/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #pragma once #include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include <functional> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <cm/optional> #include "CTest/cmCTestTypes.h" enum class PackageResolveMode; class cmCMakePresetsGraph { public: enum class ReadFileResult { READ_OK, FILE_NOT_FOUND, JSON_PARSE_ERROR, INVALID_ROOT, NO_VERSION, INVALID_VERSION, UNRECOGNIZED_VERSION, INVALID_CMAKE_VERSION, UNRECOGNIZED_CMAKE_VERSION, INVALID_PRESETS, INVALID_PRESET, INVALID_VARIABLE, DUPLICATE_PRESETS, CYCLIC_PRESET_INHERITANCE, INHERITED_PRESET_UNREACHABLE_FROM_FILE, CONFIGURE_PRESET_UNREACHABLE_FROM_FILE, INVALID_MACRO_EXPANSION, BUILD_TEST_PRESETS_UNSUPPORTED, PACKAGE_PRESETS_UNSUPPORTED, WORKFLOW_PRESETS_UNSUPPORTED, INCLUDE_UNSUPPORTED, INVALID_INCLUDE, INVALID_CONFIGURE_PRESET, INSTALL_PREFIX_UNSUPPORTED, INVALID_CONDITION, CONDITION_UNSUPPORTED, TOOLCHAIN_FILE_UNSUPPORTED, CYCLIC_INCLUDE, TEST_OUTPUT_TRUNCATION_UNSUPPORTED, INVALID_WORKFLOW_STEPS, WORKFLOW_STEP_UNREACHABLE_FROM_FILE, CTEST_JUNIT_UNSUPPORTED, }; std::string errors; enum class ArchToolsetStrategy { Set, External, }; class CacheVariable { public: std::string Type; std::string Value; }; class Condition; class File { public: std::string Filename; int Version; std::unordered_set<File*> ReachableFiles; }; class Preset { public: Preset() = default; Preset(Preset&& /*other*/) = default; Preset(const Preset& /*other*/) = default; Preset& operator=(const Preset& /*other*/) = default; virtual ~Preset() = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) Preset& operator=(Preset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. Preset& operator=(Preset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif std::string Name; std::vector<std::string> Inherits; bool Hidden = false; File* OriginFile; std::string DisplayName; std::string Description; std::shared_ptr<Condition> ConditionEvaluator; bool ConditionResult = true; std::map<std::string, cm::optional<std::string>> Environment; virtual ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) = 0; virtual ReadFileResult VisitPresetBeforeInherit() { return ReadFileResult::READ_OK; } virtual ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int /* version */) { return ReadFileResult::READ_OK; } }; class ConfigurePreset : public Preset { public: ConfigurePreset() = default; ConfigurePreset(ConfigurePreset&& /*other*/) = default; ConfigurePreset(const ConfigurePreset& /*other*/) = default; ConfigurePreset& operator=(const ConfigurePreset& /*other*/) = default; ~ConfigurePreset() override = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) ConfigurePreset& operator=(ConfigurePreset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. ConfigurePreset& operator=(ConfigurePreset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif std::string Generator; std::string Architecture; cm::optional<ArchToolsetStrategy> ArchitectureStrategy; std::string Toolset; cm::optional<ArchToolsetStrategy> ToolsetStrategy; std::string ToolchainFile; std::string BinaryDir; std::string InstallDir; std::map<std::string, cm::optional<CacheVariable>> CacheVariables; cm::optional<bool> WarnDev; cm::optional<bool> ErrorDev; cm::optional<bool> WarnDeprecated; cm::optional<bool> ErrorDeprecated; cm::optional<bool> WarnUninitialized; cm::optional<bool> WarnUnusedCli; cm::optional<bool> WarnSystemVars; cm::optional<bool> DebugOutput; cm::optional<bool> DebugTryCompile; cm::optional<bool> DebugFind; ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetBeforeInherit() override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int version) override; }; class BuildPreset : public Preset { public: BuildPreset() = default; BuildPreset(BuildPreset&& /*other*/) = default; BuildPreset(const BuildPreset& /*other*/) = default; BuildPreset& operator=(const BuildPreset& /*other*/) = default; ~BuildPreset() override = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) BuildPreset& operator=(BuildPreset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. BuildPreset& operator=(BuildPreset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif std::string ConfigurePreset; cm::optional<bool> InheritConfigureEnvironment; cm::optional<int> Jobs; std::vector<std::string> Targets; std::string Configuration; cm::optional<bool> CleanFirst; cm::optional<bool> Verbose; std::vector<std::string> NativeToolOptions; cm::optional<PackageResolveMode> ResolvePackageReferences; ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int /* version */) override; }; class TestPreset : public Preset { public: TestPreset() = default; TestPreset(TestPreset&& /*other*/) = default; TestPreset(const TestPreset& /*other*/) = default; TestPreset& operator=(const TestPreset& /*other*/) = default; ~TestPreset() override = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) TestPreset& operator=(TestPreset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. TestPreset& operator=(TestPreset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif struct OutputOptions { enum class VerbosityEnum { Default, Verbose, Extra }; cm::optional<bool> ShortProgress; cm::optional<VerbosityEnum> Verbosity; cm::optional<bool> Debug; cm::optional<bool> OutputOnFailure; cm::optional<bool> Quiet; std::string OutputLogFile; std::string OutputJUnitFile; cm::optional<bool> LabelSummary; cm::optional<bool> SubprojectSummary; cm::optional<int> MaxPassedTestOutputSize; cm::optional<int> MaxFailedTestOutputSize; cm::optional<cmCTestTypes::TruncationMode> TestOutputTruncation; cm::optional<int> MaxTestNameWidth; }; struct IncludeOptions { struct IndexOptions { cm::optional<int> Start; cm::optional<int> End; cm::optional<int> Stride; std::vector<int> SpecificTests; std::string IndexFile; }; std::string Name; std::string Label; cm::optional<IndexOptions> Index; cm::optional<bool> UseUnion; }; struct ExcludeOptions { struct FixturesOptions { std::string Any; std::string Setup; std::string Cleanup; }; std::string Name; std::string Label; cm::optional<FixturesOptions> Fixtures; }; struct FilterOptions { cm::optional<IncludeOptions> Include; cm::optional<ExcludeOptions> Exclude; }; struct ExecutionOptions { enum class ShowOnlyEnum { Human, JsonV1 }; struct RepeatOptions { enum class ModeEnum { UntilFail, UntilPass, AfterTimeout }; ModeEnum Mode; int Count; }; enum class NoTestsActionEnum { Default, Error, Ignore }; cm::optional<bool> StopOnFailure; cm::optional<bool> EnableFailover; cm::optional<int> Jobs; std::string ResourceSpecFile; cm::optional<int> TestLoad; cm::optional<ShowOnlyEnum> ShowOnly; cm::optional<RepeatOptions> Repeat; cm::optional<bool> InteractiveDebugging; cm::optional<bool> ScheduleRandom; cm::optional<int> Timeout; cm::optional<NoTestsActionEnum> NoTestsAction; }; std::string ConfigurePreset; cm::optional<bool> InheritConfigureEnvironment; std::string Configuration; std::vector<std::string> OverwriteConfigurationFile; cm::optional<OutputOptions> Output; cm::optional<FilterOptions> Filter; cm::optional<ExecutionOptions> Execution; ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int /* version */) override; }; class PackagePreset : public Preset { public: PackagePreset() = default; PackagePreset(PackagePreset&& /*other*/) = default; PackagePreset(const PackagePreset& /*other*/) = default; PackagePreset& operator=(const PackagePreset& /*other*/) = default; ~PackagePreset() override = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) PackagePreset& operator=(PackagePreset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. PackagePreset& operator=(PackagePreset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif std::string ConfigurePreset; cm::optional<bool> InheritConfigureEnvironment; std::vector<std::string> Generators; std::vector<std::string> Configurations; std::map<std::string, std::string> Variables; std::string ConfigFile; cm::optional<bool> DebugOutput; cm::optional<bool> VerboseOutput; std::string PackageName; std::string PackageVersion; std::string PackageDirectory; std::string VendorName; ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int /* version */) override; }; class WorkflowPreset : public Preset { public: