/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmDependsC.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmFileTimeComparison.h" #include // isspace //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmDependsC::cmDependsC(): IncludePath(0), GeneratedFiles(0) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // yummy look at all those constructor arguments cmDependsC::cmDependsC(std::vector const& includes, const char* scanRegex, const char* complainRegex, std::set const& generatedFiles, const cmStdString& cacheFileName): IncludePath(&includes), IncludeRegexLine("^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[<\"]([^\">]+)([\">])"), IncludeRegexScan(scanRegex), IncludeRegexComplain(complainRegex), GeneratedFiles(&generatedFiles), CacheFileName(cacheFileName) { this->ReadCacheFile(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmDependsC::~cmDependsC() { this->WriteCacheFile(); for (std::map::iterator it= this->fileCache.begin(); it!=this->fileCache.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmDependsC::WriteDependencies(const char *src, const char *obj, std::ostream& makeDepends, std::ostream& internalDepends) { // Make sure this is a scanning instance. if(!src || src[0] == '\0') { cmSystemTools::Error("Cannot scan dependencies without a source file."); return false; } if(!obj || obj[0] == '\0') { cmSystemTools::Error("Cannot scan dependencies without an object file."); return false; } if(!this->IncludePath) { cmSystemTools::Error("Cannot scan dependencies without an include path."); return false; } // Walk the dependency graph starting with the source file. bool first = true; UnscannedEntry root; root.FileName = src; this->Unscanned.push(root); this->Encountered.clear(); this->Encountered.insert(src); std::set dependencies; std::set scanned; while(!this->Unscanned.empty()) { // Get the next file to scan. UnscannedEntry current = this->Unscanned.front(); this->Unscanned.pop(); // If not a full path, find the file in the include path. std::string fullName; if(first || cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(current.FileName.c_str())) { if(this->FileExistsOrIsGenerated(current.FileName, scanned, dependencies)) { fullName = current.FileName; } } else if(!current.QuotedLocation.empty() && this->FileExistsOrIsGenerated(current.QuotedLocation, scanned, dependencies)) { // The include statement producing this entry was a double-quote // include and the included file is present in the directory of // the source containing the include statement. fullName = current.QuotedLocation; } else { for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->IncludePath->begin(); i != this->IncludePath->end(); ++i) { // Construct the name of the file as if it were in the current // include directory. Avoid using a leading "./". std::string temp = *i; if(temp == ".") { temp = ""; } else { temp += "/"; } temp += current.FileName; // Look for the file in this location. if(this->FileExistsOrIsGenerated(temp, scanned, dependencies)) { fullName = temp; break; } } } // Complain if the file cannot be found and matches the complain // regex. if(fullName.empty() && this->IncludeRegexComplain.find(current.FileName.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Cannot find file \"", current.FileName.c_str(), "\"."); return false; } // Scan the file if it was found and has not been scanned already. if(!fullName.empty() && (scanned.find(fullName) == scanned.end())) { // Record scanned files. scanned.insert(fullName); // Check whether this file is already in the cache std::map::iterator fileIt= this->fileCache.find(fullName); if (fileIt!=this->fileCache.end()) { fileIt->second->Used=true; dependencies.insert(fullName); for (std::vector::const_iterator incIt= fileIt->second->UnscannedEntries.begin(); incIt!=fileIt->second->UnscannedEntries.end(); ++incIt) { if (this->Encountered.find(incIt->FileName) == this->Encountered.end()) { this->Encountered.insert(incIt->FileName); this->Unscanned.push(*incIt); } } } else { // Try to scan the file. Just leave it out if we cannot find // it. std::ifstream fin(fullName.c_str()); if(fin) { // Add this file as a dependency. dependencies.insert(fullName); // Scan this file for new dependencies. Pass the directory // containing the file to handle double-quote includes. std::string dir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fullName); this->Scan(fin, dir.c_str(), fullName); } } } first = false; } // Write the dependencies to the output stream. internalDepends << obj << std::endl; for(std::set::iterator i=dependencies.begin(); i != dependencies.end(); ++i) { makeDepends << obj << ": " << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(i->c_str()).c_str() << std::endl; internalDepends << " " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } makeDepends << std::endl; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmDependsC::ReadCacheFile() { if(this->CacheFileName.size() == 0) { return; } std::ifstream fin(this->CacheFileName.c_str()); if(!fin) { return; } std::string line; cmIncludeLines* cacheEntry=0; bool haveFileName=false; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { if (line.empty()) { cacheEntry=0; haveFileName=false; continue; } //the first line after an empty line is the name of the parsed file if (haveFileName==false) { haveFileName=true; int newer=0; cmFileTimeComparison comp; bool res=comp.FileTimeCompare(this->CacheFileName.c_str(), line.c_str(), &newer); if ((res==true) && (newer==1)) //cache is newer than the parsed file { cacheEntry=new cmIncludeLines; this->fileCache[line]=cacheEntry; } } else if (cacheEntry!=0) { UnscannedEntry entry; entry.FileName = line; if (cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { if (line!="-") { entry.QuotedLocation=line; } cacheEntry->UnscannedEntries.push_back(entry); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmDependsC::WriteCacheFile() const { if(this->CacheFileName.size() == 0) { return; } std::ofstream cacheOut(this->CacheFileName.c_str()); if(!cacheOut) { return; } for (std::map::const_iterator fileIt= this->fileCache.begin(); fileIt!=this->fileCache.end(); ++fileIt) { if (fileIt->second->Used) { cacheOut<first.c_str()<::const_iterator incIt=fileIt->second->UnscannedEntries.begin(); incIt!=fileIt->second->UnscannedEntries.end(); ++incIt) { cacheOut<FileName.c_str()<QuotedLocation.empty()) { cacheOut<<"-"<QuotedLocation.c_str()<Used=true; this->fileCache[fullName]=newCacheEntry; // Read one line at a time. std::string line; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(is, line)) { // Match include directives. if(this->IncludeRegexLine.find(line.c_str())) { // Get the file being included. UnscannedEntry entry; entry.FileName = this->IncludeRegexLine.match(1); if(this->IncludeRegexLine.match(2) == "\"" && !cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(entry.FileName.c_str())) { // This was a double-quoted include with a relative path. We // must check for the file in the directory containing the // file we are scanning. entry.QuotedLocation = directory; entry.QuotedLocation += "/"; entry.QuotedLocation += entry.FileName; } // Queue the file if it has not yet been encountered and it // matches the regular expression for recursive scanning. Note // that this check does not account for the possibility of two // headers with the same name in different directories when one // is included by double-quotes and the other by angle brackets. // This kind of problem will be fixed when a more // preprocessor-like implementation of this scanner is created. if (this->IncludeRegexScan.find(entry.FileName.c_str())) { newCacheEntry->UnscannedEntries.push_back(entry); if(this->Encountered.find(entry.FileName) == this->Encountered.end()) { this->Encountered.insert(entry.FileName); this->Unscanned.push(entry); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmDependsC::FileExistsOrIsGenerated(const std::string& fname, std::set& scanned, std::set& dependencies) { // Check for a generated file. if(this->FileIsGenerated(fname, scanned, dependencies)) { return true; } else if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(fname.c_str())) { // The generated file may have been listed with a relative path. // Note that CMAKE_GENERATED_FILES is written with a conversion // relative to the home output directory. std::string rname = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(this->HomeOutputDirectory.c_str(), fname.c_str()); if(this->FileIsGenerated(rname, scanned, dependencies)) { return true; } } // Check for an existing file. return cmSystemTools::FileExists(fname.c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmDependsC::FileIsGenerated(const std::string& fname, std::set& scanned, std::set& dependencies) { if(this->GeneratedFiles && std::set::const_iterator(this->GeneratedFiles->find(fname)) != this->GeneratedFiles->end()) { // If the file does not really exist yet pretend it has already // been scanned. When it exists later then dependencies will be // rescanned. if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(fname.c_str())) { scanned.insert(fname); dependencies.insert(fname); } return true; } else { return false; } }