
  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile$
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) 2002 Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.


#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmRegularExpression.h"
#include "stdio.h"

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32

const char* cmCacheManagerTypes[] = 
{ "BOOL",

cmCacheManager::CacheEntryType cmCacheManager::StringToType(const char* s)
  int i = 0;
    if(strcmp(s, cmCacheManagerTypes[i]) == 0)
      return static_cast<CacheEntryType>(i);
  return STRING;

struct CleanUpCacheManager
    delete cmCacheManager::GetInstance();
  void Use() {}

CleanUpCacheManager cleanup;

cmCacheManager* cmCacheManager::s_Instance = 0;

cmCacheManager* cmCacheManager::GetInstance()
    cmCacheManager::s_Instance = new cmCacheManager;
  return cmCacheManager::s_Instance;

bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(cmMakefile* mf)
  return this->LoadCache(mf->GetHomeOutputDirectory());

bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path)
  return this->LoadCache(path,true);

bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path,
			       bool internal)
  std::set<std::string> emptySet;
  return this->LoadCache(path, internal, emptySet, emptySet);

bool cmCacheManager::ParseEntry(const char* entry, 
                                std::string& var,
                                std::string& value,
                                CacheEntryType& type)
  // input line is:         key:type=value
  cmRegularExpression reg("^([^:]*):([^=]*)=(.*[^\t ]|[\t ]*)[\t ]*$");
  // input line is:         "key":type=value
  cmRegularExpression regQuoted("^\"([^\"]*)\":([^=]*)=(.*[^\t ]|[\t ]*)[\t ]*$");
  bool flag = false;
    var = regQuoted.match(1);
    type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(regQuoted.match(2).c_str());
    value = regQuoted.match(3);
    flag = true;
  else if (reg.find(entry))
    var = reg.match(1);
    type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(reg.match(2).c_str());
    value = reg.match(3);
    flag = true;

  // if value is enclosed in single quotes ('foo') then remove them
  // it is used to enclose trailing space or tab
  if (flag && 
      value.size() >= 2 &&
      value[0] == '\'' && 
      value[value.size() - 1] == '\'') 
    value = value.substr(1, 
                         value.size() - 2);

  return flag;

bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path,
			       bool internal,
			       std::set<std::string>& excludes,
			       std::set<std::string>& includes)
  std::string cacheFile = path;
  cacheFile += "/CMakeCache.txt";
  // clear the old cache, if we are reading in internal values
  if ( internal )
  std::ifstream fin(cacheFile.c_str());
    return false;
  const int bsize = 4096;
  char buffer[bsize];
  char *realbuffer;
  // input line is:         key:type=value
  cmRegularExpression reg("^([^:]*):([^=]*)=(.*[^\t ]|[\t ]*)[\t ]*$");
  // input line is:         "key":type=value
  cmRegularExpression regQuoted("^\"([^\"]*)\":([^=]*)=(.*[^\t ]|[\t ]*)[\t ]*$");

