/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2015 Kitware, Inc., Gregor Jasny Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "RegexExplorer.h" RegexExplorer::RegexExplorer(QWidget* p) : QDialog(p), m_matched(false) { this->setupUi(this); for(int i = 1; i < cmsys::RegularExpression::NSUBEXP; ++i) { matchNumber->addItem( QString("Match %1").arg(QString::number(i)), QVariant(i)); } matchNumber->setCurrentIndex(0); } void RegexExplorer::setStatusColor(QWidget* widget, bool successful) { QColor color = successful ? QColor(0, 127, 0) : Qt::red; QPalette palette = widget->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, color); widget->setPalette(palette); } void RegexExplorer::on_regularExpression_textChanged(const QString& text) { #ifdef QT_NO_STL m_regex = text.toAscii().constData(); #else m_regex = text.toStdString(); #endif bool validExpression = stripEscapes(m_regex) && m_regexParser.compile(m_regex); if(!validExpression) { m_regexParser.set_invalid(); } setStatusColor(labelRegexValid, validExpression); on_inputText_textChanged(); } void RegexExplorer::on_inputText_textChanged() { if(m_regexParser.is_valid()) { QString plainText = inputText->toPlainText(); #ifdef QT_NO_STL m_text = plainText.toAscii().constData(); #else m_text = plainText.toStdString(); #endif m_matched = m_regexParser.find(m_text); } else { m_matched = false; } setStatusColor(labelRegexMatch, m_matched); if(!m_matched) { clearMatch(); return; } #ifdef QT_NO_STL QString matchText = m_regexParser.match(0).c_str(); #else QString matchText = QString::fromStdString(m_regexParser.match(0)); #endif match0->setPlainText(matchText); on_matchNumber_currentIndexChanged(matchNumber->currentIndex()); } void RegexExplorer::on_matchNumber_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if(!m_matched) { return; } QVariant itemData = matchNumber->itemData(index); int idx = itemData.toInt(); if(idx < 1 || idx >= cmsys::RegularExpression::NSUBEXP) { return; } #ifdef QT_NO_STL QString match = m_regexParser.match(idx).c_str(); #else QString match = QString::fromStdString(m_regexParser.match(idx)); #endif matchN->setPlainText(match); } void RegexExplorer::clearMatch() { match0->clear(); matchN->clear(); } bool RegexExplorer::stripEscapes(std::string& source) { const char* in = source.c_str(); std::string result; result.reserve(source.size()); for(char inc = *in; inc != '\0'; inc = *++in) { if(inc == '\\') { char nextc = in[1]; if(nextc == 't') { result.append(1, '\t'); in++; } else if(nextc == 'n') { result.append(1, '\n'); in++; } else if(nextc == 't') { result.append(1, '\t'); in++; } else if(isalnum(nextc) || nextc == '\0') { return false; } else { result.append(1, nextc); in++; } } else { result.append(1, inc); } } source = result; return true; }