/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator3 Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmTarget.h" cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3() { // This type of makefile always requires unix style paths this->ForceUnixPaths = true; this->FindMakeProgramFile = "CMakeUnixFindMake.cmake"; this->ToolSupportsColor = true; #ifdef _WIN32 this->UseLinkScript = false; #else this->UseLinkScript = true; #endif } void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::EnableLanguage(std::vector<std::string>const& languages, cmMakefile *mf) { this->cmGlobalGenerator::EnableLanguage(languages, mf); std::string path; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator l = languages.begin(); l != languages.end(); ++l) { if(*l == "NONE") { continue; } const char* lang = l->c_str(); std::string langComp = "CMAKE_"; langComp += lang; langComp += "_COMPILER"; if(!mf->GetDefinition(langComp.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::Error(langComp.c_str(), " not set, after EnableLanguage"); continue; } const char* name = mf->GetRequiredDefinition(langComp.c_str()); if(!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(name)) { path = cmSystemTools::FindProgram(name); } else { path = name; } if(path.size() == 0 || !cmSystemTools::FileExists(path.c_str())) { std::string message = "your "; message += lang; message += " compiler: \""; message += name; message += "\" was not found. Please set "; message += langComp; message += " to a valid compiler path or name."; cmSystemTools::Error(message.c_str()); path = name; } std::string doc = lang; doc += " compiler."; mf->AddCacheDefinition(langComp.c_str(), path.c_str(), doc.c_str(), cmCacheManager::FILEPATH); } } ///! Create a local generator appropriate to this Global Generator cmLocalGenerator *cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::CreateLocalGenerator() { cmLocalGenerator* lg = new cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3; lg->SetGlobalGenerator(this); return lg; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::GetDocumentation(cmDocumentationEntry& entry) const { entry.name = this->GetName(); entry.brief = "Generates standard UNIX makefiles."; entry.full = "A hierarchy of UNIX makefiles is generated into the build tree. Any " "standard UNIX-style make program can build the project through the " "default make target. A \"make install\" target is also provided."; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::AddMultipleOutputPair(const char* depender, const char* dependee) { MultipleOutputPairsType::value_type p(depender, dependee); this->MultipleOutputPairs.insert(p); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::Generate() { // first do superclass method this->cmGlobalGenerator::Generate(); // initialize progress unsigned int i; unsigned long total = 0; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); total += lg->GetNumberOfProgressActions(); } // write each target's progress.make this loop is done twice. Bascially the // Generate pass counts all the actions, the first loop below determines // how many actions have progress updates for each target and writes to // corrrect variable values for everything except the all targets. The // second loop actually writes out correct values for the all targets as // well. This is because the all targets require more information that is // computed in the first loop. unsigned long current = 0; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); lg->WriteProgressVariables(total,current); } for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); lg->WriteAllProgressVariable(); } // write the main makefile this->WriteMainMakefile2(); this->WriteMainCMakefile(); } void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::WriteMainMakefile2() { // Open the output file. This should not be copy-if-different // because the check-build-system step compares the makefile time to // see if the build system must be regenerated. std::string makefileName = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); makefileName += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); makefileName += "/Makefile2"; cmGeneratedFileStream makefileStream(makefileName.c_str()); if(!makefileStream) { return; } // get a local generator for some useful methods cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[0]); // Write the do not edit header. lg->WriteDisclaimer(makefileStream); // Write the main entry point target. This must be the VERY first // target so that make with no arguments will run it. // Just depend on the all target to drive the build. std::vector<std::string> depends; std::vector<std::string> no_commands; depends.push_back("all"); // Write the rule. lg->WriteMakeRule(makefileStream, "Default target executed when no arguments are " "given to make.", "default_target", depends, no_commands, true); depends.clear(); // The all and preinstall rules might never have any dependencies // added to