#include "cmStandardIncludes.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmParseGTMCoverage.h" #include <cmsys/Directory.hxx> #include <cmsys/Glob.hxx> cmParseGTMCoverage::cmParseGTMCoverage(cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer& cont, cmCTest* ctest) :cmParseMumpsCoverage(cont, ctest) { } bool cmParseGTMCoverage::LoadCoverageData(const char* d) { // load all the .mcov files in the specified directory cmsys::Directory dir; if(!dir.Load(d)) { return false; } size_t numf; unsigned int i; numf = dir.GetNumberOfFiles(); for (i = 0; i < numf; i++) { std::string file = dir.GetFile(i); if(file != "." && file != ".." && !cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(file.c_str())) { std::string path = d; path += "/"; path += file; if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(path) == ".mcov") { if(!this->ReadMCovFile(path.c_str())) { return false; } } } } return true; } bool cmParseGTMCoverage::ReadMCovFile(const char* file) { std::ifstream in(file); if(!in) { return false; } std::string line; std::string lastfunction; std::string lastroutine; std::string lastpath; int lastoffset = 0; while( cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line)) { // only look at lines that have coverage data if(line.find("^ZZCOVERAGE") == line.npos) { continue; } std::string filepath; std::string function; std::string routine; int linenumber = 0; int count = 0; this->ParseMCOVLine(line, routine, function, linenumber, count); // skip this one if(routine == "RSEL") { continue; } // no need to search the file if we just did it if(function == lastfunction && lastroutine == routine) { if(lastpath.size()) { this->Coverage.TotalCoverage[lastpath][lastoffset + linenumber] += count; } else { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can not find mumps file : " << lastroutine << " referenced in this line of mcov data:\n" "[" << line << "]\n"); } continue; } // Find the full path to the file bool found = this->FindMumpsFile(routine, filepath); if(found) { int lineoffset = 0; if(this->FindFunctionInMumpsFile(filepath, function, lineoffset)) { cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer::SingleFileCoverageVector& coverageVector = this->Coverage.TotalCoverage[filepath]; coverageVector[lineoffset + linenumber] += count; lastoffset = lineoffset; } } else { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can not find mumps file : " << routine << " referenced in this line of mcov data:\n" "[" << line << "]\n"); } lastfunction = function; lastroutine = routine; lastpath = filepath; } return true; } bool cmParseGTMCoverage::FindFunctionInMumpsFile(std::string const& filepath, std::string const& function, int& lineoffset) { std::ifstream in(filepath.c_str()); if(!in) { return false; } std::string line; int linenum = 0; while( cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line)) { std::string::size_type pos = line.find(function.c_str()); if(pos == 0) { char nextchar = line[function.size()]; if(nextchar == ' ' || nextchar == '(') { lineoffset = linenum; return true; } } if(pos == 1) { char prevchar = line[0]; char nextchar = line[function.size()+1]; if(prevchar == '%' && (nextchar == ' ' || nextchar == '(')) { lineoffset = linenum; return true; } } linenum++; // move to next line count } lineoffset = 0; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Could not find entry point : " << function << " in " << filepath << "\n"); return false; } bool cmParseGTMCoverage::ParseMCOVLine(std::string const& line, std::string& routine, std::string& function, int& linenumber, int& count) { // this method parses lines from the .mcov file // each line has ^COVERAGE(...) in it, and there // are several varients of coverage lines: // // ^COVERAGE("DIC11","PR1",0)="2:0:0:0" // ( file , entry, line ) = "number_executed:timing_info" // ^COVERAGE("%RSEL","SRC")="1:0:0:0" // ( file , entry ) = "number_executed:timing_info" // ^COVERAGE("%RSEL","init",8,"FOR_LOOP",1)=1 // ( file , entry, line, IGNORE ) =number_executed std::vector<cmStdString> args; std::string::size_type pos = line.find('(', 0); // if no ( is found, then return line has no coverage if(pos == std::string::npos) { return false; } std::string arg; bool done = false; // separate out all of the comma separated arguments found // in the COVERAGE(...) line while(line[pos] && !done) { // save the char we are looking at char cur = line[pos]; // , or ) means end of argument if(cur == ',' || cur == ')') { // save the argument into the argument vector args.push_back(arg); // start on a new argument arg = ""; // if we are at the end of the ), then finish while loop if(cur == ')') { done = true; } } else { // all chars except ", (, and % get stored in the arg string if(cur != '\"' && cur != '(' && cur != '%') { arg.append(1, line[pos]); } } // move to next char pos++; } // now parse the right hand side of the = pos = line.find('='); // no = found, this is an error if(pos == line.npos) { return false; } pos++; // move past = // if the next positing is not a ", then this is a // COVERAGE(..)=count line and turn the rest of the string // past the = into an integer and set it to count if(line[pos] != '\"') { count = atoi(line.substr(pos).c_str()); } else { // this means line[pos] is a ", and we have a // COVERAGE(...)="1:0:0:0" type of line pos++; // move past " // find the first : past the " std::string::size_type pos2 = line.find(':', pos); // turn the string between the " and the first : into an integer // and set it to count count = atoi(line.substr(pos, pos2-pos).c_str()); } // less then two arguments is an error if(args.size() < 2) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error parsing mcov line: [" << line << "]\n"); return false; } routine = args[0]; // the routine is the first argument function = args[1]; // the function in the routine is the second // in the two argument only format // ^COVERAGE("%RSEL","SRC"), the line offset is 0 if(args.size() == 2) { linenumber = 0; } else { // this is the format for this line // ^COVERAGE("%RSEL","SRC",count) linenumber = atoi(args[2].c_str()); } return true; }