
  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile$
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) 2000 National Library of Medicine
  All rights reserved.

  See COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details.

#include "cmCableWrapCommand.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"

 * Write the CABLE configuration code to define this WrapperSet.
bool cmCableWrapCommand::WriteConfiguration()
  if(m_Entries.size() < 2)
    this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments");
    return false;
  std::ostream& os = m_CableData->GetOutputStream();
  cmCableData::Indentation indent = m_CableData->GetIndentation();
  cmRegularExpression needCdataBlock("[&<>]");
  Entries::const_iterator e = m_Entries.begin();
  os << indent << "<WrapperSet name=\"" << e->c_str() << "\">" << std::endl;
  for(++e;e != m_Entries.end(); ++e)
    os << indent << "  <Element>";
      os << "<![CDATA[" << e->c_str() << "]]>";
      os << e->c_str();
    os << "</Element>" << std::endl;
  os << indent << "</WrapperSet>" << std::endl;
  return true;