/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmCTestUpdateHandler.h" #include "cmCTest.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmVersion.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmXMLParser.h" //#include #include // used for sleep #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windows.h" #endif #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateStrings[] = { "Unknown", "CVS", "SVN" }; static const char* cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateToString(int type) { if ( type < cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_UNKNOWN || type >= cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_LAST ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateStrings[cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_UNKNOWN]; } return cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateStrings[type]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //********************************************************************** class cmCTestUpdateHandlerSVNXMLParser : public cmXMLParser { public: struct t_CommitLog { int m_Revision; std::string m_Author; std::string m_Date; std::string m_Message; }; cmCTestUpdateHandlerSVNXMLParser(cmCTestUpdateHandler* up) : cmXMLParser(), m_UpdateHandler(up), m_MinRevision(-1), m_MaxRevision(-1) { } int Parse(const char* str) { m_MinRevision = -1; m_MaxRevision = -1; int res = this->cmXMLParser::Parse(str); if ( m_MinRevision == -1 || m_MaxRevision == -1 ) { return 0; } return res; } typedef std::vector t_VectorOfCommits; t_VectorOfCommits* GetCommits() { return &m_Commits; } int GetMinRevision() { return m_MinRevision; } int GetMaxRevision() { return m_MaxRevision; } protected: void StartElement(const char* name, const char** atts) { if ( strcmp(name, "logentry") == 0 ) { m_CommitLog = t_CommitLog(); const char* rev = this->FindAttribute(atts, "revision"); if ( rev) { m_CommitLog.m_Revision = atoi(rev); if ( m_MinRevision < 0 || m_MinRevision > m_CommitLog.m_Revision ) { m_MinRevision = m_CommitLog.m_Revision; } if ( m_MaxRevision < 0 || m_MaxRevision < m_CommitLog.m_Revision ) { m_MaxRevision = m_CommitLog.m_Revision; } } } m_CharacterData.erase(m_CharacterData.begin(), m_CharacterData.end()); } void EndElement(const char* name) { if ( strcmp(name, "logentry") == 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_UpdateHandler->GetCTestInstance(), HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "\tRevision: " << m_CommitLog.m_Revision<< std::endl << "\tAuthor: " << m_CommitLog.m_Author.c_str() << std::endl << "\tDate: " << m_CommitLog.m_Date.c_str() << std::endl << "\tMessage: " << m_CommitLog.m_Message.c_str() << std::endl); m_Commits.push_back(m_CommitLog); } else if ( strcmp(name, "author") == 0 ) { m_CommitLog.m_Author.assign(&(*(m_CharacterData.begin())), m_CharacterData.size()); } else if ( strcmp(name, "date") == 0 ) { m_CommitLog.m_Date.assign(&(*(m_CharacterData.begin())), m_CharacterData.size()); } else if ( strcmp(name, "msg") == 0 ) { m_CommitLog.m_Message.assign(&(*(m_CharacterData.begin())), m_CharacterData.size()); } m_CharacterData.erase(m_CharacterData.begin(), m_CharacterData.end()); } void CharacterDataHandler(const char* data, int length) { m_CharacterData.insert(m_CharacterData.end(), data, data+length); } const char* FindAttribute( const char** atts, const char* attribute ) { if ( !atts || !attribute ) { return 0; } const char **atr = atts; while ( *atr && **atr && **(atr+1) ) { if ( strcmp(*atr, attribute) == 0 ) { return *(atr+1); } atr+=2; } return 0; } private: std::vector m_CharacterData; cmCTestUpdateHandler* m_UpdateHandler; t_CommitLog m_CommitLog; t_VectorOfCommits m_Commits; int m_MinRevision; int m_MaxRevision; }; //********************************************************************** //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCTestUpdateHandler::cmCTestUpdateHandler() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestUpdateHandler::Initialize() { this->Superclass::Initialize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCTestUpdateHandler::DetermineType(const char* cmd, const char* type) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Determine update type from command: " << cmd << " and type: " << type << std::endl); if ( type && *type ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Type specified: " << type << std::endl); std::string stype = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(type); if ( stype.find("cvs") != std::string::npos ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS; } if ( stype.find("svn") != std::string::npos ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN; } } else { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Type not specified, check command: " << cmd << std::endl); std::string stype = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(cmd); if ( stype.find("cvs") != std::string::npos ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS; } if ( stype.find("svn") != std::string::npos ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN; } } std::string sourceDirectory = this->GetOption("SourceDirectory"); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Check directory: " << sourceDirectory.c_str() << std::endl); sourceDirectory += "/.svn"; if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourceDirectory.c_str()) ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN; } sourceDirectory = this->GetOption("SourceDirectory"); sourceDirectory += "/CVS"; if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourceDirectory.c_str()) ) { return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS; } return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_UNKNOWN; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //clearly it would be nice if this were broken up into a few smaller //functions and commented... int cmCTestUpdateHandler::ProcessHandler() { int count = 0; int updateType = e_CVS; std::string::size_type cc, kk; bool updateProducedError = false; std::string goutput; std::string errors; std::string checkoutErrorMessages; int retVal = 0; // Get source dir const char* sourceDirectory = this->GetOption("SourceDirectory"); if ( !sourceDirectory ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot find SourceDirectory key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl); return -1; } cmGeneratedFileStream ofs; if ( !m_CTest->GetShowOnly() ) { this->StartLogFile("Update", ofs); } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Updating the repository" << std::endl); const char* initialCheckoutCommand = this->GetOption("InitialCheckout"); if ( initialCheckoutCommand ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " First perform the initil checkout: " << initialCheckoutCommand << std::endl); cmStdString parent = cmSystemTools::GetParentDirectory(sourceDirectory); if ( parent.empty() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Something went wrong when trying " "to determine the parent directory of " << sourceDirectory << std::endl); return -1; } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Perform checkout in directory: " << parent.c_str() << std::endl); if ( !cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(parent.c_str()) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot create parent directory: " << parent.c_str() << " of the source directory: " << sourceDirectory << std::endl); return -1; } ofs << "* Run initial checkout" << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << initialCheckoutCommand << std::endl; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, " Before: " << initialCheckoutCommand << std::endl); bool retic = m_CTest->RunCommand(initialCheckoutCommand, &goutput, &errors, &retVal, parent.c_str(), 0 /* Timeout */); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, " After: " << initialCheckoutCommand << std::endl); ofs << " Output: " << goutput.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; if ( !retic || retVal ) { cmOStringStream ostr; ostr << "Problem running initial checkout Output [" << goutput << "] Errors [" << errors << "]"; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, ostr.str().c_str() << std::endl); checkoutErrorMessages += ostr.str(); updateProducedError = true; } m_CTest->InitializeFromCommand(m_Command); } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Updating the repository: " << sourceDirectory << std::endl); // Get update command std::string updateCommand = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateCommand"); if ( updateCommand.empty() ) { updateCommand = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("CVSCommand"); if ( updateCommand.empty() ) { updateCommand = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("SVNCommand"); if ( updateCommand.empty() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot find CVSCommand, SVNCommand, or UpdateCommand key in the " "DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl); return -1; } else { updateType = e_SVN; } } else { updateType = e_CVS; } } else { updateType = this->DetermineType(updateCommand.c_str(), m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateType").c_str()); } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Use " << cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateToString(updateType) << " repository type" << std::endl;); // And update options std::string updateOptions = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateOptions"); if ( updateOptions.empty() ) { switch (updateType) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: updateOptions = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("CVSUpdateOptions"); if ( updateOptions.empty() ) { updateOptions = "-dP"; } break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: updateOptions = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("SVNUpdateOptions"); break; } } // Get update time std::string extra_update_opts; if ( m_CTest->GetTestModel() == cmCTest::NIGHTLY ) { struct tm* t = m_CTest->GetNightlyTime( m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("NightlyStartTime"), m_CTest->GetTomorrowTag()); char current_time[1024]; sprintf(current_time, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); std::string today_update_date = current_time; // TODO: SVN switch ( updateType ) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: extra_update_opts += "-D \"" + today_update_date +" UTC\""; break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: extra_update_opts += "-r \"{" + today_update_date +" +0000}\""; break; } } updateCommand = "\"" + updateCommand + "\""; // First, check what the current state of repository is std::string command = ""; switch( updateType ) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: // TODO: CVS - for now just leave empty break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: command = updateCommand + " info"; break; } // CVS variables // SVN variables int svn_current_revision = 0; int svn_latest_revision = 0; int svn_use_status = 0; bool res = true; // // Get initial repository information if that is possible. With subversion, // this will check the current revision. // if ( !command.empty() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "* Get repository information: " << command.c_str() << std::endl); if ( !m_CTest->GetShowOnly() ) { ofs << "* Get repository information" << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << command.c_str() << std::endl; res = m_CTest->RunCommand(command.c_str(), &goutput, &errors, &retVal, sourceDirectory, 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << goutput.