/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmCPackLog.h" #include <iostream> #include <cm/memory> #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" cmCPackLog::cmCPackLog() { this->DefaultOutput = &std::cout; this->DefaultError = &std::cerr; } cmCPackLog::~cmCPackLog() = default; void cmCPackLog::SetLogOutputStream(std::ostream* os) { this->LogOutputStream.reset(); this->LogOutput = os; } bool cmCPackLog::SetLogOutputFile(const char* fname) { this->LogOutputStream.reset(); if (fname) { this->LogOutputStream = cm::make_unique<cmGeneratedFileStream>(fname); } if (this->LogOutputStream && !*this->LogOutputStream) { this->LogOutputStream.reset(); } this->LogOutput = this->LogOutputStream.get(); return this->LogOutput != nullptr; } void cmCPackLog::Log(int tag, const char* file, int line, const char* msg, size_t length) { // By default no logging bool display = false; // Display file and line number if debug bool useFileAndLine = this->Debug; bool output = false; bool debug = false; bool warning = false; bool error = false; bool verbose = false; // When writing in file, add list of tags whenever tag changes. std::string tagString; bool needTagString = false; if (this->LogOutput && this->LastTag != tag) { needTagString = true; } if (tag & LOG_OUTPUT) { output = true; display = true; if (needTagString) { if (!tagString.empty()) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "VERBOSE"; } } if (tag & LOG_WARNING) { warning = true; display = true; if (needTagString) { if (!tagString.empty()) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "WARNING"; } } if (tag & LOG_ERROR) { error = true; display = true; if (needTagString) { if (!tagString.empty()) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "ERROR"; } } if (tag & LOG_DEBUG && this->Debug) { debug = true; display = true; if (needTagString) { if (!tagString.empty()) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "DEBUG"; } useFileAndLine = true; } if (tag & LOG_VERBOSE && this->Verbose) { verbose = true; display = true; if (needTagString) { if (!tagString.empty()) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "VERBOSE"; } } if (this->Quiet) { display = false; } if (this->LogOutput) { if (needTagString) { *this->LogOutput << "[" << file << ":" << line << " " << tagString << "] "; } this->LogOutput->write(msg, length); } this->LastTag = tag; if (!display) { return; } if (this->NewLine) { if (error && !this->ErrorPrefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultError << this->ErrorPrefix; } else if (warning && !this->WarningPrefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultError << this->WarningPrefix; } else if (output && !this->OutputPrefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultOutput << this->OutputPrefix; } else if (verbose && !this->VerbosePrefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultOutput << this->VerbosePrefix; } else if (debug && !this->DebugPrefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultOutput << this->DebugPrefix; } else if (!this->Prefix.empty()) { *this->DefaultOutput << this->Prefix; } if (useFileAndLine) { if (error || warning) { *this->DefaultError << file << ":" << line << " "; } else { *this->DefaultOutput << file << ":" << line << " "; } } } if (error || warning) { this->DefaultError->write(msg, length); this->DefaultError->flush(); } else { this->DefaultOutput->write(msg, length); this->DefaultOutput->flush(); } if (msg[length - 1] == '\n' || length > 2) { this->NewLine = true; } if (error) { cmSystemTools::SetErrorOccurred(); } }