/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portions of this source have been derived from the 'bindexplib' tool provided by the CERN ROOT Data Analysis Framework project (root.cern.ch). Permission has been granted by Pere Mato to distribute this derived work under the CMake license. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Program: dumpexts.exe * Author: Gordon Chaffee * * History: The real functionality of this file was written by * Matt Pietrek in 1993 in his pedump utility. I've * modified it to dump the externals in a bunch of object * files to create a .def file. * * Notes: Visual C++ puts an underscore before each exported symbol. * This file removes them. I don't know if this is a problem * this other compilers. If _MSC_VER is defined, * the underscore is removed. If not, it isn't. To get a * full dump of an object file, use the -f option. This can * help determine the something that may be different with a * compiler other than Visual C++. * ====================================== * Corrections (Axel 2006-04-04): * Conversion to C++. Mostly. * * Extension (Axel 2006-03-15) * As soon as an object file contains an /EXPORT directive (which * is generated by the compiler when a symbol is declared as * declspec(dllexport)) no to-be-exported symbols are printed, * as the linker will see these directives, and if those directives * are present we only export selectively (i.e. we trust the * programmer). * * ====================================== * ====================================== * Corrections (Valery Fine 23/02/98): * * The "(vector) deleting destructor" MUST not be exported * To recognize it the following test are introduced: * "@@UAEPAXI@Z" scalar deleting dtor * "@@QAEPAXI@Z" vector deleting dtor * "AEPAXI@Z" vector deleting dtor with thunk adjustor * ====================================== * Corrections (Valery Fine 12/02/97): * * It created a wrong EXPORTS for the global pointers and constants. * The Section Header has been involved to discover the missing information * Now the pointers are correctly supplied supplied with "DATA" descriptor * the constants with no extra descriptor. * * Corrections (Valery Fine 16/09/96): * * It didn't work for C++ code with global variables and class definitons * The DumpExternalObject function has been introduced to generate .DEF file * * Author: Valery Fine 16/09/96 (E-mail: fine@vxcern.cern.ch) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "bindexplib.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ { /* same as ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 */ WORD Sig1; // Must be IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN WORD Sig2; // Must be 0xffff WORD Version; // >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present) WORD Machine; // Actual machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_xxx DWORD TimeDateStamp; CLSID ClassID; // {D1BAA1C7-BAEE-4ba9-AF20-FAF66AA4DCB8} DWORD SizeOfData; // Size of data that follows the header DWORD Flags; // 0x1 -> contains metadata DWORD MetaDataSize; // Size of CLR metadata DWORD MetaDataOffset; // Offset of CLR metadata /* bigobj specifics */ DWORD NumberOfSections; // extended from WORD DWORD PointerToSymbolTable; DWORD NumberOfSymbols; } cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ; typedef struct _cmIMAGE_SYMBOL_EX { union { BYTE ShortName[8]; struct { DWORD Short; // if 0, use LongName DWORD Long; // offset into string table } Name; DWORD LongName[2]; // PBYTE [2] } N; DWORD Value; LONG SectionNumber; WORD Type; BYTE StorageClass; BYTE NumberOfAuxSymbols; } cmIMAGE_SYMBOL_EX; typedef cmIMAGE_SYMBOL_EX UNALIGNED *cmPIMAGE_SYMBOL_EX; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER GetSectionHeaderOffset(PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pImageFileHeader) { return (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) ((DWORD_PTR)pImageFileHeader + IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER + pImageFileHeader->SizeOfOptionalHeader); } PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER GetSectionHeaderOffset(cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ* pImageFileHeader) { return (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) ((DWORD_PTR)pImageFileHeader + sizeof(cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ)); } /* + * Utility func, strstr with size + */ const char* StrNStr(const char* start, const char* find, size_t &size) { size_t len; const char* hint; if (!start || !find || !size) { size = 0; return 0; } len = strlen(find); while ((hint = (const char*) memchr(start, find[0], size-len+1))) { size -= (hint - start); if (!strncmp(hint, find, len)) return hint; start = hint + 1; } size = 0; return 0; } template < // cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ or IMAGE_FILE_HEADER class ObjectHeaderType, // cmPIMAGE_SYMBOL_EX or PIMAGE_SYMBOL class SymbolTableType> class DumpSymbols { public: /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Constructor -- * * Initialize variables from pointer to object header. