/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include // IWYU pragma: keep #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h" #include "cmCustomCommand.h" #include "cmCustomCommandGenerator.h" #include "cmCustomCommandLines.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmPropertyMap.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmSourceFileLocation.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmTargetLinkLibraryType.h" #include "cmTargetPropertyComputer.h" #include "cmake.h" class cmMessenger; template <> const char* cmTargetPropertyComputer::GetSources( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, cmMessenger* /* messenger */, cmListFileBacktrace const& /* context */) { return tgt->GetSourcesProperty(); } template <> const char* cmTargetPropertyComputer::ComputeLocationForBuild< cmGeneratorTarget>(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt) { return tgt->GetLocation(""); } template <> const char* cmTargetPropertyComputer::ComputeLocation( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& config) { return tgt->GetLocation(config); } class cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry { static cmLinkImplItem NoLinkImplItem; public: TargetPropertyEntry(std::unique_ptr cge, cmLinkImplItem const& item = NoLinkImplItem) : ge(std::move(cge)) , LinkImplItem(item) { } const std::unique_ptr ge; cmLinkImplItem const& LinkImplItem; }; cmLinkImplItem cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry::NoLinkImplItem; void CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions( cmStringRange entries, cmBacktraceRange backtraces, std::vector& items, bool evaluateForBuildsystem = false) { std::vector::const_iterator btIt = backtraces.begin(); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it, ++btIt) { cmGeneratorExpression ge(*btIt); std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(*it); cge->SetEvaluateForBuildsystem(evaluateForBuildsystem); items.push_back( new cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge))); } } cmGeneratorTarget::cmGeneratorTarget(cmTarget* t, cmLocalGenerator* lg) : Target(t) , FortranModuleDirectoryCreated(false) , SourceFileFlagsConstructed(false) , PolicyWarnedCMP0022(false) , PolicyReportedCMP0069(false) , DebugIncludesDone(false) , DebugCompileOptionsDone(false) , DebugCompileFeaturesDone(false) , DebugCompileDefinitionsDone(false) , DebugSourcesDone(false) , LinkImplementationLanguageIsContextDependent(true) , UtilityItemsDone(false) { this->Makefile = this->Target->GetMakefile(); this->LocalGenerator = lg; this->GlobalGenerator = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator(); this->GlobalGenerator->ComputeTargetObjectDirectory(this); CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions(t->GetIncludeDirectoriesEntries(), t->GetIncludeDirectoriesBacktraces(), this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries); CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions(t->GetCompileOptionsEntries(), t->GetCompileOptionsBacktraces(), this->CompileOptionsEntries); CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions(t->GetCompileFeaturesEntries(), t->GetCompileFeaturesBacktraces(), this->CompileFeaturesEntries); CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions(t->GetCompileDefinitionsEntries(), t->GetCompileDefinitionsBacktraces(), this->CompileDefinitionsEntries); CreatePropertyGeneratorExpressions(t->GetSourceEntries(), t->GetSourceBacktraces(), this->SourceEntries, true); this->DLLPlatform = (this->Makefile->IsOn("WIN32") || this->Makefile->IsOn("CYGWIN") || this->Makefile->IsOn("MINGW")); this->PolicyMap = t->PolicyMap; } cmGeneratorTarget::~cmGeneratorTarget() { cmDeleteAll(this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries); cmDeleteAll(this->CompileOptionsEntries); cmDeleteAll(this->CompileFeaturesEntries); cmDeleteAll(this->CompileDefinitionsEntries); cmDeleteAll(this->SourceEntries); cmDeleteAll(this->LinkInformation); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetSourcesProperty() const { std::vector values; for (TargetPropertyEntry* se : this->SourceEntries) { values.push_back(se->ge->GetInput()); } static std::string value; value.clear(); value = cmJoin(values, ";"); return value.c_str(); } cmGlobalGenerator* cmGeneratorTarget::GetGlobalGenerator() const { return this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator(); } cmLocalGenerator* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLocalGenerator() const { return this->LocalGenerator; } cmStateEnums::TargetType cmGeneratorTarget::GetType() const { return this->Target->GetType(); } const std::string& cmGeneratorTarget::GetName() const { return this->Target->GetName(); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetExportName() const { const char* exportName = this->GetProperty("EXPORT_NAME"); if (exportName && *exportName) { if (!cmGeneratorExpression::IsValidTargetName(exportName)) { std::ostringstream e; e << "EXPORT_NAME property \"" << exportName << "\" for \"" << this->GetName() << "\": is not valid."; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); return ""; } return exportName; } return this->GetName(); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetProperty(const std::string& prop) const { if (!cmTargetPropertyComputer::PassesWhitelist( this->GetType(), prop, this->Makefile->GetMessenger(), this->GetBacktrace())) { return nullptr; } if (const char* result = cmTargetPropertyComputer::GetProperty( this, prop, this->Makefile->GetMessenger(), this->GetBacktrace())) { return result; } if (cmSystemTools::GetFatalErrorOccured()) { return nullptr; } return this->Target->GetProperty(prop); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetOutputTargetType( cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { switch (this->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: if (this->IsDLLPlatform()) { switch (artifact) { case cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact: // A DLL shared library is treated as a runtime target. return "RUNTIME"; case cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact: // A DLL import library is treated as an archive target. return "ARCHIVE"; } } else { // For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are treated as // library targets. return "LIBRARY"; } break; case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: // Static libraries are always treated as archive targets. return "ARCHIVE"; case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: switch (artifact) { case cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact: // Module libraries are always treated as library targets. return "LIBRARY"; case cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact: // Module import libraries are treated as archive targets. return "ARCHIVE"; } break; case cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY: // Object libraries are always treated as object targets. return "OBJECT"; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: switch (artifact) { case cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact: // Executables are always treated as runtime targets. return "RUNTIME"; case cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact: // Executable import libraries are treated as archive targets. return "ARCHIVE"; } break; default: break; } return ""; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetOutputName( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { // Lookup/compute/cache the output name for this configuration. OutputNameKey key(config, artifact); cmGeneratorTarget::OutputNameMapType::iterator i = this->OutputNameMap.find(key); if (i == this->OutputNameMap.end()) { // Add empty name in map to detect potential recursion. OutputNameMapType::value_type entry(key, ""); i = this->OutputNameMap.insert(entry).first; // Compute output name. std::vector props; std::string type = this->GetOutputTargetType(artifact); std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); if (!type.empty() && !configUpper.empty()) { // _OUTPUT_NAME_ props.push_back(type + "_OUTPUT_NAME_" + configUpper); } if (!type.empty()) { // _OUTPUT_NAME props.push_back(type + "_OUTPUT_NAME"); } if (!configUpper.empty()) { // OUTPUT_NAME_ props.push_back("OUTPUT_NAME_" + configUpper); // _OUTPUT_NAME props.push_back(configUpper + "_OUTPUT_NAME"); } // OUTPUT_NAME props.push_back("OUTPUT_NAME"); std::string outName; for (std::string const& p : props) { if (const char* outNameProp = this->GetProperty(p)) { outName = outNameProp; break; } } if (outName.empty()) { outName = this->GetName(); } // Now evaluate genex and update the previously-prepared map entry. cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(outName); i->second = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); } else if (i->second.empty()) { // An empty map entry indicates we have been called recursively // from the above block. this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, "Target '" + this->GetName() + "' OUTPUT_NAME depends on itself.", this->GetBacktrace()); } return i->second; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ClearSourcesCache() { this->KindedSourcesMap.clear(); this->LinkImplementationLanguageIsContextDependent = true; this->Objects.clear(); } void cmGeneratorTarget::AddSourceCommon(const std::string& src) { cmListFileBacktrace lfbt = this->Makefile->GetBacktrace(); cmGeneratorExpression ge(lfbt); std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(src); cge->SetEvaluateForBuildsystem(true); this->SourceEntries.push_back(new TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge))); this->ClearSourcesCache(); } void cmGeneratorTarget::AddSource(const std::string& src) { this->Target->AddSource(src); this->AddSourceCommon(src); } void cmGeneratorTarget::AddTracedSources(std::vector const& srcs) { this->Target->AddTracedSources(srcs); if (!srcs.empty()) { this->AddSourceCommon(cmJoin(srcs, ";")); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::AddIncludeDirectory(const std::string& src, bool before) { this->Target->InsertInclude(src, this->Makefile->GetBacktrace(), before); cmListFileBacktrace lfbt = this->Makefile->GetBacktrace(); cmGeneratorExpression ge(lfbt); std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(src); cge->SetEvaluateForBuildsystem(true); // Insert before begin/end std::vector::iterator pos = before ? this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries.begin() : this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries.end(); this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries.insert( pos, new TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge))); } std::vector const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetSourceDepends( cmSourceFile const* sf) const { SourceEntriesType::const_iterator i = this->SourceDepends.find(sf); if (i != this->SourceDepends.end()) { return &i->second.Depends; } return nullptr; } static void handleSystemIncludesDep( cmLocalGenerator* lg, cmGeneratorTarget const* depTgt, const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, std::vector& result, bool excludeImported) { if (const char* dirs = depTgt->GetProperty("INTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( ge.Parse(dirs)->Evaluate(lg, config, false, headTarget, depTgt, dagChecker), result); } if (!depTgt->IsImported() || excludeImported) { return; } if (const char* dirs = depTgt->GetProperty("INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( ge.Parse(dirs)->Evaluate(lg, config, false, headTarget, depTgt, dagChecker), result); } } /* clang-format off */ #define IMPLEMENT_VISIT(KIND) \ { \ KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); \ for (SourceAndKind const& s : kinded.Sources) { \ if (s.Kind == KIND) { \ data.push_back(s.Source); \ } \ } \ } /* clang-format on */ void cmGeneratorTarget::GetObjectSources( std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindObjectSource); if (!this->Objects.empty()) { return; } for (cmSourceFile const* it : data) { this->Objects[it]; } this->LocalGenerator->ComputeObjectFilenames(this->Objects, this); } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeObjectMapping() { if (!this->Objects.empty()) { return; } std::vector configs; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configs); if (configs.empty()) { configs.emplace_back(); } for (std::string const& c : configs) { std::vector sourceFiles; this->GetObjectSources(sourceFiles, c); } } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetFeature(const std::string& feature, const std::string& config) const { if (!config.empty()) { std::string featureConfig = feature; featureConfig += "_"; featureConfig += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); if (const char* value = this->GetProperty(featureConfig)) { return value; } } if (const char* value = this->GetProperty(feature)) { return value; } return this->LocalGenerator->GetFeature(feature, config); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsIPOEnabled(std::string const& lang, std::string const& config) const { const char* feature = "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION"; const bool result = cmSystemTools::IsOn(this->GetFeature(feature, config)); if (!result) { // 'INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION' is off, no need to check policies return false; } if (lang != "C" && lang != "CXX" && lang != "Fortran") { // We do not define IPO behavior for other languages. return false; } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0069 = this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0069(); if (cmp0069 == cmPolicies::OLD || cmp0069 == cmPolicies::WARN) { if (this->Makefile->IsOn("_CMAKE_" + lang + "_IPO_LEGACY_BEHAVIOR")) { return true; } if (this->PolicyReportedCMP0069) { // problem is already reported, no need to issue a message return false; } const bool in_try_compile = this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->GetIsInTryCompile(); if (cmp0069 == cmPolicies::WARN && !in_try_compile) { std::ostringstream w; w << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0069) << "\n"; w << "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION property will be ignored for target " << "'" << this->GetName() << "'."; this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, w.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); this->PolicyReportedCMP0069 = true; } return false; } // Note: check consistency with messages from CheckIPOSupported const char* message = nullptr; if (!this->Makefile->IsOn("_CMAKE_" + lang + "_IPO_SUPPORTED_BY_CMAKE")) { message = "CMake doesn't support IPO for current compiler"; } else if (!this->Makefile->IsOn("_CMAKE_" + lang + "_IPO_MAY_BE_SUPPORTED_BY_COMPILER")) { message = "Compiler doesn't support IPO"; } else if (!this->GlobalGenerator->IsIPOSupported()) { message = "CMake doesn't support IPO for current generator"; } if (!message) { // No error/warning messages return true; } if (this->PolicyReportedCMP0069) { // problem is already reported, no need to issue a message return false; } this->PolicyReportedCMP0069 = true; this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, message, this->GetBacktrace()); return false; } const std::string& cmGeneratorTarget::GetObjectName(cmSourceFile const* file) { this->ComputeObjectMapping(); return this->Objects[file]; } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetCustomObjectExtension() const { static std::string extension; const bool has_ptx_extension = this->GetPropertyAsBool("CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION"); if (has_ptx_extension) { extension = ".ptx"; return extension.c_str(); } return nullptr; } void cmGeneratorTarget::AddExplicitObjectName(cmSourceFile const* sf) { this->ExplicitObjectName.insert(sf); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HasExplicitObjectName(cmSourceFile const* file) const { const_cast(this)->ComputeObjectMapping(); std::set::const_iterator it = this->ExplicitObjectName.find(file); return it != this->ExplicitObjectName.end(); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetModuleDefinitionSources( std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindModuleDefinition); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetHeaderSources( std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindHeader); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExtraSources(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindExtra); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetCustomCommands( std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindCustomCommand); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExternalObjects( std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindExternalObject); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExpectedResxHeaders(std::set& headers, const std::string& config) const { KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); headers = kinded.ExpectedResxHeaders; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetResxSources(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindResx); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetAppManifest(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindAppManifest); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetManifests(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindManifest); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetCertificates(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindCertificate); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExpectedXamlHeaders(std::set& headers, const std::string& config) const { KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); headers = kinded.ExpectedXamlHeaders; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExpectedXamlSources(std::set& srcs, const std::string& config) const { KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); srcs = kinded.ExpectedXamlSources; } std::set const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetUtilityItems() const { if (!this->UtilityItemsDone) { this->UtilityItemsDone = true; std::set const& utilities = this->GetUtilities(); for (std::string const& i : utilities) { cmGeneratorTarget* gt = this->LocalGenerator->FindGeneratorTargetToUse(i); this->UtilityItems.insert(cmLinkItem(i, gt)); } } return this->UtilityItems; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetXamlSources(std::vector& data, const std::string& config) const { IMPLEMENT_VISIT(SourceKindXaml); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLocation(const std::string& config) const { static std::string location; if (this->IsImported()) { location = this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath( config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); } else { location = this->GetFullPath(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); } return location.c_str(); } std::vector const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetPreBuildCommands() const { return this->Target->GetPreBuildCommands(); } std::vector const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetPreLinkCommands() const { return this->Target->GetPreLinkCommands(); } std::vector const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetPostBuildCommands() const { return this->Target->GetPostBuildCommands(); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsImported() const { return this->Target->IsImported(); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsImportedGloballyVisible() const { return this->Target->IsImportedGloballyVisible(); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLocationForBuild() const { static std::string location; if (this->IsImported()) { location = this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath( "", cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); return location.c_str(); } // Now handle the deprecated build-time configuration location. location = this->GetDirectory(); const char* cfgid = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR"); if (cfgid && strcmp(cfgid, ".") != 0) { location += "/"; location += cfgid; } if (this->IsAppBundleOnApple()) { std::string macdir = this->BuildBundleDirectory("", "", FullLevel); if (!macdir.empty()) { location += "/"; location += macdir; } } location += "/"; location += this->GetFullName("", cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); return location.c_str(); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsSystemIncludeDirectory( const std::string& dir, const std::string& config) const { assert(this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY); std::string config_upper; if (!config.empty()) { config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } typedef std::map> IncludeCacheType; IncludeCacheType::const_iterator iter = this->SystemIncludesCache.find(config_upper); if (iter == this->SystemIncludesCache.end()) { cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES", nullptr, nullptr); bool excludeImported = this->GetPropertyAsBool("NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED"); std::vector result; for (std::string const& it : this->Target->GetSystemIncludeDirectories()) { cmGeneratorExpression ge; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( ge.Parse(it)->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config, false, this, &dagChecker), result); } std::vector const& deps = this->GetLinkImplementationClosure(config); for (cmGeneratorTarget const* dep : deps) { handleSystemIncludesDep(this->LocalGenerator, dep, config, this, &dagChecker, result, excludeImported); } std::for_each(result.begin(), result.end(), cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes); std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); result.erase(std::unique(result.begin(), result.end()), result.end()); IncludeCacheType::value_type entry(config_upper, result); iter = this->SystemIncludesCache.insert(entry).first; } return std::binary_search(iter->second.begin(), iter->second.end(), dir); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::GetPropertyAsBool(const std::string& prop) const { return this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool(prop); } static void AddInterfaceEntries( cmGeneratorTarget const* thisTarget, std::string const& config, std::string const& prop, std::vector& entries) { if (cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = thisTarget->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config)) { for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { if (lib.Target) { std::string genex = "$"; cmGeneratorExpression ge(lib.Backtrace); std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(genex); cge->SetEvaluateForBuildsystem(true); entries.push_back( new cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge), lib)); } } } } static void AddObjectEntries( cmGeneratorTarget const* thisTarget, std::string const& config, std::vector& entries) { if (cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = thisTarget->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config)) { for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { if (lib.Target && lib.Target->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { std::string genex = "$"; cmGeneratorExpression ge(lib.Backtrace); std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(genex); cge->SetEvaluateForBuildsystem(true); entries.push_back( new cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge), lib)); } } } } static bool processSources( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& srcs, std::unordered_set& uniqueSrcs, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, std::string const& config, bool debugSources) { cmMakefile* mf = tgt->Target->GetMakefile(); bool contextDependent = false; for (cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry* entry : entries) { cmLinkImplItem const& item = entry->LinkImplItem; std::string const& targetName = item; std::vector entrySources; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( entry->ge->Evaluate(tgt->GetLocalGenerator(), config, false, tgt, tgt, dagChecker), entrySources); if (entry->ge->GetHadContextSensitiveCondition()) { contextDependent = true; } for (std::string& src : entrySources) { cmSourceFile* sf = mf->GetOrCreateSource(src); std::string e; std::string fullPath = sf->GetFullPath(&e); if (fullPath.empty()) { if (!e.empty()) { cmake* cm = tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance(); cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e, tgt->GetBacktrace()); } return contextDependent; } if (!targetName.empty() && !cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(src)) { std::ostringstream err; if (!targetName.empty()) { err << "Target \"" << targetName << "\" contains relative path in its INTERFACE_SOURCES:\n \"" << src << "\""; } else { err << "Found relative path while evaluating sources of \"" << tgt->GetName() << "\":\n \"" << src << "\"\n"; } tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, err.str()); return contextDependent; } src = fullPath; } std::string usedSources; for (std::string const& src : entrySources) { if (uniqueSrcs.insert(src).second) { srcs.push_back(src); if (debugSources) { usedSources += " * " + src + "\n"; } } } if (!usedSources.empty()) { tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::LOG, std::string("Used sources for target ") + tgt->GetName() + ":\n" + usedSources, entry->ge->GetBacktrace()); } } return contextDependent; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetSourceFiles(std::vector& files, const std::string& config) const { assert(this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY); if (!this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { // At configure-time, this method can be called as part of getting the // LOCATION property or to export() a file to be include()d. However // there is no cmGeneratorTarget at configure-time, so search the SOURCES // for TARGET_OBJECTS instead for backwards compatibility with OLD // behavior of CMP0024 and CMP0026 only. cmStringRange sourceEntries = this->Target->GetSourceEntries(); for (std::string const& entry : sourceEntries) { std::vector items; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(entry, items); for (std::string const& item : items) { if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(item, "$') { continue; } files.push_back(item); } } return; } std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugSources = !this->DebugSourcesDone && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), "SOURCES") != debugProperties.end(); if (this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugSourcesDone = true; } cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker(this->GetName(), "SOURCES", nullptr, nullptr); std::unordered_set uniqueSrcs; bool contextDependentDirectSources = processSources(this, this->SourceEntries, files, uniqueSrcs, &dagChecker, config, debugSources); // Collect INTERFACE_SOURCES of all direct link-dependencies. std::vector linkInterfaceSourcesEntries; AddInterfaceEntries(this, config, "INTERFACE_SOURCES", linkInterfaceSourcesEntries); std::vector::size_type numFilesBefore = files.size(); bool contextDependentInterfaceSources = processSources(this, linkInterfaceSourcesEntries, files, uniqueSrcs, &dagChecker, config, debugSources); // Collect TARGET_OBJECTS of direct object link-dependencies. std::vector linkObjectsEntries; AddObjectEntries(this, config, linkObjectsEntries); std::vector::size_type numFilesBefore2 = files.size(); bool contextDependentObjects = processSources(this, linkObjectsEntries, files, uniqueSrcs, &dagChecker, config, debugSources); if (!contextDependentDirectSources && !(contextDependentInterfaceSources && numFilesBefore < files.size()) && !(contextDependentObjects && numFilesBefore2 < files.size())) { this->LinkImplementationLanguageIsContextDependent = false; } cmDeleteAll(linkInterfaceSourcesEntries); cmDeleteAll(linkObjectsEntries); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetSourceFiles(std::vector& files, const std::string& config) const { if (!this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { // Since we are still configuring not all sources may exist yet, // so we need to avoid full source classification because that // requires the absolute paths to all sources to be determined. // Since this is only for compatibility with old policies that // projects should not depend on anymore, just compute the files // without memoizing them. std::vector srcs; this->GetSourceFiles(srcs, config); std::set emitted; for (std::string const& s : srcs) { cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetOrCreateSource(s); if (emitted.insert(sf).second) { files.push_back(sf); } } return; } KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); files.reserve(kinded.Sources.size()); for (SourceAndKind const& si : kinded.Sources) { files.push_back(si.Source); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetSourceFilesWithoutObjectLibraries( std::vector& files, const std::string& config) const { KindedSources const& kinded = this->GetKindedSources(config); files.reserve(kinded.Sources.size()); for (SourceAndKind const& si : kinded.Sources) { if (si.Source->GetObjectLibrary().empty()) { files.push_back(si.Source); } } } cmGeneratorTarget::KindedSources const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetKindedSources( std::string const& config) const { // If we already processed one configuration and found no dependenc // on configuration then always use the one result. if (!this->LinkImplementationLanguageIsContextDependent) { return this->KindedSourcesMap.begin()->second; } // Lookup any existing link implementation for this configuration. std::string const key = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); KindedSourcesMapType::iterator it = this->KindedSourcesMap.find(key); if (it != this->KindedSourcesMap.end()) { if (!it->second.Initialized) { std::ostringstream e; e << "The SOURCES of \"" << this->GetName() << "\" use a generator expression that depends on the " "SOURCES themselves."; this->GlobalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); static KindedSources empty; return empty; } return it->second; } // Add an entry to the map for this configuration. KindedSources& files = this->KindedSourcesMap[key]; this->ComputeKindedSources(files, config); files.Initialized = true; return files; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeKindedSources(KindedSources& files, std::string const& config) const { // Get the source file paths by string. std::vector srcs; this->GetSourceFiles(srcs, config); cmsys::RegularExpression header_regex(CM_HEADER_REGEX); std::vector badObjLib; std::set emitted; for (std::string const& s : srcs) { // Create each source at most once. cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetOrCreateSource(s); if (!emitted.insert(sf).second) { continue; } // Compute the kind (classification) of this source file. SourceKind kind; std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sf->GetExtension()); if (sf->GetCustomCommand()) { kind = SourceKindCustomCommand; } else if (this->Target->GetType() == cmStateEnums::UTILITY) { kind = SourceKindExtra; } else if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY")) { kind = SourceKindHeader; } else if (sf->GetPropertyAsBool("EXTERNAL_OBJECT")) { kind = SourceKindExternalObject; } else if (!sf->GetLanguage().empty()) { kind = SourceKindObjectSource; } else if (ext == "def") { kind = SourceKindModuleDefinition; if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { badObjLib.push_back(sf); } } else if (ext == "idl") { kind = SourceKindIDL; if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { badObjLib.push_back(sf); } } else if (ext == "resx") { kind = SourceKindResx; // Build and save the name of the corresponding .h file // This relationship will be used later when building the project files. // Both names would have been auto generated from Visual Studio // where the user supplied the file name and Visual Studio // appended the suffix. std::string resx = sf->GetFullPath(); std::string hFileName = resx.substr(0, resx.find_last_of('.')) + ".h"; files.ExpectedResxHeaders.insert(hFileName); } else if (ext == "appxmanifest") { kind = SourceKindAppManifest; } else if (ext == "manifest") { kind = SourceKindManifest; } else if (ext == "pfx") { kind = SourceKindCertificate; } else if (ext == "xaml") { kind = SourceKindXaml; // Build and save the name of the corresponding .h and .cpp file // This relationship will be used later when building the project files. // Both names would have been auto generated from Visual Studio // where the user supplied the file name and Visual Studio // appended the suffix. std::string xaml = sf->GetFullPath(); std::string hFileName = xaml + ".h"; std::string cppFileName = xaml + ".cpp"; files.ExpectedXamlHeaders.insert(hFileName); files.ExpectedXamlSources.insert(cppFileName); } else if (header_regex.find(sf->GetFullPath().c_str())) { kind = SourceKindHeader; } else { kind = SourceKindExtra; } // Save this classified source file in the result vector. files.Sources.push_back({ sf, kind }); } if (!badObjLib.empty()) { std::ostringstream e; e << "OBJECT library \"" << this->GetName() << "\" contains:\n"; for (cmSourceFile* i : badObjLib) { e << " " << i->GetLocation().GetName() << "\n"; } e << "but may contain only sources that compile, header files, and " "other files that would not affect linking of a normal library."; this->GlobalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } } std::vector const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetAllConfigSources() const { if (this->AllConfigSources.empty()) { this->ComputeAllConfigSources(); } return this->AllConfigSources; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeAllConfigSources() const { std::vector configs; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configs); std::map index; for (size_t ci = 0; ci < configs.size(); ++ci) { KindedSources const& sources = this->GetKindedSources(configs[ci]); for (SourceAndKind const& src : sources.Sources) { std::map::iterator mi = index.find(src.Source); if (mi == index.end()) { AllConfigSource acs; acs.Source = src.Source; acs.Kind = src.Kind; this->AllConfigSources.push_back(std::move(acs)); std::map::value_type entry( src.Source, this->AllConfigSources.size() - 1); mi = index.insert(entry).first; } this->AllConfigSources[mi->second].Configs.push_back(ci); } } } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompilePDBName( const std::string& config) const { std::string prefix; std::string base; std::string suffix; this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact, prefix, base, suffix); // Check for a per-configuration output directory target property. std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); std::string configProp = "COMPILE_PDB_NAME_"; configProp += configUpper; const char* config_name = this->GetProperty(configProp); if (config_name && *config_name) { return prefix + config_name + ".pdb"; } const char* name = this->GetProperty("COMPILE_PDB_NAME"); if (name && *name) { return prefix + name + ".pdb"; } return ""; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompilePDBPath( const std::string& config) const { std::string dir = this->GetCompilePDBDirectory(config); std::string name = this->GetCompilePDBName(config); if (dir.empty() && !name.empty() && this->HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles()) { dir = this->GetPDBDirectory(config); } if (!dir.empty()) { dir += "/"; } return dir + name; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HasSOName(const std::string& config) const { // soname is supported only for shared libraries and modules, // and then only when the platform supports an soname flag. return ((this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) && !this->GetPropertyAsBool("NO_SONAME") && this->Makefile->GetSONameFlag(this->GetLinkerLanguage(config))); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::NeedRelinkBeforeInstall( const std::string& config) const { // Only executables and shared libraries can have an rpath and may // need relinking. if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return false; } // If there is no install location this target will not be installed // and therefore does not need relinking. if (!this->Target->GetHaveInstallRule()) { return false; } // If skipping all rpaths completely then no relinking is needed. if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH")) { return false; } // If building with the install-tree rpath no relinking is needed. if (this->GetPropertyAsBool("BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH")) { return false; } // If chrpath is going to be used no relinking is needed. if (this->IsChrpathUsed(config)) { return false; } // Check for rpath support on this platform. std::string ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config); if (!ll.empty()) { std::string flagVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_"; flagVar += ll; flagVar += "_FLAG"; if (!this->Makefile->IsSet(flagVar)) { // There is no rpath support on this platform so nothing needs // relinking. return false; } } else { // No linker language is known. This error will be reported by // other code. return false; } // If either a build or install tree rpath is set then the rpath // will likely change between the build tree and install tree and // this target must be relinked. bool have_rpath = this->HaveBuildTreeRPATH(config) || this->HaveInstallTreeRPATH(); bool is_ninja = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName() == "Ninja"; if (have_rpath && is_ninja) { std::ostringstream w; /* clang-format off */ w << "The install of the " << this->GetName() << " target requires " "changing an RPATH from the build tree, but this is not supported " "with the Ninja generator unless on an ELF-based platform. The " "CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH variable may be set to avoid this " "relinking step." ; /* clang-format on */ cmake* cm = this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance(); cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, w.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } return have_rpath; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsChrpathUsed(const std::string& config) const { // Only certain target types have an rpath. if (!(this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE)) { return false; } // If the target will not be installed we do not need to change its // rpath. if (!this->Target->GetHaveInstallRule()) { return false; } // Skip chrpath if skipping rpath altogether. if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH")) { return false; } // Skip chrpath if it does not need to be changed at install time. if (this->GetPropertyAsBool("BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH")) { return false; } // Allow the user to disable builtin chrpath explicitly. if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_NO_BUILTIN_CHRPATH")) { return false; } if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_PLATFORM_HAS_INSTALLNAME")) { return true; } #if defined(CMAKE_USE_ELF_PARSER) // Enable if the rpath flag uses a separator and the target uses ELF // binaries. std::string ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config); if (!ll.empty()) { std::string sepVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_"; sepVar += ll; sepVar += "_FLAG_SEP"; const char* sep = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(sepVar); if (sep && *sep) { // TODO: Add ELF check to ABI detection and get rid of // CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_FORMAT. if (const char* fmt = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_FORMAT")) { return strcmp(fmt, "ELF") == 0; } } } #endif static_cast(config); return false; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsImportedSharedLibWithoutSOName( const std::string& config) const { if (this->IsImported() && this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) { if (cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config)) { return info->NoSOName; } } return false; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HasMacOSXRpathInstallNameDir( const std::string& config) const { bool install_name_is_rpath = false; bool macosx_rpath = false; if (!this->IsImported()) { if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) { return false; } const char* install_name = this->GetProperty("INSTALL_NAME_DIR"); bool use_install_name = this->MacOSXUseInstallNameDir(); if (install_name && use_install_name && std::string(install_name) == "@rpath") { install_name_is_rpath = true; } else if (install_name && use_install_name) { return false; } if (!install_name_is_rpath) { macosx_rpath = this->MacOSXRpathInstallNameDirDefault(); } } else { // Lookup the imported soname. if (cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config)) { if (!info->NoSOName && !info->SOName.empty()) { if (info->SOName.find("@rpath/") == 0) { install_name_is_rpath = true; } } else { std::string install_name; cmSystemTools::GuessLibraryInstallName(info->Location, install_name); if (install_name.find("@rpath") != std::string::npos) { install_name_is_rpath = true; } } } } if (!install_name_is_rpath && !macosx_rpath) { return false; } if (!this->Makefile->IsSet("CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_C_FLAG")) { std::ostringstream w; w << "Attempting to use "; if (macosx_rpath) { w << "MACOSX_RPATH"; } else { w << "@rpath"; } w << " without CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_C_FLAG being set."; w << " This could be because you are using a Mac OS X version"; w << " less than 10.5 or because CMake's platform configuration is"; w << " corrupt."; cmake* cm = this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance(); cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, w.