  std::string entryKey;
    // Format is key:type=value
    CacheEntry e;
    fin.getline(buffer, bsize);
    realbuffer = buffer;
    while(*realbuffer != '0' &&
          (*realbuffer == ' ' ||
           *realbuffer == '\t' ||
           *realbuffer == '\n'))
    // skip blank lines and comment lines
    if(realbuffer[0] == '#' || realbuffer[0] == 0)
    while(realbuffer[0] == '/' && realbuffer[1] == '/')
      e.m_HelpString += &realbuffer[2];
      fin.getline(realbuffer, bsize);
    if(cmCacheManager::ParseEntry(realbuffer, entryKey, e.m_Value, e.m_Type))
      if ( excludes.find(entryKey) == excludes.end() )
	// Load internal values if internal is set.
	// If the entry is not internal to the cache being loaded
	// or if it is in the list of internal entries to be
	// imported, load it.
	if ( internal || (e.m_Type != INTERNAL) || 
	     (includes.find(entryKey) != includes.end()) )
	  // If we are loading the cache from another project,
	  // make all loaded entries internal so that it is
	  // not visible in the gui
	  if (!internal)
            e.m_Type = INTERNAL;
            e.m_HelpString = "DO NOT EDIT, ";
            e.m_HelpString += entryKey;
            e.m_HelpString += " loaded from external file.  "
              "To change this value edit this file: ";
            e.m_HelpString += path;
            e.m_HelpString += "/CMakeCache.txt"	;
	  m_Cache[entryKey] = e;
      cmSystemTools::Error("Parse error in cache file ", cacheFile.c_str(),
			   ". Offending entry: ", realbuffer);
  // if CMAKE version not found in the list file
  // add them as version 0.0
    this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION", "0",
                        "Minor version of cmake used to create the "
                        "current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
    this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION", "0",
                        "Major version of cmake used to create the "
                        "current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
  // check to make sure the cache directory has not
  // been moved
  if ( internal && this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR") )
    std::string currentcwd = path;
    std::string oldcwd = this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR");
    currentcwd += "/CMakeCache.txt";
    oldcwd += "/CMakeCache.txt";
    if(!cmSystemTools::SameFile(oldcwd.c_str(), currentcwd.c_str()))
      std::string message = 
        std::string("The current CMakeCache.txt directory ") +
        currentcwd + std::string(" is different than the directory ") + 
        std::string(this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR")) +
        std::string(" where CMackeCache.txt was created. This may result "
                    "in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you "
                    "are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt");
  return true;

bool cmCacheManager::SaveCache(cmMakefile* mf) 
  return this->SaveCache(mf->GetHomeOutputDirectory());

bool cmCacheManager::SaveCache(const char* path) 
  std::string cacheFile = path;
  cacheFile += "/CMakeCache.txt";
  std::string tempFile = cacheFile;
  tempFile += ".tmp";
  std::ofstream fout(tempFile.c_str());
    cmSystemTools::Error("Unable to open cache file for save. ", 
    return false;
  // before writting the cache, update the version numbers
  // to the 
  char temp[1024];
  sprintf(temp, "%d", cmMakefile::GetMinorVersion());
  this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION", temp,
                      "Minor version of cmake used to create the "
                      "current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
  sprintf(temp, "%d", cmMakefile::GetMajorVersion());
  this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION", temp,
                      "Major version of cmake used to create the "
                      "current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);

  // Let us store the current working directory so that if somebody
  // Copies it, he will not be surprised
  std::string currentcwd = path;
  if ( currentcwd[0] >= 'A' && currentcwd[0] <= 'Z' &&
       currentcwd[1] == ':' )
    currentcwd[0] = currentcwd[0] - 'A' + 'a';
  this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR", currentcwd.c_str(),
                      "This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt"
                      " was created", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);

  fout << "# This is the CMakeCache file.\n"
       << "# For build in directory: " << currentcwd << "\n"
       << "# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.\n"
       << "# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.\n"
       << "# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.\n"
       << "# The syntax for the file is as follows:\n"
       << "# KEY:TYPE=VALUE\n"
       << "# KEY is the name of a varible in the cache.\n"
       << "# TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.\n"
       << "# VALUE is the current value for the KEY.\n\n";

  fout << "########################\n";
  fout << "# EXTERNAL cache entries\n";
  fout << "########################\n";
  fout << "\n";

  for( std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::const_iterator i = m_Cache.begin();
       i != m_Cache.end(); ++i)
    const CacheEntry& ce = (*i).second; 
    CacheEntryType t = ce.m_Type;
    if(t != INTERNAL)
      // Format is key:type=value
      cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(fout, ce.m_HelpString);
      std::string key;
      // support : in key name by double quoting 
      if((*i).first.find(':') != std::string::npos ||
	(*i).first.find("//") == 0)
        key = "\"";
        key += i->first;
        key += "\"";
        key = i->first;
      fout << key.c_str() << ":"
           << cmCacheManagerTypes[t] << "=";
      // if value has trailing space or tab, enclose it in single quotes
      if (ce.m_Value.size() &&
          (ce.m_Value[ce.m_Value.size() - 1] == ' ' || 
           ce.m_Value[ce.m_Value.size() - 1] == '\t'))
        fout << '\'' << ce.m_Value << '\'';
        fout << ce.m_Value;
      fout << "\n\n";