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DumpSymbols(ObjectHeaderType* ih, std::set& symbols, std::set& dataSymbols, bool is64) :Symbols(symbols), DataSymbols(dataSymbols) { this->ObjectImageHeader = ih; this->SymbolTable = (SymbolTableType*) ((DWORD_PTR)this->ObjectImageHeader + this->ObjectImageHeader->PointerToSymbolTable); this->SectionHeaders = GetSectionHeaderOffset(this->ObjectImageHeader); this->SymbolCount = this->ObjectImageHeader->NumberOfSymbols; this->Is64Bit = is64; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * HaveExportedObjects -- * * Returns true if export directives (declspec(dllexport)) exist. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool HaveExportedObjects() { WORD i = 0; size_t size = 0; const char * rawdata = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pDirectivesSectionHeader = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHeaders = this->SectionHeaders; for(i = 0; (i < this->ObjectImageHeader->NumberOfSections && !pDirectivesSectionHeader); i++) if (!strncmp((const char*)&pSectionHeaders[i].Name[0], ".drectve",8)) pDirectivesSectionHeader = &pSectionHeaders[i]; if (!pDirectivesSectionHeader) return 0; rawdata=(const char*) this->ObjectImageHeader+pDirectivesSectionHeader->PointerToRawData; if (!pDirectivesSectionHeader->PointerToRawData || !rawdata) return 0; size = pDirectivesSectionHeader->SizeOfRawData; const char* posImportFlag = rawdata; while ((posImportFlag = StrNStr(posImportFlag, " /EXPORT:", size))) { const char* lookingForDict = posImportFlag + 9; if (!strncmp(lookingForDict, "_G__cpp_",8) || !strncmp(lookingForDict, "_G__set_cpp_",12)) { posImportFlag = lookingForDict; continue; } const char* lookingForDATA = posImportFlag + 9; while (*(++lookingForDATA) && *lookingForDATA != ' '); lookingForDATA -= 5; // ignore DATA exports if (strncmp(lookingForDATA, ",DATA", 5)) break; posImportFlag = lookingForDATA + 5; } if(posImportFlag) { return true; } return false; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * DumpObjFile -- * * Dump an object file's exported symbols. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void DumpObjFile() { this->DumpExternalsObjects(); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * DumpExternalsObjects -- * * Dumps a COFF symbol table from an OBJ. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void DumpExternalsObjects() { unsigned i; PSTR stringTable; std::string symbol; DWORD SectChar; /* * The string table apparently starts right after the symbol table */ stringTable = (PSTR)&this->SymbolTable[this->SymbolCount]; SymbolTableType* pSymbolTable = this->SymbolTable; for ( i=0; i < this->SymbolCount; i++ ) { if (pSymbolTable->SectionNumber > 0 && ( pSymbolTable->Type == 0x20 || pSymbolTable->Type == 0x0)) { if (pSymbolTable->StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL) { /* * The name of the Function entry points */ if (pSymbolTable->N.Name.Short != 0) { symbol = ""; symbol.insert(0, (const char *)pSymbolTable->N.ShortName, 8); } else { symbol = stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long; } // clear out any leading spaces while (isspace(symbol[0])) symbol.erase(0,1); // if it starts with _ and has an @ then it is a __cdecl // so remove the @ stuff for the export if(symbol[0] == '_') { std::string::size_type posAt = symbol.find('@'); if (posAt != std::string::npos) { symbol.erase(posAt); } } // For 64 bit builds we don't need to remove _ if(!this->Is64Bit) { if (symbol[0] == '_') { symbol.erase(0,1); } } /* Check whether it is "Scalar deleting destructor" and "Vector deleting destructor" */ const char *scalarPrefix = "??_G"; const char *vectorPrefix = "??_E"; // original code had a check for // symbol.find("real@") == std::string::npos) // but if this disallows memmber functions with the name real // if scalarPrefix and vectorPrefix are not found then print // the symbol if (symbol.compare(0, 4, scalarPrefix) && symbol.compare(0, 4, vectorPrefix) ) { SectChar = this-> SectionHeaders[pSymbolTable->SectionNumber-1].Characteristics; if (!pSymbolTable->Type && (SectChar & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) { // Read only (i.e. constants) must be excluded this->DataSymbols.insert(symbol); } else { if ( pSymbolTable->Type || !