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } return true; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::MacOSXRpathInstallNameDirDefault() const { // we can't do rpaths when unsupported if (!this->Makefile->IsSet("CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_C_FLAG")) { return false; } const char* macosx_rpath_str = this->GetProperty("MACOSX_RPATH"); if (macosx_rpath_str) { return this->GetPropertyAsBool("MACOSX_RPATH"); } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0042 = this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0042(); if (cmp0042 == cmPolicies::WARN) { this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddCMP0042WarnTarget( this->GetName()); } return cmp0042 == cmPolicies::NEW; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::MacOSXUseInstallNameDir() const { const char* build_with_install_name = this->GetProperty("BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR"); if (build_with_install_name) { return cmSystemTools::IsOn(build_with_install_name); } cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0068 = this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0068(); if (cmp0068 == cmPolicies::NEW) { return false; } bool use_install_name = this->GetPropertyAsBool("BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH"); if (use_install_name && cmp0068 == cmPolicies::WARN) { this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddCMP0068WarnTarget( this->GetName()); } return use_install_name; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::CanGenerateInstallNameDir( InstallNameType name_type) const { cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0068 = this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0068(); if (cmp0068 == cmPolicies::NEW) { return true; } bool skip = this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH"); if (name_type == INSTALL_NAME_FOR_INSTALL) { skip |= this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH"); } else { skip |= this->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_BUILD_RPATH"); } if (skip && cmp0068 == cmPolicies::WARN) { this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddCMP0068WarnTarget( this->GetName()); } return !skip; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetSOName(const std::string& config) const { if (this->IsImported()) { // Lookup the imported soname. if (cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config)) { if (info->NoSOName) { // The imported library has no builtin soname so the name // searched at runtime will be just the filename. return cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(info->Location); } // Use the soname given if any. if (info->SOName.find("@rpath/") == 0) { return info->SOName.substr(6); } return info->SOName; } return ""; } // Compute the soname that will be built. std::string name; std::string soName; std::string realName; std::string impName; std::string pdbName; this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config); return soName; } static bool shouldAddFullLevel(cmGeneratorTarget::BundleDirectoryLevel level) { return level == cmGeneratorTarget::FullLevel; } static bool shouldAddContentLevel( cmGeneratorTarget::BundleDirectoryLevel level) { return level == cmGeneratorTarget::ContentLevel || shouldAddFullLevel(level); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetAppBundleDirectory( const std::string& config, BundleDirectoryLevel level) const { std::string fpath = this->GetFullName(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); fpath += "."; const char* ext = this->GetProperty("BUNDLE_EXTENSION"); if (!ext) { ext = "app"; } fpath += ext; if (shouldAddContentLevel(level) && !this->Makefile->PlatformIsAppleEmbedded()) { fpath += "/Contents"; if (shouldAddFullLevel(level)) { fpath += "/MacOS"; } } return fpath; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsBundleOnApple() const { return this->IsFrameworkOnApple() || this->IsAppBundleOnApple() || this->IsCFBundleOnApple(); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetCFBundleDirectory( const std::string& config, BundleDirectoryLevel level) const { std::string fpath; fpath += this->GetOutputName(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); fpath += "."; const char* ext = this->GetProperty("BUNDLE_EXTENSION"); if (!ext) { if (this->IsXCTestOnApple()) { ext = "xctest"; } else { ext = "bundle"; } } fpath += ext; if (shouldAddContentLevel(level) && !this->Makefile->PlatformIsAppleEmbedded()) { fpath += "/Contents"; if (shouldAddFullLevel(level)) { fpath += "/MacOS"; } } return fpath; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFrameworkDirectory( const std::string& config, BundleDirectoryLevel level) const { std::string fpath; fpath += this->GetOutputName(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); fpath += "."; const char* ext = this->GetProperty("BUNDLE_EXTENSION"); if (!ext) { ext = "framework"; } fpath += ext; if (shouldAddFullLevel(level) && !this->Makefile->PlatformIsAppleEmbedded()) { fpath += "/Versions/"; fpath += this->GetFrameworkVersion(); } return fpath; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullName( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { if (this->IsImported()) { return this->GetFullNameImported(config, artifact); } return this->GetFullNameInternal(config, artifact); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetInstallNameDirForBuildTree( const std::string& config) const { if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_PLATFORM_HAS_INSTALLNAME")) { // If building directly for installation then the build tree install_name // is the same as the install tree. if (this->MacOSXUseInstallNameDir()) { return this->GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree(); } // Use the build tree directory for the target. if (this->CanGenerateInstallNameDir(INSTALL_NAME_FOR_BUILD)) { std::string dir; if (this->MacOSXRpathInstallNameDirDefault()) { dir = "@rpath"; } else { dir = this->GetDirectory(config); } dir += "/"; return dir; } } return ""; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree() const { if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_PLATFORM_HAS_INSTALLNAME")) { std::string dir; const char* install_name_dir = this->GetProperty("INSTALL_NAME_DIR"); if (this->CanGenerateInstallNameDir(INSTALL_NAME_FOR_INSTALL)) { if (install_name_dir && *install_name_dir) { dir = install_name_dir; dir += "/"; } } if (!install_name_dir) { if (this->MacOSXRpathInstallNameDirDefault()) { dir = "@rpath/"; } } return dir; } return ""; } cmListFileBacktrace cmGeneratorTarget::GetBacktrace() const { return this->Target->GetBacktrace(); } const std::vector& cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkDirectories() const { return this->Target->GetLinkDirectories(); } const std::set& cmGeneratorTarget::GetUtilities() const { return this->Target->GetUtilities(); } const cmListFileBacktrace* cmGeneratorTarget::GetUtilityBacktrace( const std::string& u) const { return this->Target->GetUtilityBacktrace(u); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles() const { return this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE; } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetExportMacro() const { // Define the symbol for targets that export symbols. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { if (const char* custom_export_name = this->GetProperty("DEFINE_SYMBOL")) { this->ExportMacro = custom_export_name; } else { std::string in = this->GetName(); in += "_EXPORTS"; this->ExportMacro = cmSystemTools::MakeCidentifier(in); } return this->ExportMacro.c_str(); } return nullptr; } class cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages { public: cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages(cmGeneratorTarget const* target, const std::string& config, std::unordered_set& languages, cmGeneratorTarget const* head) : Config(config) , Languages(languages) , HeadTarget(head) , Target(target) { this->Visited.insert(target); } void Visit(cmLinkItem const& item) { if (!item.Target) { if (item.find("::") != std::string::npos) { bool noMessage = false; cmake::MessageType messageType = cmake::FATAL_ERROR; std::ostringstream e; switch (this->Target->GetLocalGenerator()->GetPolicyStatus( cmPolicies::CMP0028)) { case cmPolicies::WARN: { e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0028) << "\n"; messageType = cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING; } break; case cmPolicies::OLD: noMessage = true; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::NEW: // Issue the fatal message. break; } if (!noMessage) { e << "Target \"" << this->Target->GetName() << "\" links to target \"" << item << "\" but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() " "call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is " "missing?"; this->Target->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( messageType, e.str(), this->Target->GetBacktrace()); } } return; } if (!this->Visited.insert(item.Target).second) { return; } cmLinkInterface const* iface = item.Target->GetLinkInterface(this->Config, this->HeadTarget); if (!iface) { return; } for (std::string const& language : iface->Languages) { this->Languages.insert(language); } for (cmLinkItem const& lib : iface->Libraries) { this->Visit(lib); } } private: std::string Config; std::unordered_set& Languages; cmGeneratorTarget const* HeadTarget; const cmGeneratorTarget* Target; std::set Visited; }; cmGeneratorTarget::LinkClosure const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkClosure( const std::string& config) const { std::string key(cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config)); LinkClosureMapType::iterator i = this->LinkClosureMap.find(key); if (i == this->LinkClosureMap.end()) { LinkClosure lc; this->ComputeLinkClosure(config, lc); LinkClosureMapType::value_type entry(key, lc); i = this->LinkClosureMap.insert(entry).first; } return &i->second; } class cmTargetSelectLinker { int Preference; cmGeneratorTarget const* Target; cmGlobalGenerator* GG; std::set Preferred; public: cmTargetSelectLinker(cmGeneratorTarget const* target) : Preference(0) , Target(target) { this->GG = this->Target->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator(); } void Consider(const char* lang) { int preference = this->GG->GetLinkerPreference(lang); if (preference > this->Preference) { this->Preference = preference; this->Preferred.clear(); } if (preference == this->Preference) { this->Preferred.insert(lang); } } std::string Choose() { if (this->Preferred.empty()) { return ""; } if (this->Preferred.size() > 1) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Target " << this->Target->GetName() << " contains multiple languages with the highest linker preference" << " (" << this->Preference << "):\n"; for (std::string const& li : this->Preferred) { e << " " << li << "\n"; } e << "Set the LINKER_LANGUAGE property for this target."; cmake* cm = this->Target->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance(); cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->Target->GetBacktrace()); } return *this->Preferred.begin(); } }; void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeLinkClosure(const std::string& config, LinkClosure& lc) const { // Get languages built in this target. std::unordered_set languages; cmLinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config); assert(impl); for (std::string const& li : impl->Languages) { languages.insert(li); } // Add interface languages from linked targets. cmTargetCollectLinkLanguages cll(this, config, languages, this); for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { cll.Visit(lib); } // Store the transitive closure of languages. for (std::string const& lang : languages) { lc.Languages.push_back(lang); } // Choose the language whose linker should be used. if (this->GetProperty("HAS_CXX")) { lc.LinkerLanguage = "CXX"; } else if (const char* linkerLang = this->GetProperty("LINKER_LANGUAGE")) { lc.LinkerLanguage = linkerLang; } else { // Find the language with the highest preference value. cmTargetSelectLinker tsl(this); // First select from the languages compiled directly in this target. for (std::string const& l : impl->Languages) { tsl.Consider(l.c_str()); } // Now consider languages that propagate from linked targets. for (std::string const& lang : languages) { std::string propagates = "CMAKE_" + lang + "_LINKER_PREFERENCE_PROPAGATES"; if (this->Makefile->IsOn(propagates)) { tsl.Consider(lang.c_str()); } } lc.LinkerLanguage = tsl.Choose(); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullNameComponents( std::string& prefix, std::string& base, std::string& suffix, const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { this->GetFullNameInternal(config, artifact, prefix, base, suffix); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::BuildBundleDirectory( const std::string& base, const std::string& config, BundleDirectoryLevel level) const { std::string fpath = base; if (this->IsAppBundleOnApple()) { fpath += this->GetAppBundleDirectory(config, level); } if (this->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { fpath += this->GetFrameworkDirectory(config, level); } if (this->IsCFBundleOnApple()) { fpath += this->GetCFBundleDirectory(config, level); } return fpath; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetMacContentDirectory( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { // Start with the output directory for the target. std::string fpath = this->GetDirectory(config, artifact); fpath += "/"; BundleDirectoryLevel level = ContentLevel; if (this->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { // additional files with a framework go into the version specific // directory level = FullLevel; } fpath = this->BuildBundleDirectory(fpath, config, level); return fpath; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetEffectiveFolderName() const { std::string effectiveFolder; if (!this->GlobalGenerator->UseFolderProperty()) { return effectiveFolder; } const char* targetFolder = this->GetProperty("FOLDER"); if (targetFolder) { effectiveFolder += targetFolder; } return effectiveFolder; } cmGeneratorTarget::CompileInfo const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompileInfo( const std::string& config) const { // There is no compile information for imported targets. if (this->IsImported()) { return nullptr; } if (this->GetType() > cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { std::string msg = "cmTarget::GetCompileInfo called for "; msg += this->GetName(); msg += " which has type "; msg += cmState::GetTargetTypeName(this->GetType()); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg); return nullptr; } // Lookup/compute/cache the compile information for this configuration. std::string config_upper; if (!config.empty()) { config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } CompileInfoMapType::const_iterator i = this->CompileInfoMap.find(config_upper); if (i == this->CompileInfoMap.end()) { CompileInfo info; this->ComputePDBOutputDir("COMPILE_PDB", config, info.CompilePdbDir); CompileInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info); i = this->CompileInfoMap.insert(entry).first; } return &i->second; } cmGeneratorTarget::ModuleDefinitionInfo const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetModuleDefinitionInfo(std::string const& config) const { // A module definition file only makes sense on certain target types. if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY && !this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { return nullptr; } // Lookup/compute/cache the compile information for this configuration. std::string config_upper; if (!config.empty()) { config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } ModuleDefinitionInfoMapType::const_iterator i = this->ModuleDefinitionInfoMap.find(config_upper); if (i == this->ModuleDefinitionInfoMap.end()) { ModuleDefinitionInfo info; this->ComputeModuleDefinitionInfo(config, info); ModuleDefinitionInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info); i = this->ModuleDefinitionInfoMap.insert(entry).first; } return &i->second; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeModuleDefinitionInfo( std::string const& config, ModuleDefinitionInfo& info) const { this->GetModuleDefinitionSources(info.Sources, config); info.WindowsExportAllSymbols = this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SUPPORT_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS") && this->GetPropertyAsBool("WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS"); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) info.DefFileGenerated = info.WindowsExportAllSymbols || info.Sources.size() > 1; #else // Our __create_def helper is only available on Windows. info.DefFileGenerated = false; #endif if (info.DefFileGenerated) { info.DefFile = this->ObjectDirectory /* has slash */ + "exports.def"; } else if (!info.Sources.empty()) { info.DefFile = info.Sources.front()->GetFullPath(); } } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsDLLPlatform() const { return this->DLLPlatform; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetAutoUicOptions(std::vector& result, const std::string& config) const { const char* prop = this->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty("AUTOUIC_OPTIONS", config); if (!prop) { return; } cmGeneratorExpression ge; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "AUTOUIC_OPTIONS", nullptr, nullptr); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( ge.Parse(prop)->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config, false, this, &dagChecker), result); } void processILibs(const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget, cmLinkItem const& item, cmGlobalGenerator* gg, std::vector& tgts, std::set& emitted) { if (item.Target && emitted.insert(item.Target).second) { tgts.push_back(item.Target); if (cmLinkInterfaceLibraries const* iface = item.Target->GetLinkInterfaceLibraries(config, headTarget, true)) { for (cmLinkItem const& lib : iface->Libraries) { processILibs(config, headTarget, lib, gg, tgts, emitted); } } } } const std::vector& cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkImplementationClosure( const std::string& config) const { LinkImplClosure& tgts = this->LinkImplClosureMap[config]; if (!tgts.Done) { tgts.Done = true; std::set emitted; cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config); for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { processILibs(config, this, lib, this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator(), tgts, emitted); } } return tgts; } class cmTargetTraceDependencies { public: cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmGeneratorTarget* target); void Trace(); private: