/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmConditionEvaluator.h" #include <array> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <functional> #include <iterator> #include <list> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <cm/string_view> #include <cmext/algorithm> #include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx" #include "cmCMakePath.h" #include "cmExpandedCommandArgument.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmValue.h" #include "cmake.h" namespace { auto const keyAND = "AND"_s; auto const keyCOMMAND = "COMMAND"_s; auto const keyDEFINED = "DEFINED"_s; auto const keyEQUAL = "EQUAL"_s; auto const keyEXISTS = "EXISTS"_s; auto const keyGREATER = "GREATER"_s; auto const keyGREATER_EQUAL = "GREATER_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyIN_LIST = "IN_LIST"_s; auto const keyIS_ABSOLUTE = "IS_ABSOLUTE"_s; auto const keyIS_DIRECTORY = "IS_DIRECTORY"_s; auto const keyIS_NEWER_THAN = "IS_NEWER_THAN"_s; auto const keyIS_SYMLINK = "IS_SYMLINK"_s; auto const keyLESS = "LESS"_s; auto const keyLESS_EQUAL = "LESS_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyMATCHES = "MATCHES"_s; auto const keyNOT = "NOT"_s; auto const keyOR = "OR"_s; auto const keyParenL = "("_s; auto const keyParenR = ")"_s; auto const keyPOLICY = "POLICY"_s; auto const keySTREQUAL = "STREQUAL"_s; auto const keySTRGREATER = "STRGREATER"_s; auto const keySTRGREATER_EQUAL = "STRGREATER_EQUAL"_s; auto const keySTRLESS = "STRLESS"_s; auto const keySTRLESS_EQUAL = "STRLESS_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyTARGET = "TARGET"_s; auto const keyTEST = "TEST"_s; auto const keyVERSION_EQUAL = "VERSION_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyVERSION_GREATER = "VERSION_GREATER"_s; auto const keyVERSION_GREATER_EQUAL = "VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyVERSION_LESS = "VERSION_LESS"_s; auto const keyVERSION_LESS_EQUAL = "VERSION_LESS_EQUAL"_s; auto const keyPATH_EQUAL = "PATH_EQUAL"_s; cmSystemTools::CompareOp const MATCH2CMPOP[5] = { cmSystemTools::OP_LESS, cmSystemTools::OP_LESS_EQUAL, cmSystemTools::OP_GREATER, cmSystemTools::OP_GREATER_EQUAL, cmSystemTools::OP_EQUAL }; // Run-Time to Compile-Time template selector template <template <typename> class Comp, template <typename> class... Ops> struct cmRt2CtSelector { template <typename T> static bool eval(int r, T lhs, T rhs) { switch (r) { case 0: return false; case 1: return Comp<T>()(lhs, rhs); default: return cmRt2CtSelector<Ops...>::eval(r - 1, lhs, rhs); } } }; template <template <typename> class Comp> struct cmRt2CtSelector<Comp> { template <typename T> static bool eval(int r, T lhs, T rhs) { return r == 1 && Comp<T>()(lhs, rhs); } }; std::string bool2string(bool const value) { return std::string(static_cast<std::size_t>(1), static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<int>(value))); } bool looksLikeSpecialVariable(const std::string& var, cm::static_string_view prefix, const std::size_t varNameLen) { // NOTE Expecting a variable name at least 1 char length: // <prefix> + `{` + <varname> + `}` return ((prefix.size() + 3) <= varNameLen) && cmHasPrefix(var, cmStrCat(prefix, '{')) && var[varNameLen - 1] == '}'; } } // anonymous namespace #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) # define CM_INHERIT_CTOR(Class, Base, Tpl) \ template <typename... Args> \ Class(Args&&... args) \ : Base Tpl(std::forward<Args>(args)...) \ { \ } #else # define CM_INHERIT_CTOR(Class, Base, Tpl) using Base Tpl ::Base #endif // BEGIN cmConditionEvaluator::cmArgumentList class cmConditionEvaluator::cmArgumentList : public std::list<cmExpandedCommandArgument> { using base_t = std::list<cmExpandedCommandArgument>; public: CM_INHERIT_CTOR(cmArgumentList, list, <cmExpandedCommandArgument>); class CurrentAndNextIter { friend class cmConditionEvaluator::cmArgumentList; public: base_t::iterator current; base_t::iterator next; CurrentAndNextIter advance(base_t& args) { this->current = std::next(this->current); this->next = std::next(this->current, static_cast<difference_type>(this->current != args.end())); return *this; } private: CurrentAndNextIter(base_t& args) : current(args.begin()) , next( std::next(this->current, static_cast<difference_type>(this->current != args.end()))) { } }; class CurrentAndTwoMoreIter { friend