/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
   file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.  */
#pragma once

#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <cmext/algorithm>

#include "cmExportFileGenerator.h"
#include "cmStateTypes.h"

class cmExportSet;
class cmFileSet;
class cmGeneratorTarget;
class cmGlobalGenerator;
class cmLocalGenerator;
class cmTargetExport;

/** \class cmExportBuildFileGenerator
 * \brief Generate a file exporting targets from a build tree.
 * cmExportBuildFileGenerator generates a file exporting targets from
 * a build tree.  A single file exports information for all
 * configurations built.
 * This is used to implement the export() command.
class cmExportBuildFileGenerator : public cmExportFileGenerator
  struct TargetExport
    TargetExport(std::string name, std::string xcFrameworkLocation)
      : Name(std::move(name))
      , XcFrameworkLocation(std::move(xcFrameworkLocation))

    std::string Name;
    std::string XcFrameworkLocation;


  /** Set the list of targets to export.  */
  void SetTargets(std::vector<TargetExport> const& targets)
    this->Targets = targets;
  void GetTargets(std::vector<TargetExport>& targets) const;
  void AppendTargets(std::vector<TargetExport> const& targets)
    cm::append(this->Targets, targets);
  void SetExportSet(cmExportSet*);

  /** Set the name of the C++ module directory.  */
  void SetCxxModuleDirectory(std::string cxx_module_dir)
    this->CxxModulesDirectory = std::move(cxx_module_dir);
  const std::string& GetCxxModuleDirectory() const
    return this->CxxModulesDirectory;

  /** Set whether to append generated code to the output file.  */
  void SetAppendMode(bool append) { this->AppendMode = append; }

  void Compute(cmLocalGenerator* lg);

  // Implement virtual methods from the superclass.
  bool GenerateMainFile(std::ostream& os) override;
  void GenerateImportTargetsConfig(std::ostream& os, const std::string& config,
                                   std::string const& suffix) override;
  cmStateEnums::TargetType GetExportTargetType(
    cmGeneratorTarget const* target) const;
  void HandleMissingTarget(std::string& link_libs,
                           cmGeneratorTarget const* depender,
                           cmGeneratorTarget* dependee) override;

  void ComplainAboutMissingTarget(cmGeneratorTarget const* depender,
                                  cmGeneratorTarget const* dependee,
                                  std::vector<std::string> const& namespaces);

  /** Fill in properties indicating built file locations.  */
  void SetImportLocationProperty(const std::string& config,
                                 std::string const& suffix,
                                 cmGeneratorTarget* target,
                                 ImportPropertyMap& properties);

  std::string InstallNameDir(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
                             const std::string& config) override;

  std::string GetFileSetDirectories(cmGeneratorTarget* gte, cmFileSet* fileSet,
                                    cmTargetExport* te) override;
  std::string GetFileSetFiles(cmGeneratorTarget* gte, cmFileSet* fileSet,
                              cmTargetExport* te) override;
  cmExportSet* GetExportSet() const override { return this->ExportSet; }

  std::string GetCxxModulesDirectory() const override;
  void GenerateCxxModuleConfigInformation(std::string const&,
                                          std::ostream&) const override;
  bool GenerateImportCxxModuleConfigTargetInclusion(std::string const&,
                                                    std::string) const;

  std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> FindBuildExportInfo(
    cmGlobalGenerator* gg, const std::string& name);

  struct TargetExportPrivate
    TargetExportPrivate(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
                        std::string xcFrameworkLocation)
      : Target(target)
      , XcFrameworkLocation(std::move(xcFrameworkLocation))

    cmGeneratorTarget* Target;
    std::string XcFrameworkLocation;

  std::vector<TargetExport> Targets;
  cmExportSet* ExportSet;
  std::vector<TargetExportPrivate> Exports;
  cmLocalGenerator* LG;
  // The directory for C++ module information.
  std::string CxxModulesDirectory;