cmGeneratorTarget* GeneratorTarget; cmMakefile* Makefile; cmLocalGenerator* LocalGenerator; cmGlobalGenerator const* GlobalGenerator; typedef cmGeneratorTarget::SourceEntry SourceEntry; SourceEntry* CurrentEntry; std::queue SourceQueue; std::set SourcesQueued; typedef std::map NameMapType; NameMapType NameMap; std::vector NewSources; void QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf); void FollowName(std::string const& name); void FollowNames(std::vector const& names); bool IsUtility(std::string const& dep); void CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc); void CheckCustomCommands(const std::vector& commands); void FollowCommandDepends(cmCustomCommand const& cc, const std::string& config, std::set& emitted); }; cmTargetTraceDependencies::cmTargetTraceDependencies(cmGeneratorTarget* target) : GeneratorTarget(target) { // Convenience. this->Makefile = target->Target->GetMakefile(); this->LocalGenerator = target->GetLocalGenerator(); this->GlobalGenerator = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator(); this->CurrentEntry = nullptr; // Queue all the source files already specified for the target. if (target->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { std::vector configs; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configs); if (configs.empty()) { configs.emplace_back(); } std::set emitted; for (std::string const& c : configs) { std::vector sources; this->GeneratorTarget->GetSourceFiles(sources, c); for (cmSourceFile* sf : sources) { const std::set tgts = this->GlobalGenerator->GetFilenameTargetDepends(sf); if (tgts.find(this->GeneratorTarget) != tgts.end()) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Evaluation output file\n \"" << sf->GetFullPath() << "\"\ndepends on the sources of a target it is used in. This " "is a dependency loop and is not allowed."; this->GeneratorTarget->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return; } if (emitted.insert(sf).second && this->SourcesQueued.insert(sf).second) { this->SourceQueue.push(sf); } } } } // Queue pre-build, pre-link, and post-build rule dependencies. this->CheckCustomCommands(this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreBuildCommands()); this->CheckCustomCommands(this->GeneratorTarget->GetPreLinkCommands()); this->CheckCustomCommands(this->GeneratorTarget->GetPostBuildCommands()); } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::Trace() { // Process one dependency at a time until the queue is empty. while (!this->SourceQueue.empty()) { // Get the next source from the queue. cmSourceFile* sf = this->SourceQueue.front(); this->SourceQueue.pop(); this->CurrentEntry = &this->GeneratorTarget->SourceDepends[sf]; // Queue dependencies added explicitly by the user. if (const char* additionalDeps = sf->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS")) { std::vector objDeps; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(additionalDeps, objDeps); for (std::string& objDep : objDeps) { if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(objDep)) { objDep = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(objDep); } } this->FollowNames(objDeps); } // Queue the source needed to generate this file, if any. this->FollowName(sf->GetFullPath()); // Queue dependencies added programmatically by commands. this->FollowNames(sf->GetDepends()); // Queue custom command dependencies. if (cmCustomCommand const* cc = sf->GetCustomCommand()) { this->CheckCustomCommand(*cc); } } this->CurrentEntry = nullptr; this->GeneratorTarget->AddTracedSources(this->NewSources); } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::QueueSource(cmSourceFile* sf) { if (this->SourcesQueued.insert(sf).second) { this->SourceQueue.push(sf); // Make sure this file is in the target at the end. this->NewSources.push_back(sf->GetFullPath()); } } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowName(std::string const& name) { NameMapType::iterator i = this->NameMap.find(name); if (i == this->NameMap.end()) { // Check if we know how to generate this file. cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(name); NameMapType::value_type entry(name, sf); i = this->NameMap.insert(entry).first; } if (cmSourceFile* sf = i->second) { // Record the dependency we just followed. if (this->CurrentEntry) { this->CurrentEntry->Depends.push_back(sf); } this->QueueSource(sf); } } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowNames( std::vector const& names) { for (std::string const& name : names) { this->FollowName(name); } } bool cmTargetTraceDependencies::IsUtility(std::string const& dep) { // Dependencies on targets (utilities) are supposed to be named by // just the target name. However for compatibility we support // naming the output file generated by the target (assuming there is // no output-name property which old code would not have set). In // that case the target name will be the file basename of the // dependency. std::string util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(dep); if (cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(util) == ".exe") { util = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(util); } // Check for a target with this name. if (cmGeneratorTarget* t = this->GeneratorTarget->GetLocalGenerator()->FindGeneratorTargetToUse( util)) { // If we find the target and the dep was given as a full path, // then make sure it was not a full path to something else, and // the fact that the name matched a target was just a coincidence. if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dep)) { if (t->GetType() >= cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && t->GetType() <= cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { // This is really only for compatibility so we do not need to // worry about configuration names and output names. std::string tLocation = t->GetLocationForBuild(); tLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(tLocation); std::string depLocation = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dep); depLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(depLocation); tLocation = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(tLocation); if (depLocation == tLocation) { this->GeneratorTarget->Target->AddUtility(util); return true; } } } else { // The original name of the dependency was not a full path. It // must name a target, so add the target-level dependency. this->GeneratorTarget->Target->AddUtility(util); return true; } } // The dependency does not name a target built in this project. return false; } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::CheckCustomCommand(cmCustomCommand const& cc) { // Transform command names that reference targets built in this // project to corresponding target-level dependencies. cmGeneratorExpression ge(cc.GetBacktrace()); // Add target-level dependencies referenced by generator expressions. std::set targets; for (cmCustomCommandLine const& cCmdLine : cc.GetCommandLines()) { std::string const& command = *cCmdLine.begin(); // Check for a target with this name. if (cmGeneratorTarget* t = this->LocalGenerator->FindGeneratorTargetToUse(command)) { if (t->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { // The command refers to an executable target built in // this project. Add the target-level dependency to make // sure the executable is up to date before this custom // command possibly runs. this->GeneratorTarget->Target->AddUtility(command); } } // Check for target references in generator expressions. for (std::string const& cl : cCmdLine) { const std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(cl); cge->Evaluate(this->GeneratorTarget->GetLocalGenerator(), "", true); std::set geTargets = cge->GetTargets(); targets.insert(geTargets.begin(), geTargets.end()); } } for (cmGeneratorTarget* target : targets) { this->GeneratorTarget->Target->AddUtility(target->GetName()); } // Queue the custom command dependencies. std::vector configs; std::set emitted; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configs); if (configs.empty()) { configs.emplace_back(); } for (std::string const& conf : configs) { this->FollowCommandDepends(cc, conf, emitted); } } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::FollowCommandDepends( cmCustomCommand const& cc, const std::string& config, std::set& emitted) { cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(cc, config, this->GeneratorTarget->LocalGenerator); const std::vector& depends = ccg.GetDepends(); for (std::string const& dep : depends) { if (emitted.insert(dep).second) { if (!this->IsUtility(dep)) { // The dependency does not name a target and may be a file we // know how to generate. Queue it. this->FollowName(dep); } } } } void cmTargetTraceDependencies::CheckCustomCommands( const std::vector& commands) { for (cmCustomCommand const& command : commands) { this->CheckCustomCommand(command); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::TraceDependencies() { // CMake-generated targets have no dependencies to trace. Normally tracing // would find nothing anyway, but when building CMake itself the "install" // target command ends up referencing the "cmake" target but we do not // really want the dependency because "install" depend on "all" anyway. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::GLOBAL_TARGET) { return; } // Use a helper object to trace the dependencies. cmTargetTraceDependencies tracer(this); tracer.Trace(); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompilePDBDirectory( const std::string& config) const { if (CompileInfo const* info = this->GetCompileInfo(config)) { return info->CompilePdbDir; } return ""; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetAppleArchs(const std::string& config, std::vector& archVec) const { const char* archs = nullptr; if (!config.empty()) { std::string defVarName = "OSX_ARCHITECTURES_"; defVarName += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); archs = this->GetProperty(defVarName); } if (!archs) { archs = this->GetProperty("OSX_ARCHITECTURES"); } if (archs) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(std::string(archs), archVec); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFeatureSpecificLinkRuleVariable( std::string const& var, std::string const& lang, std::string const& config) const { if (this->IsIPOEnabled(lang, config)) { std::string varIPO = var + "_IPO"; if (this->Makefile->IsDefinitionSet(varIPO)) { return varIPO; } } return var; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetCreateRuleVariable( std::string const& lang, std::string const& config) const { switch (this->GetType()) { case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: { std::string var = "CMAKE_" + lang + "_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY"; return this->GetFeatureSpecificLinkRuleVariable(var, lang, config); } case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: return "CMAKE_" + lang + "_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY"; case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: return "CMAKE_" + lang + "_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE"; case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: return "CMAKE_" + lang + "_LINK_EXECUTABLE"; default: break; } return ""; } static void processIncludeDirectories( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& includes, std::unordered_set& uniqueIncludes, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, const std::string& config, bool debugIncludes, const std::string& language) { for (cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry* entry : entries) { cmLinkImplItem const& item = entry->LinkImplItem; std::string const& targetName = item; bool const fromImported = item.Target && item.Target->IsImported(); bool const checkCMP0027 = item.FromGenex; std::vector entryIncludes; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( entry->ge->Evaluate(tgt->GetLocalGenerator(), config, false, tgt, dagChecker, language), entryIncludes); std::string usedIncludes; for (std::string& entryInclude : entryIncludes) { if (fromImported && !cmSystemTools::FileExists(entryInclude)) { std::ostringstream e; cmake::MessageType messageType = cmake::FATAL_ERROR; if (checkCMP0027) { switch (tgt->GetPolicyStatusCMP0027()) { case cmPolicies::WARN: e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0027) << "\n"; CM_FALLTHROUGH; case cmPolicies::OLD: messageType = cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING; break; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::NEW: break; } } /* clang-format off */ e << "Imported target \"" << targetName << "\" includes " "non-existent path\n \"" << entryInclude << "\"\nin its " "INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include:\n" "* The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another " "location.\n" "* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete " "successfully.\n" "* The installation package was faulty and references files it " "does not provide.\n"; /* clang-format on */ tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->IssueMessage(messageType, e.str()); return; } if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(entryInclude)) { std::ostringstream e; bool noMessage = false; cmake::MessageType messageType = cmake::FATAL_ERROR; if (!targetName.empty()) { /* clang-format off */ e << "Target \"" << targetName << "\" contains relative " "path in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:\n" " \"" << entryInclude << "\""; /* clang-format on */ } else { switch (tgt->GetPolicyStatusCMP0021()) { case cmPolicies::WARN: { e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0021) << "\n"; messageType = cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING; } break; case cmPolicies::OLD: noMessage = true; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::NEW: // Issue the fatal message. break; } e << "Found relative path while evaluating include directories of " "\"" << tgt->GetName() << "\":\n \"" << entryInclude << "\"\n"; } if (!noMessage) { tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->IssueMessage(messageType, e.str()); if (messageType == cmake::FATAL_ERROR) { return; } } } if (!cmSystemTools::IsOff(entryInclude.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(entryInclude); } std::string inc = entryInclude; if (uniqueIncludes.insert(inc).second) { includes.push_back(inc); if (debugIncludes) { usedIncludes += " * " + inc + "\n"; } } } if (!usedIncludes.empty()) { tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::LOG, std::string("Used includes for target ") + tgt->GetName() + ":\n" + usedIncludes, entry->ge->GetBacktrace()); } } } std::vector cmGeneratorTarget::GetIncludeDirectories( const std::string& config, const std::string& lang) const { std::vector includes; std::unordered_set uniqueIncludes; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES", nullptr, nullptr); std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugIncludes = !this->DebugIncludesDone && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES") != debugProperties.end(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugIncludesDone = true; } processIncludeDirectories(this, this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries, includes, uniqueIncludes, &dagChecker, config, debugIncludes, lang); std::vector linkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesEntries; AddInterfaceEntries(this, config, "INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES", linkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesEntries); if (this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE")) { cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config); for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { std::string libDir = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(lib); static cmsys::RegularExpression frameworkCheck( "(.*\\.framework)(/Versions/[^/]+)?/[^/]+$"); if (!frameworkCheck.find(libDir)) { continue; } libDir = frameworkCheck.match(1); cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(libDir.c_str()); linkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesEntries.push_back( new cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge))); } } processIncludeDirectories(this, linkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesEntries, includes, uniqueIncludes, &dagChecker, config, debugIncludes, lang); cmDeleteAll(linkInterfaceIncludeDirectoriesEntries); return includes; } static void processCompileOptionsInternal( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& options, std::unordered_set& uniqueOptions, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, const std::string& config, bool debugOptions, const char* logName, std::string const& language) { for (cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry* entry : entries) { std::vector entryOptions; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( entry->ge->Evaluate(tgt->GetLocalGenerator(), config, false, tgt, dagChecker, language), entryOptions); std::string usedOptions; for (std::string const& opt : entryOptions) { if (uniqueOptions.insert(opt).second) { options.push_back(opt); if (debugOptions) { usedOptions += " * " + opt + "\n"; } } } if (!usedOptions.empty()) { tgt->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::LOG, std::string("Used compile ") + logName + std::string(" for target ") + tgt->GetName() + ":\n" + usedOptions, entry->ge->GetBacktrace()); } } } static void processCompileOptions( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& options, std::unordered_set& uniqueOptions, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, const std::string& config, bool debugOptions, std::string const& language) { processCompileOptionsInternal(tgt, entries, options, uniqueOptions, dagChecker, config, debugOptions, "options", language); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompileOptions(std::vector& result, const std::string& config, const std::string& language) const { std::unordered_set uniqueOptions; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "COMPILE_OPTIONS", nullptr, nullptr); std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugOptions = !this->DebugCompileOptionsDone && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), "COMPILE_OPTIONS") != debugProperties.end(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugCompileOptionsDone = true; } processCompileOptions(this, this->CompileOptionsEntries, result, uniqueOptions, &dagChecker, config, debugOptions, language); std::vector linkInterfaceCompileOptionsEntries; AddInterfaceEntries(this, config, "INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS", linkInterfaceCompileOptionsEntries); processCompileOptions(this, linkInterfaceCompileOptionsEntries, result, uniqueOptions, &dagChecker, config, debugOptions, language); cmDeleteAll(linkInterfaceCompileOptionsEntries); } static void processCompileFeatures( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& options, std::unordered_set& uniqueOptions, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, const std::string& config, bool debugOptions) { processCompileOptionsInternal(tgt, entries, options, uniqueOptions, dagChecker, config, debugOptions, "features", std::string()); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompileFeatures(std::vector& result, const std::string& config) const { std::unordered_set uniqueFeatures; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "COMPILE_FEATURES", nullptr, nullptr); std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugFeatures = !this->DebugCompileFeaturesDone && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), "COMPILE_FEATURES") != debugProperties.end(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugCompileFeaturesDone = true; } processCompileFeatures(this, this->CompileFeaturesEntries, result, uniqueFeatures, &dagChecker, config, debugFeatures); std::vector linkInterfaceCompileFeaturesEntries; AddInterfaceEntries(this, config, "INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES", linkInterfaceCompileFeaturesEntries); processCompileFeatures(this, linkInterfaceCompileFeaturesEntries, result, uniqueFeatures, &dagChecker, config, debugFeatures); cmDeleteAll(linkInterfaceCompileFeaturesEntries); } static void