class cmConditionEvaluator::cmArgumentList; public: base_t::iterator current; base_t::iterator next; base_t::iterator nextnext; CurrentAndTwoMoreIter advance(base_t& args) { this->current = std::next(this->current); this->next = std::next(this->current, static_cast<difference_type>(this->current != args.end())); this->nextnext = std::next( this->next, static_cast<difference_type>(this->next != args.end())); return *this; } private: CurrentAndTwoMoreIter(base_t& args) : current(args.begin()) , next( std::next(this->current, static_cast<difference_type>(this->current != args.end()))) , nextnext(std::next( this->next, static_cast<difference_type>(this->next != args.end()))) { } }; CurrentAndNextIter make2ArgsIterator() { return *this; } CurrentAndTwoMoreIter make3ArgsIterator() { return *this; } template <typename Iter> void ReduceOneArg(const bool value, Iter args) { *args.current = cmExpandedCommandArgument(bool2string(value), true); this->erase(args.next); } void ReduceTwoArgs(const bool value, CurrentAndTwoMoreIter args) { *args.current = cmExpandedCommandArgument(bool2string(value), true); this->erase(args.nextnext); this->erase(args.next); } }; // END cmConditionEvaluator::cmArgumentList cmConditionEvaluator::cmConditionEvaluator(cmMakefile& makefile, cmListFileBacktrace bt) : Makefile(makefile) , Backtrace(std::move(bt)) , Policy12Status(makefile.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0012)) , Policy54Status(makefile.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0054)) , Policy57Status(makefile.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0057)) , Policy64Status(makefile.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0064)) , Policy139Status(makefile.GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0139)) { } //========================================================================= // order of operations, // 1. ( ) -- parenthetical groups // 2. IS_DIRECTORY EXISTS COMMAND DEFINED etc predicates // 3. MATCHES LESS GREATER EQUAL STRLESS STRGREATER STREQUAL etc binary ops // 4. NOT // 5. AND OR // // There is an issue on whether the arguments should be values of references, // for example IF (FOO AND BAR) should that compare the strings FOO and BAR // or should it really do IF (${FOO} AND ${BAR}) Currently IS_DIRECTORY // EXISTS COMMAND and DEFINED all take values. EQUAL, LESS and GREATER can // take numeric values or variable names. STRLESS and STRGREATER take // variable names but if the variable name is not found it will use the name // directly. AND OR take variables or the values 0 or 1. bool cmConditionEvaluator::IsTrue( const std::vector<cmExpandedCommandArgument>& args, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status) { errorString.clear(); // handle empty invocation if (args.empty()) { return false; } // store the reduced args in this vector cmArgumentList newArgs(args.begin(), args.end()); // now loop through the arguments and see if we can reduce any of them // we do this multiple times. Once for each level of precedence // parens using handlerFn_t = bool (cmConditionEvaluator::*)( cmArgumentList&, std::string&, MessageType&); const std::array<handlerFn_t, 5> handlers = { { &cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel0, // parenthesis &cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel1, // predicates &cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel2, // binary ops &cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel3, // NOT &cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel4 // AND OR } }; for (auto fn : handlers) { // Call the reducer 'till there is anything to reduce... // (i.e., if after an iteration the size becomes smaller) auto levelResult = true; for (auto beginSize = newArgs.size(); (levelResult = (this->*fn)(newArgs, errorString, status)) && newArgs.size() < beginSize; beginSize = newArgs.size()) { } if (!levelResult) { // NOTE `errorString` supposed to be set already return false; } } // now at the end there should only be one argument left if (newArgs.size() != 1) { errorString = "Unknown arguments specified"; status = MessageType::FATAL_ERROR; return false; } return this->GetBooleanValueWithAutoDereference(newArgs.front(), errorString, status, true); } //========================================================================= cmValue