them. if(this->EmptyRuleHackDepends != "") { depends.push_back(this->EmptyRuleHackDepends); } // Write and empty all: lg->WriteMakeRule(makefileStream, "The main recursive all target", "all", depends, no_commands, true); // Write an empty preinstall: lg->WriteMakeRule(makefileStream, "The main recursive preinstall target", "preinstall", depends, no_commands, true); // Write out the "special" stuff lg->WriteSpecialTargetsTop(makefileStream); // write the target convenience rules unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); // are any parents excluded bool exclude = false; cmLocalGenerator *lg3 = lg; while (lg3) { if (lg3->GetExcludeAll()) { exclude = true; break; } lg3 = lg3->GetParent(); } this->WriteConvenienceRules2(makefileStream,lg,exclude); } lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[0]); lg->WriteSpecialTargetsBottom(makefileStream); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::WriteMainCMakefile() { // Open the output file. This should not be copy-if-different // because the check-build-system step compares the makefile time to // see if the build system must be regenerated. std::string cmakefileName = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); cmakefileName += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); cmakefileName += "/Makefile.cmake"; cmGeneratedFileStream cmakefileStream(cmakefileName.c_str()); if(!cmakefileStream) { return; } std::string makefileName = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); makefileName += "/Makefile"; // get a local generator for some useful methods cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[0]); // Write the do not edit header. lg->WriteDisclaimer(cmakefileStream); // Save the generator name cmakefileStream << "# The generator used is:\n" << "SET(CMAKE_DEPENDS_GENERATOR \"" << this->GetName() << "\")\n\n"; // for each cmMakefile get its list of dependencies std::vector<std::string> lfiles; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); // Get the list of files contributing to this generation step. lfiles.insert(lfiles.end(),lg->GetMakefile()->GetListFiles().begin(), lg->GetMakefile()->GetListFiles().end()); } // Sort the list and remove duplicates. std::sort(lfiles.begin(), lfiles.end(), std::less<std::string>()); std::vector<std::string>::iterator new_end = std::unique(lfiles.begin(),lfiles.end()); lfiles.erase(new_end, lfiles.end()); // reset lg to the first makefile lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[0]); // Build the path to the cache file. std::string cache = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); cache += "/CMakeCache.txt"; // Save the list to the cmake file. cmakefileStream << "# The top level Makefile was generated from the following files:\n" << "SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_DEPENDS\n" << " \"" << lg->Convert(cache.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n"; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = lfiles.begin(); i != lfiles.end(); ++i) { cmakefileStream << " \"" << lg->Convert(i->c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n"; } cmakefileStream << " )\n\n"; // Build the path to the cache check file. std::string check = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); check += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); check += "/cmake.check_cache"; // Set the corresponding makefile in the cmake file. cmakefileStream << "# The corresponding makefile is:\n" << "SET(CMAKE_MAKEFILE_OUTPUTS\n" << " \"" << lg->Convert(makefileName.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n" << " \"" << lg->Convert(check.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n"; // add in all the directory information files std::string tmpStr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); tmpStr = lg->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); tmpStr += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); tmpStr += "/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake"; cmakefileStream << " \"" << lg->Convert(tmpStr.c_str(),cmLocalGenerator::HOME_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n"; const std::vector<std::string>& outfiles = lg->GetMakefile()->GetOutputFiles(); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator k= outfiles.begin(); k != outfiles.end(); ++k) { cmakefileStream << " \"" << lg->Convert(k->c_str(),cmLocalGenerator::HOME_OUTPUT).c_str() << "\"\n"; } } cmakefileStream << " )\n\n"; this->WriteMainCMakefileLanguageRules(cmakefileStream, this->LocalGenerators); if(!this->MultipleOutputPairs.empty()) { cmakefileStream << "\n" << "SET(CMAKE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT_PAIRS\n"; for(MultipleOutputPairsType::const_iterator pi = this->MultipleOutputPairs.begin(); pi != this->MultipleOutputPairs.end(); ++pi) { cmakefileStream << " \"" << pi->first << "\" \"" << pi->second << "\"\n"; } cmakefileStream << " )\n\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::CheckMultipleOutputs(cmMakefile* mf, bool