processCompileDefinitions( cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::vector& entries, std::vector& options, std::unordered_set& uniqueOptions, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagChecker, const std::string& config, bool debugOptions, std::string const& language) { processCompileOptionsInternal(tgt, entries, options, uniqueOptions, dagChecker, config, debugOptions, "definitions", language); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompileDefinitions( std::vector& list, const std::string& config, const std::string& language) const { std::unordered_set uniqueOptions; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS", nullptr, nullptr); std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugDefines = !this->DebugCompileDefinitionsDone && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS") != debugProperties.end(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugCompileDefinitionsDone = true; } processCompileDefinitions(this, this->CompileDefinitionsEntries, list, uniqueOptions, &dagChecker, config, debugDefines, language); std::vector linkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsEntries; AddInterfaceEntries(this, config, "INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS", linkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsEntries); if (!config.empty()) { std::string configPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_" + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); const char* configProp = this->GetProperty(configPropName); if (configProp) { switch (this->Makefile->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0043)) { case cmPolicies::WARN: { std::ostringstream e; e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0043); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str()); CM_FALLTHROUGH; } case cmPolicies::OLD: { cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(configProp); linkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsEntries.push_back( new cmGeneratorTarget::TargetPropertyEntry(std::move(cge))); } break; case cmPolicies::NEW: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: break; } } } processCompileDefinitions(this, linkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsEntries, list, uniqueOptions, &dagChecker, config, debugDefines, language); cmDeleteAll(linkInterfaceCompileDefinitionsEntries); } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeTargetManifest(const std::string& config) const { if (this->IsImported()) { return; } cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator(); // Get the names. std::string name; std::string soName; std::string realName; std::string impName; std::string pdbName; if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { this->GetExecutableNames(name, realName, impName, pdbName, config); } else if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config); } else { return; } // Get the directory. std::string dir = this->GetDirectory(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); // Add each name. std::string f; if (!name.empty()) { f = dir; f += "/"; f += name; gg->AddToManifest(f); } if (!soName.empty()) { f = dir; f += "/"; f += soName; gg->AddToManifest(f); } if (!realName.empty()) { f = dir; f += "/"; f += realName; gg->AddToManifest(f); } if (!pdbName.empty()) { f = dir; f += "/"; f += pdbName; gg->AddToManifest(f); } if (!impName.empty()) { f = this->GetDirectory(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact); f += "/"; f += impName; gg->AddToManifest(f); } } bool cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeCompileFeatures(std::string const& config) const { std::vector features; this->GetCompileFeatures(features, config); for (std::string const& f : features) { if (!this->Makefile->AddRequiredTargetFeature(this->Target, f)) { return false; } } return true; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetImportedLibName( std::string const& config) const { if (cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config)) { return info->LibName; } return std::string(); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullPath(const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact, bool realname) const { if (this->IsImported()) { return this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath(config, artifact); } return this->NormalGetFullPath(config, artifact, realname); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::NormalGetFullPath( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact, bool realname) const { std::string fpath = this->GetDirectory(config, artifact); fpath += "/"; if (this->IsAppBundleOnApple()) { fpath = this->BuildBundleDirectory(fpath, config, FullLevel); fpath += "/"; } // Add the full name of the target. switch (artifact) { case cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact: if (realname) { fpath += this->NormalGetRealName(config); } else { fpath += this->GetFullName(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); } break; case cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact: fpath += this->GetFullName(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact); break; } return fpath; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::NormalGetRealName( const std::string& config) const { // This should not be called for imported targets. // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time // enforcement of the limited imported target API. if (this->IsImported()) { std::string msg = "NormalGetRealName called on imported target: "; msg += this->GetName(); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg); } if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { // Compute the real name that will be built. std::string name; std::string realName; std::string impName; std::string pdbName; this->GetExecutableNames(name, realName, impName, pdbName, config); return realName; } // Compute the real name that will be built. std::string name; std::string soName; std::string realName; std::string impName; std::string pdbName; this->GetLibraryNames(name, soName, realName, impName, pdbName, config); return realName; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetLibraryNames(std::string& name, std::string& soName, std::string& realName, std::string& impName, std::string& pdbName, const std::string& config) const { // This should not be called for imported targets. // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time // enforcement of the limited imported target API. if (this->IsImported()) { std::string msg = "GetLibraryNames called on imported target: "; msg += this->GetName(); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg); return; } // Check for library version properties. const char* version = this->GetProperty("VERSION"); const char* soversion = this->GetProperty("SOVERSION"); if (!this->HasSOName(config) || this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_PLATFORM_NO_VERSIONED_SONAME") || this->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { // Versioning is supported only for shared libraries and modules, // and then only when the platform supports an soname flag. version = nullptr; soversion = nullptr; } if (version && !soversion) { // The soversion must be set if the library version is set. Use // the library version as the soversion. soversion = version; } if (!version && soversion) { // Use the soversion as the library version. version = soversion; } // Get the components of the library name. std::string prefix; std::string base; std::string suffix; this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact, prefix, base, suffix); // The library name. name = prefix + base + suffix; if (this->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { realName = prefix; if (!this->Makefile->PlatformIsAppleEmbedded()) { realName += "Versions/"; realName += this->GetFrameworkVersion(); realName += "/"; } realName += base; soName = realName; } else { // The library's soname. this->ComputeVersionedName(soName, prefix, base, suffix, name, soversion); // The library's real name on disk. this->ComputeVersionedName(realName, prefix, base, suffix, name, version); } // The import library name. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { impName = this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact); } else { impName.clear(); } // The program database file name. pdbName = this->GetPDBName(config); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetExecutableNames(std::string& name, std::string& realName, std::string& impName, std::string& pdbName, const std::string& config) const { // This should not be called for imported targets. // TODO: Split cmTarget into a class hierarchy to get compile-time // enforcement of the limited imported target API. if (this->IsImported()) { std::string msg = "GetExecutableNames called on imported target: "; msg += this->GetName(); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg); } // This versioning is supported only for executables and then only // when the platform supports symbolic links. #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) const char* version = 0; #else // Check for executable version properties. const char* version = this->GetProperty("VERSION"); if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE || this->Makefile->IsOn("XCODE")) { version = nullptr; } #endif // Get the components of the executable name. std::string prefix; std::string base; std::string suffix; this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact, prefix, base, suffix); // The executable name. name = prefix + base + suffix; // The executable's real name on disk. #if defined(__CYGWIN__) realName = prefix + base; #else realName = name; #endif if (version) { realName += "-"; realName += version; } #if defined(__CYGWIN__) realName += suffix; #endif // The import library name. impName = this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact); // The program database file name. pdbName = this->GetPDBName(config); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullNameInternal( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { std::string prefix; std::string base; std::string suffix; this->GetFullNameInternal(config, artifact, prefix, base, suffix); return prefix + base + suffix; } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::ImportedGetLocation( const std::string& config) const { static std::string location; assert(this->IsImported()); location = this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath( config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact); return location.c_str(); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullNameImported( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { return cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName( this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath(config, artifact)); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetFullNameInternal( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact, std::string& outPrefix, std::string& outBase, std::string& outSuffix) const { // Use just the target name for non-main target types. if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { outPrefix.clear(); outBase = this->GetName(); outSuffix.clear(); return; } const bool isImportedLibraryArtifact = (artifact == cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact); // Return an empty name for the import library if this platform // does not support import libraries. if (isImportedLibraryArtifact && !this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX")) { outPrefix.clear(); outBase.clear(); outSuffix.clear(); return; } // The implib option is only allowed for shared libraries, module // libraries, and executables. if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY && this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { artifact = cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact; } // Compute the full name for main target types. const char* targetPrefix = (isImportedLibraryArtifact ? this->GetProperty("IMPORT_PREFIX") : this->GetProperty("PREFIX")); const char* targetSuffix = (isImportedLibraryArtifact ? this->GetProperty("IMPORT_SUFFIX") : this->GetProperty("SUFFIX")); const char* configPostfix = nullptr; if (!config.empty()) { std::string configProp = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); configProp += "_POSTFIX"; configPostfix = this->GetProperty(configProp); // Mac application bundles and frameworks have no postfix. if (configPostfix && (this->IsAppBundleOnApple() || this->IsFrameworkOnApple())) { configPostfix = nullptr; } } const char* prefixVar = this->Target->GetPrefixVariableInternal(artifact); const char* suffixVar = this->Target->GetSuffixVariableInternal(artifact); // Check for language-specific default prefix and suffix. std::string ll = this->GetLinkerLanguage(config); if (!ll.empty()) { if (!targetSuffix && suffixVar && *suffixVar) { std::string langSuff = suffixVar + std::string("_") + ll; targetSuffix = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(langSuff); } if (!targetPrefix && prefixVar && *prefixVar) { std::string langPrefix = prefixVar + std::string("_") + ll; targetPrefix = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(langPrefix); } } // if there is no prefix on the target use the cmake definition if (!targetPrefix && prefixVar) { targetPrefix = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(prefixVar); } // if there is no suffix on the target use the cmake definition if (!targetSuffix && suffixVar) { targetSuffix = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(suffixVar); } // frameworks have directory prefix but no suffix std::string fw_prefix; if (this->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { fw_prefix = this->GetFrameworkDirectory(config, ContentLevel); fw_prefix += "/"; targetPrefix = fw_prefix.c_str(); targetSuffix = nullptr; } if (this->IsCFBundleOnApple()) { fw_prefix = this->GetCFBundleDirectory(config, FullLevel); fw_prefix += "/"; targetPrefix = fw_prefix.c_str(); targetSuffix = nullptr; } // Begin the final name with the prefix. outPrefix = targetPrefix ? targetPrefix : ""; // Append the target name or property-specified name. outBase += this->GetOutputName(config, artifact); // Append the per-configuration postfix. outBase += configPostfix ? configPostfix : ""; // Name shared libraries with their version number on some platforms. if (const char* soversion = this->GetProperty("SOVERSION")) { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY && !isImportedLibraryArtifact && this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME_WITH_VERSION")) { outBase += "-"; outBase += soversion; } } // Append the suffix. outSuffix = targetSuffix ? targetSuffix : ""; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkerLanguage( const std::string& config) const { return this->GetLinkClosure(config)->LinkerLanguage; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetPDBName(const std::string& config) const { std::string prefix; std::string base; std::string suffix; this->GetFullNameInternal(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact, prefix, base, suffix); std::vector props; std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); if (!configUpper.empty()) { // PDB_NAME_ props.push_back("PDB_NAME_" + configUpper); } // PDB_NAME props.push_back("PDB_NAME"); for (std::string const& p : props) { if (const char* outName = this->GetProperty(p)) { base = outName; break; } } return prefix + base + ".pdb"; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetObjectDirectory( std::string const& config) const { std::string obj_dir = this->GlobalGenerator->ExpandCFGIntDir(this->ObjectDirectory, config); #if defined(__APPLE__) // find and replace $(PROJECT_NAME) xcode placeholder const std::string projectName = this->LocalGenerator->GetProjectName(); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(obj_dir, "$(PROJECT_NAME)", projectName); #endif return obj_dir; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetTargetObjectNames( std::string const& config, std::vector& objects) const { std::vector objectSources; this->GetObjectSources(objectSources, config); std::map mapping; for (cmSourceFile const* sf : objectSources) { mapping[sf]; } this->LocalGenerator->ComputeObjectFilenames(mapping, this); for (cmSourceFile const* src : objectSources) { // Find the object file name corresponding to this source file. std::map::const_iterator map_it = mapping.find(src); // It must exist because we populated the mapping just above. assert(!map_it->second.empty()); objects.push_back(map_it->second); } } bool cmGeneratorTarget::StrictTargetComparison::operator()( cmGeneratorTarget const* t1, cmGeneratorTarget const* t2) const { int nameResult = strcmp(t1->GetName().c_str(), t2->GetName().c_str()); if (nameResult == 0) { return strcmp(t1->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(), t2->GetLocalGenerator()->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory()) < 0; } return nameResult < 0; } struct cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileFlags cmGeneratorTarget::GetTargetSourceFileFlags(const cmSourceFile* sf) const { struct SourceFileFlags flags; this->ConstructSourceFileFlags(); std::map::iterator si = this->SourceFlagsMap.find(sf); if (si != this->SourceFlagsMap.end()) { flags = si->second; } else { // Handle the MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION property on source files that // were not listed in one of the other lists. if (const char* location = sf->GetProperty("MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION")) { flags.MacFolder = location; const bool stripResources = this->GlobalGenerator->ShouldStripResourcePath(this->Makefile); if (strcmp(location, "Resources") == 0) { flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypeResource; if (stripResources) { flags.MacFolder = ""; } } else if (cmSystemTools::StringStartsWith(location, "Resources/")) { flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypeDeepResource; if (stripResources) { flags.MacFolder += strlen("Resources/"); } } else { flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypeMacContent; } } } return flags; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ConstructSourceFileFlags() const { if (this->SourceFileFlagsConstructed) { return; } this->SourceFileFlagsConstructed = true; // Process public headers to mark the source files. if (const char* files = this->GetProperty("PUBLIC_HEADER")) { std::vector relFiles; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles); for (std::string const& relFile : relFiles) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(relFile)) { SourceFileFlags& flags = this->SourceFlagsMap[sf]; flags.MacFolder = "Headers"; flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypePublicHeader; } } } // Process private headers after public headers so that they take // precedence if a file is listed in both. if (const char* files = this->GetProperty("PRIVATE_HEADER")) { std::vector relFiles; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles); for (std::string const& relFile : relFiles) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(relFile)) { SourceFileFlags& flags = this->SourceFlagsMap[sf]; flags.MacFolder = "PrivateHeaders"; flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypePrivateHeader; } } } // Mark sources listed as resources. if (const char* files = this->GetProperty("RESOURCE")) { std::vector relFiles; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(files, relFiles); for (std::string const& relFile : relFiles) { if (cmSourceFile* sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(relFile)) { SourceFileFlags& flags = this->SourceFlagsMap[sf]; flags.MacFolder = ""; if (!this->GlobalGenerator->ShouldStripResourcePath(this->Makefile)) { flags.MacFolder = "Resources"; } flags.Type = cmGeneratorTarget::SourceFileTypeResource; } } } } const cmGeneratorTarget::CompatibleInterfacesBase& cmGeneratorTarget::GetCompatibleInterfaces(std::string const& config) const { cmGeneratorTarget::CompatibleInterfaces& compat = this->CompatibleInterfacesMap[config]; if (!compat.Done) { compat.Done = true; compat.PropsBool.insert("POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE"); compat.PropsString.insert("AUTOUIC_OPTIONS"); std::vector