cmConditionEvaluator::GetDefinitionIfUnquoted( cmExpandedCommandArgument const& argument) const { if ((this->Policy54Status != cmPolicies::WARN && this->Policy54Status != cmPolicies::OLD) && argument.WasQuoted()) { return nullptr; } cmValue def = this->Makefile.GetDefinition(argument.GetValue()); if (def && argument.WasQuoted() && this->Policy54Status == cmPolicies::WARN) { if (!this->Makefile.HasCMP0054AlreadyBeenReported(this->Backtrace.Top())) { std::ostringstream e; // clang-format off e << (cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0054)) << "\n" "Quoted variables like \"" << argument.GetValue() << "\" " "will no longer be dereferenced when the policy is set to NEW. " "Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be used."; // clang-format on this->Makefile.GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str(), this->Backtrace); } } return def; } //========================================================================= cmValue cmConditionEvaluator::GetVariableOrString( const cmExpandedCommandArgument& argument) const { cmValue def = this->GetDefinitionIfUnquoted(argument); if (!def) { def = cmValue(argument.GetValue()); } return def; } //========================================================================= bool cmConditionEvaluator::IsKeyword( cm::static_string_view keyword, const cmExpandedCommandArgument& argument) const { if ((this->Policy54Status != cmPolicies::WARN && this->Policy54Status != cmPolicies::OLD) && argument.WasQuoted()) { return false; } const auto isKeyword = argument.GetValue() == keyword; if (isKeyword && argument.WasQuoted() && this->Policy54Status == cmPolicies::WARN) { if (!this->Makefile.HasCMP0054AlreadyBeenReported(this->Backtrace.Top())) { std::ostringstream e; // clang-format off e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0054) << "\n" "Quoted keywords like \"" << argument.GetValue() << "\" " "will no longer be interpreted as keywords " "when the policy is set to NEW. " "Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be used."; // clang-format on this->Makefile.GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str(), this->Backtrace); } } return isKeyword; } //========================================================================= bool cmConditionEvaluator::GetBooleanValue( cmExpandedCommandArgument& arg) const { // Check basic and named constants. if (cmIsOn(arg.GetValue())) { return true; } if (cmIsOff(arg.GetValue())) { return false; } // Check for numbers. if (!arg.empty()) { char* end; const double d = std::strtod(arg.GetValue().c_str(), &end); if (*end == '\0') { // The whole string is a number. Use C conversion to bool. return static_cast<bool>(d); } } // Check definition. cmValue def = this->GetDefinitionIfUnquoted(arg); return !cmIsOff(def); } //========================================================================= // Boolean value behavior from CMake 2.6.4 and below. bool cmConditionEvaluator::GetBooleanValueOld( cmExpandedCommandArgument const& arg, bool const one) const { if (one) { // Old IsTrue behavior for single argument. if (arg == "0") { return false; } if (arg == "1") { return true; } cmValue def = this->GetDefinitionIfUnquoted(arg); return !cmIsOff(def); } // Old GetVariableOrNumber behavior. cmValue def = this->GetDefinitionIfUnquoted(arg); if (!def && std::atoi(arg.GetValue().c_str())) { def = cmValue(arg.GetValue()); } return !cmIsOff(def); } //========================================================================= // returns the resulting boolean value bool cmConditionEvaluator::GetBooleanValueWithAutoDereference( cmExpandedCommandArgument& newArg, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status, bool const oneArg) const { // Use the policy if it is set. if (this->Policy12Status == cmPolicies::NEW) { return this->GetBooleanValue(newArg); } if (this->Policy12Status == cmPolicies::OLD) { return this->GetBooleanValueOld(newArg, oneArg); } // Check policy only if old and new results differ. const auto newResult = this->GetBooleanValue(newArg); const auto oldResult = this->GetBooleanValueOld(newArg, oneArg); if (newResult != oldResult) { switch (this->Policy12Status) { case cmPolicies::WARN: errorString = "An argument named \"" + newArg.GetValue() + "\" appears in a conditional