/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmInstallTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmake.h" // TODO: // - Skip IF(EXISTS) checks if nothing is done with the installed file //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallTargetGenerator ::cmInstallTargetGenerator(cmTarget& t, const char* dest, bool implib, const char* file_permissions, std::vector<std::string> const& configurations, const char* component, bool optional): cmInstallGenerator(dest, configurations, component), Target(&t), ImportLibrary(implib), FilePermissions(file_permissions), Optional(optional) { this->Target->SetHaveInstallRule(true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallTargetGenerator ::~cmInstallTargetGenerator() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator::GenerateScript(std::ostream& os) { // Warn if installing an exclude-from-all target. if(this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL")) { cmOStringStream msg; msg << "WARNING: Target \"" << this->Target->GetName() << "\" has EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL set and will not be built by default " << "but an install rule has been provided for it. CMake does " << "not define behavior for this case."; cmSystemTools::Message(msg.str().c_str(), "Warning"); } // Track indentation. Indent indent; // Begin this block of installation. std::string component_test = this->CreateComponentTest(this->Component.c_str()); os << indent << "IF(" << component_test << ")\n"; // Compute the build tree directory from which to copy the target. std::string fromDir; if(this->Target->NeedRelinkBeforeInstall()) { fromDir = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fromDir += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); fromDir += "/CMakeRelink.dir/"; } else { fromDir = this->Target->GetDirectory(0, this->ImportLibrary); fromDir += "/"; } // Generate a portion of the script for each configuration. if(this->ConfigurationTypes->empty()) { this->GenerateScriptForConfig(os, fromDir.c_str(), this->ConfigurationName, indent.Next()); } else { for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = this->ConfigurationTypes->begin(); i != this->ConfigurationTypes->end(); ++i) { this->GenerateScriptForConfig(os, fromDir.c_str(), i->c_str(), indent.Next()); } } // End this block of installation. os << indent << "ENDIF(" << component_test << ")\n\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator::GenerateScriptForConfig(std::ostream& os, const char* fromDir, const char* config, Indent const& indent) { // Compute the per-configuration directory containing the files. std::string fromDirConfig = fromDir; this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator() ->AppendDirectoryForConfig("", config, "/", fromDirConfig); if(config && *config) { std::string config_upper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); // Skip this configuration for config-specific installation that // does not match it. if(!this->Configurations.empty()) { bool found = false; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = this->Configurations.begin(); !found && i != this->Configurations.end(); ++i) { found = found || (cmSystemTools::UpperCase(*i) == config_upper); } if(!found) { return; } } // Generate a per-configuration block. std::string config_test = this->CreateConfigTest(config); os << indent << "IF(" << config_test << ")\n"; this->GenerateScriptForConfigDir(os, fromDirConfig.c_str(), config, indent.Next()); os << indent << "ENDIF(" << config_test << ")\n"; } else { this->GenerateScriptForConfigDir(os, fromDirConfig.c_str(), config, indent); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator ::GenerateScriptForConfigDir(std::ostream& os, const char* fromDirConfig, const char* config, Indent const& indent) { // Compute the full path to the main installed file for this target. std::string toInstallPath = this->Destination; toInstallPath += "/"; toInstallPath += this->GetInstallFilename(this->Target, config, this->ImportLibrary, false); // Compute the list of files to install for this target. std::vector<std::string> files; std::string literal_args; cmTarget::TargetType type = this->Target->GetType(); if(type == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameReal; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; this->Target->GetExecutableNames(targetName, targetNameReal, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config); if(this->ImportLibrary) { std::string from1 = fromDirConfig; from1 += targetNameImport; files.push_back(from1); // An import library looks like a static library. type = cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY; } else { std::string from1 = fromDirConfig; from1 += targetName; // Handle OSX Bundles. if(this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsOn("APPLE") && this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("MACOSX_BUNDLE")) { // Compute the source locations of the bundle executable and // Info.plist file. from1 += ".app"; files.push_back(from1); type = cmTarget::INSTALL_DIRECTORY; // Need to apply install_name_tool and stripping to binary // inside bundle. toInstallPath += ".app/Contents/MacOS/"; toInstallPath += this->GetInstallFilename(this->Target, config, this->ImportLibrary, false); literal_args += " USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS"; } else { files.push_back(from1); if(targetNameReal != targetName) { std::string from2 = fromDirConfig; from2 += targetNameReal; files.push_back(from2); } } } } else { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameSO; std::string targetNameReal; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; this->Target->GetLibraryNames(targetName, targetNameSO, targetNameReal, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config); if(this->ImportLibrary) { std::string from1 = fromDirConfig; from1 += targetNameImport; files.push_back(from1); // An import library looks like a static library. type = cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY; } else if(this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsOn("APPLE") && this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("FRAMEWORK")) { // Compute the build tree location of the framework directory std::string from1 = fromDirConfig; // Remove trailing slashes... so that from1 ends with ".framework": // cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(from1); files.push_back(from1); type = cmTarget::INSTALL_DIRECTORY; // Need to apply install_name_tool and stripping to binary // inside framework. toInstallPath += ".framework/"; toInstallPath += this->GetInstallFilename(this->Target, config, this->ImportLibrary, false); literal_args += " USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS"; } else { std::string from1 = fromDirConfig; from1 += targetName; files.push_back(from1); if(targetNameSO != targetName) { std::string from2 = fromDirConfig; from2 += targetNameSO; files.push_back(from2); } if(targetNameReal != targetName && targetNameReal != targetNameSO) { std::string from3 = fromDirConfig; from3 += targetNameReal; files.push_back(from3); } } } // Write code to install the target file. const char* no_dir_permissions = 0; const char* no_rename = 0; const char* no_properties = 0; bool optional = this->Optional || this->ImportLibrary; this->AddInstallRule(os, this->Destination.c_str(), type, files, optional, no_properties, this->FilePermissions.c_str(), no_dir_permissions, no_rename, literal_args.c_str(), indent); std::string toDestDirPath = "$ENV{DESTDIR}"; if(toInstallPath[0] != '/') { toDestDirPath += "/"; } toDestDirPath += toInstallPath; this->Target->SetInstallNameFixupPath(toInstallPath.c_str()); os << indent << "IF(EXISTS \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; this->AddInstallNamePatchRule(os, indent.Next(), config, toDestDirPath); this->AddChrpathPatchRule(os, indent.Next(), toDestDirPath); this->AddRanlibRule(os, indent.Next(), type, toDestDirPath); this->AddStripRule(os, indent.Next(), type, toDestDirPath); os << indent << "ENDIF(EXISTS \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmInstallTargetGenerator::GetInstallFilename(const char* config) const { return cmInstallTargetGenerator::GetInstallFilename(this->Target, config, this->ImportLibrary, false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmInstallTargetGenerator::GetInstallFilename(cmTarget* target, const char* config, bool implib, bool useSOName) { std::string fname; // Compute the name of the library. if(target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameReal; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; target->GetExecutableNames(targetName, targetNameReal, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config); if(implib) { // Use the import library name. fname = targetNameImport; } else { // Use the canonical name. fname = targetName; } } else { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameSO; std::string targetNameReal; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; target->GetLibraryNames(targetName, targetNameSO, targetNameReal, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config); if(implib) { // Use the import library name. fname = targetNameImport; } else if(useSOName) { // Use the soname. fname = targetNameSO; } else { // Use the canonical name. fname = targetName; } } return fname; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator ::AddInstallNamePatchRule(std::ostream& os, Indent const& indent, const char* config, std::string const& toDestDirPath) { if(this->ImportLibrary || !(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)) { return; } // Fix the install_name settings in installed binaries. std::string installNameTool = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL"); if(!installNameTool.size()) { return; } // Build a map of build-tree install_name to install-tree install_name for // shared libraries linked to this target. std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString> install_name_remap; cmTarget::LinkLibraryType linkType = cmTarget::OPTIMIZED; if(config && cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config) == "DEBUG") { linkType = cmTarget::DEBUG; } // TODO: Merge with ComputeLinkInformation. const cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType& inLibs = this->Target->GetLinkLibraries(); for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::const_iterator j = inLibs.begin(); j != inLibs.end(); ++j) { std::string lib = j->first; if((this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE || lib != this->Target->GetName()) && (j->second == cmTarget::GENERAL || j->second == linkType)) { if(cmTarget* tgt = this->Target->GetMakefile()-> GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()-> FindTarget(0, lib.c_str(), false)) { if(tgt->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) { // If the build tree and install tree use different path // components of the install_name field then we need to create a // mapping to be applied after installation. std::string for_build = tgt->GetInstallNameDirForBuildTree(config); std::string for_install = tgt->GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree(config); std::string fname = this->GetInstallFilename(tgt, config, false, true); // Map from the build-tree install_name. for_build += fname; // Map to the install-tree install_name. if (!for_install.empty()) { for_install += fname; } else { for_install = tgt->GetInstallNameFixupPath(); } if(for_build != for_install) { // Store the mapping entry. install_name_remap[for_build] = for_install; } } } } } // Edit the install_name of the target itself if necessary. std::string new_id; if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) { std::string for_build = this->Target->GetInstallNameDirForBuildTree(config); std::string for_install = this->Target->GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree(config); std::string fname = this->GetInstallFilename(this->Target, config, this->ImportLibrary, true); for_build += fname; if (!for_install.empty()) { for_install += fname; } else { for_install = this->Target->GetInstallNameFixupPath(); } if(for_build != for_install) { // Prepare to refer to the install-tree install_name. new_id = for_install; } } // Write a rule to run install_name_tool to set the install-tree // install_name value and references. if(!new_id.empty() || !install_name_remap.empty()) { os << indent << "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND \"" << installNameTool; os << "\""; if(!new_id.empty()) { os << "\n" << indent << " -id \"" << new_id << "\""; } for(std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString>::const_iterator i = install_name_remap.begin(); i != install_name_remap.end(); ++i) { os << "\n" << indent << " -change \"" << i->first << "\" \"" << i->second << "\""; } os << "\n" << indent << " \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator ::AddChrpathPatchRule(std::ostream& os, Indent const& indent, std::string const& toDestDirPath) { if(this->ImportLibrary || !(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE)) { return; } if((this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsOn("CMAKE_USE_CHRPATH")==false) || (this->Target->IsChrpathAvailable()==false)) { return; } // Fix the RPATH in installed ELF binaries using chrpath. std::string chrpathTool = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CHRPATH"); std::string installRpath; std::string dummy; this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()->GetLinkerArgs( installRpath, dummy, *this->Target, true, 0); const char* linkLanguage = this->Target->GetLinkerLanguage(this->Target-> GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()); if (linkLanguage==0) { return; } std::string runTimeFlagVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_"; runTimeFlagVar += linkLanguage; runTimeFlagVar += "_FLAG"; std::string runtimeFlag = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetSafeDefinition(runTimeFlagVar.c_str()); const char* newRpath=installRpath.c_str(); if (strstr(installRpath.c_str(), runtimeFlag.c_str())==installRpath.c_str()) { newRpath = installRpath.c_str()+strlen(runtimeFlag.c_str()); } // Write a rule to run chrpath to set the install-tree RPATH os << indent << "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND \"" << chrpathTool; os << "\" -r \"" << newRpath << "\" \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator::AddStripRule(std::ostream& os, Indent const& indent, cmTarget::TargetType type, const std::string& toDestDirPath) { // don't strip static libraries, because it removes the only symbol table // they have so you can't link to them anymore if(type == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { return; } // Don't handle OSX Bundles. if(this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsOn("APPLE") && this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("MACOSX_BUNDLE")) { return; } if(! this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsSet("CMAKE_STRIP")) { return; } os << indent << "IF(CMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP)\n"; os << indent << " EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND \"" << this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetDefinition("CMAKE_STRIP") << "\" \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; os << indent << "ENDIF(CMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP)\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator::AddRanlibRule(std::ostream& os, Indent const& indent, cmTarget::TargetType type, const std::string& toDestDirPath) { // Static libraries need ranlib on this platform. if(type != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { return; } // Perform post-installation processing on the file depending // on its type. if(!this->Target->GetMakefile()->IsOn("APPLE")) { return; } std::string ranlib = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_RANLIB"); if(ranlib.empty()) { return; } os << indent << "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND \"" << ranlib << "\" \"" << toDestDirPath << "\")\n"; }