const& deps = this->GetLinkImplementationClosure(config); for (cmGeneratorTarget const* li : deps) { #define CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE(X, x) \ if (const char* prop = li->GetProperty("COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_" #X)) { \ std::vector props; \ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(prop, props); \ compat.Props##x.insert(props.begin(), props.end()); \ } CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE(BOOL, Bool) CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE(STRING, String) CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE(NUMBER_MIN, NumberMin) CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE(NUMBER_MAX, NumberMax) #undef CM_READ_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE } } return compat; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return false; } return this->GetCompatibleInterfaces(config).PropsBool.count(p) > 0; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return false; } return this->GetCompatibleInterfaces(config).PropsString.count(p) > 0; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return false; } return this->GetCompatibleInterfaces(config).PropsNumberMin.count(p) > 0; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return false; } return this->GetCompatibleInterfaces(config).PropsNumberMax.count(p) > 0; } enum CompatibleType { BoolType, StringType, NumberMinType, NumberMaxType }; template PropertyType getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop, const std::string& config, CompatibleType, PropertyType*); template <> bool getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop, const std::string& config, CompatibleType /*unused*/, bool* /*unused*/) { return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(prop, config); } template <> const char* getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop, const std::string& config, CompatibleType t, const char** /*unused*/) { switch (t) { case BoolType: assert(false && "String compatibility check function called for boolean"); return nullptr; case StringType: return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(prop, config); case NumberMinType: return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(prop, config); case NumberMaxType: return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(prop, config); } assert(false && "Unreachable!"); return nullptr; } template void checkPropertyConsistency(cmGeneratorTarget const* depender, cmGeneratorTarget const* dependee, const std::string& propName, std::set& emitted, const std::string& config, CompatibleType t, PropertyType* /*unused*/) { const char* prop = dependee->GetProperty(propName); if (!prop) { return; } std::vector props; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(prop, props); std::string pdir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot(); pdir += "/Help/prop_tgt/"; for (std::string const& p : props) { std::string pname = cmSystemTools::HelpFileName(p); std::string pfile = pdir + pname + ".rst"; if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(pfile, true)) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Target \"" << dependee->GetName() << "\" has property \"" << p << "\" listed in its " << propName << " property. " "This is not allowed. Only user-defined properties may appear " "listed in the " << propName << " property."; depender->GetLocalGenerator()->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return; } if (emitted.insert(p).second) { getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(depender, p, config, t, nullptr); if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { return; } } } } static std::string intersect(const std::set& s1, const std::set& s2) { std::set intersect; std::set_intersection(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s2.end(), std::inserter(intersect, intersect.begin())); if (!intersect.empty()) { return *intersect.begin(); } return ""; } static std::string intersect(const std::set& s1, const std::set& s2, const std::set& s3) { std::string result; result = intersect(s1, s2); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } result = intersect(s1, s3); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } return intersect(s2, s3); } static std::string intersect(const std::set& s1, const std::set& s2, const std::set& s3, const std::set& s4) { std::string result; result = intersect(s1, s2); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } result = intersect(s1, s3); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } result = intersect(s1, s4); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } return intersect(s2, s3, s4); } void cmGeneratorTarget::CheckPropertyCompatibility( cmComputeLinkInformation* info, const std::string& config) const { const cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemVector& deps = info->GetItems(); std::set emittedBools; static const std::string strBool = "COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_BOOL"; std::set emittedStrings; static const std::string strString = "COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING"; std::set emittedMinNumbers; static const std::string strNumMin = "COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MIN"; std::set emittedMaxNumbers; static const std::string strNumMax = "COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX"; for (auto const& dep : deps) { if (!dep.Target) { continue; } checkPropertyConsistency(this, dep.Target, strBool, emittedBools, config, BoolType, nullptr); if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { return; } checkPropertyConsistency(this, dep.Target, strString, emittedStrings, config, StringType, nullptr); if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { return; } checkPropertyConsistency(this, dep.Target, strNumMin, emittedMinNumbers, config, NumberMinType, nullptr); if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { return; } checkPropertyConsistency(this, dep.Target, strNumMax, emittedMaxNumbers, config, NumberMaxType, nullptr); if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { return; } } std::string prop = intersect(emittedBools, emittedStrings, emittedMinNumbers, emittedMaxNumbers); if (!prop.empty()) { // Use a sorted std::vector to keep the error message sorted. std::vector props; std::set::const_iterator i = emittedBools.find(prop); if (i != emittedBools.end()) { props.push_back(strBool); } i = emittedStrings.find(prop); if (i != emittedStrings.end()) { props.push_back(strString); } i = emittedMinNumbers.find(prop); if (i != emittedMinNumbers.end()) { props.push_back(strNumMin); } i = emittedMaxNumbers.find(prop); if (i != emittedMaxNumbers.end()) { props.push_back(strNumMax); } std::sort(props.begin(), props.end()); std::string propsString = cmJoin(cmMakeRange(props).retreat(1), ", "); propsString += " and the " + props.back(); std::ostringstream e; e << "Property \"" << prop << "\" appears in both the " << propsString << " property in the dependencies of target \"" << this->GetName() << "\". This is not allowed. A property may only require compatibility " "in a boolean interpretation, a numeric minimum, a numeric maximum " "or a " "string interpretation, but not a mixture."; this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); } } std::string compatibilityType(CompatibleType t) { switch (t) { case BoolType: return "Boolean compatibility"; case StringType: return "String compatibility"; case NumberMaxType: return "Numeric maximum compatibility"; case NumberMinType: return "Numeric minimum compatibility"; } assert(false && "Unreachable!"); return ""; } std::string compatibilityAgree(CompatibleType t, bool dominant) { switch (t) { case BoolType: case StringType: return dominant ? "(Disagree)\n" : "(Agree)\n"; case NumberMaxType: case NumberMinType: return dominant ? "(Dominant)\n" : "(Ignored)\n"; } assert(false && "Unreachable!"); return ""; } template PropertyType getTypedProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop); template <> bool getTypedProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop) { return tgt->GetPropertyAsBool(prop); } template <> const char* getTypedProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop) { return tgt->GetProperty(prop); } template std::string valueAsString(PropertyType); template <> std::string valueAsString(bool value) { return value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; } template <> std::string valueAsString(const char* value) { return value ? value : "(unset)"; } template PropertyType impliedValue(PropertyType); template <> bool impliedValue(bool /*unused*/) { return false; } template <> const char* impliedValue(const char* /*unused*/) { return ""; } template std::pair consistentProperty(PropertyType lhs, PropertyType rhs, CompatibleType t); template <> std::pair consistentProperty(bool lhs, bool rhs, CompatibleType /*unused*/) { return std::make_pair(lhs == rhs, lhs); } std::pair consistentStringProperty(const char* lhs, const char* rhs) { const bool b = strcmp(lhs, rhs) == 0; return std::make_pair(b, b ? lhs : nullptr); } std::pair consistentNumberProperty(const char* lhs, const char* rhs, CompatibleType t) { char* pEnd; const char* const null_ptr = nullptr; long lnum = strtol(lhs, &pEnd, 0); if (pEnd == lhs || *pEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) { return std::pair(false, null_ptr); } long rnum = strtol(rhs, &pEnd, 0); if (pEnd == rhs || *pEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) { return std::pair(false, null_ptr); } if (t == NumberMaxType) { return std::make_pair(true, std::max(lnum, rnum) == lnum ? lhs : rhs); } return std::make_pair(true, std::min(lnum, rnum) == lnum ? lhs : rhs); } template <> std::pair consistentProperty(const char* lhs, const char* rhs, CompatibleType t) { if (!lhs && !rhs) { return std::make_pair(true, lhs); } if (!lhs) { return std::make_pair(true, rhs); } if (!rhs) { return std::make_pair(true, lhs); } const char* const null_ptr = nullptr; switch (t) { case BoolType: assert(false && "consistentProperty for strings called with BoolType"); return std::pair(false, null_ptr); case StringType: return consistentStringProperty(lhs, rhs); case NumberMinType: case NumberMaxType: return consistentNumberProperty(lhs, rhs, t); } assert(false && "Unreachable!"); return std::pair(false, null_ptr); } template PropertyType checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt, const std::string& p, const std::string& config, const char* defaultValue, CompatibleType t, PropertyType* /*unused*/) { PropertyType propContent = getTypedProperty(tgt, p); std::vector headPropKeys = tgt->GetPropertyKeys(); const bool explicitlySet = std::find(headPropKeys.begin(), headPropKeys.end(), p) != headPropKeys.end(); const bool impliedByUse = tgt->IsNullImpliedByLinkLibraries(p); assert((impliedByUse ^ explicitlySet) || (!impliedByUse && !explicitlySet)); std::vector const& deps = tgt->GetLinkImplementationClosure(config); if (deps.empty()) { return propContent; } bool propInitialized = explicitlySet; std::string report = " * Target \""; report += tgt->GetName(); if (explicitlySet) { report += "\" has property content \""; report += valueAsString(propContent); report += "\"\n"; } else if (impliedByUse) { report += "\" property is implied by use.\n"; } else { report += "\" property not set.\n"; } std::string interfaceProperty = "INTERFACE_" + p; for (cmGeneratorTarget const* theTarget : deps) { // An error should be reported if one dependency // has INTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON and the other // has INTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE OFF, or if the // target itself has a POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE which disagrees // with a dependency. std::vector propKeys = theTarget->GetPropertyKeys(); const bool ifaceIsSet = std::find(propKeys.begin(), propKeys.end(), interfaceProperty) != propKeys.end(); PropertyType ifacePropContent = getTypedProperty(theTarget, interfaceProperty); std::string reportEntry; if (ifaceIsSet) { reportEntry += " * Target \""; reportEntry += theTarget->GetName(); reportEntry += "\" property value \""; reportEntry += valueAsString(ifacePropContent); reportEntry += "\" "; } if (explicitlySet) { if (ifaceIsSet) { std::pair consistent = consistentProperty(propContent, ifacePropContent, t); report += reportEntry; report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second); if (!consistent.first) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Property " << p << " on target \"" << tgt->GetName() << "\" does\nnot match the " "INTERFACE_" << p << " property requirement\nof " "dependency \"" << theTarget->GetName() << "\".\n"; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); break; } propContent = consistent.second; continue; } // Explicitly set on target and not set in iface. Can't disagree. continue; } if (impliedByUse) { propContent = impliedValue(propContent); if (ifaceIsSet) { std::pair consistent = consistentProperty(propContent, ifacePropContent, t); report += reportEntry; report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second); if (!consistent.first) { std::ostringstream e; e << "Property " << p << " on target \"" << tgt->GetName() << "\" is\nimplied to be " << defaultValue << " because it was used to determine the link libraries\n" "already. The INTERFACE_" << p << " property on\ndependency \"" << theTarget->GetName() << "\" is in conflict.\n"; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); break; } propContent = consistent.second; continue; } // Implicitly set on target and not set in iface. Can't disagree. continue; } if (ifaceIsSet) { if (propInitialized) { std::pair consistent = consistentProperty(propContent, ifacePropContent, t); report += reportEntry; report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second); if (!consistent.first) { std::ostringstream e; e << "The INTERFACE_" << p << " property of \"" << theTarget->GetName() << "\" does\nnot agree with the value of " << p << " already determined\nfor \"" << tgt->GetName() << "\".\n"; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); break; } propContent = consistent.second; continue; } report += reportEntry + "(Interface set)\n"; propContent = ifacePropContent; propInitialized = true; } else { // Not set. Nothing to agree on. continue; } } tgt->ReportPropertyOrigin(p, valueAsString(propContent), report, compatibilityType(t)); return propContent; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility(this, p, config, "FALSE", BoolType, nullptr); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility( this, p, config, "empty", StringType, nullptr); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility( this, p, config, "empty", NumberMinType, nullptr); } const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const { return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility( this, p, config, "empty", NumberMaxType, nullptr); } cmComputeLinkInformation* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInformation( const std::string& config) const { // Lookup any existing information for this configuration. std::string key(cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config)); cmTargetLinkInformationMap::iterator i = this->LinkInformation.find(key); if (i == this->LinkInformation.end()) { // Compute information for this configuration. cmComputeLinkInformation* info = new cmComputeLinkInformation(this, config); if (!info || !info->Compute()) { delete info; info = nullptr; } // Store the information for this configuration. cmTargetLinkInformationMap::value_type entry(key, info); i = this->LinkInformation.insert(entry).first; if (info) { this->CheckPropertyCompatibility(info, config); } } return i->second; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetTargetVersion(int& major, int& minor) const { int patch; this->GetTargetVersion(false, major, minor, patch); } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetTargetVersion(bool soversion, int& major, int& minor, int& patch) const { // Set the default values. major = 0; minor = 0; patch = 0; assert(this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY); // Look for a VERSION or SOVERSION property. const char* prop = soversion ? "SOVERSION" : "VERSION"; if (const char* version = this->GetProperty(prop)) { // Try to parse the version number and store the results that were // successfully parsed. int parsed_major; int parsed_minor; int parsed_patch; switch (sscanf(version, "%d.%d.%d", &parsed_major, &parsed_minor, &parsed_patch)) { case 3: patch = parsed_patch; CM_FALLTHROUGH; case 2: minor = parsed_minor; CM_FALLTHROUGH; case 1: major = parsed_major; CM_FALLTHROUGH; default: break; } } } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFortranModuleDirectory( std::string const& working_dir) const { if (!this->FortranModuleDirectoryCreated) { this->FortranModuleDirectory = this->CreateFortranModuleDirectory(working_dir); this->FortranModuleDirectoryCreated = true; } return this->FortranModuleDirectory; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::CreateFortranModuleDirectory( std::string const& working_dir) const { std::string mod_dir; std::string target_mod_dir; if (const char* prop = this->GetProperty("Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY")) { target_mod_dir = prop; } else { std::string const& default_mod_dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); if (default_mod_dir != working_dir) { target_mod_dir = default_mod_dir; } } const char* moddir_flag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_Fortran_MODDIR_FLAG"); if (!target_mod_dir.empty() && moddir_flag) { // Compute the full path to the module directory. if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(target_mod_dir)) { // Already a full path. mod_dir = target_mod_dir; } else { // Interpret relative to the current output directory. mod_dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); mod_dir += "/"; mod_dir += target_mod_dir; } // Make sure the module output directory exists. cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(mod_dir); } return mod_dir; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetFrameworkVersion() const { assert(this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY); if (const char* fversion = this->GetProperty("FRAMEWORK_VERSION")) { return fversion; } if (const char* tversion = this->GetProperty("VERSION")) { return tversion; } return "A"; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeVersionedName(std::string& vName, std::string const& prefix, std::string const& base, std::string const& suffix, std::string const& name, const char* version) const { vName = this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") ? (prefix + base) : name; if (version) { vName += "."; vName += version; } vName += this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") ? suffix : std::string(); } std::vector cmGeneratorTarget::GetPropertyKeys() const { cmPropertyMap const& propsObject = this->Target->GetProperties(); std::vector props; props.reserve(propsObject.size()); for (auto const& it : propsObject) { props.push_back(it.first); } return props; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ReportPropertyOrigin( const std::string& p, const std::string& result, const std::string& report, const std::string& compatibilityType) const { std::vector debugProperties; const char* debugProp = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetDefinition( "CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES"); if (debugProp) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(debugProp, debugProperties); } bool debugOrigin = !this->DebugCompatiblePropertiesDone[p] && std::find(debugProperties.begin(), debugProperties.end(), p) != debugProperties.end(); if (this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { this->DebugCompatiblePropertiesDone[p] = true; } if (!debugOrigin) { return; } std::string areport = compatibilityType; areport += std::string(" of property \"") + p + "\" for target \""; areport += std::string(this->GetName()); areport += "\" (result: \""; areport += result; areport += "\"):\n" + report; this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage(cmake::LOG, areport); } void cmGeneratorTarget::LookupLinkItems(std::vector const& names, std::vector& items) const { for (std::string const& n : names) { std::string name = this->CheckCMP0004(n); if (name == this->GetName() || name.empty()) { continue; } items.emplace_back(name, this->FindTargetToLink(name)); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::ExpandLinkItems( std::string const& prop, std::string const& value, std::string const& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget, bool usage_requirements_only, std::vector& items, bool& hadHeadSensitiveCondition) const { cmGeneratorExpression ge; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker(this->GetName(), prop, nullptr, nullptr); // The $ expression may be in a link interface to specify private // link dependencies that are otherwise excluded from usage requirements. if (usage_requirements_only) { dagChecker.SetTransitivePropertiesOnly(); } std::vector libs; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(value); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config, false, headTarget, this, &dagChecker), libs); this->LookupLinkItems(libs, items); hadHeadSensitiveCondition = cge->GetHadHeadSensitiveCondition(); } cmLinkInterface const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterface( const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* head) const { // Imported targets have their own link interface. if (this->IsImported()) { return this->GetImportLinkInterface(config, head, false); } // Link interfaces are not supported for executables that do not // export symbols. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && !this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { return nullptr; } // Lookup any existing link interface for this configuration. cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& hm = this->GetHeadToLinkInterfaceMap(config); // If the link interface does not depend on the head target // then return the one we computed first. if (!hm.empty() && !hm.begin()->second.HadHeadSensitiveCondition) { return &hm.begin()->second; } cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface = hm[head]; if (!iface.LibrariesDone) { iface.LibrariesDone = true; this->ComputeLinkInterfaceLibraries(config, iface, head, false); } if (!iface.AllDone) { iface.AllDone = true; if (iface.Exists) { this->ComputeLinkInterface(config, iface, head); } } return iface.Exists ? &iface : nullptr; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeLinkInterface( const std::string& config, cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget) const { if (iface.ExplicitLibraries) { if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { // Shared libraries may have runtime implementation dependencies // on other shared libraries that are not in the interface. std::unordered_set emitted; for (cmLinkItem const& lib : iface.Libraries) { emitted.insert(lib); } if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { cmLinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config); for (cmLinkImplItem const& lib : impl->Libraries) { if (emitted.insert(lib).second) { if (lib.Target) { // This is a runtime dependency on another shared library. if (lib.Target->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) { iface.SharedDeps.push_back(lib); } } else { // TODO: Recognize shared library file names. Perhaps this // should be moved to cmComputeLinkInformation, but that creates // a chicken-and-egg problem since this list is needed for its // construction. } } } } } } else if (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::WARN || this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::OLD) { // The link implementation is the default link interface. cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementationLibrariesInternal(config, headTarget); iface.ImplementationIsInterface = true; iface.WrongConfigLibraries = impl->WrongConfigLibraries; } if (this->LinkLanguagePropagatesToDependents()) { // Targets using this archive need its language runtime libraries. if (cmLinkImplementation const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementation(config)) { iface.Languages = impl->Languages; } } if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) { // Construct the property name suffix for this configuration. std::string suffix = "_"; if (!config.empty()) { suffix += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } else { suffix += "NOCONFIG"; } // How many repetitions are needed if this library has cyclic // dependencies? std::string propName = "LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY"; propName += suffix; if (const char* config_reps = this->GetProperty(propName)) { sscanf(config_reps, "%u", &iface.Multiplicity); } else if (const char* reps = this->GetProperty("LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY")) { sscanf(reps, "%u", &iface.Multiplicity); } } } const cmLinkInterfaceLibraries* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceLibraries( const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* head, bool usage_requirements_only) const { // Imported targets have their own link interface. if (this->IsImported()) { return this->GetImportLinkInterface(config, head, usage_requirements_only); } // Link interfaces are not supported for executables that do not // export symbols. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && !this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { return nullptr; } // Lookup any existing link interface for this configuration. std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& hm = (usage_requirements_only ? this->GetHeadToLinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsMap(config) : this->GetHeadToLinkInterfaceMap(config)); // If the link interface does not depend on the head target // then return the one we computed first. if (!hm.empty() && !hm.begin()->second.HadHeadSensitiveCondition) { return &hm.begin()->second; } cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface = hm[head]; if (!iface.LibrariesDone) { iface.LibrariesDone = true; this->ComputeLinkInterfaceLibraries(config, iface, head, usage_requirements_only); } return iface.Exists ? &iface : nullptr; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetDirectory( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { if (this->IsImported()) { // Return the directory from which the target is imported. return cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath( this->Target->ImportedGetFullPath(config, artifact)); } if (OutputInfo const* info = this->GetOutputInfo(config)) { // Return the directory in which the target will be built. switch (artifact) { case cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact: return info->OutDir; case cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact: return info->ImpDir; } } return ""; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::UsesDefaultOutputDir( const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const { std::string dir; return this->ComputeOutputDir(config, artifact, dir); } cmGeneratorTarget::OutputInfo const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetOutputInfo( const std::string& config) const { // There is no output information for imported targets. if (this->IsImported()) { return nullptr; } // Only libraries and executables have well-defined output files. if (!this->HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles()) { std::string msg = "cmGeneratorTarget::GetOutputInfo called for "; msg += this->GetName(); msg += " which has type "; msg += cmState::GetTargetTypeName(this->GetType()); this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR, msg); return nullptr; } // Lookup/compute/cache the output information for this configuration. std::string config_upper; if (!config.empty()) { config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } OutputInfoMapType::iterator i = this->OutputInfoMap.find(config_upper); if (i == this->OutputInfoMap.end()) { // Add empty info in map to detect potential recursion. OutputInfo info; OutputInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info); i = this->OutputInfoMap.insert(entry).first; // Compute output directories. this->ComputeOutputDir(config, cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact, info.OutDir); this->ComputeOutputDir(config, cmStateEnums::ImportLibraryArtifact, info.ImpDir); if (!this->ComputePDBOutputDir("PDB", config, info.PdbDir)) { info.PdbDir = info.OutDir; } // Now update the previously-prepared map entry. i->second = info; } else if (i->second.empty()) { // An empty map entry indicates we have been called recursively // from the above block. this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( cmake::FATAL_ERROR, "Target '" + this->GetName() + "' OUTPUT_DIRECTORY depends on itself.", this->GetBacktrace()); return nullptr; } return &i->second; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeOutputDir(const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact, std::string& out) const { bool usesDefaultOutputDir = false; std::string conf = config; // Look for a target property defining the target output directory // based on the target type. std::string targetTypeName = this->GetOutputTargetType(artifact); const char* propertyName = nullptr; std::string propertyNameStr = targetTypeName; if (!propertyNameStr.empty()) { propertyNameStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"; propertyName = propertyNameStr.c_str(); } // Check for a per-configuration output directory target property. std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(conf); const char* configProp = nullptr; std::string configPropStr = targetTypeName; if (!configPropStr.empty()) { configPropStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_"; configPropStr += configUpper; configProp = configPropStr.c_str(); } // Select an output directory. if (const char* config_outdir = this->GetProperty(configProp)) { // Use the user-specified per-configuration output directory. cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(config_outdir); out = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); // Skip per-configuration subdirectory. conf.clear(); } else if (const char* outdir = this->GetProperty(propertyName)) { // Use the user-specified output directory. cmGeneratorExpression ge; std::unique_ptr cge = ge.Parse(outdir); out = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config); // Skip per-configuration subdirectory if the value contained a // generator expression. if (out != outdir) { conf.clear(); } } else if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE) { // Lookup the output path for executables. out = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); } else if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY) { // Lookup the output path for libraries. out = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH"); } if (out.empty()) { // Default to the current output directory. usesDefaultOutputDir = true; out = "."; } // Convert the output path to a full path in case it is // specified as a relative path. Treat a relative path as // relative to the current output directory for this makefile. out = (cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath( out, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory())); // The generator may add the configuration's subdirectory. if (!conf.empty()) { bool useEPN = this->GlobalGenerator->UseEffectivePlatformName(this->Makefile); std::string suffix = usesDefaultOutputDir && useEPN ? "${EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME}" : ""; this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AppendDirectoryForConfig( "/", conf, suffix, out); } return usesDefaultOutputDir; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::ComputePDBOutputDir(const std::string& kind, const std::string& config, std::string& out) const { // Look for a target property defining the target output directory // based on the target type. const char* propertyName = nullptr; std::string propertyNameStr = kind; if (!propertyNameStr.empty()) { propertyNameStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"; propertyName = propertyNameStr.c_str(); } std::string conf = config; // Check for a per-configuration output directory target property. std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(conf); const char* configProp = nullptr; std::string configPropStr = kind; if (!configPropStr.empty()) { configPropStr += "_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_"; configPropStr += configUpper; configProp = configPropStr.c_str(); } // Select an output directory. if (const char* config_outdir = this->GetProperty(configProp)) { // Use the user-specified per-configuration output directory. out = config_outdir; // Skip per-configuration subdirectory. conf.clear(); } else if (const char* outdir = this->GetProperty(propertyName)) { // Use the user-specified output directory. out = outdir; } if (out.empty()) { return false; } // Convert the output path to a full path in case it is // specified as a relative path. Treat a relative path as // relative to the current output directory for this makefile. out = (cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath( out, this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory())); // The generator may add the configuration's subdirectory. if (!conf.empty()) { this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AppendDirectoryForConfig( "/", conf, "", out); } return true; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HaveInstallTreeRPATH() const { const char* install_rpath = this->GetProperty("INSTALL_RPATH"); return (install_rpath && *install_rpath) && !this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH"); } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeLinkInterfaceLibraries( const std::string& config, cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget, bool usage_requirements_only) const { // Construct the property name suffix for this configuration. std::string suffix = "_"; if (!config.empty()) { suffix += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } else { suffix += "NOCONFIG"; } // An explicit list of interface libraries may be set for shared // libraries and executables that export symbols. const char* explicitLibraries = nullptr; std::string linkIfaceProp; if (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() != cmPolicies::OLD && this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() != cmPolicies::WARN) { // CMP0022 NEW behavior is to use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES. linkIfaceProp = "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES"; explicitLibraries = this->GetProperty(linkIfaceProp); } else if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { // CMP0022 OLD behavior is to use LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES if set on a // shared lib or executable. // Lookup the per-configuration property. linkIfaceProp = "LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES"; linkIfaceProp += suffix; explicitLibraries = this->GetProperty(linkIfaceProp); // If not set, try the generic property. if (!explicitLibraries) { linkIfaceProp = "LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES"; explicitLibraries = this->GetProperty(linkIfaceProp); } } if (explicitLibraries && this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::WARN && !this->PolicyWarnedCMP0022) { // Compare the explicitly set old link interface properties to the // preferred new link interface property one and warn if different. const char* newExplicitLibraries = this->GetProperty("INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES"); if (newExplicitLibraries && strcmp(newExplicitLibraries, explicitLibraries) != 0) { std::ostringstream w; /* clang-format off */ w << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0022) << "\n" "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" has an " "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property which differs from its " << linkIfaceProp << " properties." "\n" "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES:\n" " " << newExplicitLibraries << "\n" << linkIfaceProp << ":\n" " " << explicitLibraries << "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, w.str()); this->PolicyWarnedCMP0022 = true; } } // There is no implicit link interface for executables or modules // so if none was explicitly set then there is no link interface. if (!explicitLibraries && (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE || (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY))) { return; } iface.Exists = true; iface.ExplicitLibraries = explicitLibraries; if (explicitLibraries) { // The interface libraries have been explicitly set. this->ExpandLinkItems(linkIfaceProp, explicitLibraries, config, headTarget, usage_requirements_only, iface.Libraries, iface.HadHeadSensitiveCondition); } else if (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::WARN || this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::OLD) // If CMP0022 is NEW then the plain tll signature sets the // INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES, so if we get here then the project // cleared the property explicitly and we should not fall back // to the link implementation. { // The link implementation is the default link interface. cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementationLibrariesInternal(config, headTarget); iface.Libraries.insert(iface.Libraries.end(), impl->Libraries.begin(), impl->Libraries.end()); if (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0022() == cmPolicies::WARN && !this->PolicyWarnedCMP0022 && !usage_requirements_only) { // Compare the link implementation fallback link interface to the // preferred new link interface property and warn if different. std::vector ifaceLibs; static const std::string newProp = "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES"; if (const char* newExplicitLibraries = this->GetProperty(newProp)) { bool hadHeadSensitiveConditionDummy = false; this->ExpandLinkItems(newProp, newExplicitLibraries, config, headTarget, usage_requirements_only, ifaceLibs, hadHeadSensitiveConditionDummy); } if (ifaceLibs != iface.Libraries) { std::string oldLibraries = cmJoin(impl->Libraries, ";"); std::string newLibraries = cmJoin(ifaceLibs, ";"); if (oldLibraries.empty()) { oldLibraries = "(empty)"; } if (newLibraries.empty()) { newLibraries = "(empty)"; } std::ostringstream w; /* clang-format off */ w << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0022) << "\n" "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" has an " "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property. " "This should be preferred as the source of the link interface " "for this library but because CMP0022 is not set CMake is " "ignoring the property and using the link implementation " "as the link interface instead." "\n" "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES:\n" " " << newLibraries << "\n" "Link implementation:\n" " " << oldLibraries << "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, w.str()); this->PolicyWarnedCMP0022 = true; } } } } const cmLinkInterface* cmGeneratorTarget::GetImportLinkInterface( const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget, bool usage_requirements_only) const { cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* info = this->GetImportInfo(config); if (!info) { return nullptr; } std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& hm = (usage_requirements_only ? this->GetHeadToLinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsMap(config) : this->GetHeadToLinkInterfaceMap(config)); // If the link interface does not depend on the head target // then return the one we computed first. if (!hm.empty() && !hm.begin()->second.HadHeadSensitiveCondition) { return &hm.begin()->second; } cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface = hm[headTarget]; if (!iface.AllDone) { iface.AllDone = true; iface.Multiplicity = info->Multiplicity; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(info->Languages, iface.Languages); this->ExpandLinkItems(info->LibrariesProp, info->Libraries, config, headTarget, usage_requirements_only, iface.Libraries, iface.HadHeadSensitiveCondition); std::vector deps; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(info->SharedDeps, deps); this->LookupLinkItems(deps, iface.SharedDeps); } return &iface; } cmGeneratorTarget::ImportInfo const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetImportInfo( const std::string& config) const { // There is no imported information for non-imported targets. if (!this->IsImported()) { return nullptr; } // Lookup/compute/cache the import information for this // configuration. std::string config_upper; if (!config.empty()) { config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); } else { config_upper = "NOCONFIG"; } ImportInfoMapType::const_iterator i = this->ImportInfoMap.find(config_upper); if (i == this->ImportInfoMap.end()) { ImportInfo info; this->ComputeImportInfo(config_upper, info); ImportInfoMapType::value_type entry(config_upper, info); i = this->ImportInfoMap.insert(entry).first; } if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { return &i->second; } // If the location is empty then the target is not available for // this configuration. if (i->second.Location.empty() && i->second.ImportLibrary.empty()) { return nullptr; } // Return the import information. return &i->second; } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeImportInfo(std::string const& desired_config, ImportInfo& info) const { // This method finds information about an imported target from its // properties. The "IMPORTED_" namespace is reserved for properties // defined by the project exporting the target. // Initialize members. info.NoSOName = false; const char* loc = nullptr; const char* imp = nullptr; std::string suffix; if (!this->Target->GetMappedConfig(desired_config, &loc, &imp, suffix)) { return; } // Get the link interface. { std::string linkProp = "INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES"; const char* propertyLibs = this->GetProperty(linkProp); if (this->GetType() != cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { if (!propertyLibs) { linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES"; linkProp += suffix; propertyLibs = this->GetProperty(linkProp); } if (!propertyLibs) { linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES"; propertyLibs = this->GetProperty(linkProp); } } if (propertyLibs) { info.LibrariesProp = linkProp; info.Libraries = propertyLibs; } } if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { if (loc) { info.LibName = loc; } return; } // A provided configuration has been chosen. Load the // configuration's properties. // Get the location. if (loc) { info.Location = loc; } else { std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_LOCATION"; impProp += suffix; if (const char* config_location = this->GetProperty(impProp)) { info.Location = config_location; } else if (const char* location = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LOCATION")) { info.Location = location; } } // Get the soname. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) { std::string soProp = "IMPORTED_SONAME"; soProp += suffix; if (const char* config_soname = this->GetProperty(soProp)) { info.SOName = config_soname; } else if (const char* soname = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_SONAME")) { info.SOName = soname; } } // Get the "no-soname" mark. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY) { std::string soProp = "IMPORTED_NO_SONAME"; soProp += suffix; if (const char* config_no_soname = this->GetProperty(soProp)) { info.NoSOName = cmSystemTools::IsOn(config_no_soname); } else if (const char* no_soname = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_NO_SONAME")) { info.NoSOName = cmSystemTools::IsOn(no_soname); } } // Get the import library. if (imp) { info.ImportLibrary = imp; } else if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->IsExecutableWithExports()) { std::string impProp = "IMPORTED_IMPLIB"; impProp += suffix; if (const char* config_implib = this->GetProperty(impProp)) { info.ImportLibrary = config_implib; } else if (const char* implib = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_IMPLIB")) { info.ImportLibrary = implib; } } // Get the link dependencies. { std::string linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES"; linkProp += suffix; if (const char* config_libs = this->GetProperty(linkProp)) { info.SharedDeps = config_libs; } else if (const char* libs = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES")) { info.SharedDeps = libs; } } // Get the link languages. if (this->LinkLanguagePropagatesToDependents()) { std::string linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES"; linkProp += suffix; if (const char* config_libs = this->GetProperty(linkProp)) { info.Languages = config_libs; } else if (const char* libs = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES")) { info.Languages = libs; } } // Get the cyclic repetition count. if (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) { std::string linkProp = "IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY"; linkProp += suffix; if (const char* config_reps = this->GetProperty(linkProp)) { sscanf(config_reps, "%u", &info.Multiplicity); } else if (const char* reps = this->GetProperty("IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY")) { sscanf(reps, "%u", &info.Multiplicity); } } } cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& cmGeneratorTarget::GetHeadToLinkInterfaceMap( const std::string& config) const { std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); return this->LinkInterfaceMap[CONFIG]; } cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& cmGeneratorTarget::GetHeadToLinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsMap( const std::string& config) const { std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); return this->LinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsOnlyMap[CONFIG]; } const cmLinkImplementation* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkImplementation( const std::string& config) const { // There is no link implementation for imported targets. if (this->IsImported()) { return nullptr; } std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl = this->LinkImplMap[CONFIG][this]; if (!impl.LibrariesDone) { impl.LibrariesDone = true; this->ComputeLinkImplementationLibraries(config, impl, this); } if (!impl.LanguagesDone) { impl.LanguagesDone = true; this->ComputeLinkImplementationLanguages(config, impl); } return &impl; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::GetConfigCommonSourceFiles( std::vector& files) const { std::vector configs; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configs); if (configs.empty()) { configs.emplace_back(); } std::vector::const_iterator it = configs.begin(); const std::string& firstConfig = *it; this->GetSourceFilesWithoutObjectLibraries(files, firstConfig); for (; it != configs.end(); ++it) { std::vector configFiles; this->GetSourceFilesWithoutObjectLibraries(configFiles, *it); if (configFiles != files) { std::string firstConfigFiles; const char* sep = ""; for (cmSourceFile* f : files) { firstConfigFiles += sep; firstConfigFiles += f->GetFullPath(); sep = "\n "; } std::string thisConfigFiles; sep = ""; for (cmSourceFile* f : configFiles) { thisConfigFiles += sep; thisConfigFiles += f->GetFullPath(); sep = "\n "; } std::ostringstream e; /* clang-format off */ e << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" has source files which vary by " "configuration. This is not supported by the \"" << this->GlobalGenerator->GetName() << "\" generator.\n" "Config \"" << firstConfig << "\":\n" " " << firstConfigFiles << "\n" "Config \"" << *it << "\":\n" " " << thisConfigFiles << "\n"; /* clang-format on */ this->LocalGenerator->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str()); return false; } } return true; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetObjectLibrariesCMP0026( std::vector& objlibs) const { // At configure-time, this method can be called as part of getting the // LOCATION property or to export() a file to be include()d. However // there is no cmGeneratorTarget at configure-time, so search the SOURCES // for TARGET_OBJECTS instead for backwards compatibility with OLD // behavior of CMP0024 and CMP0026 only. cmStringRange rng = this->Target->GetSourceEntries(); for (std::string const& entry : rng) { std::vector files; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(entry, files); for (std::string const& li : files) { if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(li, "$') { std::string objLibName = li.substr(17, li.size() - 18); if (cmGeneratorExpression::Find(objLibName) != std::string::npos) { continue; } cmGeneratorTarget* objLib = this->LocalGenerator->FindGeneratorTargetToUse(objLibName); if (objLib) { objlibs.push_back(objLib); } } } } } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::CheckCMP0004(std::string const& item) const { // Strip whitespace off the library names because we used to do this // in case variables were expanded at generate time. We no longer // do the expansion but users link to libraries like " ${VAR} ". std::string lib = item; std::string::size_type pos = lib.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { lib = lib.substr(pos); } pos = lib.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { lib = lib.substr(0, pos + 1); } if (lib != item) { cmake* cm = this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance(); switch (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0004()) { case cmPolicies::WARN: { std::ostringstream w; w << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0004) << "\n" << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \"" << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace."; cm->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, w.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } case cmPolicies::OLD: break; case cmPolicies::NEW: { std::ostringstream e; e << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \"" << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace. " << "This is now an error according to policy CMP0004."; cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } break; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: { std::ostringstream e; e << cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0004) << "\n" << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to item \"" << item << "\" which has leading or trailing whitespace."; cm->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); } break; } } return lib; } void cmGeneratorTarget::GetLanguages(std::set& languages, const std::string& config) const { std::vector sourceFiles; this->GetSourceFiles(sourceFiles, config); for (cmSourceFile* src : sourceFiles) { const std::string& lang = src->GetLanguage(); if (!lang.empty()) { languages.insert(lang); } } std::vector objectLibraries; std::vector externalObjects; if (!this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigureDoneCMP0026()) { std::vector objectTargets; this->GetObjectLibrariesCMP0026(objectTargets); objectLibraries.reserve(objectTargets.size()); for (cmGeneratorTarget* gt : objectTargets) { objectLibraries.push_back(gt); } } else { this->GetExternalObjects(externalObjects, config); for (cmSourceFile const* extObj : externalObjects) { std::string objLib = extObj->GetObjectLibrary(); if (cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = this->LocalGenerator->FindGeneratorTargetToUse(objLib)) { auto const objLibIt = std::find_if(objectLibraries.cbegin(), objectLibraries.cend(), [tgt](cmGeneratorTarget* t) { return t == tgt; }); if (objectLibraries.cend() == objLibIt) { objectLibraries.push_back(tgt); } } } } for (cmGeneratorTarget* objLib : objectLibraries) { objLib->GetLanguages(languages, config); } } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeLinkImplementationLanguages( const std::string& config, cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl) const { // This target needs runtime libraries for its source languages. std::set languages; // Get languages used in our source files. this->GetLanguages(languages, config); // Copy the set of languages to the link implementation. impl.Languages.insert(impl.Languages.begin(), languages.begin(), languages.end()); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HaveBuildTreeRPATH(const std::string& config) const { if (this->GetPropertyAsBool("SKIP_BUILD_RPATH")) { return false; } if (this->GetProperty("BUILD_RPATH")) { return true; } if (cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* impl = this->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config)) { return !impl->Libraries.empty(); } return false; } cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkImplementationLibraries( const std::string& config) const { return this->GetLinkImplementationLibrariesInternal(config, this); } cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkImplementationLibrariesInternal( const std::string& config, cmGeneratorTarget const* head) const { // There is no link implementation for imported targets. if (this->IsImported()) { return nullptr; } // Populate the link implementation libraries for this configuration. std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); HeadToLinkImplementationMap& hm = this->LinkImplMap[CONFIG]; // If the link implementation does not depend on the head target // then return the one we computed first. if (!hm.empty() && !hm.begin()->second.HadHeadSensitiveCondition) { return &hm.begin()->second; } cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl = hm[head]; if (!impl.LibrariesDone) { impl.LibrariesDone = true; this->ComputeLinkImplementationLibraries(config, impl, head); } return &impl; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsNullImpliedByLinkLibraries( const std::string& p) const { return this->LinkImplicitNullProperties.find(p) != this->LinkImplicitNullProperties.end(); } void cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeLinkImplementationLibraries( const std::string& config, cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl, cmGeneratorTarget const* head) const { cmStringRange entryRange = this->Target->GetLinkImplementationEntries(); cmBacktraceRange btRange = this->Target->GetLinkImplementationBacktraces(); cmBacktraceRange::const_iterator btIt = btRange.begin(); // Collect libraries directly linked in this configuration. for (cmStringRange::const_iterator le = entryRange.begin(), end = entryRange.end(); le != end; ++le, ++btIt) { std::vector llibs; cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( this->GetName(), "LINK_LIBRARIES", nullptr, nullptr); cmGeneratorExpression ge(*btIt); std::unique_ptr const cge = ge.Parse(*le); std::string const evaluated = cge->Evaluate(this->LocalGenerator, config, false, head, &dagChecker); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(evaluated, llibs); if (cge->GetHadHeadSensitiveCondition()) { impl.HadHeadSensitiveCondition = true; } for (std::string const& lib : llibs) { // Skip entries that resolve to the target itself or are empty. std::string name = this->CheckCMP0004(lib); if (name == this->GetName() || name.empty()) { if (name == this->GetName()) { bool noMessage = false; cmake::MessageType messageType = cmake::FATAL_ERROR; std::ostringstream e; switch (this->GetPolicyStatusCMP0038()) { case cmPolicies::WARN: { e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0038) << "\n"; messageType = cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING; } break; case cmPolicies::OLD: noMessage = true; case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED: case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS: case cmPolicies::NEW: // Issue the fatal message. break; } if (!noMessage) { e << "Target \"" << this->GetName() << "\" links to itself."; this->LocalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage( messageType, e.str(), this->GetBacktrace()); if (messageType == cmake::FATAL_ERROR) { return; } } } continue; } // The entry is meant for this configuration. impl.Libraries.emplace_back(name, this->FindTargetToLink(name), *btIt, evaluated != *le); } std::set const& seenProps = cge->GetSeenTargetProperties(); for (std::string const& sp : seenProps) { if (!this->GetProperty(sp)) { this->LinkImplicitNullProperties.insert(sp); } } cge->GetMaxLanguageStandard(this, this->MaxLanguageStandards); } // Get the list of configurations considered to be DEBUG. std::vector debugConfigs = this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetDebugConfigs(); cmTargetLinkLibraryType linkType = CMP0003_ComputeLinkType(config, debugConfigs); cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType const& oldllibs = this->Target->GetOriginalLinkLibraries(); for (cmTarget::LibraryID const& oldllib : oldllibs) { if (oldllib.second != GENERAL_LibraryType && oldllib.second != linkType) { std::string name = this->CheckCMP0004(oldllib.first); if (name == this->GetName() || name.empty()) { continue; } // Support OLD behavior for CMP0003. impl.WrongConfigLibraries.emplace_back(name, this->FindTargetToLink(name)); } } } cmGeneratorTarget* cmGeneratorTarget::FindTargetToLink( std::string const& name) const { cmGeneratorTarget* tgt = this->LocalGenerator->FindGeneratorTargetToUse(name); // Skip targets that will not really be linked. This is probably a // name conflict between an external library and an executable // within the project. if (tgt && tgt->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && !tgt->IsExecutableWithExports()) { tgt = nullptr; } return tgt; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetPDBDirectory(const std::string& config) const { if (OutputInfo const* info = this->GetOutputInfo(config)) { // Return the directory in which the target will be built. return info->PdbDir; } return ""; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HasImplibGNUtoMS() const { return this->HasImportLibrary() && this->GetPropertyAsBool("GNUtoMS"); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::GetImplibGNUtoMS(std::string const& gnuName, std::string& out, const char* newExt) const { if (this->HasImplibGNUtoMS() && gnuName.size() > 6 && gnuName.substr(gnuName.size() - 6) == ".dll.a") { out = gnuName.substr(0, gnuName.size() - 6); out += newExt ? newExt : ".lib"; return true; } return false; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsExecutableWithExports() const { return (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && this->GetPropertyAsBool("ENABLE_EXPORTS")); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::HasImportLibrary() const { return (this->IsDLLPlatform() && (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->IsExecutableWithExports())); } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::GetSupportDirectory() const { std::string dir = this->LocalGenerator->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory(); dir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); dir += "/"; dir += this->GetName(); #if defined(__VMS) dir += "_dir"; #else dir += ".dir"; #endif return dir; } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsLinkable() const { return (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::UNKNOWN_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::OBJECT_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY || this->IsExecutableWithExports()); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsFrameworkOnApple() const { return ((this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY) && this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") && this->GetPropertyAsBool("FRAMEWORK")); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsAppBundleOnApple() const { return (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE && this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") && this->GetPropertyAsBool("MACOSX_BUNDLE")); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsXCTestOnApple() const { return (this->IsCFBundleOnApple() && this->GetPropertyAsBool("XCTEST")); } bool cmGeneratorTarget::IsCFBundleOnApple() const { return (this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY && this->Makefile->IsOn("APPLE") && this->GetPropertyAsBool("BUNDLE")); }