/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmExtraKateGenerator.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include <ostream> #include <set> #include <string.h> #include <vector> cmExtraKateGenerator::cmExtraKateGenerator() = default; cmExternalMakefileProjectGeneratorFactory* cmExtraKateGenerator::GetFactory() { static cmExternalMakefileProjectGeneratorSimpleFactory<cmExtraKateGenerator> factory("Kate", "Generates Kate project files."); if (factory.GetSupportedGlobalGenerators().empty()) { #if defined(_WIN32) factory.AddSupportedGlobalGenerator("MinGW Makefiles"); factory.AddSupportedGlobalGenerator("NMake Makefiles"); // disable until somebody actually tests it: // factory.AddSupportedGlobalGenerator("MSYS Makefiles"); #endif factory.AddSupportedGlobalGenerator("Ninja"); factory.AddSupportedGlobalGenerator("Unix Makefiles"); } return &factory; } void cmExtraKateGenerator::Generate() { cmLocalGenerator* lg = this->GlobalGenerator->GetLocalGenerators()[0]; const cmMakefile* mf = lg->GetMakefile(); this->ProjectName = this->GenerateProjectName( lg->GetProjectName(), mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"), this->GetPathBasename(lg->GetBinaryDirectory())); this->UseNinja = (this->GlobalGenerator->GetName() == "Ninja"); this->CreateKateProjectFile(lg); this->CreateDummyKateProjectFile(lg); } void cmExtraKateGenerator::CreateKateProjectFile( const cmLocalGenerator* lg) const { std::string filename = cmStrCat(lg->GetBinaryDirectory(), "/.kateproject"); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(filename); if (!fout) { return; } /* clang-format off */ fout << "{\n" "\t\"name\": \"" << this->ProjectName << "\",\n" "\t\"directory\": \"" << lg->GetSourceDirectory() << "\",\n" "\t\"files\": [ { " << this->GenerateFilesString(lg) << "} ],\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->WriteTargets(lg, fout); fout << "}\n"; } void cmExtraKateGenerator::WriteTargets(const cmLocalGenerator* lg, cmGeneratedFileStream& fout) const { cmMakefile const* mf = lg->GetMakefile(); const std::string& make = mf->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM"); const std::string& makeArgs = mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_KATE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS"); std::string const& homeOutputDir = lg->GetBinaryDirectory(); /* clang-format off */ fout << "\t\"build\": {\n" "\t\t\"directory\": \"" << homeOutputDir << "\",\n" "\t\t\"default_target\": \"all\",\n" "\t\t\"clean_target\": \"clean\",\n"; /* clang-format on */ // build, clean and quick are for the build plugin kate <= 4.12: fout << "\t\t\"build\": \"" << make << " -C \\\"" << homeOutputDir << "\\\" " << makeArgs << " " << "all\",\n"; fout << "\t\t\"clean\": \"" << make << " -C \\\"" << homeOutputDir << "\\\" " << makeArgs << " " << "clean\",\n"; fout << "\t\t\"quick\": \"" << make << " -C \\\"" << homeOutputDir << "\\\" " << makeArgs << " " << "install\",\n"; // this is for kate >= 4.13: fout << "\t\t\"targets\":[\n"; this->AppendTarget(fout, "all", make, makeArgs, homeOutputDir, homeOutputDir); this->AppendTarget(fout, "clean", make, makeArgs, homeOutputDir, homeOutputDir); // add all executable and library targets and some of the GLOBAL // and UTILITY targets for (cmLocalGenerator* localGen : this->GlobalGenerator->GetLocalGenerators()) { const std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*>& targets = localGen->GetGeneratorTargets(); std::string currentDir = localGen->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); bool topLevel = (currentDir == localGen->GetBinaryDirectory()); for (cmGeneratorTarget* target : targets) { std::string const& targetName = target->GetName(); switch (target->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET: { bool insertTarget = false; // Only add the global targets from CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, // not from the subdirs if (topLevel) { insertTarget = true; // only add the "edit_cache" target if it's not ccmake, because // this will not work within the IDE if (targetName == "edit_cache") { const char* editCommand = localGen->GetMakefile()->GetDefinition("CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND"); if (editCommand == nullptr) { insertTarget = false; } else if (strstr(editCommand, "ccmake") != nullptr) { insertTarget = false; } } } if (insertTarget) { this->AppendTarget(fout, targetName, make, makeArgs, currentDir, homeOutputDir); } } break; case cmStateEnums::UTILITY: // Add all utility targets, except the Nightly/Continuous/ // Experimental-"sub"targets as e.g. NightlyStart if (((targetName.find("Nightly") == 0) && (targetName != "Nightly")) || ((targetName.find("Continuous") == 0) && (targetName != "Continuous")) || ((targetName.find("Experimental") == 0) && (targetName != "Experimental"))) { break; } this->AppendTarget(fout, targetName, make, makeArgs, currentDir, homeOutputDir); break; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: case cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY: { this->AppendTarget(fout, targetName, make, makeArgs, currentDir, homeOutputDir); std::string fastTarget = cmStrCat(targetName, "/fast"); this->AppendTarget(fout, fastTarget, make, makeArgs, currentDir, homeOutputDir); } break; default: break; } } // insert rules for compiling, preprocessing and assembling individual // files std::vector<std::string> objectFileTargets; localGen->GetIndividualFileTargets(objectFileTargets); for (std::string const& f : objectFileTargets) { this->AppendTarget(fout, f, make, makeArgs, currentDir, homeOutputDir); } } fout << "\t] }\n"; } void cmExtraKateGenerator::AppendTarget(cmGeneratedFileStream& fout, const std::string& target, const std::string& make, const std::string& makeArgs, const std::string& path, const std::string& homeOutputDir) const { static char JsonSep = ' '; fout << "\t\t\t" << JsonSep << R"({"name":")" << target << "\", " "\"build_cmd\":\"" << make << " -C \\\"" << (this->UseNinja ? homeOutputDir : path) << "\\\" " << makeArgs << " " << target << "\"}\n"; JsonSep = ','; } void cmExtraKateGenerator::CreateDummyKateProjectFile( const cmLocalGenerator* lg) const { std::string filename = cmStrCat(lg->GetBinaryDirectory(), '/', this->ProjectName, ".kateproject"); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(filename); if (!fout) { return; } fout << "#Generated by " << cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand() << ", do not edit.\n"; } std::string cmExtraKateGenerator::GenerateFilesString( const cmLocalGenerator* lg) const { std::string s = cmStrCat(lg->GetSourceDirectory(), "/.git"); if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(s)) { return "\"git\": 1 "; } s = cmStrCat(lg->GetSourceDirectory(), "/.svn"); if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(s)) { return "\"svn\": 1 "; } s = cmStrCat(lg->GetSourceDirectory(), '/'); std::set<std::string> files; std::string tmp; const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& lgs = this->GlobalGenerator->GetLocalGenerators(); for (cmLocalGenerator* lgen : lgs) { cmMakefile* makefile = lgen->GetMakefile(); const std::vector<std::string>& listFiles = makefile->GetListFiles(); for (std::string const& listFile : listFiles) { tmp = listFile; { files.insert(tmp); } } const std::vector<cmSourceFile*>& sources = makefile->GetSourceFiles(); for (cmSourceFile* sf : sources) { if (sf->GetIsGenerated()) { continue; } tmp = sf->ResolveFullPath(); files.insert(tmp); } } const char* sep = ""; tmp = "\"list\": ["; for (std::string const& f : files) { tmp += sep; tmp += " \""; tmp += f; tmp += "\""; sep = ","; } tmp += "] "; return tmp; } std::string cmExtraKateGenerator::GenerateProjectName( const std::string& name, const std::string& type, const std::string& path) const { return name + (type.empty() ? "" : "-") + type + "@" + path; } std::string cmExtraKateGenerator::GetPathBasename( const std::string& path) const { std::string outputBasename = path; while (!outputBasename.empty() && (outputBasename.back() == '/' || outputBasename.back() == '\\')) { outputBasename.resize(outputBasename.size() - 1); } std::string::size_type loc = outputBasename.find_last_of("/\\"); if (loc != std::string::npos) { outputBasename = outputBasename.substr(loc + 1); } return outputBasename; }