/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmDyndepCollation.h" #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <ostream> #include <set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <cm/memory> #include <cm/string_view> #include <cmext/string_view> #include <cm3p/json/value.h> #include "cmExportBuildFileGenerator.h" #include "cmExportSet.h" #include "cmFileSet.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmInstallCxxModuleBmiGenerator.h" #include "cmInstallExportGenerator.h" #include "cmInstallFileSetGenerator.h" #include "cmInstallGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmOutputConverter.h" #include "cmScanDepFormat.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmTargetExport.h" namespace { Json::Value CollationInformationCxxModules( cmGeneratorTarget const* gt, std::string const& config, cmDyndepGeneratorCallbacks const& cb) { cmTarget const* tgt = gt->Target; auto all_file_sets = tgt->GetAllFileSetNames(); Json::Value tdi_cxx_module_info = Json::objectValue; for (auto const& file_set_name : all_file_sets) { auto const* file_set = tgt->GetFileSet(file_set_name); if (!file_set) { gt->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", tgt->GetName(), "\" is tracked to have file set \"", file_set_name, "\", but it was not found.")); continue; } auto fs_type = file_set->GetType(); // We only care about C++ module sources here. if (fs_type != "CXX_MODULES"_s) { continue; } auto fileEntries = file_set->CompileFileEntries(); auto directoryEntries = file_set->CompileDirectoryEntries(); auto directories = file_set->EvaluateDirectoryEntries( directoryEntries, gt->LocalGenerator, config, gt); std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> files_per_dirs; for (auto const& entry : fileEntries) { file_set->EvaluateFileEntry(directories, files_per_dirs, entry, gt->LocalGenerator, config, gt); } enum class CompileType { ObjectAndBmi, BmiOnly, }; std::map<std::string, std::pair<cmSourceFile const*, CompileType>> sf_map; { auto fill_sf_map = [gt, tgt, &sf_map](cmSourceFile const* sf, CompileType type) { auto full_path = sf->GetFullPath(); if (full_path.empty()) { gt->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", tgt->GetName(), "\" has a full path-less source file.")); return; } sf_map[full_path] = std::make_pair(sf, type); }; std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> objectSources; gt->GetObjectSources(objectSources, config); for (auto const* sf : objectSources) { fill_sf_map(sf, CompileType::ObjectAndBmi); } std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> cxxModuleSources; gt->GetCxxModuleSources(cxxModuleSources, config); for (auto const* sf : cxxModuleSources) { fill_sf_map(sf, CompileType::BmiOnly); } } Json::Value fs_dest = Json::nullValue; for (auto const& ig : gt->Makefile->GetInstallGenerators()) { if (auto const* fsg = dynamic_cast<cmInstallFileSetGenerator const*>(ig.get())) { if (fsg->GetTarget() == gt && fsg->GetFileSet() == file_set) { fs_dest = fsg->GetDestination(config); continue; } } } for (auto const& files_per_dir : files_per_dirs) { for (auto const& file : files_per_dir.second) { auto lookup = sf_map.find(file); if (lookup == sf_map.end()) { gt->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", tgt->GetName(), "\" has source file\n ", file, "\nin a \"FILE_SET TYPE CXX_MODULES\" but it is not " "scheduled for compilation.")); continue; } auto const* sf = lookup->second.first; CompileType const ct = lookup->second.second; if (!sf) { gt->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::INTERNAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", tgt->GetName(), "\" has source file \"", file, "\" which has not been tracked properly.")); continue; } auto obj_path = ct == CompileType::ObjectAndBmi ? cb.ObjectFilePath(sf, config) : cb.BmiFilePath(sf, config); Json::Value& tdi_module_info = tdi_cxx_module_info[obj_path] = Json::objectValue; tdi_module_info["source"] = file; tdi_module_info["bmi-only"] = ct == CompileType::BmiOnly; tdi_module_info["relative-directory"] = files_per_dir.first; tdi_module_info["name"] = file_set->GetName(); tdi_module_info["type"] = file_set->GetType(); tdi_module_info["visibility"] = std::string(cmFileSetVisibilityToName(file_set->GetVisibility())); tdi_module_info["destination"] = fs_dest; } } } return tdi_cxx_module_info; } Json::Value CollationInformationBmiInstallation(cmGeneratorTarget const* gt, std::string const& config) { cmInstallCxxModuleBmiGenerator const* bmi_gen = nullptr; for (auto const& ig : gt->Makefile->GetInstallGenerators()) { if (auto const* bmig = dynamic_cast<cmInstallCxxModuleBmiGenerator const*>(ig.get())) { if (bmig->GetTarget() == gt) { bmi_gen = bmig; continue; } } } if (bmi_gen) { Json::Value tdi_bmi_info = Json::objectValue; tdi_bmi_info["permissions"] = bmi_gen->GetFilePermissions(); tdi_bmi_info["destination"] = bmi_gen->GetDestination(config); const char* msg_level = ""; switch (bmi_gen->GetMessageLevel()) { case cmInstallGenerator::MessageDefault: break; case cmInstallGenerator::MessageAlways: msg_level = "MESSAGE_ALWAYS"; break; case cmInstallGenerator::MessageLazy: msg_level = "MESSAGE_LAZY"; break; case cmInstallGenerator::MessageNever: msg_level = "MESSAGE_NEVER"; break; } tdi_bmi_info["message-level"] = msg_level; tdi_bmi_info["script-location"] = bmi_gen->GetScriptLocation(config); return tdi_bmi_info; } return Json::nullValue; } Json::Value CollationInformationExports(cmGeneratorTarget const* gt) { Json::Value tdi_exports = Json::arrayValue; std::string export_name = gt->GetExportName(); auto const& all_install_exports = gt->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetExportSets(); for (auto const& exp : all_install_exports) { // Ignore exports sets which are not for this target. auto const& targets = exp.second.GetTargetExports(); auto tgt_export = std::find_if(targets.begin(), targets.end(), [gt](std::unique_ptr<cmTargetExport> const& te) { return te->Target == gt; }); if (tgt_export == targets.end()) { continue; } auto const* installs = exp.second.GetInstallations(); for (auto const* install : *installs) { Json::Value tdi_export_info = Json::objectValue; auto const& ns = install->GetNamespace(); auto const& dest = install->GetDestination(); auto const& cxxm_dir = install->GetCxxModuleDirectory(); auto const& export_prefix = install->GetTempDir(); tdi_export_info["namespace"] = ns; tdi_export_info["export-name"] = export_name; tdi_export_info["destination"] = dest; tdi_export_info["cxx-module-info-dir"] = cxxm_dir; tdi_export_info["export-prefix"] = export_prefix; tdi_export_info["install"] = true; tdi_exports.append(tdi_export_info); } } auto const& all_build_exports = gt->Makefile->GetExportBuildFileGenerators(); for (auto const& exp : all_build_exports) { std::vector<std::string> targets; exp->GetTargets(targets); // Ignore exports sets which are not for this target. auto const& name = gt->GetName(); bool has_current_target = std::any_of(targets.begin(), targets.end(), [name](std::string const& tname) { return tname == name; }); if (!has_current_target) { continue; } Json::Value tdi_export_info = Json::objectValue; auto const& ns = exp->GetNamespace(); auto const& main_fn = exp->GetMainExportFileName(); auto const& cxxm_dir = exp->GetCxxModuleDirectory(); auto dest = cmsys::SystemTools::GetParentDirectory(main_fn); auto const& export_prefix = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(exp->GetMainExportFileName()); tdi_export_info["namespace"] = ns; tdi_export_info["export-name"] = export_name; tdi_export_info["destination"] = dest; tdi_export_info["cxx-module-info-dir"] = cxxm_dir; tdi_export_info["export-prefix"] = export_prefix; tdi_export_info["install"] = false; tdi_exports.append(tdi_export_info); } return tdi_exports; } } void cmDyndepCollation::AddCollationInformation( Json::Value& tdi, cmGeneratorTarget const* gt, std::string const& config, cmDyndepGeneratorCallbacks const& cb) { tdi["cxx-modules"] = CollationInformationCxxModules(gt, config, cb); tdi["bmi-installation"] = CollationInformationBmiInstallation(gt, config); tdi["exports"] = CollationInformationExports(gt); tdi["config"] = config; } struct