/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmWIXAccessControlList.h" #include "cmCPackGenerator.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" cmWIXAccessControlList::cmWIXAccessControlList( cmCPackLog* logger, cmInstalledFile const& installedFile, cmWIXSourceWriter& sourceWriter) : Logger(logger) , InstalledFile(installedFile) , SourceWriter(sourceWriter) { } bool cmWIXAccessControlList::Apply() { std::vector entries; this->InstalledFile.GetPropertyAsList("CPACK_WIX_ACL", entries); for (std::string const& entry : entries) { this->CreatePermissionElement(entry); } return true; } void cmWIXAccessControlList::CreatePermissionElement(std::string const& entry) { std::string::size_type pos = entry.find('='); if (pos == std::string::npos) { this->ReportError(entry, "Did not find mandatory '='"); return; } std::string user_and_domain = entry.substr(0, pos); std::string permission_string = entry.substr(pos + 1); pos = user_and_domain.find('@'); std::string user; std::string domain; if (pos != std::string::npos) { user = user_and_domain.substr(0, pos); domain = user_and_domain.substr(pos + 1); } else { user = user_and_domain; } std::vector permissions = cmSystemTools::tokenize(permission_string, ","); this->SourceWriter.BeginElement("Permission"); this->SourceWriter.AddAttribute("User", user); if (!domain.empty()) { this->SourceWriter.AddAttribute("Domain", domain); } for (std::string const& permission : permissions) { this->EmitBooleanAttribute(entry, cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(permission)); } this->SourceWriter.EndElement("Permission"); } void cmWIXAccessControlList::ReportError(std::string const& entry, std::string const& message) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Failed processing ACL entry '" << entry << "': " << message << std::endl); } bool cmWIXAccessControlList::IsBooleanAttribute(std::string const& name) { static const char* validAttributes[] = { /* clang-format needs this comment to break after the opening brace */ "Append", "ChangePermission", "CreateChild", "CreateFile", "CreateLink", "CreateSubkeys", "Delete", "DeleteChild", "EnumerateSubkeys", "Execute", "FileAllRights", "GenericAll", "GenericExecute", "GenericRead", "GenericWrite", "Notify", "Read", "ReadAttributes", "ReadExtendedAttributes", "ReadPermission", "SpecificRightsAll", "Synchronize", "TakeOwnership", "Traverse", "Write", "WriteAttributes", "WriteExtendedAttributes", 0 }; size_t i = 0; while (validAttributes[i]) { if (name == validAttributes[i++]) return true; } return false; } void cmWIXAccessControlList::EmitBooleanAttribute(std::string const& entry, std::string const& name) { if (!this->IsBooleanAttribute(name)) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Unknown boolean attribute '" << name << "'"; this->ReportError(entry, message.str()); } this->SourceWriter.AddAttribute(name, "yes"); }