/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmInstallGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallGenerator ::cmInstallGenerator(const char* destination, std::vector<std::string> const& configurations, const char* component, MessageLevel message, bool exclude_from_all): cmScriptGenerator("CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME", configurations), Destination(destination? destination:""), Component(component? component:""), Message(message), ExcludeFromAll(exclude_from_all) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallGenerator ::~cmInstallGenerator() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallGenerator ::AddInstallRule( std::ostream& os, std::string const& dest, cmInstallType type, std::vector<std::string> const& files, bool optional /* = false */, const char* permissions_file /* = 0 */, const char* permissions_dir /* = 0 */, const char* rename /* = 0 */, const char* literal_args /* = 0 */, Indent const& indent ) { // Use the FILE command to install the file. std::string stype; switch(type) { case cmInstallType_DIRECTORY: stype = "DIRECTORY"; break; case cmInstallType_PROGRAMS: stype = "PROGRAM"; break; case cmInstallType_EXECUTABLE: stype = "EXECUTABLE"; break; case cmInstallType_STATIC_LIBRARY: stype = "STATIC_LIBRARY"; break; case cmInstallType_SHARED_LIBRARY: stype = "SHARED_LIBRARY"; break; case cmInstallType_MODULE_LIBRARY: stype = "MODULE"; break; case cmInstallType_FILES: stype = "FILE"; break; } os << indent; if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest.c_str())) { os << "list(APPEND CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES\n"; os << indent << " \""; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator fi = files.begin(); fi != files.end(); ++fi) { if (fi!=files.begin()) { os << ";"; } os << dest << "/"; if (rename && *rename) { os << rename; } else { os << cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(*fi); } } os << "\")\n"; os << indent << "if(CMAKE_WARN_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION)\n"; os << indent << indent << "message(WARNING \"ABSOLUTE path INSTALL " << "DESTINATION : ${CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES}\")\n"; os << indent << "endif()\n"; os << indent << "if(CMAKE_ERROR_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION)\n"; os << indent << indent << "message(FATAL_ERROR \"ABSOLUTE path INSTALL " << "DESTINATION forbidden (by caller): " << "${CMAKE_ABSOLUTE_DESTINATION_FILES}\")\n"; os << indent << "endif()\n"; } std::string absDest = this->ConvertToAbsoluteDestination(dest); os << "file(INSTALL DESTINATION \"" << absDest << "\" TYPE " << stype; if(optional) { os << " OPTIONAL"; } switch(this->Message) { case MessageDefault: break; case MessageAlways: os << " MESSAGE_ALWAYS"; break; case MessageLazy: os << " MESSAGE_LAZY"; break; case MessageNever: os << " MESSAGE_NEVER"; break; } if(permissions_file && *permissions_file) { os << " PERMISSIONS" << permissions_file; } if(permissions_dir && *permissions_dir) { os << " DIR_PERMISSIONS" << permissions_dir; } if(rename && *rename) { os << " RENAME \"" << rename << "\""; } os << " FILES"; if(files.size() == 1) { os << " \"" << files[0] << "\""; } else { for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator fi = files.begin(); fi != files.end(); ++fi) { os << "\n" << indent << " \"" << *fi << "\""; } os << "\n" << indent << " "; if(!(literal_args && *literal_args)) { os << " "; } } if(literal_args && *literal_args) { os << literal_args; } os << ")\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmInstallGenerator::CreateComponentTest(const char* component, bool exclude_from_all) { std::string result = "\"${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}\" STREQUAL \""; result += component; result += "\""; if(!exclude_from_all) { result += " OR NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT"; } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallGenerator::GenerateScript(std::ostream& os) { // Track indentation. Indent indent; // Begin this block of installation. std::string component_test = this->CreateComponentTest(this->Component.c_str(),this->ExcludeFromAll); os << indent << "if(" << component_test << ")\n"; // Generate the script possibly with per-configuration code. this->GenerateScriptConfigs(os, indent.Next()); // End this block of installation. os << indent << "endif()\n\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmInstallGenerator::InstallsForConfig(const std::string& config) { return this->GeneratesForConfig(config); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmInstallGenerator::ConvertToAbsoluteDestination(std::string const& dest) const { std::string result; if(!dest.empty() && !cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest.c_str())) { result = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/"; } result += dest; return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallGenerator::MessageLevel cmInstallGenerator::SelectMessageLevel(cmMakefile* mf, bool never) { if(never) { return MessageNever; } std::string m = mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE"); if(m == "ALWAYS") { return MessageAlways; } if(m == "LAZY") { return MessageLazy; } if(m == "NEVER") { return MessageNever; } return MessageDefault; }