verbose) { // Get the string listing the multiple output pairs. const char* pairs_string = mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT_PAIRS"); if(!pairs_string) { return; } // Convert the string to a list and preserve empty entries. std::vector<std::string> pairs; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(pairs_string, pairs, true); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = pairs.begin(); i != pairs.end(); ++i) { const std::string& depender = *i; if(++i != pairs.end()) { const std::string& dependee = *i; // If the depender is missing then delete the dependee to make // sure both will be regenerated. if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(dependee.c_str()) && !cmSystemTools::FileExists(depender.c_str())) { if(verbose) { cmOStringStream msg; msg << "Deleting primary custom command output \"" << dependee << "\" because another output \"" << depender << "\" does not exist." << std::endl; cmSystemTools::Stdout(msg.str().c_str()); } cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(dependee.c_str()); } } } } void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::WriteMainCMakefileLanguageRules(cmGeneratedFileStream& cmakefileStream, std::vector<cmLocalGenerator *> &lGenerators ) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg; // now list all the target info files cmakefileStream << "# The set of files whose dependency integrity should be checked:\n"; cmakefileStream << "SET(CMAKE_DEPEND_INFO_FILES\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(lGenerators[i]); // for all of out targets for (cmTargets::iterator l = lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().begin(); l != lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().end(); l++) { if((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) ) { std::string tname = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(l->second); tname += "/DependInfo.cmake"; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(tname); cmakefileStream << " \"" << tname.c_str() << "\"\n"; } } } cmakefileStream << " )\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::WriteDirectoryRule2(std::ostream& ruleFileStream, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* lg, const char* pass, bool check_all, bool check_relink) { // Get the relative path to the subdirectory from the top. std::string makeTarget = lg->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); makeTarget += "/"; makeTarget += pass; // The directory-level rule should depend on the target-level rules // for all targets in the directory. std::vector<std::string> depends; for(cmTargets::iterator l = lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().begin(); l != lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().end(); ++l) { if((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY)) { // Add this to the list of depends rules in this directory. if((!check_all || l->second.IsInAll()) && (!check_relink || l->second.NeedRelinkBeforeInstall())) { std::string tname = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(l->second); tname += "/"; tname += pass; depends.push_back(tname); } } } // The directory-level rule should depend on the directory-level // rules of the subdirectories. for(std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>::iterator sdi = lg->GetChildren().begin(); sdi != lg->GetChildren().end(); ++sdi) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* slg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3*>(*sdi); std::string subdir = slg->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); subdir += "/"; subdir += pass; depends.push_back(subdir); } // Work-around for makes that drop rules that have no dependencies // or commands. if(depends.empty() && this->EmptyRuleHackDepends != "") { depends.push_back(this->EmptyRuleHackDepends); } // Write the rule. std::string doc = "Convenience name for \""; doc += pass; doc += "\" pass in the directory."; std::vector<std::string> no_commands; lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, doc.c_str(), makeTarget.c_str(), depends, no_commands, true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::WriteDirectoryRules2(std::ostream& ruleFileStream, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* lg) { // Only subdirectories need these rules. if(!lg->GetParent()) { return; } // Begin the directory-level rules section. std::string dir = lg->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dir = lg->Convert(dir.