/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ /* clang-format off */ #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" /* clang-format on */ #include <map> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <cm/memory> #include <cm/optional> #include <cm/string_view> #include <cmext/string_view> #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpressionContext.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpressionNode.h" #include "cmLinkItem.h" #include "cmList.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmPolicies.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmValue.h" namespace { using UseTo = cmGeneratorTarget::UseTo; using TransitiveProperty = cmGeneratorTarget::TransitiveProperty; } const std::map<cm::string_view, TransitiveProperty> cmGeneratorTarget::BuiltinTransitiveProperties = { { "AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES"_s, { "INTERFACE_AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "AUTOUIC_OPTIONS"_s, { "INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"_s, { "INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "COMPILE_FEATURES"_s, { "INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "COMPILE_OPTIONS"_s, { "INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"_s, { "INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "LINK_DEPENDS"_s, { "INTERFACE_LINK_DEPENDS"_s, UseTo::Link } }, { "LINK_DIRECTORIES"_s, { "INTERFACE_LINK_DIRECTORIES"_s, UseTo::Link } }, { "LINK_OPTIONS"_s, { "INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS"_s, UseTo::Link } }, { "PRECOMPILE_HEADERS"_s, { "INTERFACE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "SOURCES"_s, { "INTERFACE_SOURCES"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, { "SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"_s, { "INTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"_s, UseTo::Compile } }, }; bool cmGeneratorTarget::MaybeHaveInterfaceProperty( std::string const& prop, cmGeneratorExpressionContext* context, UseTo usage) const { std::string const key = prop + '@' + context->Config; auto i = this->MaybeInterfacePropertyExists.find(key); if (i == this->MaybeInterfacePropertyExists.end()) { // Insert an entry now in case there is a cycle. i = this->MaybeInterfacePropertyExists.emplace(key, false).first; bool& maybeInterfaceProp = i->second; // If this target itself has a non-empty property value, we are done. maybeInterfaceProp = cmNonempty(this->GetProperty(prop)); // Otherwise, recurse to interface dependencies. if (!maybeInterfaceProp) { cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget = context->HeadTarget ? context->HeadTarget : this; if (cmLinkInterfaceLibraries const* iface = this->GetLinkInterfaceLibraries(context->Config, headTarget, usage)) { if (iface->HadHeadSensitiveCondition) { // With a different head target we may get to a library with // this interface property. maybeInterfaceProp = true; } else { // The transitive interface libraries do not depend on the // head target, so we can follow them. for (cmLinkItem const& lib : iface->Libraries) { if (lib.Target && lib.Target->MaybeHaveInterfaceProperty(prop, context, usage)) { maybeInterfaceProp = true; break; } } } } } } return i->second; } std::string cmGeneratorTarget::EvaluateInterfaceProperty( std::string const& prop, cmGeneratorExpressionContext* context, cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker* dagCheckerParent, UseTo usage) const { std::string result; // If the property does not appear transitively at all, we are done. if (!this->MaybeHaveInterfaceProperty(prop, context, usage)) { return result; } // Evaluate $<TARGET_PROPERTY:this,prop> as if it were compiled. This is // a subset of TargetPropertyNode::Evaluate without stringify/parse steps // but sufficient for transitive interface properties. cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker dagChecker( context->Backtrace, this, prop, nullptr, dagCheckerParent, this->LocalGenerator, context->Config); switch (dagChecker.Check()) { case cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker::SELF_REFERENCE: dagChecker.ReportError( context, "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:" + this->GetName() + "," + prop + ">"); return result; case cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker::CYCLIC_REFERENCE: // No error. We just skip cyclic references. case cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker::ALREADY_SEEN: // No error. We have already seen this transitive property. return result; case cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker::DAG: break; } cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget = context->HeadTarget ? context->HeadTarget : this; if (cmValue p = this->GetProperty(prop)) { result = cmGeneratorExpressionNode::EvaluateDependentExpression( *p, context->LG, context, headTarget, &dagChecker, this); } if (cmLinkInterfaceLibraries const* iface = this->GetLinkInterfaceLibraries(context->Config, headTarget, usage)) { context->HadContextSensitiveCondition = context->HadContextSensitiveCondition || iface->HadContextSensitiveCondition; for (cmLinkItem const& lib : iface->Libraries) { // Broken code can have