/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2014 Ruslan Baratov Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmFileLockResult.h" #include <errno.h> cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeOk() { return cmFileLockResult(OK, 0); } cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeSystem() { #if defined(_WIN32) const Error lastError = GetLastError(); #else const Error lastError = errno; #endif return cmFileLockResult(SYSTEM, lastError); } cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeTimeout() { return cmFileLockResult(TIMEOUT, 0); } cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeAlreadyLocked() { return cmFileLockResult(ALREADY_LOCKED, 0); } cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeInternal() { return cmFileLockResult(INTERNAL, 0); } cmFileLockResult cmFileLockResult::MakeNoFunction() { return cmFileLockResult(NO_FUNCTION, 0); } bool cmFileLockResult::IsOk() const { return this->Type == OK; } std::string cmFileLockResult::GetOutputMessage() const { switch (this->Type) { case OK: return "0"; case SYSTEM: #if defined(_WIN32) { char* errorText = NULL; // http://stackoverflow.com/a/455533/2288008 DWORD flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; ::FormatMessageA(flags, NULL, this->ErrorValue, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&errorText, 0, NULL); if (errorText != NULL) { const std::string message = errorText; ::LocalFree(errorText); return message; } else { return "Internal error (FormatMessageA failed)"; } } #else return strerror(this->ErrorValue); #endif case TIMEOUT: return "Timeout reached"; case ALREADY_LOCKED: return "File already locked"; case NO_FUNCTION: return "'GUARD FUNCTION' not used in function definition"; case INTERNAL: default: return "Internal error"; } } cmFileLockResult::cmFileLockResult(ErrorType typeValue, Error errorValue) : Type(typeValue) , ErrorValue(errorValue) { }