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::HOME_OUTPUT, cmLocalGenerator::MAKEFILE); lg->WriteDivider(ruleFileStream); ruleFileStream << "# Directory level rules for directory " << dir << "\n\n"; // Write directory-level rules for "all". this->WriteDirectoryRule2(ruleFileStream, lg, "all", true, false); // Write directory-level rules for "clean". this->WriteDirectoryRule2(ruleFileStream, lg, "clean", false, false); // Write directory-level rules for "preinstall". this->WriteDirectoryRule2(ruleFileStream, lg, "preinstall", false, true); } std::string cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::GenerateBuildCommand(const char* makeProgram, const char *projectName, const char* additionalOptions, const char *targetName, const char* config, bool ignoreErrors, bool fast) { // Project name and config are not used yet. (void)projectName; (void)config; std::string makeCommand = cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixOutputPath(makeProgram); // Since we have full control over the invocation of nmake, let us // make it quiet. if ( strcmp(this->GetName(), "NMake Makefiles") == 0 ) { makeCommand += " /NOLOGO "; } if ( ignoreErrors ) { makeCommand += " -i"; } if ( additionalOptions ) { makeCommand += " "; makeCommand += additionalOptions; } if ( targetName && strlen(targetName)) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg; if (this->LocalGenerators.size()) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (this->LocalGenerators[0]); } else { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (this->CreateLocalGenerator()); // set the Start directories lg->GetMakefile()->SetStartDirectory (this->CMakeInstance->GetStartDirectory()); lg->GetMakefile()->SetStartOutputDirectory (this->CMakeInstance->GetStartOutputDirectory()); lg->GetMakefile()->MakeStartDirectoriesCurrent(); } lg->SetupPathConversions(); makeCommand += " \""; std::string tname = targetName; if(fast) { tname += "/fast"; } tname = lg->Convert(tname.c_str(),cmLocalGenerator::HOME_OUTPUT, cmLocalGenerator::MAKEFILE); tname = lg->ConvertToMakeTarget(tname.c_str()); makeCommand += tname.c_str(); makeCommand += "\""; if (!this->LocalGenerators.size()) { delete lg; } } return makeCommand; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::WriteConvenienceRules(std::ostream& ruleFileStream, std::set<cmStdString> &emitted) { std::vector<std::string> depends; std::vector<std::string> commands; depends.push_back("cmake_check_build_system"); // write the target convenience rules unsigned int i; cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (this->LocalGenerators[i]); // for each target Generate the rule files for each target. cmTargets& targets = lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { // Don't emit the same rule twice (e.g. two targets with the same // simple name) if(t->second.GetName() && strlen(t->second.GetName()) && emitted.insert(t->second.GetName()).second) { // Handle user targets here. Global targets are handled in // the local generator on a per-directory basis. if((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY)) { // Add a rule to build the target by name. lg->WriteDivider(ruleFileStream); ruleFileStream << "# Target rules for targets named " << t->second.GetName() << "\n\n"; // Write the rule. commands.clear(); std::string tmp = cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectoryPostSlash(); tmp += "Makefile2"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (tmp.c_str(),t->second.GetName())); depends.clear(); depends.push_back("cmake_check_build_system"); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Build rule for target.", t->second.GetName(), depends, commands, true); // Add a fast rule to build the target std::string localName = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(t->second); std::string makefileName; makefileName = localName; makefileName += "/build.make"; depends.clear(); commands.clear(); std::string makeTargetName = localName; makeTargetName += "/build"; localName = t->second.GetName(); localName += "/fast"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(), makeTargetName.c_str())); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "fast build rule for target.", localName.c_str(), depends, commands, true); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::WriteConvenienceRules2(std::ostream& ruleFileStream, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg, bool exclude) { std::vector<std::string> depends; std::vector<std::string> commands; std::string localName; std::string makeTargetName; // write the directory level rules for this local gen this->WriteDirectoryRules2(ruleFileStream,lg); depends.push_back("cmake_check_build_system"); // for each target Generate the rule files for each target. cmTargets& targets = lg->GetMakefile()->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { if (t->second.GetName() && strlen(t->second.GetName())) { std::string makefileName; // Add a rule to build the target by name. localName = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(t->second); makefileName = localName; makefileName += "/build.make"; if (((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY))) { bool needRequiresStep = this->NeedRequiresStep(lg,t->second.GetName()); lg->WriteDivider(ruleFileStream); ruleFileStream << "# Target rules for target " << localName << "\n\n"; commands.clear(); if (t->second.GetType() != cmTarget::UTILITY) { makeTargetName = localName; makeTargetName += "/depend"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(),makeTargetName.c_str())); // add requires if we need it for this generator if (needRequiresStep) { makeTargetName = localName; makeTargetName += "/requires"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(),makeTargetName.c_str())); } } makeTargetName = localName; makeTargetName += "/build"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(),makeTargetName.c_str())); // Write the rule. localName += "/all"; depends.clear(); std::string progressDir = lg->GetMakefile()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); progressDir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); { cmOStringStream progCmd; progCmd << "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report "; // all target counts progCmd << lg->Convert(progressDir.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::FULL, cmLocalGenerator::SHELL); progCmd << " "; std::vector<int> &progFiles = lg->ProgressFiles[t->first]; for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = progFiles.begin(); i != progFiles.end(); ++i) { progCmd << " " << *i; } commands.push_back(progCmd.str()); } progressDir = "Built target "; progressDir += t->first; lg->AppendEcho(commands,progressDir.c_str()); this->AppendGlobalTargetDepends(depends,t->second); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "All Build rule for target.", localName.c_str(), depends, commands, true); // add the all/all dependency if (!exclude && t->second.IsInAll()) { depends.clear(); depends.push_back(localName); commands.clear(); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Include target in all.", "all", depends, commands, true); } // Write the rule. commands.clear(); progressDir = lg->GetMakefile()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); progressDir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); { // TODO: Convert the total progress count to a make variable. cmOStringStream progCmd; progCmd << "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start "; // # in target progCmd << lg->Convert(progressDir.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::FULL, cmLocalGenerator::SHELL); // std::set<cmStdString> emitted; progCmd << " " << this->GetTargetTotalNumberOfActions(t->second, emitted); commands.push_back(progCmd.str()); } std::string tmp = cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectoryPostSlash(); tmp += "Makefile2"; commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (tmp.c_str(),localName.c_str())); { cmOStringStream progCmd; progCmd << "$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start "; // # 0 progCmd << lg->Convert(progressDir.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::FULL, cmLocalGenerator::SHELL); progCmd << " 0"; commands.push_back(progCmd.str()); } depends.clear(); depends.push_back("cmake_check_build_system"); localName = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(t->second); localName += "/rule"; lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Build rule for subdir invocation for target.", localName.c_str(), depends, commands, true); // Add a target with the canonical name (no prefix, suffix or path). commands.clear(); depends.clear(); depends.push_back(localName); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Convenience name for target.", t->second.GetName(), depends, commands, true); // Add rules to prepare the target for installation. if(t->second.NeedRelinkBeforeInstall()) { localName = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(t->second); localName += "/preinstall"; depends.clear(); commands.clear(); commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(), localName.c_str())); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Pre-install relink rule for target.", localName.c_str(), depends, commands, true); depends.clear(); depends.push_back(localName); commands.clear(); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Prepare target for install.", "preinstall", depends, commands, true); } // add the clean rule localName = lg->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(t->second); makeTargetName = localName; makeTargetName += "/clean"; depends.clear(); commands.clear(); commands.push_back(lg->GetRecursiveMakeCall (makefileName.c_str(), makeTargetName.c_str())); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "clean rule for target.", makeTargetName.c_str(), depends, commands, true); commands.clear(); depends.push_back(makeTargetName); lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "clean rule for target.", "clean", depends, commands, true); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::GetTargetTotalNumberOfActions(cmTarget& target, std::set<cmStdString> &emitted) { // do not double count int result = 0; if(emitted.insert(target.GetName()).second) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (target.GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()); result = static_cast<int>(lg->ProgressFiles[target.GetName()].size()); std::vector<cmTarget *>& depends = this->GetTargetDepends(target); std::vector<cmTarget *>::iterator i; for (i = depends.begin(); i != depends.end(); ++i) { result += this->GetTargetTotalNumberOfActions(**i, emitted); } } return result; } unsigned long cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3:: GetNumberOfProgressActionsInAll(cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg) { unsigned long result = 0; // for every target in the top level all if (!lg->GetParent()) { // loop over the generators and targets unsigned int i; cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg3; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg3 = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (this->LocalGenerators[i]); // for each target Generate the rule files for each target. cmTargets& targets = lg3->GetMakefile()->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { if((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY)) { if (t->second.IsInAll()) { std::vector<int> &progFiles = lg3->ProgressFiles[t->first]; result += static_cast<unsigned long>(progFiles.size()); } } } } } else { std::deque<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> lg3Stack; lg3Stack.push_back(lg); std::vector<cmStdString> targetsInAll; std::set<cmTarget *> targets; while (lg3Stack.size()) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg3 = lg3Stack.front(); lg3Stack.pop_front(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = lg3->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().begin(); l != lg3->GetMakefile()->GetTargets().end(); ++l) { if((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY)) { // Add this to the list of depends rules in this directory. if (l->second.IsInAll() && targets.find(&l->second) == targets.end()) { std::deque<cmTarget *> activeTgts; activeTgts.push_back(&(l->second)); // trace depth of target dependencies while (activeTgts.size()) { if (targets.find(activeTgts.front()) == targets.end()) { targets.insert(activeTgts.front()); cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg4 = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (activeTgts.front()->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()); std::vector<int> &progFiles2 = lg4->ProgressFiles[activeTgts.front()->GetName()]; result += static_cast<unsigned long>(progFiles2.size()); std::vector<cmTarget *> deps2 = this->GetTargetDepends(*activeTgts.front()); for (std::vector<cmTarget *>::const_iterator di = deps2.begin(); di != deps2.end(); ++di) { activeTgts.push_back(*di); } } activeTgts.pop_front(); } } } } // The directory-level rule depends on the directory-level // rules of the subdirectories. for(std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>::iterator sdi = lg3->GetChildren().begin(); sdi != lg3->GetChildren().end(); ++sdi) { cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* slg = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3*>(*sdi); lg3Stack.push_back(slg); } } } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector<cmTarget *>& cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::GetTargetDepends(cmTarget& target) { // if the depends are already in the map then return std::map<cmStdString, std::vector<cmTarget *> >::iterator tgtI = this->TargetDependencies.find(target.GetName()); if (tgtI != this->TargetDependencies.end()) { return tgtI->second; } // A target should not depend on itself. std::set<cmStdString> emitted; emitted.insert(target.GetName()); // the vector of results std::vector<cmTarget *>& result = this->TargetDependencies[target.GetName()]; // Loop over all library dependencies but not for static libs if (target.GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { const cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType& tlibs = target.GetLinkLibraries(); for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator lib = tlibs.begin(); lib != tlibs.end(); ++lib) { // Don't emit the same library twice for this target. if(emitted.insert(lib->first).second) { cmTarget *target2 = target.GetMakefile()->FindTarget(lib->first.c_str()); // search each local generator until a match is found if (!target2) { target2 = this->FindTarget(0,lib->first.c_str()); } // if a match was found then ... if (target2) { // Add this dependency. result.push_back(target2); } } } } // Loop over all utility dependencies. const std::set<cmStdString>& tutils = target.GetUtilities(); for(std::set<cmStdString>::const_iterator util = tutils.begin(); util != tutils.end(); ++util) { // Don't emit the same utility twice for this target. if(emitted.insert(*util).second) { cmTarget *target2 = target.GetMakefile()->FindTarget(util->c_str()); // search each local generator until a match is found if (!target2) { target2 = this->FindTarget(0,util->c_str()); } // if a match was found then ... if (target2) { // Add this