CxxModuleFileSet { std::string Name; bool BmiOnly = false; std::string RelativeDirectory; std::string SourcePath; std::string Type; cmFileSetVisibility Visibility = cmFileSetVisibility::Private; cm::optional<std::string> Destination; }; struct CxxModuleBmiInstall { std::string Component; std::string Destination; bool ExcludeFromAll; bool Optional; std::string Permissions; std::string MessageLevel; std::string ScriptLocation; }; struct CxxModuleExport { std::string Name; std::string Destination; std::string Prefix; std::string CxxModuleInfoDir; std::string Namespace; bool Install; }; struct cmCxxModuleExportInfo { std::map<std::string, CxxModuleFileSet> ObjectToFileSet; cm::optional<CxxModuleBmiInstall> BmiInstallation; std::vector<CxxModuleExport> Exports; std::string Config; }; void cmCxxModuleExportInfoDeleter::operator()(cmCxxModuleExportInfo* ei) const { delete ei; } std::unique_ptr<cmCxxModuleExportInfo, cmCxxModuleExportInfoDeleter> cmDyndepCollation::ParseExportInfo(Json::Value const& tdi) { auto export_info = std::unique_ptr<cmCxxModuleExportInfo, cmCxxModuleExportInfoDeleter>( new cmCxxModuleExportInfo); export_info->Config = tdi["config"].asString(); if (export_info->Config.empty()) { export_info->Config = "noconfig"; } Json::Value const& tdi_exports = tdi["exports"]; if (tdi_exports.isArray()) { for (auto const& tdi_export : tdi_exports) { CxxModuleExport exp; exp.Install = tdi_export["install"].asBool(); exp.Name = tdi_export["export-name"].asString(); exp.Destination = tdi_export["destination"].asString(); exp.Prefix = tdi_export["export-prefix"].asString(); exp.CxxModuleInfoDir = tdi_export["cxx-module-info-dir"].asString(); exp.Namespace = tdi_export["namespace"].asString(); export_info->Exports.push_back(exp); } } auto const& bmi_installation = tdi["bmi-installation"]; if (bmi_installation.isObject()) { CxxModuleBmiInstall bmi_install; bmi_install.Component = bmi_installation["component"].asString(); bmi_install.Destination = bmi_installation["destination"].asString(); bmi_install.ExcludeFromAll = bmi_installation["exclude-from-all"].asBool(); bmi_install.Optional = bmi_installation["optional"].asBool(); bmi_install.Permissions = bmi_installation["permissions"].asString(); bmi_install.MessageLevel = bmi_installation["message-level"].asString(); bmi_install.ScriptLocation = bmi_installation["script-location"].asString(); export_info->BmiInstallation = bmi_install; } Json::Value const& tdi_cxx_modules = tdi["cxx-modules"]; if (tdi_cxx_modules.isObject()) { for (auto i = tdi_cxx_modules.begin(); i != tdi_cxx_modules.end(); ++i) { CxxModuleFileSet& fsi = export_info->ObjectToFileSet[i.key().asString()]; auto const& tdi_cxx_module_info = *i; fsi.Name = tdi_cxx_module_info["name"].asString(); fsi.BmiOnly = tdi_cxx_module_info["bmi-only"].asBool(); fsi.RelativeDirectory = tdi_cxx_module_info["relative-directory"].asString(); if (!fsi.RelativeDirectory.empty() && fsi.RelativeDirectory.back() != '/') { fsi.RelativeDirectory = cmStrCat(fsi.RelativeDirectory, '/'); } fsi.SourcePath = tdi_cxx_module_info["source"].asString(); fsi.Type = tdi_cxx_module_info["type"].asString(); fsi.Visibility = cmFileSetVisibilityFromName( tdi_cxx_module_info["visibility"].asString(), nullptr); auto const& tdi_fs_dest = tdi_cxx_module_info["destination"]; if (tdi_fs_dest.isString()) { fsi.Destination = tdi_fs_dest.asString(); } } } return export_info; } bool cmDyndepCollation::WriteDyndepMetadata( std::string const& lang, std::vector<cmScanDepInfo> const& objects, cmCxxModuleExportInfo const& export_info, cmDyndepMetadataCallbacks const& cb) { // Only C++ supports any of the file-set or BMI installation considered // below. if (lang != "CXX"_s) { return true; } bool result = true; // Prepare the export information blocks. std::string const config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(export_info.Config); std::vector< std::pair<std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream>, CxxModuleExport const*>> exports; for (auto const& exp : export_info.Exports) { std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream> properties; std::string const export_dir = cmStrCat(exp.Prefix, '/', exp.CxxModuleInfoDir, '/'); std::string const property_file_path = cmStrCat( export_dir, "target-", exp.Name, '-', export_info.Config, ".cmake"); properties = cm::make_unique<cmGeneratedFileStream>(property_file_path); // Set up the preamble. *properties << "set_property(TARGET \"" << exp.Namespace << exp.Name << "\"\n" << " PROPERTY IMPORTED_CXX_MODULES_" << config_upper << '\n'; exports.emplace_back(std::move(properties), &exp); } std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream> bmi_install_script; if (export_info.BmiInstallation) { bmi_install_script = cm::make_unique<cmGeneratedFileStream>( export_info.BmiInstallation->ScriptLocation); } auto cmEscape = [](cm::string_view str) { return cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake( str, cmOutputConverter::WrapQuotes::NoWrap); }; auto install_destination = [&cmEscape](std::string const& dest) -> std::pair<bool, std::string> { if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest)) { return std::make_pair(true, cmEscape(dest)); } return std::make_pair(false, cmStrCat("${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/", cmEscape(dest))); }; // public/private requirement tracking. std::set<std::string> private_modules; std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> public_source_requires; for (cmScanDepInfo const& object : objects) { // Convert to forward slashes. auto output_path = object.PrimaryOutput; #ifdef _WIN32 cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(output_path); #endif // Find the fileset for this object. auto fileset_info_itr = export_info.ObjectToFileSet.find(output_path); bool const has_provides = !object.Provides.empty(); if (fileset_info_itr == export_info.ObjectToFileSet.end()) { // If it provides anything, it should have type `CXX_MODULES` // and be present. if (has_provides) { // Take the first module provided to provide context. auto const& provides = object.Provides[0]; cmSystemTools::Error( cmStrCat("Output ", object.PrimaryOutput, " provides the `", provides.LogicalName, "` module but it is not found in a `FILE_SET` of type " "`CXX_MODULES`")); result = false; } // This object file does not provide anything, so nothing more needs to // be done. continue; } auto const& file_set = fileset_info_itr->second; // Verify the fileset type for the object. if (file_set.Type == "CXX_MODULES"_s) { if (!has_provides) { cmSystemTools::Error( cmStrCat("Output ", object.PrimaryOutput, " is of type `CXX_MODULES` but does not provide a module")); result = false; continue; } } else if (file_set.Type == "CXX_MODULE_HEADERS"_s) { // TODO. } else { if (has_provides) { auto const& provides = object.Provides[0]; cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat( "Source ", file_set.SourcePath, " provides the `", provides.LogicalName, "` C++ module but is of type `", file_set.Type, "` module but must be of type `CXX_MODULES`")); result = false; } // Not a C++ module; ignore. continue; } if (!cmFileSetVisibilityIsForInterface(file_set.Visibility)) { // Nothing needs to be conveyed about non-`PUBLIC` modules. for (auto const& p : object.Provides) { private_modules.insert(p.LogicalName); } continue; } // The module is public. Record what it directly requires. { auto& reqs = public_source_requires[file_set.SourcePath]; for (auto const& r : object.Requires) { reqs.insert(r.LogicalName); } } // Write out properties and install rules for any exports. for (auto const& p : object.Provides) { bool bmi_dest_is_abs = false; std::string bmi_destination; if (export_info.BmiInstallation) { auto dest = install_destination(export_info.BmiInstallation->Destination); bmi_dest_is_abs = dest.first; bmi_destination = cmStrCat(dest.second, '/'); } std::string install_bmi_path; std::string build_bmi_path; auto m = cb.ModuleFile(p.LogicalName); if (m) { install_bmi_path = cmStrCat( bmi_destination, cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(*m))); build_bmi_path = cmEscape(*m); } for (auto const& exp : exports) { std::string iface_source; if (exp.second->Install && file_set.Destination) { auto dest = install_destination(*file_set.Destination); iface_source = cmStrCat( dest.second, '/', cmEscape(file_set.RelativeDirectory), cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(file_set.SourcePath))); } else { iface_source = cmEscape(file_set.SourcePath); } std::string bmi_path; if (exp.second->Install && export_info.BmiInstallation) { bmi_path = install_bmi_path; } else if (!exp.second->Install) { bmi_path = build_bmi_path; } if (iface_source.empty()) { // No destination for the C++ module source; ignore this property // value. continue; } *exp.first << " \"" << cmEscape(p.LogicalName) << '=' << iface_source; if (!bmi_path.empty()) { *exp.first << ',' << bmi_path; } *exp.first << "\"\n"; } if (bmi_install_script) { auto const& bmi_install = *export_info.BmiInstallation; *bmi_install_script << "if (CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT STREQUAL \"" << cmEscape(bmi_install.Component) << '\"'; if (!bmi_install.ExcludeFromAll) { *bmi_install_script << " OR NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT"; } *bmi_install_script << ")\n"; *bmi_install_script << " file(INSTALL\n" " DESTINATION \""; if (!bmi_dest_is_abs) { *bmi_install_script << "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/"; } *bmi_install_script << cmEscape(bmi_install.Destination) << "\"\n" " TYPE FILE\n"; if (bmi_install.Optional) { *bmi_install_script << " OPTIONAL\n"; } if (!bmi_install.MessageLevel.empty()) { *bmi_install_script << " " << bmi_install.MessageLevel << "\n"; } if (!bmi_install.Permissions.empty()) { *bmi_install_script << " PERMISSIONS" << bmi_install.Permissions << "\n"; } *bmi_install_script << " FILES \"" << *m << "\")\n"; if (bmi_dest_is_abs) { *bmi_install_script << " list(APPEND CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES\n" " \"" << cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(*m)) << "\")\n" " if (CMAKE_WARN_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION)\n" " message(WARNING\n" " \"ABSOLUTE path INSTALL DESTINATION : " "${CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES}\")\n" " endif ()\n" " if (CMAKE_ERROR_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION)\n" " message(FATAL_ERROR\n" " \"ABSOLUTE path INSTALL DESTINATION forbidden (by " "caller): ${CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES}\")\n" " endif ()\n"; } *bmi_install_script << "endif ()\n"; } } } // Add trailing parenthesis for the `set_property` call. for (auto const& exp : exports) { *exp.first << ")\n"; } // Check that public sources only require public modules. for (auto const& pub_reqs : public_source_requires) { for (auto const& req : pub_reqs.second) { if (private_modules.count(req)) { cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat( "Public C++ module source `", pub_reqs.first, "` requires the `", req, "` C++ module which is provided by a private source")); result = false; } } } return result; } bool cmDyndepCollation::IsObjectPrivate( std::string const& object, cmCxxModuleExportInfo const& export_info) { #ifdef _WIN32 std::string output_path = object; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(output_path); #else std::string const& output_path = object; #endif auto fileset_info_itr = export_info.ObjectToFileSet.find(output_path); if (fileset_info_itr == export_info.ObjectToFileSet.end()) { return false; } auto const& file_set = fileset_info_itr->second; return !cmFileSetVisibilityIsForInterface(file_set.Visibility); } bool cmDyndepCollation::IsBmiOnly(cmCxxModuleExportInfo const& exportInfo, std::string const& object) { #ifdef _WIN32 auto object_path = object; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(object_path); #else auto const& object_path = object; #endif auto fs = exportInfo.ObjectToFileSet.find(object_path); return (fs != exportInfo.ObjectToFileSet.end()) && fs->second.BmiOnly; }