a target in its own link interface. // Don't follow such link interface entries so as not to create a // self-referencing loop. if (lib.Target && lib.Target != this) { // Pretend $<TARGET_PROPERTY:lib.Target,prop> appeared in the // above property and hand-evaluate it as if it were compiled. // Create a context as cmCompiledGeneratorExpression::Evaluate does. cmGeneratorExpressionContext libContext( context->LG, context->Config, context->Quiet, headTarget, this, context->EvaluateForBuildsystem, context->Backtrace, context->Language); std::string libResult = cmGeneratorExpression::StripEmptyListElements( lib.Target->EvaluateInterfaceProperty(prop, &libContext, &dagChecker, usage)); if (!libResult.empty()) { if (result.empty()) { result = std::move(libResult); } else { result.reserve(result.size() + 1 + libResult.size()); result += ";"; result += libResult; } } context->HadContextSensitiveCondition = context->HadContextSensitiveCondition || libContext.HadContextSensitiveCondition; context->HadHeadSensitiveCondition = context->HadHeadSensitiveCondition || libContext.HadHeadSensitiveCondition; } } } return result; } cm::optional<cmGeneratorTarget::TransitiveProperty> cmGeneratorTarget::IsTransitiveProperty(cm::string_view prop, cmLocalGenerator const* lg, std::string const& config, bool evaluatingLinkLibraries) const { cm::optional<TransitiveProperty> result; static const cm::string_view kINTERFACE_ = "INTERFACE_"_s; PropertyFor const propertyFor = cmHasPrefix(prop, kINTERFACE_) ? PropertyFor::Interface : PropertyFor::Build; if (propertyFor == PropertyFor::Interface) { prop = prop.substr(kINTERFACE_.length()); } auto i = BuiltinTransitiveProperties.find(prop); if (i != BuiltinTransitiveProperties.end()) { result = i->second; if (result->Usage != cmGeneratorTarget::UseTo::Compile) { cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0166 = lg->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0166); if ((cmp0166 == cmPolicies::WARN || cmp0166 == cmPolicies::OLD) && (prop == "LINK_DIRECTORIES"_s || prop == "LINK_DEPENDS"_s || prop == "LINK_OPTIONS"_s)) { result->Usage = cmGeneratorTarget::UseTo::Compile; } } } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(prop, "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_")) { cmPolicies::PolicyStatus cmp0043 = lg->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0043); if (cmp0043 == cmPolicies::WARN || cmp0043 == cmPolicies::OLD) { result = TransitiveProperty{ "INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"_s, UseTo::Compile }; } } else if (!evaluatingLinkLibraries) { // Honor TRANSITIVE_COMPILE_PROPERTIES and TRANSITIVE_LINK_PROPERTIES // from the link closure when we are not evaluating the closure itself. CustomTransitiveProperties const& ctp = this->GetCustomTransitiveProperties(config, propertyFor); auto ci = ctp.find(std::string(prop)); if (ci != ctp.end()) { result = ci->second; } } return result; } cmGeneratorTarget::CustomTransitiveProperty::CustomTransitiveProperty( std::string interfaceName, UseTo usage) : CustomTransitiveProperty( cm::make_unique<std::string>(std::move(interfaceName)), usage) { } cmGeneratorTarget::CustomTransitiveProperty::CustomTransitiveProperty( std::unique_ptr<std::string> interfaceNameBuf, UseTo usage) : TransitiveProperty{ *interfaceNameBuf, usage } , InterfaceNameBuf(std::move(interfaceNameBuf)) { } void cmGeneratorTarget::CustomTransitiveProperties::Add(cmValue props, UseTo usage) { if (props) { cmList propsList(*props); for (std::string p : propsList) { std::string ip; static const cm::string_view kINTERFACE_ = "INTERFACE_"_s; if (cmHasPrefix(p, kINTERFACE_)) { ip = std::move(p); p = ip.substr(kINTERFACE_.length()); } else { ip = cmStrCat(kINTERFACE_, p); } this->emplace(std::move(p), CustomTransitiveProperty(std::move(ip), usage)); } } } cmGeneratorTarget::CustomTransitiveProperties const& cmGeneratorTarget::GetCustomTransitiveProperties(std::string const& config, PropertyFor propertyFor) const { std::map<std::string, CustomTransitiveProperties>& ctpm = propertyFor == PropertyFor::Build ? this->CustomTransitiveBuildPropertiesMap : this->CustomTransitiveInterfacePropertiesMap; auto i = ctpm.find(config); if (i == ctpm.end()) { CustomTransitiveProperties ctp; auto addTransitiveProperties = [this, &config, propertyFor, &ctp](std::string const& tp, UseTo usage) { // Add transitive properties named by the target itself. ctp.Add(this->GetProperty(tp), usage); // Add transitive properties named by the target's link dependencies. if (propertyFor == PropertyFor::Build) { for (cmGeneratorTarget const* gt : this->GetLinkImplementationClosure(config, usage)) { ctp.Add(gt->GetProperty(tp), usage); } } else { // The set of custom transitive INTERFACE_ properties does not // depend on the consumer. Use the target as its own head. cmGeneratorTarget const* headTarget = this; for (cmGeneratorTarget const* gt : this->GetLinkInterfaceClosure(config, headTarget, usage)) { ctp.Add(gt->GetProperty(tp), usage); } } }; addTransitiveProperties("TRANSITIVE_LINK_PROPERTIES", UseTo::Link); addTransitiveProperties("TRANSITIVE_COMPILE_PROPERTIES", UseTo::Compile); i = ctpm.emplace(config, std::move(ctp)).first; } return i->second; }