  fout << "\n";
  fout << "########################\n";
  fout << "# INTERNAL cache entries\n";
  fout << "########################\n";
  fout << "\n";

  for( std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::const_iterator i = m_Cache.begin();
       i != m_Cache.end(); ++i)
    const CacheEntry& ce = (*i).second;
    CacheEntryType t = ce.m_Type;
    if(t == INTERNAL)
      // Format is key:type=value
      cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(fout, ce.m_HelpString);
      std::string key;
      // support : in key name by double quoting 
      if((*i).first.find(':') != std::string::npos ||
	(*i).first.find("//") == 0)
        key = "\"";
        key += i->first;
        key += "\"";
        key = i->first;
      fout << key.c_str() << ":"
           << cmCacheManagerTypes[t] << "=";
      // if value has trailing space or tab, enclose it in single quotes
      if (ce.m_Value.size() &&
          (ce.m_Value[ce.m_Value.size() - 1] == ' ' || 
           ce.m_Value[ce.m_Value.size() - 1] == '\t'))
        fout << '\'' << ce.m_Value << '\'';
        fout << ce.m_Value;
      fout << "\n";
  fout << "\n";
  return true;

void cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(std::ofstream& fout, 
                                      const std::string& helpString)
  std::string::size_type end = helpString.size();
  if(end == 0)
  std::string oneLine;
  std::string::size_type pos = 0;
  std::string::size_type nextBreak = 60;
  bool done = false;

    if(nextBreak >= end)
      nextBreak = end;
      done = true;
      while(nextBreak < end && helpString[nextBreak] != ' ')
    oneLine = helpString.substr(pos, nextBreak - pos);
    fout << "//" << oneLine.c_str() << "\n";
    pos = nextBreak;
    nextBreak += 60;

void cmCacheManager::RemoveCacheEntry(const char* key)
    std::cerr << "Failed to remove entry" << std::endl;

cmCacheManager::CacheEntry *cmCacheManager::GetCacheEntry(const char* key)
    return &(m_Cache.find(key)->second);
  return 0;

const char* cmCacheManager::GetCacheValue(const char* key) const
    return m_Cache.find(key)->second.m_Value.c_str();
  return 0;

void cmCacheManager::PrintCache(std::ostream& out) const
  out << "=================================================" << std::endl;
  out << "CMakeCache Contents:" << std::endl;
  for(std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::const_iterator i = m_Cache.begin();
      i != m_Cache.end(); ++i)
    if((*i).second.m_Type != INTERNAL)
      out << (*i).first.c_str() << " = " << (*i).second.m_Value.c_str() << std::endl;
  out << "\n\n";
  out << "To change values in the CMakeCache, \nedit CMakeCache.txt in your output directory.\n";
  out << "=================================================" << std::endl;

void cmCacheManager::AddCacheEntry(const char* key, 
                                   const char* value, 
                                   const char* helpString,
				   CacheEntryType type)
  CacheEntry e;
  e.m_Value = value;
  e.m_Type = type;
  // make sure we only use unix style paths
  if(type == FILEPATH || type == PATH)
  e.m_HelpString = helpString;
  m_Cache[key] = e;

void cmCacheManager::AddCacheEntry(const char* key, bool v, 
                                   const char* helpString)
    this->AddCacheEntry(key, "ON", helpString, cmCacheManager::BOOL);
    this->AddCacheEntry(key, "OFF", helpString, cmCacheManager::BOOL);

bool cmCacheManager::IsAdvanced(const char* key)
  std::string advancedVar = key;
  advancedVar += "-ADVANCED";
  const char* value = 
    return cmSystemTools::IsOn(value);
  return false;