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; if ( ofs ) { ofs << "--- Update information ---" << std::endl; ofs << goutput << std::endl; } switch ( updateType ) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: // TODO: CVS - for now just leave empty break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: { cmsys::RegularExpression current_revision_regex( "Revision: ([0-9]+)"); if ( current_revision_regex.find(goutput.c_str()) ) { std::string currentRevisionString = current_revision_regex.match(1); svn_current_revision = atoi(currentRevisionString.c_str()); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Old revision of repository is: " << svn_current_revision << std::endl); } } break; } } else { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "Update with command: " << command << std::endl); } } // // Now update repository and remember what files were updated // cmGeneratedFileStream os; if ( !this->StartResultingXML("Update", os) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot open log file" << std::endl); } std::string start_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); double elapsed_time_start = cmSystemTools::GetTime(); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "* Update repository: " << command.c_str() << std::endl); if ( !m_CTest->GetShowOnly() ) { command = ""; switch( updateType ) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: command = updateCommand + " -z3 update " + updateOptions + " " + extra_update_opts; ofs << "* Update repository: " << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << command.c_str() << std::endl; res = m_CTest->RunCommand(command.c_str(), &goutput, &errors, &retVal, sourceDirectory, 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << goutput.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: { std::string partialOutput; command = updateCommand + " update " + updateOptions + " " + extra_update_opts; ofs << "* Update repository: " << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << command.c_str() << std::endl; bool res1 = m_CTest->RunCommand(command.c_str(), &partialOutput, &errors, &retVal, sourceDirectory, 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << partialOutput.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; goutput = partialOutput; command = updateCommand + " status"; ofs << "* Status repository: " << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << command.c_str() << std::endl; res = m_CTest->RunCommand(command.c_str(), &partialOutput, &errors, &retVal, sourceDirectory, 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << partialOutput.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; goutput += partialOutput; res = res && res1; ofs << " Total output of update: " << goutput.c_str() << std::endl; } } if ( ofs ) { ofs << "--- Update repository ---" << std::endl; ofs << goutput << std::endl; } } if ( !res || retVal ) { updateProducedError = true; checkoutErrorMessages += " " + goutput; } os << "\n" << "\n" << "\t" << m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("Site") << "\n" << "\t" << m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("BuildName") << "\n" << "\t" << m_CTest->GetCurrentTag() << "-" << m_CTest->GetTestModelString() << "" << std::endl; os << "\t" << start_time << "\n" << "\t" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(command) << "\n" << "\t" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe( cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateToString(updateType)) << "\n"; // Even though it failed, we may have some useful information. Try to // continue... std::vector lines; cmSystemTools::Split(goutput.c_str(), lines); std::vector errLines; cmSystemTools::Split(errors.c_str(), errLines); lines.insert(lines.end(), errLines.begin(), errLines.end()); // CVS style regular expressions cmsys::RegularExpression cvs_date_author_regex( "^date: +([^;]+); +author: +([^;]+); +state: +[^;]+;"); cmsys::RegularExpression cvs_revision_regex("^revision +([^ ]*) *$"); cmsys::RegularExpression cvs_end_of_file_regex( "^==========================================" "===================================$"); cmsys::RegularExpression cvs_end_of_comment_regex( "^----------------------------$"); // Subversion style regular expressions cmsys::RegularExpression svn_status_line_regex( "^ *([0-9]+) *([0-9]+) *([^ ]+) *([^ ][^\t\r\n]*)[ \t\r\n]*$"); cmsys::RegularExpression svn_latest_revision_regex( "(Updated to|At) revision ([0-9]+)\\."); cmsys::RegularExpression file_removed_line( "cvs update: `(.*)' is no longer in the repository"); cmsys::RegularExpression file_update_line("([A-Z]) *(.