WorkflowPreset() = default; WorkflowPreset(WorkflowPreset&& /*other*/) = default; WorkflowPreset(const WorkflowPreset& /*other*/) = default; WorkflowPreset& operator=(const WorkflowPreset& /*other*/) = default; ~WorkflowPreset() override = default; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) WorkflowPreset& operator=(WorkflowPreset&& /*other*/) = default; #else // The move assignment operators for several STL classes did not become // noexcept until C++17, which causes some tools to warn about this move // assignment operator throwing an exception when it shouldn't. WorkflowPreset& operator=(WorkflowPreset&& /*other*/) = delete; #endif class WorkflowStep { public: enum class Type { Configure, Build, Test, Package, }; Type PresetType; std::string PresetName; }; std::vector<WorkflowStep> Steps; ReadFileResult VisitPresetInherit(const Preset& parent) override; ReadFileResult VisitPresetAfterInherit(int /* version */) override; }; template <class T> class PresetPair { public: T Unexpanded; cm::optional<T> Expanded; }; std::map<std::string, PresetPair<ConfigurePreset>> ConfigurePresets; std::map<std::string, PresetPair<BuildPreset>> BuildPresets; std::map<std::string, PresetPair<TestPreset>> TestPresets; std::map<std::string, PresetPair<PackagePreset>> PackagePresets; std::map<std::string, PresetPair<WorkflowPreset>> WorkflowPresets; std::vector<std::string> ConfigurePresetOrder; std::vector<std::string> BuildPresetOrder; std::vector<std::string> TestPresetOrder; std::vector<std::string> PackagePresetOrder; std::vector<std::string> WorkflowPresetOrder; std::string SourceDir; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> Files; int GetVersion(const Preset& preset) const { return preset.OriginFile->Version; } static std::string GetFilename(const std::string& sourceDir); static std::string GetUserFilename(const std::string& sourceDir); ReadFileResult ReadProjectPresets(const std::string& sourceDir, bool allowNoFiles = false); static const char* ResultToString(ReadFileResult result); std::string GetGeneratorForPreset(const std::string& presetName) const { auto configurePresetName = presetName; auto buildPresetIterator = this->BuildPresets.find(presetName); if (buildPresetIterator != this->BuildPresets.end()) { configurePresetName = buildPresetIterator->second.Unexpanded.ConfigurePreset; } else { auto testPresetIterator = this->TestPresets.find(presetName); if (testPresetIterator != this->TestPresets.end()) { configurePresetName = testPresetIterator->second.Unexpanded.ConfigurePreset; } } auto configurePresetIterator = this->ConfigurePresets.find(configurePresetName); if (configurePresetIterator != this->ConfigurePresets.end()) { return configurePresetIterator->second.Unexpanded.Generator; } // This should only happen if the preset is hidden // or (for build or test presets) if ConfigurePreset is invalid. return ""; } enum class PrintPrecedingNewline { False, True, }; static void printPrecedingNewline(PrintPrecedingNewline* p); static void PrintPresets( const std::vector<const cmCMakePresetsGraph::Preset*>& presets); void PrintConfigurePresetList( PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintConfigurePresetList( const std::function<bool(const ConfigurePreset&)>& filter, PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintBuildPresetList(PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintTestPresetList(PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintPackagePresetList(PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintPackagePresetList( const std::function<bool(const PackagePreset&)>& filter, PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintWorkflowPresetList(PrintPrecedingNewline* newline = nullptr) const; void PrintAllPresets() const; private: enum class RootType { Project, User, }; enum class ReadReason { Root, Included, }; ReadFileResult ReadProjectPresetsInternal(bool allowNoFiles); ReadFileResult ReadJSONFile(const std::string& filename, RootType rootType, ReadReason readReason, std::vector<File*>& inProgressFiles, File*& file, std::string& errMsg); void ClearPresets(); };