/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmAddExecutableCommand.h" #include "cmExecutionStatus.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmTarget.h" bool cmAddExecutableCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus& status) { if (args.empty()) { status.SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } cmMakefile& mf = status.GetMakefile(); auto s = args.begin(); std::string const& exename = *s; ++s; bool use_win32 = false; bool use_macbundle = false; bool excludeFromAll = false; bool importTarget = false; bool importGlobal = false; bool isAlias = false; while (s != args.end()) { if (*s == "WIN32") { ++s; use_win32 = true; } else if (*s == "MACOSX_BUNDLE") { ++s; use_macbundle = true; } else if (*s == "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL") { ++s; excludeFromAll = true; } else if (*s == "IMPORTED") { ++s; importTarget = true; } else if (importTarget && *s == "GLOBAL") { ++s; importGlobal = true; } else if (*s == "ALIAS") { ++s; isAlias = true; } else { break; } } if (importTarget && !importGlobal) { importGlobal = mf.IsImportedTargetGlobalScope(); } bool nameOk = cmGeneratorExpression::IsValidTargetName(exename) && !cmGlobalGenerator::IsReservedTarget(exename); if (nameOk && !importTarget && !isAlias) { nameOk = exename.find(':') == std::string::npos; } if (!nameOk && !mf.CheckCMP0037(exename, cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE)) { return false; } // Special modifiers are not allowed with IMPORTED signature. if (importTarget && (use_win32 || use_macbundle || excludeFromAll)) { if (use_win32) { status.SetError("may not be given WIN32 for an IMPORTED target."); } else if (use_macbundle) { status.SetError( "may not be given MACOSX_BUNDLE for an IMPORTED target."); } else // if(excludeFromAll) { status.SetError( "may not be given EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL for an IMPORTED target."); } return false; } if (isAlias) { if (!cmGeneratorExpression::IsValidTargetName(exename)) { status.SetError("Invalid name for ALIAS: " + exename); return false; } if (excludeFromAll) { status.SetError("EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL with ALIAS makes no sense."); return false; } if (importTarget || importGlobal) { status.SetError("IMPORTED with ALIAS is not allowed."); return false; } if (args.size() != 3) { status.SetError("ALIAS requires exactly one target argument."); return false; } std::string const& aliasedName = *s; if (mf.IsAlias(aliasedName)) { status.SetError(cmStrCat("cannot create ALIAS target \"", exename, "\" because target \"", aliasedName, "\" is itself an ALIAS.")); return false; } cmTarget* aliasedTarget = mf.FindTargetToUse(aliasedName, true); if (!aliasedTarget) { status.SetError(cmStrCat("cannot create ALIAS target \"", exename, "\" because target \"", aliasedName, "\" does not already exist.")); return false; } cmStateEnums::TargetType type = aliasedTarget->GetType(); if (type != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { status.SetError(cmStrCat("cannot create ALIAS target \"", exename, "\" because target \"", aliasedName, "\" is not an executable.")); return false; } mf.AddAlias(exename, aliasedName, !aliasedTarget->IsImported() || aliasedTarget->IsImportedGloballyVisible()); return true; } // Handle imported target creation. if (importTarget) { // Make sure the target does not already exist. if (mf.FindTargetToUse(exename)) { status.SetError(cmStrCat( "cannot create imported target \"", exename, "\" because another target with the same name already exists.")); return false; } // Create the imported target. mf.AddImportedTarget(exename, cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE, importGlobal); return true; } // Enforce name uniqueness. { std::string msg; if (!mf.EnforceUniqueName(exename, msg)) { status.SetError(msg); return false; } } std::vector<std::string> srclists(s, args.end()); cmTarget* tgt = mf.AddExecutable(exename, srclists, excludeFromAll); if (use_win32) { tgt->SetProperty("WIN32_EXECUTABLE", "ON"); } if (use_macbundle) { tgt->SetProperty("MACOSX_BUNDLE", "ON"); } return true; }