*)"); std::string current_path = ""; bool first_file = true; cmCTestUpdateHandler::AuthorsToUpdatesMap authors_files_map; int num_updated = 0; int num_modified = 0; int num_conflicting = 0; // In subversion, get the latest revision if ( updateType == cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN ) { for ( cc= 0; cc < lines.size(); cc ++ ) { const char* line = lines[cc].c_str(); if ( svn_latest_revision_regex.find(line) ) { svn_latest_revision = atoi( svn_latest_revision_regex.match(2).c_str()); } } if ( svn_latest_revision <= 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Problem determining the current " "revision of the repository from output:" << std::endl << goutput.c_str() << std::endl); } else { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Current revision of repository is: " << svn_latest_revision << std::endl); } } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Gathering version information (each . represents one updated file):" << std::endl); int file_count = 0; std::string removed_line; for ( cc= 0; cc < lines.size(); cc ++ ) { const char* line = lines[cc].c_str(); if ( file_removed_line.find(line) ) { removed_line = "D " + file_removed_line.match(1); line = removed_line.c_str(); } if ( file_update_line.find(line) ) { if ( file_count == 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " " << std::flush); } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "." << std::flush); std::string upChar = file_update_line.match(1); std::string upFile = file_update_line.match(2); char mod = upChar[0]; bool modifiedOrConflict = false; if ( mod == 'X') { continue; } if ( mod != 'M' && mod != 'C' && mod != 'G' ) { count ++; modifiedOrConflict = true; } const char* file = upFile.c_str(); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Line" << cc << ": " << mod << " - " << file << std::endl); std::string output; if ( modifiedOrConflict ) { std::string logcommand; switch ( updateType ) { case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS: logcommand = updateCommand + " -z3 log -N \"" + file + "\""; break; case cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN: if ( svn_latest_revision > 0 && svn_latest_revision > svn_current_revision ) { cmOStringStream logCommandStream; logCommandStream << updateCommand << " log -r " << svn_current_revision << ":" << svn_latest_revision << " --xml \"" << file << "\""; logcommand = logCommandStream.str(); } else { logcommand = updateCommand + " status --verbose \"" + file + "\""; svn_use_status = 1; } break; } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "Do log: " << logcommand << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "* Get file update information: " << logcommand.c_str() << std::endl); ofs << "* Get log information for file: " << file << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << logcommand.c_str() << std::endl; res = m_CTest->RunCommand(logcommand.c_str(), &output, &errors, &retVal, sourceDirectory, 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << output.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; if ( ofs ) { ofs << output << std::endl; } } if ( res && retVal == 0) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, output << std::endl); std::string::size_type sline = 0; std::string srevision1 = "Unknown"; std::string sdate1 = "Unknown"; std::string sauthor1 = "Unknown"; std::string semail1 = "Unknown"; std::string comment1 = ""; std::string srevision2 = "Unknown"; std::string sdate2 = "Unknown"; std::string sauthor2 = "Unknown"; std::string comment2 = ""; std::string semail2 = "Unknown"; if ( updateType == cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_CVS ) { bool have_first = false; bool have_second = false; std::vector ulines; cmSystemTools::Split(output.c_str(), ulines); for ( kk = 0; kk < ulines.size(); kk ++ ) { const char* clp = ulines[kk].c_str(); if ( !have_second && !sline && cvs_revision_regex.find(clp) ) { if ( !have_first ) { srevision1 = cvs_revision_regex.match(1); } else { srevision2 = cvs_revision_regex.match(1); } } else if ( !have_second && !sline && cvs_date_author_regex.find(clp) ) { sline = kk + 1; if ( !have_first ) { sdate1 = cvs_date_author_regex.match(1); sauthor1 = cvs_date_author_regex.match(2); } else { sdate2 = cvs_date_author_regex.match(1); sauthor2 = cvs_date_author_regex.match(2); } } else if ( sline && cvs_end_of_comment_regex.find(clp) || cvs_end_of_file_regex.find(clp)) { if ( !have_first ) { have_first = true; } else if ( !have_second ) { have_second = true; } sline = 0; } else if ( sline ) { if ( !have_first ) { comment1 += clp; comment1 += "\n"; } else { comment2 += clp; comment2 += "\n"; } } } } else if ( updateType == cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_SVN ) { if ( svn_use_status ) { cmOStringStream str; str << svn_current_revision; srevision1 = str.str(); if (!svn_status_line_regex.find(output)) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Bad output from SVN status command: " << output << std::endl); } else if ( svn_status_line_regex.match(4) != file ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Bad output from SVN status command. " "The file name returned: \"" << svn_status_line_regex.match(4) << "\" was different than the file specified: \"" << file << "\"" << std::endl); } else { srevision1 = svn_status_line_regex.match(2); int latest_revision = atoi( svn_status_line_regex.match(2).c_str()); if ( svn_current_revision < latest_revision ) { srevision2 = str.str(); } sauthor1 = svn_status_line_regex.match(3); } } else { cmCTestUpdateHandlerSVNXMLParser parser(this); if ( parser.Parse(output.c_str()) ) { int minrev = parser.GetMinRevision(); int maxrev = parser.GetMaxRevision(); cmCTestUpdateHandlerSVNXMLParser:: t_VectorOfCommits::iterator it; for ( it = parser.GetCommits()->begin(); it != parser.GetCommits()->end(); ++ it ) { if ( it->m_Revision == maxrev ) { cmOStringStream mRevStream; mRevStream << maxrev; srevision1 = mRevStream.str(); sauthor1 = it->m_Author; comment1 = it->m_Message; sdate1 = it->m_Date; } else if ( it->m_Revision == minrev ) { cmOStringStream mRevStream; mRevStream << minrev; srevision2 = mRevStream.str(); sauthor2 = it->m_Author; comment2 = it->m_Message; sdate2 = it->m_Date; } } } } } if ( mod == 'M' ) { comment1 = "Locally modified file\n"; sauthor1 = "Local User"; } if ( mod == 'D' ) { comment1 += " - Removed file\n"; } if ( mod == 'C' ) { comment1 = "Conflict while updating\n"; sauthor1 = "Local User"; } std::string path = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(file); std::string fname = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(file); if ( path != current_path ) { if ( !first_file ) { os << "\t" << std::endl; } else { first_file = false; } os << "\t\n" << "\t\t" << path << "" << std::endl; } if ( mod == 'C' ) { num_conflicting ++; os << "\t" << std::endl; } else if ( mod == 'G' ) { num_conflicting ++; os << "\t" << std::endl; } else if ( mod == 'M' ) { num_modified ++; os << "\t" << std::endl; } else { num_updated ++; os << "\t" << std::endl; } if ( srevision2 == "Unknown" ) { srevision2 = srevision1; } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "File: " << path.c_str() << " / " << fname.c_str() << " was updated by " << sauthor1.c_str() << " to revision: " << srevision1.c_str() << " from revision: " << srevision2.c_str() << std::endl); os << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(fname) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(path) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(file) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sdate1) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sauthor1) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(semail1) << "\n" << "\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(comment1) << "\n" << "\t\t" << srevision1 << "\n" << "\t\t" << srevision2 << "" << std::endl; if ( srevision2 != srevision1 ) { os << "\t\t\n" << "\t\t\t" << srevision1 << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << srevision2 << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sauthor1) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sdate1) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(comment1) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(semail1) << "\n" << "\t\t\n" << "\t\t\n" << "\t\t\t" << srevision2 << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << srevision2 << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sauthor2) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(sdate2) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(comment2) << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(semail2) << "\n" << "\t\t" << std::endl; } if ( mod == 'C' ) { os << "\t" << std::endl; } else if ( mod == 'G' ) { os << "\t" << std::endl; } else if ( mod == 'M' ) { os << "\t" << std::endl; } else { os << "\t" << std::endl; } cmCTestUpdateHandler::UpdateFiles *u = &authors_files_map[sauthor1]; cmCTestUpdateHandler::StringPair p; p.first = path; p.second = fname; u->push_back(p); current_path = path; } file_count ++; } } if ( file_count ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, std::endl); } if ( num_updated ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Found " << num_updated << " updated files" << std::endl); } if ( num_modified ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Found " << num_modified << " locally modified files" << std::endl); } if ( num_conflicting ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Found " << num_conflicting << " conflicting files" << std::endl); } if ( num_modified == 0 && num_conflicting == 0 && num_updated == 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Project is up-to-date" << std::endl); } if ( !first_file ) { os << "\t" << std::endl; } cmCTestUpdateHandler::AuthorsToUpdatesMap::iterator it; for ( it = authors_files_map.begin(); it != authors_files_map.end(); it ++ ) { os << "\t\n" << "\t\t" << it->first << "" << std::endl; cmCTestUpdateHandler::UpdateFiles *u = &(it->second); for ( cc = 0; cc < u->size(); cc ++ ) { os << "\t\t" << (*u)[cc].second << "" << std::endl; } os << "\t" << std::endl; } cmCTestLog(m_CTest, DEBUG, "End" << std::endl); std::string end_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); os << "\t" << end_time << "\n" << "" << static_cast((cmSystemTools::GetTime() - elapsed_time_start)/6)/10.0 << "\n" << "\t"; if ( num_modified > 0 || num_conflicting > 0 ) { os << "Update error: There are modified or conflicting files in the " "repository"; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, " There are modified or conflicting files in the repository" << std::endl); } if ( updateProducedError ) { os << "Update error: "; os << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(checkoutErrorMessages); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, " Update with command: " << command << " failed" << std::endl); } os << "" << std::endl; os << "" << std::endl; if (! res || retVal ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error(s) when updating the project" << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Output: " << goutput << std::endl); return -1; } return count; }