root group cmCPackIFWPackage package; package.Generator = this; package.ConfigureFromGroup(optIFW_PACKAGE_GROUP); name = package.Name; } else if (const char* optIFW_PACKAGE_NAME = this->GetOption("CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_NAME")) { // Configure from root package name name = optIFW_PACKAGE_NAME; } else if (const char* optPACKAGE_NAME = this->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME")) { // Configure from package name name = optPACKAGE_NAME; } return name; } std::string cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetGroupPackageName(cmCPackComponentGroup *group) const { std::string name; if (!group) return name; if (cmCPackIFWPackage* package = GetGroupPackage(group)) { return package->Name; } const char* option = GetOption( "CPACK_IFW_COMPONENT_GROUP_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(group->Name) + "_NAME"); name = option ? option : group->Name; if(group->ParentGroup) { cmCPackIFWPackage* package = GetGroupPackage(group->ParentGroup); bool dot = !ResolveDuplicateNames; if(dot && name.substr(0, package->Name.size()) == package->Name) { dot = false; } if(dot) { name = package->Name + "." + name; } } return name; } std::string cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetComponentPackageName( cmCPackComponent *component) const { std::string name; if (!component) return name; if (cmCPackIFWPackage* package = GetComponentPackage(component)) { return package->Name; } std::string prefix = "CPACK_IFW_COMPONENT_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(component->Name) + "_"; const char* option = GetOption(prefix + "NAME"); name = option ? option : component->Name; if(component->Group) { cmCPackIFWPackage* package = GetGroupPackage(component->Group); if((componentPackageMethod == ONE_PACKAGE_PER_GROUP) || IsOn(prefix + "COMMON")) { return package->Name; } bool dot = !ResolveDuplicateNames; if(dot && name.substr(0, package->Name.size()) == package->Name) { dot = false; } if(dot) { name = package->Name + "." + name; } } return name; } cmCPackIFWPackage* cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetGroupPackage( cmCPackComponentGroup *group) const { std::map::const_iterator pit = GroupPackages.find(group); return pit != GroupPackages.end() ? pit->second : 0; } cmCPackIFWPackage* cmCPackIFWGenerator::GetComponentPackage( cmCPackComponent *component) const { std::map::const_iterator pit = ComponentPackages.find(component); return pit != ComponentPackages.end() ? pit->second : 0; } void cmCPackIFWGenerator::WriteGeneratedByToStrim(cmXMLWriter &xout) { std::stringstream comment; comment << "Generated by CPack " << CMake_VERSION << " IFW generator " << "for QtIFW "; if(IsVersionLess("2.0")) { comment << "less 2.0"; } else { comment << FrameworkVersion; } comment << " tools at " << cmTimestamp().CurrentTime("", true); xout.Comment(comment.str().c_str()); }