(SectChar & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) || (SectChar & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) { this->Symbols.insert(symbol); } else { // printf(" strange symbol: %s \n",symbol.c_str()); } } } } } else if (pSymbolTable->SectionNumber == IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED && !pSymbolTable->Type && 0) { /* * The IMPORT global variable entry points */ if (pSymbolTable->StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL) { symbol = stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long; while (isspace(symbol[0])) symbol.erase(0,1); if (symbol[0] == '_') symbol.erase(0,1); this->DataSymbols.insert(symbol); } } /* * Take into account any aux symbols */ i += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols; pSymbolTable += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols; pSymbolTable++; } } private: std::set& Symbols; std::set& DataSymbols; DWORD_PTR SymbolCount; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeaders; ObjectHeaderType* ObjectImageHeader; SymbolTableType* SymbolTable; bool Is64Bit; }; bool DumpFile(const char* filename, std::set& symbols, std::set& dataSymbols) { HANDLE hFile; HANDLE hFileMapping; LPVOID lpFileBase; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader; hFile = CreateFileW(cmsys::Encoding::ToWide(filename).c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file '%s' with CreateFile()\n", filename); return false; } hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hFileMapping == 0) { CloseHandle(hFile); fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file mapping with CreateFileMapping()\n"); return false; } lpFileBase = MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (lpFileBase == 0) { CloseHandle(hFileMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't map view of file with MapViewOfFile()\n"); return false; } dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)lpFileBase; if (dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { fprintf(stderr, "File is an executable. I don't dump those.\n"); return false; } /* Does it look like a i386 COFF OBJ file??? */ else if ( ((dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) || (dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)) && (dosHeader->e_sp == 0) ) { /* * The two tests above aren't what they look like. They're * really checking for IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Machine == i386 (0x14C) * and IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader == 0; */ DumpSymbols symbolDumper((PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER) lpFileBase, symbols, dataSymbols, (dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)); symbolDumper.DumpObjFile(); } else { // check for /bigobj format cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ* h = (cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ*) lpFileBase; if(h->Sig1 == 0x0 && h->Sig2 == 0xffff) { DumpSymbols symbolDumper((cmANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ*) lpFileBase, symbols, dataSymbols, (h->Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)); symbolDumper.DumpObjFile(); } else { printf("unrecognized file format in '%s'\n", filename); return false; } } UnmapViewOfFile(lpFileBase); CloseHandle(hFileMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); return true; } bool bindexplib::AddObjectFile(const char* filename) { return DumpFile(filename, this->Symbols, this->DataSymbols); } bool bindexplib::AddDefinitionFile(const char* filename) { cmsys::ifstream infile(filename); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open definition file '%s'\n", filename); return false; } std::string str; while (std::getline(infile, str)) { // skip the LIBRAY and EXPORTS lines (if any) if ((str.compare(0,7,"LIBRARY") == 0) || (str.compare(0,7,"EXPORTS") == 0)) { continue; } // remove leading tabs & spaces str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(" \t")); std::size_t found = str.find(" \t DATA"); if (found != std::string::npos) { str.erase (found, std::string::npos); this->DataSymbols.insert(str); } else { this->Symbols.insert(str); } } infile.close(); return true; } void bindexplib::WriteFile(FILE* file) { fprintf(file,"EXPORTS \n"); for (std::set::const_iterator i = this->DataSymbols.begin(); i != this->DataSymbols.end(); ++i) { fprintf(file, "\t%s \t DATA\n", i->c_str()); } for (std::set::const_iterator i = this->Symbols.begin(); i != this->Symbols.end(); ++i) { fprintf(file, "\t%s\n", i->c_str()); } }