statement. " + cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0012); status = MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING; CM_FALLTHROUGH; case cmPolicies::OLD: return oldResult; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: { errorString = "An argument named \"" + newArg.GetValue() + "\" appears in a conditional statement. " + cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0012); status = MessageType::FATAL_ERROR; break; } case cmPolicies::NEW: break; } } return newResult; } template <int N> inline int cmConditionEvaluator::matchKeysImpl( const cmExpandedCommandArgument&) { // Zero means "not found" return 0; } template <int N, typename T, typename... Keys> inline int cmConditionEvaluator::matchKeysImpl( const cmExpandedCommandArgument& arg, T current, Keys... key) { if (this->IsKeyword(current, arg)) { // Stop searching as soon as smth has found return N; } return matchKeysImpl<N + 1>(arg, key...); } template <typename... Keys> inline int cmConditionEvaluator::matchKeys( const cmExpandedCommandArgument& arg, Keys... key) { // Get index of the matched key (1-based) return matchKeysImpl<1>(arg, key...); } //========================================================================= // level 0 processes parenthetical expressions bool cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel0(cmArgumentList& newArgs, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status) { for (auto arg = newArgs.begin(); arg != newArgs.end(); ++arg) { if (this->IsKeyword(keyParenL, *arg)) { // search for the closing paren for this opening one auto depth = 1; auto argClose = std::next(arg); for (; argClose != newArgs.end() && depth; ++argClose) { depth += int(this->IsKeyword(keyParenL, *argClose)) - int(this->IsKeyword(keyParenR, *argClose)); } if (depth) { errorString = "mismatched parenthesis in condition"; status = MessageType::FATAL_ERROR; return false; } // store the reduced args in this vector auto argOpen = std::next(arg); const std::vector<cmExpandedCommandArgument> subExpr( argOpen, std::prev(argClose)); // now recursively invoke IsTrue to handle the values inside the // parenthetical expression const auto value = this->IsTrue(subExpr, errorString, status); *arg = cmExpandedCommandArgument(bool2string(value), true); argOpen = std::next(arg); // remove the now evaluated parenthetical expression newArgs.erase(argOpen, argClose); } } return true; } //========================================================================= // level one handles most predicates except for NOT bool cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel1(cmArgumentList& newArgs, std::string&, MessageType&) { for (auto args = newArgs.make2ArgsIterator(); args.current != newArgs.end(); args.advance(newArgs)) { auto policyCheck = [&, this](const cmPolicies::PolicyID id, const cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status, const cm::static_string_view kw) { if (status == cmPolicies::WARN && this->IsKeyword(kw, *args.current)) { std::ostringstream e; e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(id) << "\n" << kw << " will be interpreted as an operator " "when the policy is set to NEW. " "Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be used."; this->Makefile.IssueMessage(MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str()); } }; // NOTE Checking policies for warnings are not require an access to the // next arg. Check them first! policyCheck(cmPolicies::CMP0064, this->Policy64Status, keyTEST); // NOTE Fail fast: All the predicates below require the next arg to be // valid if (args.next == newArgs.end()) { continue; } // does a file exist if (this->IsKeyword(keyEXISTS, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg(cmSystemTools::FileExists(args.next->GetValue()), args); } // does a directory with this name exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyIS_DIRECTORY, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg( cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(args.next->GetValue()), args); } // does a symlink with this name exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyIS_SYMLINK, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg(cmSystemTools::FileIsSymlink(args.next->GetValue()), args); } // is the given path an absolute path ? else if (this->IsKeyword(keyIS_ABSOLUTE, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg( cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(args.next->GetValue()), args); } // does a command exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyCOMMAND, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg( static_cast<bool>( this->Makefile.GetState()->GetCommand(args.next->GetValue())), args); } // does a policy exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyPOLICY, *args.current)) { cmPolicies::PolicyID pid; newArgs.ReduceOneArg( cmPolicies::GetPolicyID(args.next->GetValue().c_str(), pid), args); } // does a target exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyTARGET, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg(static_cast<bool>(this->Makefile.FindTargetToUse( args.next->GetValue())), args); } // is a variable defined else if (this->IsKeyword(keyDEFINED, *args.current)) { const auto& var = args.next->GetValue(); const auto varNameLen = var.size(); auto result = false; if (looksLikeSpecialVariable(var, "ENV"_s, varNameLen)) { const auto env = args.next->GetValue().substr(4, varNameLen - 5); result = cmSystemTools::HasEnv(env); } else if (looksLikeSpecialVariable(var, "CACHE"_s, varNameLen)) { const auto cache = args.next->GetValue().substr(6, varNameLen - 7); result = static_cast<bool>( this->Makefile.GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(cache)); } else { result = this->Makefile.IsDefinitionSet(args.next->GetValue()); } newArgs.ReduceOneArg(result, args); } // does a test exist else if (this->IsKeyword(keyTEST, *args.current)) { if (this->Policy64Status == cmPolicies::OLD || this->Policy64Status == cmPolicies::WARN) { continue; } newArgs.ReduceOneArg( static_cast<bool>(this->Makefile.GetTest(args.next->GetValue())), args); } } return true; } //========================================================================= // level two handles most binary operations except for AND OR bool cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel2(cmArgumentList& newArgs, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status) { for (auto args = newArgs.make3ArgsIterator(); args.current != newArgs.end(); args.advance(newArgs)) { int matchNo; // NOTE Handle special case `if(... BLAH_BLAH MATCHES)` // (i.e., w/o regex to match which is possibly result of // variable expansion to an empty string) if (args.next != newArgs.end() && this->IsKeyword(keyMATCHES, *args.current)) { newArgs.ReduceOneArg(false, args); } // NOTE Fail fast: All the binary ops below require 2 arguments. else if (args.next == newArgs.end() || args.nextnext == newArgs.end()) { continue; } else if (this->IsKeyword(keyMATCHES, *args.next)) { cmValue def = this->GetDefinitionIfUnquoted(*args.current); std::string def_buf; if (!def) { def = cmValue(args.current->GetValue()); } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(args.current->GetValue(), "CMAKE_MATCH_")) { // The string to match is owned by our match result variables. // Move it to our own buffer before clearing them. def_buf = *def; def = cmValue(def_buf); } this->Makefile.ClearMatches(); const auto& rex = args.nextnext->GetValue(); cmsys::RegularExpression regEntry; if (!regEntry.compile(rex)) { std::ostringstream error; error << "Regular expression \"" << rex << "\" cannot compile"; errorString = error.str(); status = MessageType::FATAL_ERROR; return false; } const auto match = regEntry.find(*def); if (match) { this->Makefile.StoreMatches(regEntry); } newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(match, args); } else if ((matchNo = this->matchKeys(*args.next, keyLESS, keyLESS_EQUAL, keyGREATER, keyGREATER_EQUAL, keyEQUAL))) { cmValue ldef = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.current); cmValue rdef = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.nextnext); double lhs; double rhs; auto parseDoubles = [&]() { return std::sscanf(ldef->c_str(), "%lg", &lhs) == 1 && std::sscanf(rdef->c_str(), "%lg", &rhs) == 1; }; // clang-format off const auto result = parseDoubles() && cmRt2CtSelector< std::less, std::less_equal, std::greater, std::greater_equal, std::equal_to >::eval(matchNo, lhs, rhs); // clang-format on newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(result, args); } else if ((matchNo = this->matchKeys(*args.next, keySTRLESS, keySTRLESS_EQUAL, keySTRGREATER, keySTRGREATER_EQUAL, keySTREQUAL))) { const