/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef cmCTestTestHandler_h #define cmCTestTestHandler_h #include "cmCTestGenericHandler.h" #include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx> class cmMakefile; /** \class cmCTestTestHandler * \brief A class that handles ctest -S invocations * */ class cmCTestTestHandler : public cmCTestGenericHandler { public: cmTypeMacro(cmCTestTestHandler, cmCTestGenericHandler); /** * The main entry point for this class */ int ProcessHandler(); /** * When both -R and -I are used should te resulting test list be the * intersection or the union of the lists. By default it is the * intersection. */ void SetUseUnion(bool val) { m_UseUnion = val; } /** * This method is called when reading CTest custom file */ void PopulateCustomVectors(cmMakefile *mf); ///! Control the use of the regular expresisons, call these methods to turn ///them on void UseIncludeRegExp(); void UseExcludeRegExp(); void SetIncludeRegExp(const char *); void SetExcludeRegExp(const char *); ///! pass the -I argument down void SetTestsToRunInformation(const char*); cmCTestTestHandler(); /* * Add the test to the list of tests to be executed */ bool AddTest(const std::vector<std::string>& args); /* * Set tests properties */ bool SetTestsProperties(const std::vector<std::string>& args); struct cmCTestTestResult { std::string m_Name; std::string m_Path; std::string m_FullCommandLine; double m_ExecutionTime; int m_ReturnValue; int m_Status; std::string m_CompletionStatus; std::string m_Output; std::string m_RegressionImages; int m_TestCount; }; void Initialize(); protected: struct cmCTestTestProperties { cmStdString m_Name; cmStdString m_Directory; std::vector<std::string> m_Args; std::vector<cmsys::RegularExpression> m_ErrorRegularExpressions; std::vector<cmsys::RegularExpression> m_RequiredRegularExpressions; bool m_IsInBasedOnREOptions; bool m_WillFail; }; virtual int PreProcessHandler(); virtual int PostProcessHandler(); virtual void GenerateTestCommand(std::vector<const char*>& args); int ExecuteCommands(std::vector<cmStdString>& vec); double m_ElapsedTestingTime; typedef std::vector<cmCTestTestResult> tm_TestResultsVector; tm_TestResultsVector m_TestResults; std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomTestsIgnore; std::string m_StartTest; std::string m_EndTest; bool m_MemCheck; private: enum { // Program statuses NOT_RUN = 0, TIMEOUT, SEGFAULT, ILLEGAL, INTERRUPT, NUMERICAL, OTHER_FAULT, FAILED, BAD_COMMAND, COMPLETED }; /** * Generate the Dart compatible output */ virtual void GenerateDartOutput(std::ostream& os); /** * Run the test for a directory and any subdirectories */ void ProcessDirectory(std::vector<cmStdString> &passed, std::vector<cmStdString> &failed); typedef std::vector<cmCTestTestProperties> tm_ListOfTests; /** * Get the list of tests in directory and subdirectories. */ void GetListOfTests(); /** * Find the executable for a test */ std::string FindTheExecutable(const char *exe); const char* GetTestStatus(int status); void ExpandTestsToRunInformation(int numPossibleTests); std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomPreTest; std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomPostTest; int m_CustomMaximumPassedTestOutputSize; int m_CustomMaximumFailedTestOutputSize; std::vector<int> m_TestsToRun; bool m_UseIncludeRegExp; bool m_UseExcludeRegExp; bool m_UseExcludeRegExpFirst; std::string m_IncludeRegExp; std::string m_ExcludeRegExp; cmsys::RegularExpression m_IncludeTestsRegularExpression; cmsys::RegularExpression m_ExcludeTestsRegularExpression; std::string GenerateRegressionImages(const std::string& xml); //! Clean test output to specified length bool CleanTestOutput(std::string& output, size_t length); std::string TestsToRunString; bool m_UseUnion; tm_ListOfTests m_TestList; cmsys::RegularExpression m_DartStuff; std::ostream* m_LogFile; }; #endif