/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmCPackIFWPackage.h" #include "cmCPackIFWGenerator.h" #include <CPack/cmCPackLog.h> #include <cmGeneratedFileStream.h> #include <cmTimestamp.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------- Logger --- #ifdef cmCPackLogger # undef cmCPackLogger #endif #define cmCPackLogger(logType, msg) \ do { \ std::ostringstream cmCPackLog_msg; \ cmCPackLog_msg << msg; \ if(Generator) { \ Generator->Logger->Log(logType, __FILE__, __LINE__, \ cmCPackLog_msg.str().c_str()); \ } \ } while ( 0 ) //---------------------------------------------------------- CompareStruct --- cmCPackIFWPackage::CompareStruct::CompareStruct() : Type(CompareNone) { } //------------------------------------------------------- DependenceStruct --- cmCPackIFWPackage::DependenceStruct::DependenceStruct() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCPackIFWPackage::DependenceStruct::DependenceStruct( const std::string &dependence) { // Search compare section size_t pos = std::string::npos; if((pos = dependence.find("<=")) != std::string::npos) { Compare.Type = CompareLessOrEqual; Compare.Value = dependence.substr(pos + 2); } else if((pos = dependence.find(">=")) != std::string::npos) { Compare.Type = CompareGreaterOrEqual; Compare.Value = dependence.substr(pos + 2); } else if((pos = dependence.find("<")) != std::string::npos) { Compare.Type = CompareLess; Compare.Value = dependence.substr(pos + 1); } else if((pos = dependence.find("=")) != std::string::npos) { Compare.Type = CompareEqual; Compare.Value = dependence.substr(pos + 1); } else if((pos = dependence.find(">")) != std::string::npos) { Compare.Type = CompareGreater; Compare.Value = dependence.substr(pos + 1); } Name = pos == std::string::npos ? dependence : dependence.substr(0, pos); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmCPackIFWPackage::DependenceStruct::NameWithCompare() const { if (Compare.Type == CompareNone) return Name; std::string result = Name; if (Compare.Type == CompareLessOrEqual) { result += "<="; } else if (Compare.Type == CompareGreaterOrEqual) { result += ">="; } else if (Compare.Type == CompareLess) { result += "<"; } else if (Compare.Type == CompareEqual) { result += "="; } else if (Compare.Type == CompareGreater) { result += ">"; } result += Compare.Value; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------ cmCPackIFWPackage --- cmCPackIFWPackage::cmCPackIFWPackage() : Generator(0), Installer(0) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *cmCPackIFWPackage::GetOption(const std::string &op) const { const char *option = Generator ? Generator->GetOption(op) : 0; return option && *option ? option : 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCPackIFWPackage::IsOn(const std::string &op) const { return Generator ? Generator->IsOn(op) : false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCPackIFWPackage::IsVersionLess(const char *version) { return Generator ? Generator->IsVersionLess(version) : false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCPackIFWPackage::IsVersionGreater(const char *version) { return Generator ? Generator->IsVersionGreater(version) : false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCPackIFWPackage::IsVersionEqual(const char *version) { return Generator ? Generator->IsVersionEqual(version) : false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmCPackIFWPackage::GetComponentName(cmCPackComponent *component) { if (!component) return ""; const char* option = GetOption( "CPACK_IFW_COMPONENT_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(component->Name) + "_NAME"); return option ? option : component->Name; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCPackIFWPackage::DefaultConfiguration() { DisplayName = ""; Description = ""; Version = ""; ReleaseDate = ""; Script = ""; Licenses.clear(); SortingPriority = ""; Default = ""; Virtual = ""; ForcedInstallation = ""; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Defaul configuration (all in one package) int cmCPackIFWPackage::ConfigureFromOptions() { // Restore defaul configuration DefaultConfiguration(); // Name Name = Generator->GetRootPackageName(); // Display name if (const char *option = this->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME")) { DisplayName = option; } else { DisplayName = "Your package"; } // Description if (const char* option = this->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY")) { Description = option; } else { Description = "Your package description"; } // Version if(const char* option = GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION")) { Version = option; } else { Version = "1.0.0"; } ForcedInstallation = "true"; return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCPackIFWPackage::ConfigureFromComponent(cmCPackComponent *component) { if(!component) return 0; // Restore defaul configuration DefaultConfiguration(); std::string prefix = "CPACK_IFW_COMPONENT_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(component->Name) + "_"; // Display name DisplayName = component->DisplayName; // Description Description = component->Description; // Version if(const char* optVERSION = GetOption(prefix + "VERSION")) { Version = optVERSION; } else if(const char* optPACKAGE_VERSION = GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION")) { Version = optPACKAGE_VERSION; } else { Version = "1.0.0"; } // Script if (const char* option = GetOption(prefix + "SCRIPT")) { Script = option; } // CMake dependencies if (!component->Dependencies.empty()) { std::vector<cmCPackComponent*>::iterator dit; for(dit = component->Dependencies.begin(); dit != component->Dependencies.end(); ++dit) { Dependencies.insert(Generator->ComponentPackages[*dit]); } } // QtIFW dependencies if(const char* option = this->GetOption(prefix + "DEPENDS")) { std::vector<std::string> deps; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(option, deps); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator dit = deps.begin(); dit != deps.end(); ++dit) { DependenceStruct dep(*dit); if (!Generator->Packages.count(dep.Name)) { bool hasDep = Generator->DependentPackages.count(dep.Name) > 0; DependenceStruct &depRef = Generator->DependentPackages[dep.Name]; if(!hasDep) { depRef = dep; } AlienDependencies.insert(&depRef); } } } // Licenses if (const char* option = this->GetOption(prefix + "LICENSES")) { Licenses.clear(); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( option, Licenses ); if ( Licenses.size() % 2 != 0 ) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_WARNING, prefix << "LICENSES" << " should contain pairs of <display_name> and <file_path>." << std::endl); Licenses.clear(); } } // Priority if(const char* option = this->GetOption(prefix + "PRIORITY")) { SortingPriority = option; } // Default Default = component->IsDisabledByDefault ? "false" : "true"; // Virtual Virtual = component->IsHidden ? "true" : ""; // ForcedInstallation ForcedInstallation = component->IsRequired ? "true" : "false"; return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCPackIFWPackage::ConfigureFromGroup(cmCPackComponentGroup *group) { if(!group) return 0; // Restore defaul configuration DefaultConfiguration(); std::string prefix = "CPACK_IFW_COMPONENT_GROUP_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(group->Name) + "_"; DisplayName = group->DisplayName; Description = group->Description; // Version if(const char* optVERSION = GetOption(prefix + "VERSION")) { Version = optVERSION; } else if(const char* optPACKAGE_VERSION = GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION")) { Version = optPACKAGE_VERSION; } else { Version = "1.0.0"; } // Script if (const char* option = GetOption(prefix + "SCRIPT")) { Script = option; } // Licenses if (const char* option = this->GetOption(prefix + "LICENSES")) { Licenses.clear(); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( option, Licenses ); if ( Licenses.size() % 2 != 0 ) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_WARNING, prefix << "LICENSES" << " should contain pairs of <display_name> and <file_path>." << std::endl); Licenses.clear(); } } // Priority if(const char* option = this->GetOption(prefix + "PRIORITY")) { SortingPriority = option; } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCPackIFWPackage::ConfigureFromGroup(const std::string &groupName) { // Group configuration cmCPackComponentGroup group; std::string prefix = "CPACK_COMPONENT_GROUP_" + cmsys::SystemTools::UpperCase(groupName) + "_"; if (const char *option = GetOption(prefix + "DISPLAY_NAME")) { group.DisplayName = option; } else { group.DisplayName = group.Name; } if (const char* option = GetOption(prefix + "DESCRIPTION")) { group.Description = option; } group.IsBold = IsOn(prefix + "BOLD_TITLE"); group.IsExpandedByDefault = IsOn(prefix + "EXPANDED"); // Package configuration group.Name = groupName; if(Generator) { Name = Generator->GetGroupPackageName(&group); } else { Name = group.Name; } return ConfigureFromGroup(&group); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCPackIFWPackage::GeneratePackageFile() { // Lazy directory initialization if (Directory.empty()) { if(Installer) { Directory = Installer->Directory + "/packages/" + Name; } else if (Generator) { Directory = Generator->toplevel + "/packages/" + Name; } } // Output stream cmGeneratedFileStream xout((Directory + "/meta/package.xml").data()); xout << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl; WriteGeneratedByToStrim(xout); xout << "<Package>" << std::endl; xout << " <DisplayName>" << DisplayName << "</DisplayName>" << std::endl; xout << " <Description>" << Description << "</Description>" << std::endl; xout << " <Name>" << Name << "</Name>" << std::endl; xout << " <Version>" << Version << "</Version>" << std::endl; xout << " <ReleaseDate>"; if(ReleaseDate.empty()) { xout << cmTimestamp().CurrentTime("%Y-%m-%d", true); } else { xout << ReleaseDate; } xout << "</ReleaseDate>" << std::endl; // Script (copy to meta dir) if(!Script.empty()) { std::string name = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(Script); std::string path = Directory + "/meta/" + name; cmsys::SystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(Script.data(), path.data()); xout << " <Script>" << name << "</Script>" << std::endl; } // Dependencies std::set<DependenceStruct> compDepSet; for(std::set<DependenceStruct*>::iterator ait = AlienDependencies.begin(); ait != AlienDependencies.end(); ++ait) { compDepSet.insert(*(*ait)); } for(std::set<cmCPackIFWPackage*>::iterator it = Dependencies.begin(); it != Dependencies.end(); ++it) { compDepSet.insert(DependenceStruct((*it)->Name)); } // Write dependencies if (!compDepSet.empty()) { xout << " <Dependencies>"; std::set<DependenceStruct>::iterator it = compDepSet.begin(); xout << it->NameWithCompare(); ++it; while(it != compDepSet.end()) { xout << "," << it->NameWithCompare(); ++it; } xout << "</Dependencies>" << std::endl; } // Licenses (copy to meta dir) std::vector<std::string> licenses = Licenses; for(size_t i = 1; i < licenses.size(); i += 2) { std::string name = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(licenses[i]); std::string path = Directory + "/meta/" + name; cmsys::SystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(licenses[i].data(), path.data()); licenses[i] = name; } if(!licenses.empty()) { xout << " <Licenses>" << std::endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < licenses.size(); i += 2) { xout << " <License " << "name=\"" << licenses[i] << "\" " << "file=\"" << licenses[i + 1] << "\" " << "/>" <<std::endl; } xout << " </Licenses>" << std::endl; } if (!ForcedInstallation.empty()) { xout << " <ForcedInstallation>" << ForcedInstallation << "</ForcedInstallation>" << std::endl; } if (!Virtual.empty()) { xout << " <Virtual>" << Virtual << "</Virtual>" << std::endl; } else if (!Default.empty()) { xout << " <Default>" << Default << "</Default>" << std::endl; } // Priority if(!SortingPriority.empty()) { xout << " <SortingPriority>" << SortingPriority << "</SortingPriority>" << std::endl; } xout << "</Package>" << std::endl; } void cmCPackIFWPackage::WriteGeneratedByToStrim(cmGeneratedFileStream &xout) { if(Generator) Generator->WriteGeneratedByToStrim(xout); }