cmValue lhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.current); const cmValue rhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.nextnext); const auto val = (*lhs).compare(*rhs); // clang-format off const auto result = cmRt2CtSelector< std::less, std::less_equal, std::greater, std::greater_equal, std::equal_to >::eval(matchNo, val, 0); // clang-format on newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(result, args); } else if ((matchNo = this->matchKeys(*args.next, keyVERSION_LESS, keyVERSION_LESS_EQUAL, keyVERSION_GREATER, keyVERSION_GREATER_EQUAL, keyVERSION_EQUAL))) { const auto op = MATCH2CMPOP[matchNo - 1]; const std::string& lhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.current); const std::string& rhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.nextnext); const auto result = cmSystemTools::VersionCompare(op, lhs, rhs); newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(result, args); } // is file A newer than file B else if (this->IsKeyword(keyIS_NEWER_THAN, *args.next)) { auto fileIsNewer = 0; cmsys::Status ftcStatus = cmSystemTools::FileTimeCompare( args.current->GetValue(), args.nextnext->GetValue(), &fileIsNewer); newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs( (!ftcStatus || fileIsNewer == 1 || fileIsNewer == 0), args); } else if (this->IsKeyword(keyIN_LIST, *args.next)) { if (this->Policy57Status != cmPolicies::OLD && this->Policy57Status != cmPolicies::WARN) { cmValue lhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.current); cmValue rhs = this->Makefile.GetDefinition(args.nextnext->GetValue()); newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs( rhs && cm::contains(cmExpandedList(*rhs, true), *lhs), args); } else if (this->Policy57Status == cmPolicies::WARN) { std::ostringstream e; e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0057) << "\n" "IN_LIST will be interpreted as an operator " "when the policy is set to NEW. " "Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be used."; this->Makefile.IssueMessage(MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str()); } } else if (this->IsKeyword(keyPATH_EQUAL, *args.next)) { if (this->Policy139Status != cmPolicies::OLD && this->Policy139Status != cmPolicies::WARN) { cmValue lhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.current); cmValue rhs = this->GetVariableOrString(*args.nextnext); const auto result = cmCMakePath{ *lhs } == cmCMakePath{ *rhs }; newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(result, args); } else if (this->Policy139Status == cmPolicies::WARN) { std::ostringstream e; e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0139) << "\n" "PATH_EQUAL will be interpreted as an operator " "when the policy is set to NEW. " "Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be used."; this->Makefile.IssueMessage(MessageType::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str()); } } } return true; } //========================================================================= // level 3 handles NOT bool cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel3(cmArgumentList& newArgs, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status) { for (auto args = newArgs.make2ArgsIterator(); args.next != newArgs.end(); args.advance(newArgs)) { if (this->IsKeyword(keyNOT, *args.current)) { const auto rhs = this->GetBooleanValueWithAutoDereference( *args.next, errorString, status); newArgs.ReduceOneArg(!rhs, args); } } return true; } //========================================================================= // level 4 handles AND OR bool cmConditionEvaluator::HandleLevel4(cmArgumentList& newArgs, std::string& errorString, MessageType& status) { for (auto args = newArgs.make3ArgsIterator(); args.nextnext != newArgs.end(); args.advance(newArgs)) { int matchNo; if ((matchNo = this->matchKeys(*args.next, keyAND, keyOR))) { const auto lhs = this->GetBooleanValueWithAutoDereference( *args.current, errorString, status); const auto rhs = this->GetBooleanValueWithAutoDereference( *args.nextnext, errorString, status); // clang-format off const auto result = cmRt2CtSelector< std::logical_and, std::logical_or >::eval(matchNo, lhs, rhs); // clang-format on newArgs.ReduceTwoArgs(result, args); } } return true; }