dependency. result.push_back(target2); } } } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::AppendGlobalTargetDepends(std::vector<std::string>& depends, cmTarget& target) { // Keep track of dependencies already listed. std::set<cmStdString> emitted; // A target should not depend on itself. emitted.insert(target.GetName()); // Loop over all library dependencies but not for static libs if (target.GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { const cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType& tlibs = target.GetLinkLibraries(); for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator lib = tlibs.begin(); lib != tlibs.end(); ++lib) { // Don't emit the same library twice for this target. if(emitted.insert(lib->first).second) { // Add this dependency. this->AppendAnyGlobalDepend(depends, lib->first.c_str(), emitted, target); } } } // Loop over all utility dependencies. const std::set<cmStdString>& tutils = target.GetUtilities(); for(std::set<cmStdString>::const_iterator util = tutils.begin(); util != tutils.end(); ++util) { // Don't emit the same utility twice for this target. if(emitted.insert(*util).second) { // Add this dependency. this->AppendAnyGlobalDepend(depends, util->c_str(), emitted, target); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::AppendAnyGlobalDepend(std::vector<std::string>& depends, const char* name, std::set<cmStdString>& emitted, cmTarget &target) { cmTarget *result; cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg3; // first check the same dir as the current target lg3 = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (target.GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()); result = target.GetMakefile()->FindTarget(name); // search each local generator until a match is found if (!result) { result = this->FindTarget(0,name); if (result) { lg3 = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *> (result->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()); } } // if a match was found then ... if (result) { std::string tgtName = lg3->GetRelativeTargetDirectory(*result); tgtName += "/all"; depends.push_back(tgtName); if(result->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { const cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType& tlibs = result->GetLinkLibraries(); for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator lib = tlibs.begin(); lib != tlibs.end(); ++lib) { // Don't emit the same library twice for this target. if(emitted.insert(lib->first).second) { // Add this dependency. this->AppendAnyGlobalDepend(depends, lib->first.c_str(), emitted, *result); } } } return; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::WriteHelpRule (std::ostream& ruleFileStream, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg) { // add the help target std::string path; std::vector<std::string> no_depends; std::vector<std::string> commands; lg->AppendEcho(commands,"The following are some of the valid targets " "for this Makefile:"); lg->AppendEcho(commands,"... all (the default if no target is provided)"); lg->AppendEcho(commands,"... clean"); lg->AppendEcho(commands,"... depend"); // Keep track of targets already listed. std::set<cmStdString> emittedTargets; // for each local generator unsigned int i; cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg2; for (i = 0; i < this->LocalGenerators.size(); ++i) { lg2 = static_cast<cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *>(this->LocalGenerators[i]); // for the passed in makefile or if this is the top Makefile wripte out // the targets if (lg2 == lg || !lg->GetParent()) { // for each target Generate the rule files for each target. cmTargets& targets = lg2->GetMakefile()->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t) { if((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY)) { if(emittedTargets.insert(t->second.GetName()).second) { path = "... "; path += t->second.GetName(); lg->AppendEcho(commands,path.c_str()); } } } std::vector<cmStdString> const& localHelp = lg->GetLocalHelp(); for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator o = localHelp.begin(); o != localHelp.end(); ++o) { path = "... "; path += *o; lg->AppendEcho(commands, path.c_str()); } } } lg->WriteMakeRule(ruleFileStream, "Help Target", "help:", no_depends, commands, true); ruleFileStream << "\n\n"; } bool cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3 ::NeedRequiresStep(cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 *lg,const char *name) { std::map<cmStdString,cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::IntegrityCheckSet>& checkSet = lg->GetIntegrityCheckSet()[name]; for(std::map<cmStdString, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::IntegrityCheckSet>::const_iterator l = checkSet.begin(); l != checkSet.end(); ++l) { std::string name2 = "CMAKE_NEEDS_REQUIRES_STEP_"; name2 += l->first; name2 += "_FLAG"; if(lg->GetMakefile()->GetDefinition(name2.c_str())) { return true; } } return false; }